PES2010 discussion thread

Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I'm going to work now, and I expect to find this thread swarming with videos from the preview version by the time I arrive.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I think 360 degree movement has been in the game for quite a while, and that the debate is regarding 360 degree passing...

i was speaking about the mentioning of the 360 dribbling in the interview, the 360 movement is somewhat scripted, in the last 2 versions it is too scripted imo, the game forces you to run in a particular direction in some situations and you can't stop the player from doing it, it gets on my nerves sometimes.

360 (scripted) passing has always been there, would be strange if you only can pass in 45° angles, or are you talking about manual passing???
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

But 360 degree movement wasnt in the last two versions. And 360 degree passing has never been in there either. Only 360 degree movement will be available in PES 2010.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

i have a bad case of de ju vu with pes this year.

No release of a demo or videos of gameplay brings me to the conclusion its as bad as last years version.

Sorry to say that.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

i have a bad case of de ju vu with pes this year.

No release of a demo or videos of gameplay brings me to the conclusion its as bad as last years version.

Sorry to say that.

there will be a demo and there have been gameplay videos ...pretty good ones with france v germany not too many pages away

also the game is still a month away. wait for the demo m'kay? gears of war, halo, etc don't give you a demo, you buy first judge later will get a demo, make your mind up then ...simple
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Demo comes next week. And it's Déjà vu

yh next thursday, people saying on some websites is that it may be this thursday tho, i personaly think it has no chance this thursday and defo think it out next year, but some good news will do me for a few weeks atleast, nothing for four weeks today from konami:ZZZ:
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Seabass was somewhat misquoted:
What he said was this:
While developing PES 2009 they tried 360 control but it was not good enough. When they heared FIFA had 360 control they got the feeling they missed a chance in PES 2009.
He never said 360 is not in PES 2010.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

i have a bad case of de ju vu with pes this year.

No release of a demo or videos of gameplay brings me to the conclusion its as bad as last years version.

Sorry to say that.

Hasn't the PES demo always come out a few weeks after the Fifa one? Why should that be any different this year?
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I don't understand why it's so quiet. Fifa released a demo and are rearing to go. Yet we haven't seen or heard anything from anyone, Pesfan, wenb, pesgaming, caniggia, that bulgarian blog....nothing. Just this silence.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I don't understand why it's so quiet. Fifa released a demo and are rearing to go. Yet we haven't seen or heard anything from anyone, Pesfan, wenb, pesgaming, caniggia, that bulgarian blog....nothing. Just this silence.

No one can put pictures and video from Preview code , never. Only of a Review version can . This final code still is not here and i don't know what clauses will have in the contract and whether there will be Embargo for him .
Again , from Preview code we can't release Videos or Screens . Sorry!
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

No one can put pictures and video from Preview code , never. Only of a Review version . This final code still is not here and i don't know what clauses will have in the contract and whether there will be for him Embargo .
Again , from Preview code we can't release video or Screens . Sorry!
Info on the thing is not under NDA is it?...

I would have thought some people would have been raving about it by now...
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Info on the thing is not under NDA is it?...

I would have thought some people would have been raving about it by now...

Info ?? Of course not , therefore had Sections,Topics for questions and answers in WENB , PESFAN and PES-BG where you can get all info of the game . But i know , all (and me ) wait info for Online mode and CL mode. In preview code these modes are unavailable .
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Info ?? Of course not , therefore had sections for questions and answers in WENB , PESFAN and PES-BG where you can get all info of the game . But i know , all (and me ) wait info for Online mode and CL mode. In preview code this modes are unavailable .
No I mean Info on how the thing plays, peoples thoughts on the movement and animations etc... ;)
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

look's like adam wenb gonna get his pes 2010 code tomorrow..hope some pes site will show some news..
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

...come on guys, be patient and enjoy the last days of sun and warm weather. The winter belongs to PES...
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Adam wrote:
Hey guys,

Sorry for the time away, been so busy with my proper job. Assassins 2 is just 2 months away!

Got back a bit ago, and have been informed final PES 2010 code will be with me tomorrow. Knowing the local postal service I should have it in the afternoon (1pm-ish).

Being able to take video and screenshots are still being confirmed, I'll have more details on that tomorrow I guess. Also due to this podcast has been delayed until tomorrow, going to have an epic one Wednesday evening!

Cheers for your patience guys!
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Seabass was somewhat misquoted:
What he said was this:
While developing PES 2009 they tried 360 control but it was not good enough. When they heared FIFA had 360 control they got the feeling they missed a chance in PES 2009.
He never said 360 is not in PES 2010.

indeed, he doesn't say litteraly: pes 2010 does not contain 360 dribbling
But why does he say that they have missed a chance because they're also working on it??

If they implemented it into the 2010 version they wouldn't have missed a chance...., ain't it????

he doesn't even mention the 2009 version in the 360 dribbling part of the interview and you say that i misquote?? or do you understand japanese??

If you correct someone, plz make it better not worse
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

indeed, he doesn't say litteraly: pes 2010 does not contain 360 dribbling
But why does he say that they have missed a chance because they're also working on it??

If they implemented it into the 2010 version they wouldn't have missed a chance...., ain't it????

he doesn't even mention the 2009 version in the 360 dribbling part of the interview and you say that i misquote?? or do you understand japanese??

If you correct someone, plz make it better not worse
He says that because EA published the news before they did. It's as simple as that.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Laatst werd op GamesCom PES2010 gepresenteerd aan het publiek. Men kon een balletje trappen met de spelers van Barcelona en Liverpool in de PES 2010 demo. Dezelfde demo zal nu hoogstwaarschijnlijk op 23 september zijn weg naar het PSN vinden. Jawel, het is officieel! Vanaf 23 september mogen we aan de slag met PES 2010.


This website claims it's official: PES 2010 Demo on September 23th!
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

He says that because EA published the news before they did. It's as simple as that.


i've searched for it and it's also on a official game site with the same undertitles, so the undertitles are probably a bit off or incomplete
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