PES2010 discussion thread

Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

From WENB, Suffwan :(

"Good afternoon everyone,

95% complete code is rubbish. The current code available to those outside konami is 80%. Konami themselves are probably at 90% in japan as the game is only one month away from going gold at the end of sept / early oct as it takes about 3-4 weeks to hit shelves.

Konami have shown what they have to offer this year. The final game will probably differ from the demo in Cologne as they may add further animation (dont expect an overhaul!!!) or tweak gameplay etc and all the finishing touches to the graphics and front-end.

There are many rumours flying around, but Konami have shown their game for this year. They arent hiding anything."

And.......elaborate?? I mean he himself was soo impressed by the first playtest what's changed?

Sorry I just realised that he meant the 95% code story compliments of mister trikstik whatever is rubbish.

Anyone who believed that was bending his back for the kick in his ass from Mr Disappointment.

When the hell is Caniggia going to do his playtest report?
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Not that it's rubbish, but it's not the revolutionary drop of heaven that the PG guy was describing...
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

you're so stupid...

You have not even played the game and say its rubbish already.

Yes , i was stupid to believe that Konami can make a better game than PES 6. Examine old Press Releases and laugh. How brazen they can be .
4 years PES 6 ?? No 10x.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Yes , i was stupid to believe that Konami can make a better game than PES 6. Examine old Press Releases and laugh. How brazen they can be .
4 years PES 6 ?? No 10x.
PES 2010 will beat PES 6, thats for sure;)

PES6 is no great game imo, PES 2010 has to meet PES5's gameplay to be a really great game...
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Not that it's rubbish, but it's not the revolutionary drop of heaven that the PG guy was describing...
I think he may have been a fanboy fed up of all the criticism trying to drum up some joy and excitement in the community by going overboard in his praise for the game. For it to be as good as he was making out they would have had to developed the PlayStation 4 especially for this one game.

But it's ironic, I think he was trying to get some happiness and excitement flowing, and instead when it turns out it's all false he will have done exactly the opposite.

My one hope for the guys looking forward to the game is that the response times are better, I've spoken to one or two who played the game in Germany and it's sounding like they've gone FIFA 08 styleé with players running into eachother as soon as you touch the sprint button. Really weird, especially considering that FIFA has eliminated that problem this year. Perhaps Konami thought that was something we all liked about the game and that we all wanted to see it in PES! :CONFUSE:

There's enough time left for them to tweak it though so I'm sure it won't be as bad come release time.

From what I gather, if you like PES, you'll love the new one (as long as they fix the response times), but it's still not PES 5 (and to me it's still not football if it's still basically a last-gen game under its skin, but what do I know). I've never understood this anyway, if PES 5 was the ultimate, then why don't people play that instead of spending £40 on what they're hoping is exactly the same game? Just for the graphics? If FIFA said they were doing that there'd be uproar (especially after the early years where, let's face it, that's exactly what they did)!
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I think he may have been a fanboy fed up of all the criticism trying to drum up some joy and excitement in the community by going overboard in his praise for the game. For it to be as good as he was making out they would have had to developed the PlayStation 4 especially for this one game.

But it's ironic, I think he was trying to get some happiness and excitement flowing, and instead when it turns out it's all false he will have done exactly the opposite.

My one hope for the guys looking forward to the game is that the response times are better, I've spoken to one or two who played the game in Germany and it's sounding like they've gone FIFA 08 styleé with players running into eachother as soon as you touch the sprint button. Really weird, especially considering that FIFA has eliminated that problem this year. Perhaps Konami thought that was something we all liked about the game and that we all wanted to see it in PES! :CONFUSE:

There's enough time left for them to tweak it though so I'm sure it won't be as bad come release time.
As DaWolf said, it was worst on the PS3 version, XBOX and PC were much better and I think that all versions will be at least at that level on release day.

And btw, as I said, I enjoyed the game;)
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

PES 2010 will beat PES 6, thats for sure;)

PES6 is no great game imo, PES 2010 has to meet PES5's gameplay to be a really great game...

Look m8 , i respect you . But you say :
The tricks are on D-Pad ! But they are not there
The PES have better animation from FIFA ! But it's not true
Now , the PES 6 is not great game.. LOL :FAIL: ! No Comment .

Suffwan is from WENB ,WENB always kiss konamis ass and now he say the game is Rubbish .. well , that is serious
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Look m8 , i respect you . But you say :
The tricks are on D-Pad ! But they are not there
The PES have better animation from FIFA ! But it's not true
Now , the PES 6 is not great game.. LOL :FAIL: ! No Comment .

Suffwan is from WENB ,WENB always kiss konamis ass and now he say the game is Rubbish .. well , that is serious
hm, I could make a list of what is bad in PES6, but well...

Tricks are on the left analogue(or d-pad), I swear!

Both games have advantages in different parts of the animations (as I said)

Did Suff say it's bad? If so, I don't care, I have my own opinion;)
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

From WENB, Suffwan :(

"Good afternoon everyone,

95% complete code is rubbish. The current code available to those outside konami is 80%. Konami themselves are probably at 90% in japan as the game is only one month away from going gold at the end of sept / early oct as it takes about 3-4 weeks to hit shelves.

Konami have shown what they have to offer this year. The final game will probably differ from the demo in Cologne as they may add further animation (dont expect an overhaul!!!) or tweak gameplay etc and all the finishing touches to the graphics and front-end.

There are many rumours flying around, but Konami have shown their game for this year. They arent hiding anything."

There is some contradiction:

1 -Suffwan says The current code available to those outside konami is 80%
2 -The gamescom build is also 80%
3 -The gamescom build is a month old
4 -Last monday WENB and PESFan received the newest buid
5 -PESFan said the newest build was better than the one at gamescom

At least point 1 and 2 contradicts if point 5 is true
Also point 3 is strange as they got their build last monday, claiming it was the newest build.

Strange, strange.. :CONFUSE:
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I am not saying the game will be better or worse, I just conclude there is something wrong with those 'facts'
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I am not saying the game will be better or worse, I just conclude there is something wrong with those 'facts'

I am with you...

Suff said Konami showed what it's got. But WENB said the code is 1 month old. I also don't expect anything better, but there is a contradiction(s) for sure.

Anyway, at least Konami has managed one thing this year very succesfully: Noone will be sure what the hell they are going to get with final release. Disgusting...
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Now that I've seen most of the Gamescon videos, it doesn't look any different to PES2009 at all.

The early stuff looked more fluid, but the passing, running, directional play, etc all looks exactly the same.

Not a chance in hell I'm buying it this year.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I dont post alot on here but do read the forums every day and I am sick of the PES bashing I slagged PES2009 off after playing it cause that was my opinion after playing that pile of crap!

I still dont get why people get so irate about the goalsposts ,grass etc. My concerns are with the gameplay and going off what people have said who have actually played it - its very good.

I have not been very impressed with the FIFA10 videos at all but know its the ball physics which are supposed to be the best seen in a football game.

Until I have played PES2010 and FIFA10 I will reserve judgement until then, Everyones perception of a football game is different I personally like FIFA09 this year ( first time ever) but my loyalty to Konami stopped a couple of years ago as my money and time goes with the best football experience out there.

I would love PES to come back to the top and I think it is not far off. The online options finally look interesting as long as there isnt any dreaded LAG , which with the respected online hosts ( xbox live and PSN ) dealing with that side of it we may finally have a next gen game to stand upto the might of PES5 .

I wish people would wait until we play the full game to reserve judgement. KONAMI prove the doubters wrong!!!:OOOH::BRMM:
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Caniggia, where are you?
I hope the game is clearly better than Gamescom build :))
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