PES2010 discussion thread

Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I can't beleive that we are still being duped into new build, old build bollocks.

This happens every single year, yet people still think its going to be amazingly different to the Gamescom code:ZZZ:

Those video's represent the game, I am just not getting into..........."the code I have is amazingly realistic,far more animated and super smooth"

The biggest clue to my assumption is here:-

Caniggia wrote at WENB :

'' I had the pleasure to meet your top man Gari at the convention and we talked about the game. I can confirm that this version is not the same as the 75% version I played on the 11th. The version from the 11th has more glitches, which to me means that there are more animations to be put in. I think that this gamescom version has animations that are and look PES 2009 simply because they didn t want to have glitches.
I can not confirm anything about changed running animations though. We'll just see what happens.
I will be playing the game again monday. I will try to answer some more questions then.

Over and out! ''

You see, the only thing that would make a difference is the running, if its not in the super amazing realistic code then how is it going to be any different?

Putting in more animations in respect of waving hands at the ref or general things off the ball is not going to make your jaw drop when you see it in action. Animation in respoect of runninmg is what WOULD make the difference.

"beware the dawn of the false prophets"
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

This is the third year Konami is playing this game with us.
Dont you think that if Konami would have a newer build frightenly realistic and that makes the game look much more fluid and that the build at gamescom looks completely different wouldnt have shown it in a GC presentation??
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

This is the third year Konami is playing this game with us.
Dont you think that if Konami would have a newer build frightenly realistic and that makes the game look much more fluid and that the build at gamescom looks completely different wouldnt have shown it in a GC presentation??

You never know with Konami really but I would say the latest version is probably virtually identical to this without the bugs and has a very small amount of new animations included.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Yes, but the Konami staff have tripled. For 100 to 300 employee this year.
So it's not impossible to add some movements more...
But the question is, add animations or remplace them?
That's the point.
If the most important and frequents anim. are shitty, they can add 300 more, this doesn't change a lot how we see this game.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

As long as i am willing to give pes 2010 a shot, i don't think i can take for the third time in a row "The build i play was a completely different game"....that just so wenbish...
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

It would be stupid to lie about it.

Please find my an official quote by Konami that says that they have hired 200 people to work with PES. Oh, you won't becuase there is not one.

There is no way in hell that they have 300 people working on the game, 100 perhaps, and to think that they would hire so many with todays economy is ridicilous. There is hardly ANY game that have 300 people working full time on it, and a football game is no way even close to that number.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I'd love new animations, master league etc, but the following to answers from Seabass, really got me excited
What part of the development of PES 2010, did you find the most challenging?

Well the most difficult part i would say is that we didnt want to take away the attacking experience but at the same time, we wanted to change the balance from the games in the series before now so that the games will not turn out 4-4 or 5-5 for instance. There for we needed to balance this out. For example, if you was playing Brazil v Brazil, it could end up being a 4-4 or a 5-5 but it could also end up being a 0-0. Also if i game like Brazil v Brazil did finish 0-0, we still wanted it to be an attacking type of game even though it was a goaless draw for instance. This was very difficult to get the balance just right but i feel we have. Also another thing is that if take the superstar players for example like Messi or Christano Ronaldo who are brilliant players in the game, how do you stop them?. By doing a strategic defense that can make sure that players of this quality can be stopped. Of course with the new tactical options etc, this is possible. I would say that this is the one thing that was challenging for me and my team as we needed to get the balance just right.

What is it that you think that will seperate PES 2010 and make people say ‘WOW!’ compared to that of Fifa 10?

I went down to the EA booth and played Fifa 10 and its a good game indeed, however if you look at the defending for example, there are alot of instances where the ball carrier was one-on-one with the defender and this is something that does not work well with the way real football is played. Our goal this year with PES 2010 was to make the defending side of things, actually feel like the defenders were keeping their shape and also working as a team. In PES 2010 we have gone for the ‘Zone defending’ style so its not one-one if you defend or attack and when you are defending you dont always have to attck the ball carrier and its sometimes better to delay the ball carrier as much as possible so that your midfield players can get the tackles in etc and this is a more realistic approach we feel. So this type of game style is unique to us compared to that of EA in Fifa 10.

I love the tactical side of the game, and if this is the main thing that going to be implemented, but I think I'll enjoy the game a lot.
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

You know what MJ, in hindsight, regardless what I have done since, having the pleasure to meet Cloughie as a kid is still one of the greatest memories of my life. He was a legend in every sense of the word. Larger than life in every sense of the word.

Training at the City ground, and then Lilleshall with Nick Barmby, Sean Gregan, Simon Shaw, Phil Stamp, Neil Heaney Jamie Pollock et al was some of the best footballing days of my life. Cloughie though, I will always rememeber him for his words to me for trying to be to cocky in training with regards my flamboyance in play.

" Now then young man, dont try to be what your clearly not " will stick in my mind for the rest of my life. He was right though and although I didnt think it at the time, as you do as a promising cocky potential pro, he was spot on.

Sorry for the OT chaps.
Nice to see some old pics of you in your playing days.:))Did Cloughie always wear his green sweatshirt?
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread
I just want to make place an accent of

All-New Animation: Key animation related to dribbling, running, turning, etc, has been reworked and enhanced, creating a more natural and organic feel to the way players chase down balls, change direction and move around the pitch. The result is a more fluid and natural look to the game.
:CONFUSE: WTF ?? Which game ? PES 2010 ?? LOL !!

Maybe Konami think that the PES fans are blind or idiots :CONF:
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

It's OK to be tired of the "old build... newer build" talk, but don't dismiss it quickly. This is the first year motion-capture is being implemented in a PES game with this magnitude. Builds would vary a lot at this stage.

OF COURSE Konami chose the more stable version over the 'less stable but more impressive' game. Nobody wants to win the "most glitchy game in GC" title. If Seabass says it's a month old build, Caniggia said so too, and PESfan has been saying it all along, then this carries a lot more credibility than when some fanboy on an "other site" says it each year, only for us to get the same game.

I guess what we saw at GC this year should give us more faith in the credibility of the "new better build" talk.
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

KONAMI should have received some money from advertising if the company have not use so many KONAMI adboards in game.

I think that KONAMI should release PES 2010 in the first week of November because there are so many video games that released in September and October. Many consumers cannot buy a lot of video games in few months.

What's more, PC version of PES 2010 should have a text or logo of windows 7 at the keep case. It is for marketing strategy.

KONAMI should improve many things in PES 2010 from fan feedbacks that i want to see. Most importantly is the gameplay and graphics.

PES 2010 is back to its best on the pitch. I hope so.

edited. please no FIFA material in this thread.
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Hello there! I just want to say that the pressrelease that you all saw last monday was done the week before that. The demo that was at GamesCom was at least and probably more than a month old. I will play the game again on monday, if it is the second or third beta is not sure.

I'm going to check the swedish language translation for errors. Any questions?
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Hello there! I just want to say that the pressrelease that you all saw last monday was done the week before that. The demo that was at GamesCom was at least and probably more than a month old. I will play the game again on monday, if it is the second or third beta is not sure.

I'm going to check the swedish language translation for errors. Any questions?

Check wether they fixed the throw-in bug...
"Something else occured at throw-ins. They removed the invisable walls around the thrower so you can move freely there. At the moment that only works if you play together with a human, because the AI is not able to move though the barrier is gone. (you should be able to see that in our videos)"

Please check the referee as well, he gave too much cards at gamescom.
Check also wether the sliding and goalkeeper animations have changed;)
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Hello there! I just want to say that the pressrelease that you all saw last monday was done the week before that. The demo that was at GamesCom was at least and probably more than a month old. I will play the game again on monday, if it is the second or third beta is not sure.

I'm going to check the swedish language translation for errors. Any questions?

Thanks for stopping by Caniggia :BOP:

Anyway please ask if -like PESFan said- the newer build will be slower, because the one we saw at Gamescom was way too fast.

Also ask them if there's any intent to introduce new/cutomizable cameras... Thanks:WORSHIP:
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Hello there! I just want to say that the pressrelease that you all saw last monday was done the week before that. The demo that was at GamesCom was at least and probably more than a month old. I will play the game again on monday, if it is the second or third beta is not sure.

I'm going to check the swedish language translation for errors. Any questions?

Yes, can you play online with that new build?
I like to know if there is maximum 2 vs 2 or more, like 3 vs 3 or even 4 vs 4?
Also I would be very interested in the quality on-line ( lag or not ).
Thanks in advance :)
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

@Caniggia , You know that everyone is disappointed by the animations. In the press release konami say : All-New Animation , but what we see are All-Old Animation form PES 2009 . I want to know that assertion whit All new animations is it just market trick by Konami or it's will be true ?? You will test last code in Monday , that code will be much close to Final and then you will know !
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Are the running animations more natural looking?
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Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Caniggia, some days ago there was a guy, claiming that he played a preview-version ( he is Ronaldinho_22 ) and told us that you can change the shape and color of the goal-nets. Nobody sofar was able to confirm what he said. Can you?
If it's there, it should be somewhere before the start of the game ( maybe Stadium screen? ) or in the editor.
Please your info about this...
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

I was gonna say animations but no point. I'm sure that will be the number 1 thing you will be looking at anyway.

I just want to know any general differences between the builds really
Re: PES2010 News & Rumours thread

Thx for the big interest of you guys.

Today, there is the secound round to finish the 80 screenshots:


Have fun! :D
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