Remember you talking about snap zones before,is that why manual passing is "manual" and much better in Pes 12-13-14,and even 15?
PES12 I bought the game quite late and tried manual around June. I felt really lost and gave up. Someone else will have better memory of it
PES13 it was rigid (i mean the freedom and pass correction and snap etc)
PES14 was the freest. So free that I felt I had to look for the ball after my pass.
PES15 became simplified. More free than 13, but everyone I knew was disappointed.
PES16 never felt free. The snap was blatant
PES17 a little better than 16, but still ugly. Look at this clip was from 17. And 16 was worse than this lol.
Here's another one from 17:
PES18 was a little freer than 17
PES19 is kinda more free than all other years, except for 14 maybe. I dunno, the year is long, we'll see.
I feel like the heavy-handed snap has been preventing the game from being organic, whichever PA we are in.
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