PES 2019 Discussion Thread (PS4, XB1)

Well, the game is hard as f#@k on SS level, but since I discovered that we actually have something to say on each match, it´s the level I most enjoy, because it´s were I´m forced to think on what I´ll do next, I´m forced to get back and restart my attack over and over again, or else I´ll loose the ball and I know what happens next. Really hard, and probably I won´t finish the season above 15th, but I don´t think I can go lower than this level now.
Can't go below SS either.
God knows how many times I've felt cheated on TP.
I will hopefully finish 6-8 place (because I simmed 6-7 games) otherwise I'd probably be 10-13th place,which is fine for me.
I'm looking to get a few transfers in for next season,perhaps going from a 75-77 ovr team to a 78-80 ovr
Three months or so ago, I was in the same spot. Ready to uninstall it. Then I watched a few of TTBs videos and his game seemed so different from my experience. I said to myself: this can't be, I must be doing something wrong! That's when I decided to go knee-deep into the whole tactics stuff, something which I have been ignoring in every PES so far out of laziness and because I thought ML was essentially like FIFA's Career Mode: just pick a strong team and don't worry about the rest.

The other thing I liked about TTBs approach: he doesn't complain about scripting. He sees the AIs limitations and accepts them as a challenge and tries to figure out ways to combat it using the game's mechanisms.

So over time I discovered (with the help of the guys here) things like "Players Joining Attack", "Support Range", "Hug the Touchline" etc., all of which I had never bothered with but which can make a huge difference nonetheless. I also started to study my players closely and generally follow the program's suggestion to improve weak spots in my teams. I studied their skills and stats and placed them accordingly on the pitch. That alone is a quite fun part of the game.

I also patched the game (PC) like a maniac. Literally tried out every incas dt. Now I decided to stick with Mixed_Bravo, playing on EvoSwitcher speed 2 bars, 20 minutes, SS. It's simply the best football gaming experience I ever had. Yes, there is rage-worthy stuff (as you saw in my 10-points list) but the satisfaction far outreaches the frustrations for me.

You should give it another try. Early stages ML is tough as a nail. Just try to replay matches that you feel cheated in with different tactis, that's what I did (I know @Emroth wouldn't approve) and I learned a lot. Sooner or later the point will come where you feel more confident and then you can even take the AIs biggest bullshit.

I am hitting winter transfer period now. Looking forward to scout the market for some quality players.
Appreciate the detailed response! I'm far from the beginning phase of ML though... I'm on season 7 and challenging for silverware. Won a few cups, TS is in the high 90s. Or I should say was on season 7. I like a challenge as much as the next man but this is too much. I could stomach the scripting on pes 17 and maybe I could do it on this one, but then there's all the other stuff I mentioned. Using incas, matt10's line fix and custom tactics for each team. I think that's as much as you can expect from a user to try. Might revisit later but think I'm a bit worn out on footy gaming...fifa is not cutting it for me either. It is far less rage inducing but those ball physics man.. Deal breaker I am afraid.

Edit: maybe there is some joy to be had on Legend. Played one match a while ago on there which was great up until I conceded yet another top corner auto-cheat-goal. I wonder... Something to try for later perhaps.
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Appreciate the detailed response! I'm far from the beginning phase of ML though... I'm on season 7 and challenging for silverware. Won a few cups, TS is in the high 90s. Or I should say was on season 7. I like a challenge as much as the next man but this is too much. I could stomach the scripting on pes 17 and maybe I could do it on this one, but then there's all the other stuff I mentioned. Using incas, matt10's line fix and custom tactics for each team. I think that's as much as you can expect from a user to try. Might revisit later but think I'm a bit worn out on footy gaming...fifa is not cutting it for me either. It is far less rage inducing but those ball physics man.. Deal breaker I am afraid.

Interesting. For all we know I might get frustrated after 5 seasons as well... The only thing I can add is that there are some incas patches which made the game worse for me. Fox_2_2 was one of them because it increased the AIs aggressiveness even more. But I am sure you tried different ones.
I'll respond to your post in coming days. I'll start new ML tonight on SS and see how it goes.
One good thing about not having D2 is that I wont have to worry about relegation.
I just need to pick weaker team, so I can justify being hammered left right and centre.
One thing im interested in is how is SS in compare to Legend.
I remember @philla saying before that Legend is more enjoyable and I remember enjoying Legend more when I tried this with PA1. I might start of Legend just to see how it feels.
Just need to get really drunk tonight, so I dont care about results.
Did any of you guys tried Legend recently after all the patches?

Edit: im on Ps4 so I cant relly on any Incas or Mayans to help with the gameplay, so whatever it will be, is what Pes19 is at the moment Straight Outta C̶o̶m̶p̶t̶o̶n̶ Konami.
I have a beginner‘s question regarding shot aiming.

Out of habit I have this bad tendency to press the (shooting) stick in the direction I am running, so let‘s say I am running right to left fairly towards the middle of the goal and when I shoot I press the stick left which will of course shoot down the middle. Blew a good number of chances by approaching slightly off angle and thus aiming for the near post instead of the far.

But how is it now? Where do I have to point the stick at to hit the corners? Downwards/Upwards or even against my running direction?
I have a beginner‘s question regarding shot aiming.

Out of habit I have this bad tendency to press the (shooting) stick in the direction I am running, so let‘s say I am running right to left fairly towards the middle of the goal and when I shoot I press the stick left which will of course shoot down the middle. Blew a good number of chances by approaching slightly off angle and thus aiming for the near post instead of the far.

But how is it now? Where do I have to point the stick at to hit the corners? Downwards/Upwards or even against my running direction?
I assume we talk about basic shooting.
I do believe that your position is somewhat related to where shot will go. Thats why your shots were going closer to the post if you were off middle.
When im shooting i more or less trust my instinct on basic shooting.
Advanced shooting was simple. Approx 6 directions and players were always aiming where I wanted them to.
Scored large amount of near post goals as it was easy to hit powerful near post low shot.
Basic is a bit more tricky.
If im in the middle of the pitch and want to aim at corners id go ↙️ or ↖️
But yesterday i scored a lovely far post goal (i was running from the top into penalty box at fairly tight angle) and I was aiming directly down ⬇️
I think basic is very dependant on stats tho. I bet some players would bottled it if I tried the same shot from tight angle.
I have a beginner‘s question regarding shot aiming.

Out of habit I have this bad tendency to press the (shooting) stick in the direction I am running, so let‘s say I am running right to left fairly towards the middle of the goal and when I shoot I press the stick left which will of course shoot down the middle. Blew a good number of chances by approaching slightly off angle and thus aiming for the near post instead of the far.

But how is it now? Where do I have to point the stick at to hit the corners? Downwards/Upwards or even against my running direction?
Depends on what setting you use.

On Basic, aiming towards or away from goal makes no difference. Height/power is decided by charging and you just aim for either corner or down the middle. You may as well point the stick towards the sideline to aim for a corner.

On Advanced you can change shot height by holding LS towards or away from goal, and aiming towards the sideline will pretty much aim wide of the post.

As always, I suggest using Free Training mode to experiment with this kind of thing. Probably the most undervalued mode in football games...
You may as well point the stick towards the sideline to aim for a corner
Do you not think, that adjusting your stick depending on your position on basic will alter the direction slightly?
Lets say that you are here, shooting from tight angle
So if I want to shoot near post, do you think it doesnt matter if I aim ⬇️ or ↙️ or ⬅️?
Coz I think only ⬅️ will give me a chance to score, where other two will miss the goal...
Depends on what setting you use.

On Basic, aiming towards or away from goal makes no difference. Height/power is decided by charging and you just aim for either corner or down the middle. You may as well point the stick towards the sideline to aim for a corner.

On Advanced you can change shot height by holding LS towards or away from goal, and aiming towards the sideline will pretty much aim wide of the post.

As always, I suggest using Free Training mode to experiment with this kind of thing. Probably the most undervalued mode in football games...

Yes, Basic Shooting. I had the feeling that pointing away from goal would go for whichever is the far corner, but I wouldn‘t put my money on it.

I guess you are right, training ground should settle it.
So that‘s (running right to left) left corner and right corner, NOT bottom left, top left (as in a 90 degree turn), correct?
No, its left and right side of goal. On basic there is no bottom/top corners. Height is determined by how much power you put in.
You can only pick top/bottom corner on Advanced.
D̶e̶a̶r̶ ̶C̶h̶u̶n̶y̶,̶ ̶w̶h̶y̶ ̶w̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶m̶a̶d̶?̶ ̶T̶r̶y̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶s̶t̶a̶n̶d̶,̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶K̶o̶n̶a̶m̶i̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶s̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶a̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶f̶a̶n̶
Glad you are enjoying it, @Chuny . ;)
Did you notice any difference in pace?
Players are definetely more responsive and make sharper turns, but I also noticed fast players outpacing others quite clearly.
Helder Costa on my left wing was... meh, so so, until last patch. Now he is one of my main weapons. His left wing charges or cutting into the middle are very powerful.
When I send long ball into space I also see my fast forwards getting to the ball quicker than defenders... well, I did anyway, until they all got injured. :LOL:

I think I did notice some difference in pace.
Need to play so more tonight. But I think there's something there. Which is one of the few things (in terms of gameplay) I ever wanted from this game. Pace, stats and individuality.

Will report back tomorrow my friend.
Do you not think, that adjusting your stick depending on your position on basic will alter the direction slightly?
Lets say that you are here, shooting from tight angle
View attachment 11938
So if I want to shoot near post, do you think it doesnt matter if I aim ⬇️ or ↙️ or ⬅️?
Coz I think only ⬅️ will give me a chance to score, where other two will miss the goal...

This is a good example. I always do full left here. If I wanted to wrong foot the keeper I‘d have press up, correct? If I‘d press down, I could miss near post?
You guys were killing me with your Stan-lines :APPLAUD::LMAO:


Well, we are all sort of PES' "stans" (Stalker Fans) deep down :D

Sorry but right now I really have to go because my tea's gone cold, I'm wondering why...
This is a good example. I always do full left here. If I wanted to wrong foot the keeper I‘d have press up, correct? If I‘d press down, I could miss near post?
I do believe so, yes.
Thats how Im always aiming.
But I could be wrong. Its Konami after all. :LOL:
Do you not think, that adjusting your stick depending on your position on basic will alter the direction slightly?
Lets say that you are here, shooting from tight angle
View attachment 11938
So if I want to shoot near post, do you think it doesnt matter if I aim ⬇️ or ↙️ or ⬅️?
Coz I think only ⬅️ will give me a chance to score, where other two will miss the goal...
I am almost certain that there are only 3 choices available for basic shooting. The description for it in the menu says this;
"Standard controls which allow you to shoot towards the right, left and centre."

In that example I find basic shooting to be fairly limiting but would probably choose ⬅️ to make sure it goes on target. In those kinds of positions I often use an L2 manual shot to aim just a little away from the centre with power.
I am almost certain that there are only 3 choices available for basic shooting. The description for it in the menu says this;
"Standard controls which allow you to shoot towards the right, left and centre."

In that example I find basic shooting to be fairly limiting but would probably choose ⬅️ to make sure it goes on target. In those kinds of positions I often use an L2 manual shot to aim just a little away from the centre with power.
Thats the thing. I know that, in theory its left right and center. But to hit those corners we have to adjust our sticks depending on where we are on the pitch. So its not as simple as it is.

Personally i do love advanced shooting, but I have to agree with the guys here, that on basic I can see much more shot variations, volleys, diving headers and so on.
I very rarely had them on advanced.

And one thing that was annoying me on advanced - it was unnaturally difficult to hit top corner from close range. I was hitting crossbars way too often. Got to the point when I was only shooting low from up close.
When GK deflected the ball I couldnt even tap it into empty goal, coz muppets were hitting crossbar from 2 yards away. :LOL:
geniune question , again. Can anyone show me a video with a sequence of play from the CPU that leads to you conceding a goal, that comes from careful build up play and not cheating or the ball magically teleporting to the player etc.? Just one. I'm very curious if any of you are ever seeing this. On Superstar or above of course.
Thats the thing. I know that, in theory its left right and center. But to hit those corners we have to adjust our sticks depending on where we are on the pitch. So its not as simple as it is.

Personally i do love advanced shooting, but I have to agree with the guys here, that on basic I can see much more shot variations, volleys, diving headers and so on.
I very rarely had them on advanced.

And one thing that was annoying me on advanced - it was unnaturally difficult to hit top corner from close range. I was hitting crossbars way too often. Got to the point when I was only shooting low from up close.
When GK deflected the ball I couldnt even tap it into empty goal, coz muppets were hitting crossbar from 2 yards away. :LOL:
I guess the LS direction for aiming down the middle can change, but holding directly up or down to the sidelines is always aiming towards either corner.

Agreed about the variety on basic, but I do miss the R2 shot variety and low shots you can do with advanced... Wish you could change the controls so L2 would do an advanced shot instead of a manual shot, so you could use basic but still perform an advanced shot when the situation calls for it.

And yes I also agree with the difficult top corner aiming on Advanced... Scooped so many easy chances onto or over the bar... Ended up using some gamepad remapping software (ReWASD) to limit my max stick movement to like 90% which didn't seem to affect any movement, passing etc. but would keep my advanced shots on target a bit more.
In past PES I always had this issue with advanced shooting that they would often add an unnecessary extra touch. So instead of volleying or heading directly they would chest it down first which gave the ball away too often. Maybe it was some conflict with another setting (auto feints) but it drove me nuts.
I've not had a penalty all year in this game and then since the patch 2 in 2 both won by recieving the ball in the area then turning away from the defender so I'm facing my own goal and they've gone through me with a standing tackle
First game tonight where the COM had 0 shots on goal, SS, 15 minutes. Won 3-0 against Southampton. TS was only at 80 but the lads played so well, never had any doubts. Also slowly starting to understand the power of left stick dribbling. Always thought you have to press some additional buttons. Lovely game.

Anyway, off to holidays for two weeks. Will check in here and there depending on the connection in Sri Lanka. Take it easy, guys!
First game tonight where the COM had 0 shots on goal, SS, 15 minutes. Won 3-0 against Southampton. TS was only at 80 but the lads played so well, never had any doubts. Also slowly starting to understand the power of left stick dribbling. Always thought you have to press some additional buttons. Lovely game.

Anyway, off to holidays for two weeks. Will check in here and there depending on the connection in Sri Lanka. Take it easy, guys!
Ah that beach life.

hey guys,
its my first try putting some real commentary audio into my video files. its just a test so far... i hope you like it. if yes, there will be more! :D if you dont like it, i'll try some more too! :P
ps: and yes, its not an international goal, and yes its not perfect, but its hard to find audio that fits my gameplay! ;)
...and i have to start somewhere! :)
And Konami doesn't think its worth it to invest in great commentary:CONF:
Proven wrong.
And Konami doesn't think its worth it to invest in great commentary:CONF:
Proven wrong.
yeah, right! could add so much! and adding this wouldnt cost as much as licenses i guess...!

just wanted to let you know i'm back on fuma! switched last night from basic shooting back to manual shooting!
and a new video is in the making... ;)
I've been really enjoying the game for a couple of weeks. Finally finished fixing everything the last DP and Live Update broke (then realised half the transfers weren't included and Newcastle's Almiron didn't even exist, so fixed all that, too).

Thursday (Valentine's Day), I left for a little break with the girlfriend, taking the real love of my life (the PlayStation and some Lindermann's) with me...

As soon as I booted it, it came up with "implementing downloaded contents". So while it's been on rest mode, it's downloaded another patch, I'm thinking.

Because I played another game (as Newcastle) on Superstar and absolutely hated it. Really hated it. Out of the blue.

It was against Copenhagen and the way they were passing was just first-time psychic perfection, with loads of backheels (which I hadn't seen for a while) and despite picking "deep defensive line" as an advanced instruction, the individual defenders just kept wandering out of position and away from strikers.

When I got sick of that and set the CBs to man-mark, it was even worse - they would always be 20ft from the player and never catch him. I was 4-0 down after 60 minutes. After getting beat narrowly 2-1 by Inter Milan pre-patch and feeling it was fair.

They did hit a couple of shots from range though, one of which hit the post and I was powerless to get near the guy.

I'm stunned, I don't know what's happened... Hopefully it's just a one-off but it's such a noticeable difference.
It's strange people mentioning loads of backheels.. One of the main reason I stopped playing... Since patch I've seen 1 in 10 games
Finally home alone ,no obligations,no distractions (except a few great games on the telly)
Looking to finish my first ML season with Atalanta.
Sunshine and "spring" won't bother me.
I've been really enjoying the game for a couple of weeks. Finally finished fixing everything the last DP and Live Update broke (then realised half the transfers weren't included and Newcastle's Almiron didn't even exist, so fixed all that, too).

Thursday (Valentine's Day), I left for a little break with the girlfriend, taking the real love of my life (the PlayStation and some Lindermann's) with me...

As soon as I booted it, it came up with "implementing downloaded contents". So while it's been on rest mode, it's downloaded another patch, I'm thinking.

Because I played another game (as Newcastle) on Superstar and absolutely hated it. Really hated it. Out of the blue.

It was against Copenhagen and the way they were passing was just first-time psychic perfection, with loads of backheels (which I hadn't seen for a while) and despite picking "deep defensive line" as an advanced instruction, the individual defenders just kept wandering out of position and away from strikers.

When I got sick of that and set the CBs to man-mark, it was even worse - they would always be 20ft from the player and never catch him. I was 4-0 down after 60 minutes. After getting beat narrowly 2-1 by Inter Milan pre-patch and feeling it was fair.

They did hit a couple of shots from range though, one of which hit the post and I was powerless to get near the guy.

I'm stunned, I don't know what's happened... Hopefully it's just a one-off but it's such a noticeable difference.
Sounds frustrating ,I hope my stunning games won't be the same.
That's the small patch (for PS4 only) right?

Anyway hope you get it sorted
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