I thought I was Mr 0-0. . .think I'll hand the title to Vxcmplyx.
0 goals from me sounds about right, my scoring record is horrible every year.
@vclmpx what a nice game of footy you play sir. My first Evo web opponent and I thoroughly enjoyed it, wished the game time could be extended.
I immediately suspected it was a Evo man when the you didn't hammer the pressure button and took a measure approach to the game.
We must defo have an Evo web league up and running when the full game is out.
GGs with you too, zee! Nice to finally meet some of the evo heads. Everyone's on the beta lately :p
Yeah...the pressure. Tough playing past it especially as manual players, it's not always possible to ping pong 2 or 3 passes out of a press.
Also, we need stats that are tied to pressuring. I think we talked about this some last year? Shouldn't be expecting Ozil to cover a large area, compared to Sanchez who tracks full field.
Something like this would be good:

Having different activation zone sizes depending on stats maybe.
Outer ring is the activation zone for calling a player to do [] and X defending.
Inner ring is where [] and X defending stops working automatically.
I don't mind Sanchez being able to run all the way from 40 yards away, just by holding one button, and arrive at almost 0 distance to the ball. (<--- in homing missile fashion).
But then Ozil should have his own characteristics too. Fielding such a luxury player, you don't expect him to actually try and close down someone 40 yards away, it doesn't really make sense. Nor should his ball winning be so easy and automatic (thus, the inner ring is larger).
In any case, the final ball winning should be human controlled. The rings just mark where the automation begins and ends.
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