PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

I've see that's the "standard" for goalies, there's remaining mistakes like it was before (for some players like this: "57-71-71-71-57" and that's not the only one with exactly same two numbers of attributes on Goalkeeping/Coverage and Catching/Clearing/Reflexes.

Otherwise, you did a good job for GK's stats. And i don't said it's easy for data editor, but the contrary: their system seems too complicated for you to build some correct stats, especially with the A/G system.
Also, attributes seems misunderstanding.

So, you rate stats by stats every players? Do you have min/max for players related to informations (position, or if he plays multiple positions etc.)
If boundaries are only related to the Overall stats... Well, that's not the good thing to do, you could put an 85 in Dribbling and Att., 60 in Ball Winning and Def Prowess...
Overall ratings are a bit complex, nobody's have finded out the formula since PES 2015.

I wanted to create a "data system" with Konami's rules, but more advanced. For example when we create at least some new players by ourselve, by having some clue and idea.
Also, we don't really know what's the impact, for example, have "Attacking Prowess" to a Center Back position.
And which stats are related to each others.

Edit: They gives you some rules, but don't explain how attributes really work, by explaining with much more details i think.
Bigger leagues and players are well represented BTW... The rest isn't.

If you've got or you can give me on PM how the "system" work for players? (the famous A>G system, or also Height relashionship with Jumping as an example).

I purposed my candidature to the Data Editor for the third time, i hope they'll contact me this time.
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And could explain also the stamina value? Why some player have those ridicolous value ?

I don't think that Munir is a unknow player, 62 is a really low value for a first team\turnover player, ok isn't really tough but he can play an entire match. If i'm not wrong stamina loss decrease also all the other values so with a value of 62 after the half time you have to subs him in every match, that make the player useless and directly on my transfer market , if not before start a ML i've to edit him with a better value.
I'm totally done with this game now. I want to adore it, I really do, but it just keeps giving me the cold shoulder.

There are some elements that prevent it from being so, so good. The biggest for me is how ludicrously heavy and sluggish it all feels - the limited animations and slow response times makes the players feel like 11 Mertesacker's. The catch-up bug is still very much there, I really don't know what some on here are smoking if they think it's gone from the latest update. Full manual is too erratic but shooting assistance 1 is dull, repetitive, and no fun.

Fun. That's the biggest problem. I am not having fun with this game. PES 6 is very dated, looks horrible, and missing many animations, but it's so much fun. It plays a lovely game of football. This doesn't. Konami can nip and tuck all they want but you can't shine a turd.

I'm gutted. I want this to be PES 5+6 with 21st century presentation and updated stats. Why is that so difficult?
The game is actually very responsive. Best thing about the game tbh especially when using skills. It depends on the player you're using, the skilled one is usually the most fun to use, and I like that some won't be as responsive as it is realistic. I don't think there is button delay. Certainly nowhere close to FIFA in button delay. It's just that the animations are so unappealing to the eye when moving the player, sometimes it isn't and many times it is. But there is def an improvement over last year, next year would probably be the best version in terms of animations.

My problem is the lack of stats. Shooting and passing being a bit too tedious. The old formula was the best.
yeah, lack of animations, lighting, no 3d grass, underdeveloped collection system and penalty system is the flaw with todays PES. I agree PES 5/6 quality was top class for 2005 and very fun.
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I was enjoying this and then something really weird happened. My wife banished me from upstairs so she could watch her favourite drama so i was relegated to the PS3. Decided to put on old school Pes...2011.

man after getting over the on rails feel, this is actually quite good. Theres quite a variety going on and the goal net physics are amazing, the ball actually rolls around correctly and bounces around the goal. Theres also a surprisingly varied amount of animations. You also have the afternoon setting for matches, create a stadium, the broadcast camera that doesnt switch in the corners and keepers who are quite agile. The only problem is the pens which are difficult, but its actually a joy to play.
I was enjoying this and then something really weird happened. My wife banished me from upstairs so she could watch her favourite drama so i was relegated to the PS3. Decided to put on old school Pes...2011.

man after getting over the on rails feel, this is actually quite good. Theres quite a variety going on and the goal net physics are amazing, the ball actually rolls around correctly and bounces around the goal. Theres also a surprisingly varied amount of animations. You also have the afternoon setting for matches, create a stadium, the broadcast camera that doesnt switch in the corners and keepers who are quite agile. The only problem is the pens which are difficult, but its actually a joy to play.
yep, i liked 2011 it felt good controlling.
If you look at the video it isn't the foul system that's broken..I've said this for a's the advantage rule that's broken ..the ref clearly sees a foul and waves happens a lot is pes if you are fouled during the advantage of another one of your player touches the ball even for a split second the foul has fifa you could just let go of your controller and even if it touched another player as long as you didn't make a considerable gain in ground you'd still get the free kick

One of the many major issues ruining this game. I mean it's basic stuff that FIFA has pretty much spot on. What can be so hard about it
Hehe, it's the same every year. Come september, everyone thinks the latest PES is the hottest shit ever, "best in the series, EVER" ... then a couple of months passes by, people start to spot flaws in the game, I personally stop playing after a couple of months (after having spotted these flaws and gotten annoyed by them). I usually come in here April-ish to see how people like the game - and usually it's lots of people complaining about it being shit. Oh, well, that's football games in a nutshell, I guess. :P
As an ex fifa player and an ex ex pri evo player (up to 08) I'm still playing this and enjoying it..kind of like a love hate relationship ..master league cheats like fuck but custom cups I love to play..kind of reminds me of fifa world cup which was awesome..still needs some improvements for sure..more animations, more fouls better visuals and atmosphere and TS and scrpting needs to be addressed ..but for me it's the best pes
Actually this is the first time since years i still play the game. I agree it's the best Pes ever.

Could be so much better, it has lots of flaws and i thinks people complains because they know it could be so much better than this.
I can only hope devs don't go back to the arcadish Pes 2016 pace and gameplay and keep improving on Pes 2017.
I too am back playing this game and I am loving it. I've found my sweet spot now.

Manual shooting
1 bar assisted passing
15 min games
-1 speed

Back to playing my ML and I am having some fantastic tight games. Yes it can still be improved, like more varied shooting, but enjoying it the most now since it's release.

Yeh I still play PES5 with my brother but this tops it now against the AI. :)
when 2018 demo comes i will be keeping a close eye on animations, foot planting, and lighting improvements.

i still think Konami needs to up the tab on development to catch up with Fifa.

money talks.
when 2018 demo comes i will be keeping a close eye on animations, foot planting, and lighting improvements.

i still think Konami needs to up the tab on development to catch up with Fifa.

money talks.

I would like to understand how I can buy just the PES GAME from KONAMI.
I mean buy the whole game rights...
10 million of euro could be enough? ... (8%/10% of the whole software house following the wiki value)
well, they aren't releasing a baseball game this year, usually they release two baseball games, so maybe PES 18 is getting extra attention. They got to be doing something right ?
Guys remember that not too long ago Adam Bhatti stated very clearly that PES 2017 wouldn't be getting any more updates or DLC. That meant that they are all focused on PES 2018. I'm quite sure by this time next months we'll be getting the first gimmicky catchy lines and maybe the first screenshots, usually not showing a whole lot of the new improvements, which will then be followed by the "This is just PES 2017 2.0" posts by the same old members.
And in two months the first short trailer will come out, which will fire up the discussions about "what build is this?" "do you guys think this will be the demo build? Cuz if it is, goodbye PES. I'm moving to FIFA this year"--- And so the PES cycle will begin...
Guys remember that not too long ago Adam Bhatti stated very clearly that PES 2017 wouldn't be getting any more updates or DLC. That meant that they are all focused on PES 2018. I'm quite sure by this time next months we'll be getting the first gimmicky catchy lines and maybe the first screenshots, usually not showing a whole lot of the new improvements, which will then be followed by the "This is just PES 2017 2.0" posts by the same old members.
And in two months the first short trailer will come out, which will fire up the discussions about "what build is this?" "do you guys think this will be the demo build? Cuz if it is, goodbye PES. I'm moving to FIFA this year"--- And so the PES cycle will begin...

Thanks for the Deja Vu mate,not forgetting the legions of the banned who annually try creeping back in to say the same old thing before we all realise who they are and boot them again!
You've got to admit it's a fun time, specially for you mods and admins.
I woudn't want to have it any other way.
Imagine how boring it would be from june to september without all that!
And could explain also the stamina value? Why some player have those ridicolous value ?

I don't think that Munir is a unknow player, 62 is a really low value for a first team\turnover player, ok isn't really tough but he can play an entire match. If i'm not wrong stamina loss decrease also all the other values so with a value of 62 after the half time you have to subs him in every match, that make the player useless and directly on my transfer market , if not before start a ML i've to edit him with a better value.

Im not familiar with Munir but his stamina (and perhaps form) should depend on the number of minutes he played in the recent season in my opinion.
Actually this is the first time since years i still play the game. I agree it's the best Pes ever.

Could be so much better, it has lots of flaws and i thinks people complains because they know it could be so much better than this.
I can only hope devs don't go back to the arcadish Pes 2016 pace and gameplay and keep improving on Pes 2017.

Agree.. and at last i feel the need to buy decent players during my Master League, that tells that gameplay is better and am enjoying it.

Getting rid of Vardy for Morata changes my approach for attacking.. nice.
I know this is just PR talk, but since we're at it...

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