PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

Oh you mean fundamentals like player pace in varying speeds , turning effectiveness, passing, shooting, defender effectiveness, attacking effectiveness of both user and AI. Yep just like real futebol. Not necessarily good in your eyes, genius work by konami's japanese developers in my eyes. Thats even assuming any changes have been made to the gameplay, which for me nothing glaringly obvious in my ML games. In any case, fundamentals can change from game to game, pre or post patch.

Catch-up bug ? No problem here post or pre patch. Pre-patch (and post-patch) you can sprint away from defenders just fine, but again , this will depend on the user's skill and the player they are controlling (their stats).

Enjoy !

Please see my above reply, and why should it include gameplay changes ?

As I said above, if there are any there is no major impact in my games in ML. Game feels the same, really good.

My 2 cents.

Enjoy !

Great 2 cents, if that were the approach for all feedback to KONAMI, we'd see PES 2008 as the base. Sorry, man. We'll agree to disagree. Enjoy!
Great 2 cents, if that were the approach for all feedback to KONAMI, we'd see PES 2008 as the base. Sorry, man. We'll agree to disagree. Enjoy!

It is just as valid as your 2 cents. Doesnt mean the game is the problem; as users like myself do not have the 'problems' you have been describing in this thread. So your feedback is not some official representation of the 'community', that is why I posted, to show not all users are having your 'problems'.

Enjoy !
It is just as valid as your 2 cents. Doesnt mean the game is the problem; as users like myself do not have the 'problems' you have been describing in this thread. So your feedback is not some official representation of the 'community', that is why I posted, to show not all users are having your 'problems'.

Enjoy !

Somewhat uneccessary to make the comment about official representation of the community.
Dont single members out for personal comments.You made a point and should have left it at that.
Your railroading no one with opinions, just sharing them.

If You cannot respond constructively without becoming personal then think twice about posting.
Somewhat uneccessary to make the comment about official representation of the community.
Dont single members out for personal comments.You made a point and should have left it at that.
Your railroading no one with opinions, just sharing them.

If You cannot respond constructively without becoming personal then think twice about posting.

Thats fine, it's not personal. It is his claims that I am disagreeing with. I hope that is clear now.


I apologize to Matt10 and all for my harsh tone. I do stand by my points, but wasnt trying to cause a rawkus. Enough talk I need to get back to ML.

Enjoy !
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You may all know this already but I have only juust realized a players free kick animation also determines his r2 shot animation
It does yes but it is criminally inconsistent. Sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt. Even when i slow down from running.

As for game changes, heres my opinion:

Session to session EXISTS thats fact its in quite a few games mainly sports. Anyone remember premier manager 97?

However i do feel there is slight differences but heres the snag... i genuinely dont believe they are save game compatible. Like if you started a ML before the last patch you wont see the changes but post patch and you see the little changes.

However you play any non Football life modes and the changes are there and very distinct, the only one's i dont see is the ATT/DEF levels but i think thats because i use PESUNIV OF.
Still penalties are horrendous

No penalty given yet again. It's like the COM doesn't realise tackling through the back of the player about to shoot is a definite penalty

Yeh Zee I've had a few stonewall jobs ignored. . ..are Konami anti -penalty or something? I've given a few away but that's about it . .even threw me slipper at the telly last night accompanied by a " are ya effing blind ref? "
Yeh Zee I've had a few stonewall jobs ignored. . ..are Konami anti -penalty or something? I've given a few away but that's about it . .even threw me slipper at the telly last night accompanied by a " are ya effing blind ref? "
:D I always post the most annoying ones but it happens so regularly. I think my replay folder is mostly penalties that aren't given maybe I should make a compilation.
:D I always post the most annoying ones but it happens so regularly. I think my replay folder is mostly penalties that aren't given maybe I should make a compilation.

At this rate we could start a new thread dedicated to "shoulda been" penos and rate them. . . a 3 slippers icon for the most violent.
If you look at the video it isn't the foul system that's broken..I've said this for a's the advantage rule that's broken ..the ref clearly sees a foul and waves happens a lot is pes if you are fouled during the advantage of another one of your player touches the ball even for a split second the foul has fifa you could just let go of your controller and even if it touched another player as long as you didn't make a considerable gain in ground you'd still get the free kick
If you look at the video it isn't the foul system that's broken..I've said this for a's the advantage rule that's broken ..the ref clearly sees a foul and waves happens a lot is pes if you are fouled during the advantage of another one of your player touches the ball even for a split second the foul has fifa you could just let go of your controller and even if it touched another player as long as you didn't make a considerable gain in ground you'd still get the free kick
Thought so too but mine always go to the defending team and the ref doesn't wave for shit
Still penalties are horrendous

No penalty given yet again. It's like the COM doesn't realise tackling through the back of the player about to shoot is a definite penalty

One of the first match on PC in 2016 (PES "2017)

The referees will give a foul for these type of tackles as long is it's outside the box. But inside the penalty area konami has a different system which is ridiculous.
Elja, that isn't so ridiculous as you think. It is a very good emulation of real life football, but badly implicated. The idea is excellent.
IRL you see it all the time: offenses that are Always considered foul outside the box are never seen as a foul in the box because the penalty is a penalty kick...

This said, it sucks that there aen't mor penalties and fouls in PES2017.
Elja, that isn't so ridiculous as you think. It is a very good emulation of real life football, but badly implicated. The idea is excellent.
IRL you see it all the time: offenses that are Always considered foul outside the box are never seen as a foul in the box because the penalty is a penalty kick...

This said, it sucks that there aen't mor penalties and fouls in PES2017.

yeah I get that gerd, referees often will give soft fouls outside the box but noway a penalty when inside. I agree it's a good idea to be implemented in the game, only if konami has a solid foul system base. With pes' random penalty system, you will only feel cheated whenever you get knocked out of the ball when about to take a shot, and the ref gives nothing.
I personally dont have any problem with the penalties, its not a big deal for me (I think its better to have less strict ref than to be afraid to do a (even a clean one which could end in a penalty) tackle in the box). But sometimes it can be a little frustrating, like in this case:

I was sorry for the opponent, but on the other hand, I couldnt stop laughing that this isnt a penalty (thanks, ref!) :)
Elja, that isn't so ridiculous as you think. It is a very good emulation of real life football, but badly implicated. The idea is excellent.
IRL you see it all the time: offenses that are Always considered foul outside the box are never seen as a foul in the box because the penalty is a penalty kick...

This said, it sucks that there aen't mor penalties and fouls in PES2017.
This is not a planned simulation of football by konami..we need to stop with well it happens in real football thought as an excuse for konami..the free kicks and penalty system is poor at best
My god, there's too much mistakes in the database to enjoy a full master league.
I've corrected to the max that i can alone if you're interested by my exports, on PS4.

When i got a little more time i will open a thread. But there at least 800 players (i didn't count... But i think there's much than that. with wrong stats, taken or not from olders PES, or even new youngsters. In every team you could find.

-I've made a post before with players having 4/4 on weak foot, stats taken from previous PES which was on a 8 scale (even unknown youngster, with that, became ambidextrous...)
-Those players and some new have always "60" in the new stats Balance, because the stat are undone and left "60" (lazy to create). They put the old "Body balance" on "Physical Contact" and that's all..
-As you can see in every big and well created teams like Barcelona, Juve, Real etc. the "injury" stats having now "2"(or B in previous PES) as a standard, 3 is exceptionnal... And again, players taken from older PES pratically all have 3 in injury.
-Same with "Condition" attribute are now toned down, but there's too many "6" and "5" players coming out from older PES.
-When they don't find a player weight, they left "80kg" as a standard. So you've got small some fat players with 167cm/80kg.

There's others mistakes, like GK's stats and others things, but they really need to review and take in account all this shit ASAP.
They've got Live Update, but it's like they don't use it to correct some of those big awful mistakes.
Sorry for the double post, but i wanted to aerate a bit.

The whole game have cannot have any credibility in terms of realism at all when you look at the data, and even if i like playing some match online, i don't do because of that.
I know there's a huge database, but at least having standard like fifa (stats by height/weight/position/age/league level or teams average, which generate a player set of standard attributes)

Creating data includes some established rules and standards, even from unknown players, at least for having something
You could blame Fifa for having too low/high stats in certain area to some players but at least they've got a system.
Same as FM which is a bit random with too strong youngsters, but they've got their own system too: every sports game are related with ability of stronger/weaker.

You don't even need to have a big acknowledge on current football: just being structured and logic.

If i could work with Thomas Broad or another guy from the data management and give him some concrete ideas... I pointed out obvious errors, and i've got some ideas to purpose and work with it for the future of PES.
Is there anyone who can gives me, on PM, a way to contact the data management team?
I'm 34 and follow PES attributes system since the beginning. And it's since PES 2015 that there's issues like that (the "new stats system" from Windsor team oncoming...)

Their recrutement system here: is not what i want to do, but revamp the database by including some rules for those "data editor", supervise if there's some weird stats, and help them by building a new online data program.
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The Konami Database is really bad , is not a news.
I can't imagine how that game software will allow to release a game structured in that way, and ask money for that...
maybe just sell the code to another software house will be better...
Every year we can't see any kind of improvement about database and tactics ,I'm pretty sure that man utd in every single default db is setted with Long Ball and counterattack,, this at least in the last three years...
About default value (like 60 for physical/body balance) , i'm totally agree with you. And i think also that the most of the physical values (stamina over all) of every players of second divisions should be increased. I can't understand the Konami logic (what a news), about lower league players, i wouldn't see value like 60-65 in stamina for a movement player, neither if him is old or young....
Sorry for the double post, but i wanted to aerate a bit.

The whole game have cannot have any credibility in terms of realism at all when you look at the data, and even if i like playing some match online, i don't do because of that.
I know there's a huge database, but at least having standard like fifa (stats by height/weight/position/age/league level or teams average, which generate a player set of standard attributes)

Creating data includes some established rules and standards, even from unknown players, at least for having something
You could blame Fifa for having too low/high stats in certain area to some players but at least they've got a system.
Same as FM which is a bit random with too strong youngsters, but they've got their own system too: every sports game are related with ability of stronger/weaker.

You don't even need to have a big acknowledge on current football: just being structured and logic.

If i could work with Thomas Broad or another guy from the data management and give him some concrete ideas... I pointed out obvious errors, and i've got some ideas to purpose and work with it for the future of PES.
Is there anyone who can gives me, on PM, a way to contact the data management team?
I'm 34 and follow PES attributes system since the beginning. And it's since PES 2015 that there's issues like that (the "new stats system" from Windsor team oncoming...)

Their recrutement system here: is not what i want to do, but revamp the database by including some rules for those "data editor", supervise if there's some weird stats, and help them by building a new online data program.

But i agree with you on partially, my main problem is like eg many goalies have attacking awerness over reason for that in my opinion. Thats another questions that we should have go back to the abilities 1-99 to have more difference between players, also have bigger impact of the stats.
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