I am pretty nice suprized, that in PES 2017, they manage to fix a lot gamebreaking things from 2016. Still i don't like four gameplay based things, for now:
- CPU passing accuracy is too high
- Traping, first touch and magnetizing the ball is so too perfect by any player, which in reallity is very hard to do, especially when the coming ball is with high speed, or uncomfortable trajectory against the player body
- Standing tackles are too easy, they need to be more challanging and this is one of the reasons for low scoring matches
- Stamina system have to have greater impact on player perfomance
- CPU passing accuracy is too high
- Traping, first touch and magnetizing the ball is so too perfect by any player, which in reallity is very hard to do, especially when the coming ball is with high speed, or uncomfortable trajectory against the player body
- Standing tackles are too easy, they need to be more challanging and this is one of the reasons for low scoring matches
- Stamina system have to have greater impact on player perfomance