PES 2017 PlayStation & Xbox Discussion Thread

These are decent temporary options until fully fleshed out option files appear in the days ahead.

Go with the Google drive one - I've tried both and the kits and badges are better and less garish colours on the Google drive one.
Nice one. Thanks mate.

Add me 3 for some games? Im.on oz as well. acer0237
Seriously? You're all nuts on this site.

So I'm wondering what the turf on Signal Iduna Park and Anfield stadiums will look like. Hopefully they pay more attention to the colors this time. Can't stand more washed out colors.
Defensive AI continues to impress me, I decided to play a friendly between two Argentinian teams and I had one player who was very quick and had good ball control, most of the time I kept passing there DMs they would either barg him or aggressively foul him unbelievable.
Honest opinions required from Xbox-One owners please. I'm very tempted to pick this up after years away from Pro Evo as first impressions seem like it's a true return to form. However just a few doubts so would appreciate some answers. Firstly the resolution of the demo was disappointing for a game this gen, has this been improved at all in the final game? What is online like? Are the severs live yet? Is finding a game easy and is the connection smooth? Please these are my main doubts and I would like to hear informed opinions on them. Thanks in advance.
yeah I got the pesuniverse option file via email.. I bought it today, this morning, got email soon after giving instructions how to become a silvermember etc, and then once you follow instructions, the email is sent to you with the option file. Its legit... I haven't applied it yet though. Too busy playing the game.. im off work :)
I've got it som hopefully you will recieve yours soon!

Preodered too e-mail version.
I've e-mailed on like they said, i'm glad to ear that they're sending files.
Don't want to report and cancel my paypal transaction, since i see people confirmation that it's not a "fake"...

Btw Glenn from PESWORLD is "back" and gives apologies to his previous post.
I'd like to know if the USB has actually been sent. I asked them and got nothing. Asked for a refund and got nothing and I emailed a 3rd time asking if I could get the email and.....nothing
yeah I got the pesuniverse option file via email.. I bought it today, this morning, got email soon after giving instructions how to become a silvermember etc, and then once you follow instructions, the email is sent to you with the option file. Its legit... I haven't applied it yet though. Too busy playing the game.. im off work :)
I hope your joking lol
I like my physicals.

In my case, since I'm paying the full retail price I'd prefer it tangible. I don't mind buying digital for cheaper stuff. Plus I like keeping stuff for the future. You can say I'm a collector to a degree.
I never buy digital. You can't trade digital and it always costs more.

Plus you can't beat having the box with its artwork.
@P34SEMM you preoreded the usb stuff?
I think they're gonna need at least 3 days to send everything... I thinked they were a bit more professionnal, and they've got an automatic system to send mail (robot thing)

But it sound like a guy or two sending mail one by one lol, poor guy

Btw the link about option file ordering (on "Wix") is down, i think the reason is like they say "overwhelmed" and don't want to have any new "customers" than those who preordered before.
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