Champions League
- 25 July 2010
WENB is hardly the biggest. And WENB getting invites and not us has absolutely nothing to do with being big. You gave the reason yourself, "Adam was a mod of wenb". Won't say any more.
They take on feedback that represents the views of a lot of people, not just one. For example, I'd collect information from here that represents all your views, not just my view. I haven't done this for a while though. There's also a bigger chance they take on a person's view if that person has a good social media following. These companies call them Social Media Influencers.
Well, I have that impression that wenb is the biggest forum due to the fact that the average of posts per day is too much lol.
Its the same people talking. Maybe there arent a huge number of members, but they talk a lot. Lol
And you right, people with good social media influence like youtubers have (unfortunetly imo) more relevance on feedback than us mere mortals. :/
Banksy is right about feedback having a more negative infouence than positive. Konami original philosophy/view on their game is actually better than what most fans want.
A clear example of that was the PES 2011 demo wich had the right amount of fouls and even passing felt more free. Atter so many complaints they toned down the frequency of fouls, wich was something positive on the demo. The only valid complain was the amount of replays for every foul. But people who just sprint and chase the ball like crazy with a brainless overgressive defending style (like 99% of people online) want it to be changed, Konami attended to it wich was a big letdown for me.