PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

Great minds! :) I tried that, but it was still a sizeable delay that spoilt the input for me (thinking about it, pressing shoot and running into the goalkeeper looks the same at 1x speed as it does at 1.5x speed, and that's all that changing the speed slider does - it doesn't make the input register more quickly, sadly, so the end result is the same, even if it doesn't feel the same).

Maybe the delay you're complaining about is the same simulation process you're looking for? Maybe if we're a little patient letting the animation play out having expectations it's a simulation and not play it like an arcade game should help. We are victims of our own minds.

I remember having a similar issue to an extent with we8le thinking why is this slower for a week of frustration compared to we8's instant input until I said to myself this has newer animations that need to play out and had to adjust and be patient. A week or 2 later I embraced it fully and til this day it's one of my fave with the fondest memories. Playing we8le actually eased the transition to we9 for me because jumping from we8 to we9 was a bigger jump with them going a more sim route.

Anyway long story short, as with every game we need to adjust and learn the game before judging it and we are always guilty of quickly jumping the gun because we're impatient and the game doesn't play how we want it to.
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Maybe the delay you're complaining about is the same simulation process you're looking for? Maybe if we're a little patient letting the animation play out having expectations it's a simulation and not play it like an arcade game should help. We are victims of our own minds.
I do see your point, and there's no doubt it has more potential than possibly any other PES game, but for me, pressing the shoot button when you're outside the box to ensure that your striker runs inside the box and scores, isn't a simulation. Longer animations are absolutely a realistic thing - it takes time to turn, players aren't eels - but that's not what the above situation is.

I spent last night (because I have absolutely no life) playing PES 2014, 2015 and 2016 back and forth. It almost feels like being Goldilocks - the response speed of 2014 is too slow (and not realistic IMO), the response speed of 2016 is too fast (especially the CPU), but 2015 is just right, in comparison.

I was really enjoying PES 2015 on the PC last night, which was slightly disconcerting! 2013 has a shot variety that makes you weep with joy on the inside, but miss all the modern doohicikies. 2015 has more of a shot variety than 2016, and feels more balanced than 2016, but still doesn't quite have the "oh my God" moments 2013 has given me over the course of a single week.

(With 2013, I scored a goal where Lallana scuffed a shot into the ground, that was spinning wildly because of his mishit - it bounced up, hit the post and the spin took it into the net - that was a real "holy fuck, this is what I've been missing" moment, along with being able to use the pressure button to stand off a man before diving in for the tackle.)

Out of interest, what are everyone else's feelings about 2015 and the transition from PES 2015 to PES 2016? What do you think are the major differences (the good bits and the bad bits)?
Maybe a dumb question but what exactly is the definition of button lag?
Is it that when you press something which doesn´t have to do with any animation and the function kicks in delayed?
Like for example in PES 2014 you hold down R1 and switch players with the right stick. If there is a delay when you switch from one to another, is it this?

If yes then I have to say that I haven´t experienced THAT button delay.

Or is it when you press pass or shoot but the ball is not close to the foot and you have to wait until foot and ball get together, like you say, you have to wait until the animation is done.

If it´s this, then this is something I can cope with as it´s logical and it actually was with PES 2014. I really liked the animations there.
What I disliked though was the fact that it was almost impossible to take direct shots no matter how many secs before you pressed the shot button.

We didn´t have that problem with the former PES releases as the animations haven´t been that fluid maybe...just a theory.
So it´s a challenge to find the right balance between a responsive gameplay and lifelike animations.
Maybe a dumb question but what exactly is the definition of button lag?
Is it that when you press something which doesn´t have to do with any animation and the function kicks in delayed?
Like for example in PES 2014 you hold down R1 and switch players with the right stick. If there is a delay when you switch from one to another, is it this?
For me, on PC (playing PES 2014), it takes around half a second to switch players (using any method, including the one you mention), which is a problem - but my bigger complaint is pressing the "shoot" button when your player is outside of the box (running towards the goal), and the player not actually kicking the ball until he's much closer to the keeper (therefore giving up your opportunity to score).

There were a few examples last night where I'm holding sprint, running towards the goal and I press "shoot", but the player "catches up" to the ball without hitting it - he takes an extra touch (sometimes two) before then striking it. That's what I'm talking about!

Everything else - the pace of the game and the feeling of hard work (similar to FIFA 16 IMO), and the variation in the AI (which I really don't feel like FIFA has) - is pretty great for a simulation-seeker!
For me, on PC (playing PES 2014), it takes around half a second to switch players (using any method, including the one you mention), which is a problem - but my bigger complaint is pressing the "shoot" button when your player is outside of the box (running towards the goal), and the player not actually kicking the ball until he's much closer to the keeper (therefore giving up your opportunity to score).

There were a few examples last night where I'm holding sprint, running towards the goal and I press "shoot", but the player "catches up" to the ball without hitting it - he takes an extra touch (sometimes two) before then striking it. That's what I'm talking about!

Everything else - the pace of the game and the feeling of hard work (similar to FIFA 16 IMO), and the variation in the AI (which I really don't feel like FIFA has) - is pretty great for a simulation-seeker!

Ah okay.

Yep specially the bold part was something that really bugged me with killed great chances.
Ah okay.

Yep specially the bold part was something that really bugged me with killed great chances.

I think that this 'problem' is part of the 'simulation' PES 2014 is trying to offer. In real life is very rare to see players that run towards goal and shoot while running, players slow the run (this would be equivalent to stop pressing the run button) to aim and shoot.

I heard of people complaining about the difficult to score from outside the box in PES 2014. I scored one goal from outside the box in 10 30 min matches, I find this realistic and when I score I feel more satisfied than in PES 2016. In PES 2016 is too easy to score from outside the box, I can score 3 or 4 times every match. In real life, for example in Real Madrid matches, there are few shoots from outside the box maybe 2 or 3 every match, Modric, Kroos..., and the statistics are about 1 goal every 10-15 matches.

One of the problems is try to play PES 2014 like PES 2015 or PES 2016.
I think that this 'problem' is part of the 'simulation' PES 2014 is trying to offer. In real life is very rare to see players that run towards goal and shoot while running, players slow the run (this would be equivalent to stop pressing the run button) to aim and shoot.
I wouldn't say it's "very rare" that a player runs and shoots - I mean, unless you're standing in the box during a set piece or free of the defence, you're running towards the goal and you're being tracked by a defender (if you're playing against a decent team), so you need to be able to run and shoot.

I wholeheartedly agree with your other point though:

I heard of people complaining about the difficult to score from outside the box in PES 2014. I scored one goal from outside the box in 10 30 min matches, I find this realistic and when I score I feel more satisfied than in PES 2016. In PES 2016 is too easy to score from outside the box, I can score 3 or 4 times every match. In real life, for example in Real Madrid matches, there are few shoots from outside the box maybe 2 or 3 every match, Modric, Kroos..., and the statistics are about 1 goal every 10-15 matches.
Everyone loves scoring from outside the box, but it happens way too often now, and hard low shots are all you see in PES 2016. I think devs know that people love scoring those long-range shots and so they increase the likelihood of them going in to try and add that excitement (in the same way that PES 2016 is way too quick). But for me, it dilutes the thrill entirely. I don't celebrate them any more.

I will keep trying with PES 2014 because it feels so close. My only complaints are the response times and player pace not meaning a great deal.
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2010 Fifa World Cup South Africa.

You could totally tell that the developers of that Fifa game were going for a PES 5/6 gameplay experience. It was fast, fluid, fun, responsive and was just a nice overall package.

Somehow I had totally forgotten about this.
Produced by Simon Humber, sadly no longer with us.

I was lucky enough to meet the guy, and he was the most determined character I met at EA in terms of making a game that you "won by football knowledge and player knowledge", not by "exploiting the game" (his words). I wish he'd been the producer on more projects.
Hi Chris, I have been enjoying PES2015 on the PS3 these last few weeks though I have to agree that it doesn't quite have those amazing shout out loud moments. PES2013 had those moments for me, and like yourself, I got really into about 6 months ago. But then I started reading some negative things about the game (the worse thing to do) and it made me notice things that I hadn't noticed before.

Couldn't get on with 2016 right from the beginning simply because of the bottom corner goal from the CPU and the complete lack of fouls. I decided to give 2015 another chance to see why I didn't like it on release. Then realised it was the lack of crosses, possession football from the CPU, and once again lack of fouls (although not as bad as 2016). But then I read Klash's tactics thread and applying these saved the game for me along with discovering that adding "Early Cross" CPU skill and removing "Incisive Run" makes the CPU cross more frequently.

But I do feel that shooting is over powered even on manual shooting which definitely takes away some joy when scoring a 'fantastic' goal. I have decided to make some adjustments like -10 to Finishing and -5 to Dribble and Ball Control which does make it a bit harder to hit the target. But I miss those 'random' shots that were in 2013 and also in PES5. A shot that misses in 2015 is normally just wide rather than being miss hit and going well off target because of the player being off balance or something.

But having said that I do prefer the AI in 2015 over 2013, they do play a lot different, passing it backwards and sideways. For me the AI is the most important thing as I don't play online and I have no friends :CRY::P
Out of interest, what are everyone else's feelings about 2015 and the transition from PES 2015 to PES 2016? What do you think are the major differences (the good bits and the bad bits)?

In my eyes the flaws of PES2015 were

Lack of AI variation - much improved in 2016, it actually feels like the AI react to the situation in the game rather than in 2015 where it would play the same way defined by the tacics no matter what the time/scoreline. they also improved the variation in which a team attacks. Unfortunately it still needs further improvement around chance creation which ultimately has resulted in the low shots issue (something that was also mentioned in PES2015 but has seemingly gotten worse)

Player Physics - again something that was much improved in 2016. night and day in comparison to the previous iteration. challenging in the air and personal 1on1 physical battles are as good as i can remember in PES. however its possible that this introduction has contributed to the next point...

Fouls, Yellow Cards - In 2015 every foul by a human player against the AI was a yellow card, also the AI never committed any fouls i'd like to say that the former point had improved but everything to do with fouling and referees are a mess in 2016. definitely worse than last year

Overpowered Shooting - Nope, even worse in 2016.

to summarise, It's hard to tell what is considered a bug at PES productions and what is by design, the fact that some aspects what I would consider negative have either not changed or gotten worse leads me to think that this is all part of the plan. As well as that, in areas where they have attempted to make improvements it seems that the result is that other related areas of the game are worse (something that often happens in development).

Overall, although 2016 is a 'better' game for me, I just don't enjoy it. playing against a one dimensional AI in PES2015 is more enjoyable than playing against a slightly more organic AI that always score the same way
But having said that I do prefer the AI in 2015 over 2013, they do play a lot different, passing it backwards and sideways. For me the AI is the most important thing as I don't play online and I have no friends :CRY::P
Ha, ditto. (I've always preferred playing the CPU purely because very few games prevent exploits being discovered and abused online)...

Overall, although 2016 is a 'better' game for me, I just don't enjoy it. playing against a one dimensional AI in PES2015 is more enjoyable than playing against a slightly more organic AI that always score the same way
That's incredibly succinct and bang-on for me. Hence my newly-discovered appreciation for 2013. The AI leans slightly too far towards attacking, but seeing the goal variety was like someone reaching through the TV, shaking me and saying "remember goals like these?"

I had a quick game of 2016 earlier, and a CPU player tried to slide-tackle my player, missed, and completely took out a different player. Destroyed the guy. No foul, no advantage, no anything... With that, and all the same goals, I can't enjoy it (I take no joy in scoring because it just doesn't feel right).

Tonight I'll be switching between 2013, 2014 and 2015 and trying to pick a "winner" - 2013 is such a breath of fresh air after 3-4 months of the modern games, and I've been enjoying it so much, but knowing there's something deeper in 2014, and knowing 2015 has some of the modern touches that it's missing, I keep switching back and forth...

Thanks for the feedback, guys.
Ha, ditto. (I've always preferred playing the CPU purely because very few games prevent exploits being discovered and abused online)...

That's incredibly succinct and bang-on for me. Hence my newly-discovered appreciation for 2013. The AI leans slightly too far towards attacking, but seeing the goal variety was like someone reaching through the TV, shaking me and saying "remember goals like these?"

I had a quick game of 2016 earlier, and a CPU player tried to slide-tackle my player, missed, and completely took out a different player. Destroyed the guy. No foul, no advantage, no anything... With that, and all the same goals, I can't enjoy it (I take no joy in scoring because it just doesn't feel right).

Tonight I'll be switching between 2013, 2014 and 2015 and trying to pick a "winner" - 2013 is such a breath of fresh air after 3-4 months of the modern games, and I've been enjoying it so much, but knowing there's something deeper in 2014, and knowing 2015 has some of the modern touches that it's missing, I keep switching back and forth...

Thanks for the feedback, guys.

Heh plus if you play ML you are stuck with one team but in the later ones you can manage different teams and take on the World Cup as an International Manager. But the most important thing is the gameplay. Hmm... Decisions decisions :CONF:
Chris, you've made me do a bad thing. I put PES2013 on for one game and i had so much fun. There is so much freedom on the park. I started a konami cup with Spurs, random teams. First game against Russia it was a fantastic 0-0. But there were shots deflecting off players heads and going over the bar, it really feels like you can place that ball anywhere.

Now im contemplating stopping my ML 2015 and playing 2013. Backwards and forewards, backwards and forewards. Thats all im doing. :P
Ha, sorry!

It's hard to get across how different it feels, especially when you hit a shot you just can't hit in the modern games. Up until this month, I would never have gone back other than a ten minute dabble with PES 5 which always makes me think "times have changed for the better, I can't play this now". PES 2013, though...

I don't even think I liked it initially, so enthused by FIFA's new-found freedom of movement was I...
Us talking about all these old PES games again has reminded me that there was actually and older Fifa game that I genuinely enjoyed playing, a lot.

2010 Fifa World Cup South Africa.

You could totally tell that the developers of that Fifa game were going for a PES 5/6 gameplay experience. It was fast, fluid, fun, responsive and was just a nice overall package.

Somehow I had totally forgotten about this.

Where have you been all my life :P

That was and still is the peak for all FIFA games along with FIFA 08 to an extent. I remember smashing people in the online world cup with Jamaica and always lost in the semis as soon as i came up vs a half decent player using spain/england etc...
Tonight I'll be switching between 2013, 2014 and 2015 and trying to pick a "winner" - 2013 is such a breath of fresh air after 3-4 months of the modern games, and I've been enjoying it so much, but knowing there's something deeper in 2014, and knowing 2015 has some of the modern touches that it's missing, I keep switching back and forth...

Thanks for the feedback, guys.

With all due respect Chris, switching between all these different games is a mistake. That's no time at all given to learn a game and appreciating it. To really pick one you'd have to stick with one for about 2 weeks and learn how to play it how it's supposed to play. Switching especially between 2013 and 2014, there's a big difference. If you think 2 weeks is too long, try a week, and in that week you have to give in to the game's mechanics, and not play it like you're playing a different game.

EDIT: I've been wanting to get WE2014 Blue Samurai version. I'll look it up.

EDIT 2: On a different note, was watching a vid of WE9/PES5 on youtube and it reminded me again how bad I miss fouls. I know we speak about it from time to time but actually seeing it and the current Konami PR team trying hard to convince us that fouls hinder gameplay; bullshit. Watch this and tell me how fouls hinder gameplay in any way. It's a physical game and a big part of it. Many other things you can see in the video that's missing nowadays too but I won't get into them. Fouls are extremely obvious.

And this was 11 years ago. ELEVEN.
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With all due respect Chris, switching between all these different games is a mistake. That's no time at all given to learn a game and appreciating it. To really pick one you'd have to stick with one for about 2 weeks and learn how to play it how it's supposed to play. Switching especially between 2013 and 2014, there's a big difference. If you think 2 weeks is too long, try a week, and in that week you have to give in to the game's mechanics, and not play it like you're playing a different game.

EDIT: I've been wanting to get WE2014 Blue Samurai version. I'll look it up.

EDIT 2: On a different note, was watching a vid of WE9/PES5 on youtube and it reminded me again how bad I miss fouls. I know we speak about it from time to time but actually seeing it and the current Konami PR team trying hard to convince us that fouls hinder gameplay; bullshit. Watch this and tell me how fouls hinder gameplay in any way. It's a physical game and a big part of it. Many other things you can see in the video that's missing nowadays too but I won't get into them. Fouls are extremely obvious.

And this was 11 years ago. ELEVEN.

couldnt agree more my friend, thats why we have these difficulty levels, superstar should be full on, tackles, pressure, work hard to create space depending on player, as well as rewarding yourself to create space to have a long shot, im no programmer but cant all that be modified for superstar level and all the other levels these areas can be easier, to be quite honest konami programmers have been very lazy in differences between levels
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With all due respect Chris, switching between all these different games is a mistake. That's no time at all given to learn a game and appreciating it. To really pick one you'd have to stick with one for about 2 weeks and learn how to play it how it's supposed to play. Switching especially between 2013 and 2014, there's a big difference. If you think 2 weeks is too long, try a week, and in that week you have to give in to the game's mechanics, and not play it like you're playing a different game.

EDIT: I've been wanting to get WE2014 Blue Samurai version. I'll look it up.

EDIT 2: On a different note, was watching a vid of WE9/PES5 on youtube and it reminded me again how bad I miss fouls. I know we speak about it from time to time but actually seeing it and the current Konami PR team trying hard to convince us that fouls hinder gameplay; bullshit. Watch this and tell me how fouls hinder gameplay in any way. It's a physical game and a big part of it. Many other things you can see in the video that's missing nowadays too but I won't get into them. Fouls are extremely obvious.

And this was 11 years ago. ELEVEN.

I agree too Lami. I think the fouls system in PES5 was perfect but some complained about them breaking up the game so from PES6 it got less. I still play PES5 with my brotther and one of the things that adds to the realism is when you're losing and your striker is chasing down a defender but then give a needless foul away. It is frustrating for the attacker but a relief for the defender as it gives them a breather. Also, it's great having free kicks around the area so that you can whip the ball in.

People complained about too many fouls but in the games I've played there is an average of about 8 a match, 4 for each side. Not much at all really, and because there are hardly any replays they don't take up much time.

The problem with the newer games, like PES2013, is that you foul someone and straight away it's a yellow whereas in PES5 the refs were more lenient when it came to dishing out cards. PES5 had it spot on.
Been as though everyone is in nostalgic mood I just played a game of PES6 patched on PC, which managed to get a nice cross lend between 5 and 6.

Unbelievable game. Not in terms of goals or anything like that (although even my shitty scuffed goal brought a smile as it looked so fucking realistic), just the tiny subtle stuff.

Things like the ball bouncing in the air and the headed battles. The one or two moments in the game when you are completely on top, everything is crisp, then the periods of stodgy midfield scraps where arms and legs are flying everywhere and no team can get hold of the ball and players are bouncing off each other. The fouls...brilliant.

Was a period where Arsenal tried to rough Downing up with 2/3 quick body fouls, so brilliant. The shooting. awesome. The keepers, my god. Natural or what.

The colours and textures and atmosphere and crowd. For the first time in ages I paid attention to the pre game screen, normally any old fucker will do. But I had to manage the form and stamina etc correctly as this game actually implements these things brilliantly.

I love the way you feel totally in control and yet fully never in control if you understand me. You have to be aware of the player, his preferred feet, the pressure, body angle. It's 8 axis and yet it feels a thousand times freer than this gen. This is no shit. One game saw 1 goal each, 2 yellows for them, one for me and a red for me (had to take him down as he got past Hyypia but thought a had just enough cover from a running defender).

Love the way when the keeper throws it to certain players they need 2/3/4 touches to get under the spell and then others just the 1 or 2. Love the way my players clearly were knackered last 15 minutes, Suarez was on his arse. Did I mention the keepers? :)

Two brilliant parts of the game stood out though, it was a save made by Reina which the CPU shot low and hard which he managed to get a hand too and push it wide and a wonderful bit of interchange between Gerrard and Suarez culminating in a brilliant save from keeper when Suarez tried to dink one. It's these moments that make the game. Not the score being 5-5.

Also slowed down a few replays and the way the ball moves and spins is just....unbelievable. Threw the ball out to left back and you could just see the ball spinning as he was trying to control it then it went up to his jersey, chested it and back down. Love the way you can use you body too lose players with the slightest of the flick of the controller regardless if your Ronaldo or Carragher charging at you. If the CPU has their angles wrong and momentum, and you get it right, you slide by.

These were the highlights. Just awesome.

And this is just brilliant.

Gerrard is running into space, gets involved in a jostle in which he probably has better strength stats, wins the jostle and comes back on himself whilst the CPU momentum continues forward. Suarez logic is then outstanding as Gerrard sees the pass but the keeper is too quick off his line narrowing the angle. Suarez tries to beat him but the distance has been closed and the keeper makes a brilliant body save. THIS!!

So how come I can still get blown away by a game which is a decade old and every time I have a an hour spell on it I still see about 3 new things, and yet be so underwhelmed these days. Just bonkers. If they released a PES 5/6 on PS4 HD NOW I'd pay £100 for it (well maybe £60).

The fact is people go on about clunkiness and restricted by the axis etc, but once you work with the mechanics of the game and the logic you can deal with it. The CPU felt as human as me when I played it. They made mis-placed passes. They shoot scuffed shots into the ground and one volley from their striker literally went out the stadium.

Sorry about the reminiscing (AGAIN) but I feel we are as far away from this than at any other point to date. Every single box this ticked as an 8 or a 9 out of ten.
Been as though everyone is in nostalgic mood I just played a game of PES6 patched on PC, which managed to get a nice cross lend between 5 and 6.

Unbelievable game. Not in terms of goals or anything like that (although even my shitty scuffed goal brought a smile as it looked so fucking realistic), just the tiny subtle stuff.

Things like the ball bouncing in the air and the headed battles. The one or two moments in the game when you are completely on top, everything is crisp, then the periods of stodgy midfield scraps where arms and legs are flying everywhere and no team can get hold of the ball and players are bouncing off each other. The fouls...brilliant.

Was a period where Arsenal tried to rough Downing up with 2/3 quick body fouls, so brilliant. The shooting. awesome. The keepers, my god. Natural or what.

The colours and textures and atmosphere and crowd. For the first time in ages I paid attention to the pre game screen, normally any old fucker will do. But I had to manage the form and stamina etc correctly as this game actually implements these things brilliantly.

I love the way you feel totally in control and yet fully never in control if you understand me. You have to be aware of the player, his preferred feet, the pressure, body angle. It's 8 axis and yet it feels a thousand times freer than this gen. This is no shit. One game saw 1 goal each, 2 yellows for them, one for me and a red for me (had to take him down as he got past Hyypia but thought a had just enough cover from a running defender).

Love the way when the keeper throws it to certain players they need 2/3/4 touches to get under the spell and then others just the 1 or 2. Love the way my players clearly were knackered last 15 minutes, Suarez was on his arse. Did I mention the keepers? :)

Two brilliant parts of the game stood out though, it was a save made by Reina which the CPU shot low and hard which he managed to get a hand too and push it wide and a wonderful bit of interchange between Gerrard and Suarez culminating in a brilliant save from keeper when Suarez tried to dink one. It's these moments that make the game. Not the score being 5-5.

Also slowed down a few replays and the way the ball moves and spins is just....unbelievable. Threw the ball out to left back and you could just see the ball spinning as he was trying to control it then it went up to his jersey, chested it and back down. Love the way you can use you body too lose players with the slightest of the flick of the controller regardless if your Ronaldo or Carragher charging at you. If the CPU has their angles wrong and momentum, and you get it right, you slide by.

These were the highlights. Just awesome.

And this is just brilliant.

Gerrard is running into space, gets involved in a jostle in which he probably has better strength stats, wins the jostle and comes back on himself whilst the CPU momentum continues forward. Suarez logic is then outstanding as Gerrard sees the pass but the keeper is too quick off his line narrowing the angle. Suarez tries to beat him but the distance has been closed and the keeper makes a brilliant body save. THIS!!

So how come I can still get blown away by a game which is a decade old and every time I have a an hour spell on it I still see about 3 new things, and yet be so underwhelmed these days. Just bonkers. If they released a PES 5/6 on PS4 HD NOW I'd pay £100 for it (well maybe £60).

The fact is people go on about clunkiness and restricted by the axis etc, but once you work with the mechanics of the game and the logic you can deal with it. The CPU felt as human as me when I played it. They made mis-placed passes. They shoot scuffed shots into the ground and one volley from their striker literally went out the stadium.

Sorry about the reminiscing (AGAIN) but I feel we are as far away from this than at any other point to date. Every single box this ticked as an 8 or a 9 out of ten.

So..."love the past, play the past"
I don't think they'd ever consider a re-release because it would be an admission that the newer games don't offer absolutely everything that a football fan could want. PR no-no, and a potential knock in sales for one of their main franchises (plus the players would all have to be fake, otherwise they'd need individual licenses for each player).

At least you can get it on PC and download a ton of patches, though... Better than nothing, right...?

I was pretty amazed at how good the PES patches are on PC - I mean, obviously, they're going to make everything more authentic, but when it all comes together... My PES 2015 patched with a Match of the Day scoreboard and all the right kits, updated faces etc... It's pretty stunning.

Speaking of which - before I buy PES 2016 on the PC to get it all patched-up, is the gameplay engine the same as on the PS4 etc.? I've read a few articles that say it isn't, but nothing post-release...
I don't think they'd ever consider a re-release because it would be an admission that the newer games don't offer absolutely everything that a football fan could want. PR no-no, and a potential knock in sales for one of their main franchises (plus the players would all have to be fake, otherwise they'd need individual licenses for each player).

At least you can get it on PC and download a ton of patches, though... Better than nothing, right...?

I was pretty amazed at how good the PES patches are on PC - I mean, obviously, they're going to make everything more authentic, but when it all comes together... My PES 2015 patched with a Match of the Day scoreboard and all the right kits, updated faces etc... It's pretty stunning.

Speaking of which - before I buy PES 2016 on the PC to get it all patched-up, is the gameplay engine the same as on the PS4 etc.? I've read a few articles that say it isn't, but nothing post-release...

My 2013 on PC was patched to the tits. Think it was Yair who also devised some brilliant patches, customised what you want in terms of ball swerve, pass error, shooting power lowered or increased. Tested like about 30 of them before I settled on what I believed to be the most authentic experience. Combined that with kit patches, SKY HD stuff and stadiums is was the tits fair play. Those were the days where I quite literally had all day to piss about with it though. Now time is limited alas.
I agree that PES 5/6 are still amazing. Don't care about 8 axis or restrictions, as the rest of the package was so great and life-like. There have been aspects of other games that have captured some of this, but overall they are lacking. That includes both games.

The PC modding helps, but the little things you see in the video clips and just the way the games flow when you watch them, so much more realistic then anything out today. It is very disappointing to see where we have come, but I am thankful that I can go back and play the games when needed.
I don't understand some people here. If you love pes 5/6, why not go back playing it ? I mean, i don't want to oblige myself to play newer games just because they are newer. There are so many patches on this forum for pes 6 (mainly, also a few for pes5), that make this game so good and updated 10 years after his initial release !
I don't understand some people here. If you love pes 5/6, why not go back playing it ? I mean, i don't want to oblige myself to play newer games just because they are newer. There are so many patches on this forum for pes 6 (mainly, also a few for pes5), that make this game so good and updated 10 years after his initial release !

I suppose the point is, we're all waiting for something next gen that resembles anything like that. Whilst I love my PC, I long for a game I can play on the couch in front of my 50" plasma. 2011 and 13 I guess have come the closest.
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