PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

player gliding, pushing eachother during tackles is still present

Pogba should have smashed Neymar's leg at least

Actually it's the other way around from how I see it. Neymar's studs are up and hit Pogba's shin, but miraculously Pogba's titanium leg just pushes neymar's incoming weight backwards like he's baby-weight :LOL:
Actually it's the other way around from how I see it. Neymar's studs are up and hit Pogba's shin, but miraculously Pogba's titanium leg just pushes neymar's incoming weight backwards like he's baby-weight :LOL:

Neymar slides after Pogba touches him.

You can also see Neymar feet going through Pogba ankle.
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Actually it's the other way around from how I see it. Neymar's studs are up and hit Pogba's shin, but miraculously Pogba's titanium leg just pushes neymar's incoming weight backwards like he's baby-weight :LOL:

actually you are right, and France should have given a free kick here since Pogba touches the ball first. kinda worried about the referee system now too besides ballphysics
If you find bugs or gliches it is much more sensible to tweet Konami about it. The way you put it is as if you want to spread as many bad news about PES 2016 as possible.

Yeah, better to tweet @officialpes than Bhatti.
If you find bugs or gliches it is much more sensible to tweet Konami about it. The way you put it is as if you want to spread as many bad news about PES 2016 as possible.
That's what I meant by "tweet it to everyone", not "spam all one billion Twitter users with this GIF". :D

It's the physics engine and the AI I want to see upgraded the most in PES, I still play it and still prefer it to FIFA but with physics like that GIF, it's not a current-gen game. Throw a good physics engine into the mix and it's 100% better.

My worry is that the official Twitter channels won't be interested at all in feedback of this nature. If only there was a dev that could be reached somehow.
That's what I meant by "tweet it to everyone", not "spam all one billion Twitter users with this GIF". :D

It's the physics engine and the AI I want to see upgraded the most in PES, I still play it and still prefer it to FIFA but with physics like that GIF, it's not a current-gen game. Throw a good physics engine into the mix and it's 100% better.

My worry is that the official Twitter channels won't be interested at all in feedback of this nature. If only there was a dev that could be reached somehow.

The best you can do is tweet that to @officialpes. They always say our feedback is noted and sent to development team.
I just read an analysis from and is very accurate. I just translated to you guys. I thing that it says everything and hope that Konami can change this things from here to September.

Using Google translate:

I will basically discuss the trailer ... like trailer, i will not say what i think of PES2016, I think what was seen in the trailer.

I will not go into the press release or what we saw in the teaser, as the face of Neymar, not further lengthen this.

PES 2016 E3 Trailer

The trailer itself seemed quite right.

I mean how is done, the duration ...

On the content, because their good things and not so good things.
Overall, I found something quite similar to PES2015 with more animations and waiting to see if the setting is a thing of the trailer or the game itself.

I liked several new animations that were both with and without the ball.

But I remarked some for me are essential because they solve problems of gameplay, such as this control in PES2015 would have been the typical control're trying to steal and the CPU will not let you give that feeling of trap, now "explanation" for amid a rapid reaction animation, basically lets the defender happen when the ball is up.

Or this one, to cut in a coherent way a ball in PES2015 could not give.

This curious ball protection

I quite liked that focused on showing that players now have continuity in the plays, who remain stunned after, for example, a loss, but react naturally, either protesting or fighting for the ball.


To me that is very important when it comes to bring realism to the game and the Pro has been characterized often because players are unconcerned about what happens around very often.


What I do not like so much is that it was not seen in other actions, he turned to see players or being stunned or doing the opposite of what they owe.
We see what happens to the defense of the Roma to contact Llorente

Or, when we look at this part of the double goalkeeping (good) but if you look at the other player delEspanyol, who was the one who shot first, see how flees the action when it should be an active part of it.

Where is looking Mascherano?

It has made me at times strange ball physics, but on this I'd rather not delve variable speeds because the trailer and the profusion of watermarks can play tricks and give sensations that are not.

About the dribbling ... I rather to have the control in hands because it is impossible to say something by just watching.

About the stands. I do not know to what extent are the trailer and how to be in the game, so I put that on hold.

Some problems are still there of PES2015, as it are clipping?

The ball crosses the net.

... And GKs. I will not comment because unless some new animation, their behavior seems the same as PES2015, which can only be bad (here I put IGN video ... whose goalkeeper Neuer is not just any).




It continues here:
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New screens, graphics and close up animations are pointless for me. I'm only interested in gameplay, and if there's added any deeper element to it. We will only be able to distinguish that from gameplay vids with wide cams. Personally, I've given up hope with pes, as it's going more and more superficial every year, and they don't seem to bother putting all the focus on creating a game with true football dynamics and nuances, compared to the very basic pass and move game we have now.

Truth is, both Konami and EA are just using the brand of football to make money by producing a very basic game with cool looks. What bothers me is that PES has gone from a pleasant japanese arcade game experience (which at least had som feel to it), to being hijacked by the UK studio, who seems only interested in branding the game with a more FIFA'ish appeal, to please western customers.

Imo, japanese games are the best in the world, but unfortunately Konami listened too much to the western fanbase instead of going their own way.
2007? 2008? 2009?

let's not get into what KONAMI should or should not have done, to me this is the first trailer that shows some perspective. everything before that was utterly shit.

that's about the exact time they started listening to the western fanbase and just lost the direction in which they were heading.
Why do some people think they have the right to critisize people who talk about nets or critisize the game. Where do you get off....and to think after all we've been through as fans, some would understand how others are reacting to this. You don't like the skeptic posts (which is actually a correct behaviour) then move along and state your own business. Geez.
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