PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

I'll be brutally honest here.

At first, the images got me excited. Then the trailer got me even more excited. Then I watched the gameplay teaser and felt like this:

Now I know I'd expected it, as it was always the same story with PES. Every new game looked the same at first, then after playing I'd tell there's an obvious difference. And after a while it'd play and look completely different. I try going back to the older version and I could definitely feel the differences both visually and in gameplay. I don't doubt this year is any different.

But here's the thing, because I got so used to this for God knows how long now, since the PS1 it's been the same story. For once, just ONCE, I wanted to see something different. Different as in a massive and obvious upgrade in visuals. I wanted to see a true next-gen leap. I wanted a graphical revolution, not the usual evolution. I wanted to see something different, not get the feeling of "But I have this already...". Just for once I wanted something different for a change.

Well, I'm guessing that'll never happen, and I should just come back to earth and deal with the reality of it. It's never happening. Not now, not ever, and should never expect anything but what I've been used to since the first PES game. I guess it's called "Pro Evolution Soccer" for an obvious reason then. About time I fully understood and accepted it.

Waiting for the demo now.
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I'll be brutally honest here.

At first, the images got me excited. Then the trailer got me even more excited. Then I watched the gameplay teaser and felt like this:

Now I know I'd expected it, as it was always the same story with PES. Every new game looked the same at first, then after playing I'd tell there's an obvious difference. And after a while it'd play and look completely different. I try going back to the older version and I could definitely feel the differences both visually and in gameplay. I don't doubt this year is any different.

But here's the thing, because I got so used to this for God knows how long now, since the PS1 it's been the same story. For once, just ONCE, I wanted to see something different. Different as in a massive and obvious upgrade in visuals. I wanted to see a true next-gen leap. I wanted a graphical revolution, not the usual evolution. I wanted to see something different, not get the feeling of "But I have this already...". Just for once I wanted something different for a change.

Well, I'm guessing that'll never happen, and I should just come back to earth and deal with the reality of it. It's never happening. Not now, not ever, and should never expect anything but what I've been used to since the first PES game. I guess it's called "Pro Evolution Soccer" for an obvious reason then. About time I fully understood and accepted it.

Waiting for the demo now.

You should not lower your expectations. It's the (bad) way KONAMI develops games. Three-four years with the same looking game then a good graphical improvement, then again three years with the same graphics.
We'll see if the gameplay itself or not, but I hope That Will test the players a little bit criticized, her last year had a positive effect. ;)
I think its funny how people talk about gameplay beeing the same...there is no way that people can tell, even trough the videos. Wait for the game, i hate this kind of stuff.

Saying that the game is the same, its not true specially if you have played it on PC. And tbh PS4 can't handle much more than this kind of graphics at 1080p 60fps. Once again wait for the demo at least..
I'll be brutally honest here.

At first, the images got me excited. Then the trailer got me even more excited. Then I watched the gameplay teaser and felt like this:

Now I know I'd expected it, as it was always the same story with PES. Every new game looked the same at first, then after playing I'd tell there's an obvious difference. And after a while it'd play and look completely different. I try going back to the older version and I could definitely feel the differences both visually and in gameplay. I don't doubt this year is any different.

But here's the thing, because I got so used to this for God knows how long now, since the PS1 it's been the same story. For once, just ONCE, I wanted to see something different. Different as in a massive and obvious upgrade in visuals. I wanted to see a true next-gen leap. I wanted a graphical revolution, not the usual evolution. I wanted to see something different, not get the feeling of "But I have this already...". Just for once I wanted something different for a change.

Well, I'm guessing that'll never happen, and I should just come back to earth and deal with the reality of it. It's never happening. Not now, not ever, and should never expect anything but what I've been used to since the first PES game. I guess it's called "Pro Evolution Soccer" for an obvious reason then. About time I fully understood and accepted it.

Waiting for the demo now.

Exactly my thoughts!
Before the trailer and the announcement of it, I didn't expect something new.
I was sure it wouldn't be that much different from PES 2015.

But when these screens and the teaser came out, I was hoping for something new in visuals.
Something that would convince or excite me.
Now that we saw some more, I'm a bit disappointed.
And you're absolutely right. This is KONAMI and it won't change.
They started to use a new engine already so what should change instead of tweaks here and there.

What I also noticed negatively is the camera.
It looks like they didn't change anything on this sector and we probably gonna have the same camera settings like before.
And even worse: there's a big chance that you still can't change it for online matches.

That's a big let down imo.
Just saw the E3 trailer. Still no revolution in graphics nor in animations, but they added a bit more physics.
In a snippet of the trailer was written it would have 3 times as many animations. That may well be, but the animation-system still feels inflexible and limited like in the last PES game. Adding more animations to the same system doesn't help lose that feeling.

So they added dynamic weather, which is welcome.

Too little change in graphics and animation, so we have to wait to see if at least the AI and general gameplay made a huge step forward or not.
I've seen enough to know that PES 2016 might be more enjoyable than the boring and repetitive PES 2015.

I never expect abundance of improvements in both FIFA and PES, but they are obviously working on the things that really matter - Animations, Ball physics, physicality, A.I. and Modes.

PES 2015 was the ground work for the future of PES and we can expect similar improvements with every iteration now. Steady improvements, just like FIFA.

P.S. What's up with the stamina system? no news about it...
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I just hope they massively upgrade the stats system because it's ridiculously simplistic. Instead of adding depth to the way players are rated, they just dumb it down. Wouldn't be surprised if KONAMI make a full circle and we end up with ISS Deluxe stats system in few years.
Hard to read anything in this. I honestly was expecting PES2015.5 which it seems to be. There really is no need imo to rewrite the script again as Konami need to build on the base they have with PES2015.

To keep up with the vibe my negatives
- lots of skating and footplanting looks poor
- ball physics seems wrong still especially the one where tevez controls the ball
- neuer would never fall on his arse like that on the game play vid
- game pace looks too fast

I will keep the positives to myself lol

Exactly my thoughts. Zeemeister, thank u for summing it up for me. Not worried about game pace, though, its on +2 probably.

Skating and poor foot-planting is a concern and i dont think they can do something about it in a short time because the gameplay code seems to be dependent on it. Love to hear what Adam would say about this, maybe i will ask him on twitter.
Keepers still diving after the ball has gone past them and not fully extending their arms....feeble.
I hope that the logo / kit editor function is reinstated so at least we Xbox users can create new logos. Thanks a bunch for screwing us again Bill.
I just hope the AI is improved. I'd hate it to be like pes15/every FIFA where all the teams play the same
Well, apart from getting my eardrums violated by that noise when they showed the ML, the game looks decent, but there is nothing that would motivate me to buy the game. Hoping E3 and Gamescom could change that.
Also why does the kicking animation never line up with how much power is put on the ball. It's been a problem with PES for years, and it looks like it isn't going anywhere.
The trailer lacks a defining moment, a wow factor, something to look forward to.

I hope there is more to come that will impress me. Even if it's something less spectacular like tactics and player positioning/awareness.

Patiently waiting for the demo and gameplay that is isn't Kick and Run.
I'm disappointed, still no next-gen-PES in sight, and it's not only that, I'm a bit disappointed with games in general at the moment.

Maybe occulus rift will create a new spark for gaming next year.
If you like PES 2015, PES 2016 would be in the same level. If you don't, (like me) then Houston we have a problem.

I know it's early to judge, but from the trailer and gameplay teaser, i saw the same negatives from PES 2015.

Lots of skating and poor footplanting (as zee mentioned before) and the same passing system which i find restrictive and i hate (i'm not a manual player).

Hope to change my mind when i play the game but i doubt it.
broxopios, your interesting in that you don't like any football game whatsoever.

You get the PES6 people, the PES5/WE9 people, The PES 2013 people, the positive people, the FIFA people, those who are getting tired of football games and post more in the gaming section, then there is you, who just hates every footbal game apart from the inde project from that dutch guy.
The last Konami's chance. I swear, I'll spend some time on watching new videos, pictures, I'll be interested in this topic and yeah, I want to be up to date with everything that is linked with the game so far and later on. However, if KONAMI is going to release at least the same shit (let's name is straight away guys - a piece of SHIT) in 50% like in last year and two years ago, and PRO 16 will be that horrible as previous games, I'll never look at this game again as it is just a wasting of time.

I really hope KONAMI are not that stupid to release a crappy game again just because they have to exactly know that they might get bankrupted in next year.

KONAMI - the time goes on.

ball physics looks entirely the same. not impressed but im much more worried it will have stupid pingpong passing and overpowered shots
Agreed, to be honest all the positives are to be expected, there is nothing to wow people from these vids at all which is a negative in itself.

Fucking spot on, mate.

My thoughts on everything about PES 2016 so far are that I knew it. I knew they would add stuff. Improve stuff. Change stuff. Nothing HUGE.
That's why I'm not feeling let down. You feel let down when you expect a lot out of something.

When I got PES 2014, I kept having this sour taste in my mouth every time I exited the game. I kept thinking "if they make it a lot more responsive and add tons of new animations, with slightly improved graphics for PES 2015... it'll be the best game ever".

When I got PES 2015, I went through the exact same chain of thoughts. "If they make it even more responsive and add a lot of new animations, oh and they make 1 vs 1 challenges between say Messi and Marcelo, to be able to dribble without having to tap R2 or use the right stick, plus they improve the LOD on PC, and update the graphics a little, this will be the best game ever".

And right now I can't tell if they fixed that or not. Because I'm sure we will ALL get a "new" feeling the first time we try PES 2016. A good new feeling. The question is: How long will it last?. How long will it take for us to see behind the curtains?.

I have a worrying sensation that defenders will fall over "Boateng Style" a lot when you get passed them, overly exagerated. I have a feeling that aerial challenges will be all over the place. I have the feeling that Dynamic Weather will be extremely ridiculous they way Konami is implementing it. I AM SURE weather WILL NOT change during each half time, but between each half. Because that's what Konami does.

But I'm also sure it will be better than PES 2015. Which is what I wanted afterall.

The only way we can get something that doesn't resemblance the last PES from the previous year is when they change the Engine. PES 6 to PES 2008. PES 2013 to PES 2014. So for those who want that "EVERYTHING IS SO DIFFERENT AND NEW THAT I'M EXCITED ABOUT THE GAME BECAUSE OF THAT FACT ALONE" feeling, well... those will have to wait till KONAMI decides to invest on a new engine for PES. Which will be in a couple more years I'm sure.
Oh btw one more thing... I'm glad Konami is showing a lot of Night Matches. I remember that before PES 2014 and PES 2015, they kept showing day time screenshots, like they were proud of the lighting they achieved. Specially in Allianz Arena. Now, they look pretty confident about what they did for Night matches. Because they not only show matches in broad daylight but also night matches. That's something to look forward too.

I wasn't expecting a graphical overhaul, just simple tweaks in the lighting and better LOD. That seems to be exactly what they've done. I hope the colors are more vibrant than in the previous versions, because they looked dull and boring and I could not play one single match without SweetFX for example.

Also... I'm kinda worried that in closeup takes, it looks very good but on the regular gameplay camera the Leverl Of Detail seem to be massively decreased, which is freaking worrying.
Here is the IGN gameplay teaser on youtube:

I'm not annoyed, disappointed or pissed off, just a 'meh' feeling. PES 2015 is a very good game, but basic, this should improve on it so i can't see this being shit, i think like most we feel Konami could do much better!

BUT! We must all wait to play the thing before we totally write it off. Some of the people moaning about shooting already, really?

im more like why there are no GKs in this vid?
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