PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

I didnt say that. I said onr slot would be for the socks shorts and jersey, so for home, away and GK youd need 3 slots
so we need one kits slot for home kit one for away and one for gk maths is 3 kits slots per team this is equal to 113 teams to fully edit when we need an other 345 slots to fully edit all the unlicesed teams that konami has in the game.
in cold blood this mean that konami playing with us they give us a litle slice of cheese and they kept the rest once more .
He has a point though. Everyone will be playing with assisted online! It will be a ping pong fest!

yeah... so FIFA players should love this. this is exactly how FIFA is .. you need to play with assisted controls online as well. the very best FIFA players in the world all play with assisted controls except for many semi for crossing and manual for lob passing but everything else assisted,.

both games are the same way in this regard imo

to get the best experience with both.. and enjoy full goal and shot variety you need to use full manual.. especially for shooting in both games in the demos from what I have played...
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How many unlicensed teams are there??

aprx 215 teams

Currently it is about 249(+) unlicensed teams:

England Division 1 = 19
England Divison 2 = 24
Italy Divison 1 = 1
Italy Division 2 = 20
Portugal Division 1 = 15
Argentina Division 1 = 26
Chile Divison 1 = 9
PEU League = 20
PAS League = 20
PLA League = 20
EUROPE International = 29
SOUTAMERICA International = 9
NORTH AMERICA international = 6
AFRICA International = 14
ASIA international = 17

Teams in Total = 249

It's about unlicensed teams. Those are the ones you need slots for.

Konami Site says 340 STRIPS not Clubs!
A strip contains of Shirt, Short and Sox all on one graphic file like the template shown on this site.
If it would be about 340 Club Slots to implement Kits as much you like or 3 at least, everything would be fine, but they talk about slots for Strips - unfortunately
to get the best experience with both.. and enjoy full goal and shot variety you need to use full manual.. especially for shooting in both games in the demos from what I have played...

See, I only played ~60h of manual in PES 15, for a first time, and I gotta both agree and disagree.

Easiest way to put it, the reason itself that made me try manual was horrendous offline experience. Assisted takes away freedom, often makes you feel you have no influence whatsoever. Extremely frustrating in Master League. Urgh.

So I try manual. And it works well, yes. But now it doesn't matter what team I am playing at all. Because stats don't matter altogether. I guess, at least I like to think they have SOME influence over assisted settings but magical wonders I've seen in ML land make me think it's all down to some random algorithms. Some you win, some you lose.

So you have assisted, where stats retain some minimal value but you're on the game's mercy.

And you have manual, where you are perfectly free, but your team and stats completely don't matter. You could have two goalkeepers and bang the same goals as with attackers.

Neither is good. I am all for more freedom in gameplay, but stats are in these games for a reason. Manual influenced by stats would be a perfect choice, but as you've pointed out majority of players will never be interested in that kind of thing.
I get a little disappointed every time I read more on the editing and OF sharing etc... and then I play the demo and realise I really don't care this year. It's beautiful. As long as they fixt auto correction on advanced through balls and we actually see some fouls, I'll be happy.
nd you have manual, where you are perfectly free, but your team and stats completely don't matter. You could have two goalkeepers and bang the same goals as with attackers.

I didn't realize this to be the case to be honest... is this how it is in FIFA too or just PES?

I personally don't ever expect PES to be any good online in the first place so I stick to to offline in PES but I found the demo enjoyable playing full manual however I didn't realize what you say is true though that stats don't mean nothing at that point.. are you sure about that? I didn't notice that..

so from what your saying then I would have to play at the very least 1 support passing and advanced shooting for stats to matter in PES ? I dunno if that is true because I really don't notice it using full manual. because if this were true then it wouldn't make sense to me that I can shoot better with a player on full manual like Robben as I could with a lesser player and yes I could. You are acting when on manual shooting it's the same for every player no matter what their stats are and from my experience I have never noticed this. for me it's different... but maybe im wrong
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Jesus suffering fuckflaps. I'm far from getting the violins out over the possibility of some no-mark teams having kit imperfections, especially the GKs. I'm 31 years of age, thrice as busy as 10 years ago, and there's more than enough slots for me to be satisfied. Even with my plans for novelty teams such as /pol/ Rovers and Vault Dwellers FC.

We are getting too old. Lol

I am so tired of saying this but I will repeat

I play in south Africa the southern most tip of south Africa on a puny 10mbps line against people all over Europe lag free 90% of the time

I have a more fluent experience with fifa although 15 had issues the first few days whilst pes is marginally slower (comparable to - 1 offline speed) I don't understand why so many people complain about online
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I get a little disappointed every time I read more on the editing and OF sharing etc... and then I play the demo and realise I really don't care this year. It's beautiful. As long as they fixt auto correction on advanced through balls and we actually see some fouls, I'll be happy.
I like the demo very much besides the non existing fouls and scoring being too easy.
But seeing how they mess up once again with the edit mode and maximum capacity of images is too much for me. It makes me really angry.
I don't know what all the fuss is about TBH. There is enough in there to make an authentic experience with a few sacrifices.

At least we can get proper kits this year, although it may take some time to do, the game is out for a year and I actually enjoy the editing TBH so not fussed (even though I have little time) I may just do the premiership, nationals and rest of the champions league stuff.
I didn't realize this to be the case to be honest... is this how it is in FIFA too or just PES?

No, I speak of PES 15 only from my experience. FIFA I don't touch really. I just wanted to have equal chances in Master League, and while my manual ML as Urawa Reds in J-League (PTE) was sheer domination most of the time, but I could get away without any transfers. I just did them to get players I like, since there is no team management in this game (somebody forgot stamina and injuries, y'know).

I personally don't ever expect PES to be any good online in the first place so I stick to to offline in PES but I found the demo enjoyable playing full manual however I didn't realize what you say is true though that stats don't mean nothing at that point.. are you sure about that? I didn't notice that..

Hey, I tried online, and while myClub itself is decent, I kept having dumb input lag problems, regardless of my Internet connection. Having to wait two-three seconds for player to react is just not fun. That being said, very few times things clicked for me and it was a fun experience.

Is this true? Maybe they have some influence over game, but it seems to be minimal. I mean, if I'm able to pull-off godlike passes with 2.5 stars Urawa Red Diamonds with average player overall of sth like 72 then something is definitely wrong. Once I learned how to operate with manual, 100% of my mistakes was down to me still not being good and missing passes, yes. As for shots it's just too damn easy. You can just launch a rocket without aiming in front of you, ball won't ever curl even sligthly, you can position yourself in front of the bar and shoot straight, you will always hit the goal.

I really loved manual shooting at once, the freedom aspect is huge, but then I realized I could do these things with literally everyone and yet again I was disappointed.

so from what your saying then I would have to play at the very least 1 support passing and advanced shooting for stats to matter in PES ? I dunno if that is true because I really don't notice it using full manual. because if this were true then it wouldn't make sense to me that I can shoot better with a player on full manual like Robben as I could with a lesser player and yes I could. You are acting when on manual shooting it's the same for every player no matter what their stats are and from my experience I have never noticed this. for me it's different... but maybe im wrong

My solution this year is to use no settings at all. This game and most of all this company is not worth my money. It's not even worth my time. All you guys got through last few days were disappointments after disappointments. I was sad, but not surprised. All I do these days is gather these facts and present them, to prove everyone this game is not worth anyone's money.

In all honesty with you, I don't notice stats effect with assisted either. If I managed to blast through Eredivisie and Champions League (switching between Top Player and Superstar) with Go Ahead Eagles on basic shooting and two bar passing and three-star team was enough. Ricky van Wolfswinkel was good enough to score 20-25 goals in Eredivisie, slay Chelsea or Manchster United.

However you mentioned Robben and this might be one of few exceptions with seeing stats. I guess it's player ID effect, that's why you see difference between the best, top players. Only thing is, I hate these teams, I don't play them at all. So everything below them is really the same.

Obviously perfect answer is manual influenced by stats. You get freedom to make the choice, but you need right people to do the wonders. Considering this company cannot make stamina, feature included in game for at least fifteen years work, I would not expect anything like this.

There ye go.
Of course it is better than nothing, but come on, it is 20 years of PES and they are still not able to provide once a version including an Edit mode containing what the community wants? It is not that hard.
3400 team Emblems and 3400 managers - wtf?
What is wrong with them?
Reduce each category down to 500 which is still too much and increase strips to 1000. Then everything would be fine.
Cannot be that hard imho.
Rumours on pesgaming that the kit structure on the ps3 version of pes 2016, is the same as that of pes 2015. If this is the case then im definitely not buying it as its a joke
See, I only played ~60h of manual in PES 15, for a first time, and I gotta both agree and disagree.

Easiest way to put it, the reason itself that made me try manual was horrendous offline experience. Assisted takes away freedom, often makes you feel you have no influence whatsoever. Extremely frustrating in Master League. Urgh.

So I try manual. And it works well, yes. But now it doesn't matter what team I am playing at all. Because stats don't matter altogether. I guess, at least I like to think they have SOME influence over assisted settings but magical wonders I've seen in ML land make me think it's all down to some random algorithms. Some you win, some you lose.

So you have assisted, where stats retain some minimal value but you're on the game's mercy.

And you have manual, where you are perfectly free, but your team and stats completely don't matter. You could have two goalkeepers and bang the same goals as with attackers.

Neither is good. I am all for more freedom in gameplay, but stats are in these games for a reason. Manual influenced by stats would be a perfect choice, but as you've pointed out majority of players will never be interested in that kind of thing.

I believe players stats still has some influence on manual too
I believe players stats still has some influence on manual too

Don't think we will ever know. Maybe it's down to me avoiding top teams at all and any cost, so I can't compare. But if I can easily score with teams so weak, thinking about tops make me shudder.

Doesn't matter anymore. That's it for me pretty much. Over the course of next few days we will see usual issues pop up, vast majority of old bugs not fixed, hefty amount of new ones.

Who needs that. This entire affair broke my heart as a gamer so badly, guess that's enough. To anyone who after all this shit will still decide to buy it - don't complain once you get it. You know what you are in for, another year of unpolished patch to an older game with whole host of features that either were promised and were a lie, or don't work correctly.

All I want to know at this point is why people still trust this company. What makes them believe things will progress. I can only blame sheer madness now. Just a friendly reminder: you don't have to play newest football games.

Your choice.
Looking at we7god's list, there's 79 club teams I'd potentially be bothered about editing, plus ~20 of the best international sides. And I won't be doing many, or any, GK kits. Probably just in-game editor.

Have always put much more time into doing perfect custom teams & players.
I always thought that playing manual stats influence things in the way that some players are better at making good passes or good shots than others. In fact I think assisted passing is less stat-based than manual, because the CPU interferes.

..... pre-order now !
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I always thought that playing manual stats influence things in the way that some players are better at making good passes or good shots than others. In fact I think assisted passing is less stat-based than manual, because the CPU interferes.

this is how it feels to me... but the only way it to test it out now.

I can shoot better on manual with some players over others .. I can also pass better with certain players than others on manual.. I'm pretty positive of that. the stats matter to me.. the manual control to me does nothing to reduce stats for me I always thought.. the only difference in manual control in both games to me is is radius of the left stick when aiming your direction is.. one example I can think of might be a bad example.. this is kind of like stick sensitivity when playing COD for example. You can have set to low you very precise in your aiming but.. if you set it higher and you can aim much faster and it's usually a lot harder to master.

but for the footie games for me.. alls manual does is make the game harder to play with your aim passing and shooting but also opens up more possibilities of where you can hit it. for example... with basic or advanced shooting you can not just shoot the ball across the pitch as a cross ever.. it will always go towards the goal no matter what where you have your stick.. but with manual you can actually use the shoot button to cross it if you want... as it goes in the direction of the stick.

the stats are always used imo for basic, advanced and manual...

this thought of putting is on manual overrides the stats in either game and you can just hit with authority in the top corner with a lesser player just as well as a top player with the best stats if your a master at manual is a myth to me. I have NEVER noticed this in FIFA or PES..

and If I'm wrong I would like to see video proof of this because I'm pretty sure I'm right..

also.. basic shooting on PES seems overpowered and boring as compared to previous pes versions... that's why you are seeing complaints in this regard but putting it on manual makes it totally different game and you no longer think scoring goals is boring or the shooting is boring. just my opinion
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So the people who were never interested want to cancel their pre orders

Oh gosh what will konami do?

on the stats I doubt Konami would remove them entirely - I think they have incorporated a few into one rather.

I feel every player on the demo with the same stat structure - why this is surprising now is a bit of a pisstake - it has been like this throughout the demo
That's all fair enough, and correct kits etc. is definitely better than nothing. But I was under the impression that, if they dedicated the time and money to it (which is obviously down to prioritisation and budget, so it may have been briefly considered), they could have bypassed that by implementing their own internal user-creation, file-sharing system that didn't require any external factors like PCs or USB sticks (apparently there's a wrestling game that did this?).

There's a baseball game - MLB the Show (and made by Sony actually) that allows option file sharing.
The game has a huge community on
Every year after release of the game they start working on a realistic roster. They edit all lineups, create missing players and create existing players for all minor league (say 2nd division) teams.
It takes time but in the end you can simply download that file ingame in the online roster vault section.
Some people also create rosters of legendary season like the 80's, complete with correct edited kits. Must admit that this is done with the ingame editor, and baseball teams not having sponsor names makes it easier i guess.

But, long story short, it is definately possible and not that difficult at all.
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this is how it feels to me... but the only way it to test it out now.

I can shoot better on manual with some players over others .. I can also pass better with certain players than others on manual.. I'm pretty positive of that. the stats matter to me.. the manual control to me does nothing to reduce stats for me I always thought.. the only difference in manual control in both games to me is is radius of the left stick when aiming your direction is.. one example I can think of might be a bad example.. this is kind of like stick sensitivity when playing COD for example. You can have set to low you very precise in your aiming but.. if you set it higher and you can aim much faster and it's usually a lot harder to master.

but for the footie games for me.. alls manual does is make the game harder to play with your aim passing and shooting but also opens up more possibilities of where you can hit it. for example... with basic or advanced shooting you can not just shoot the ball across the pitch as a cross ever.. it will always go towards the goal no matter what where you have your stick.. but with manual you can actually use the shoot button to cross it if you want... as it goes in the direction of the stick.

the stats are always used imo for basic, advanced and manual...

this thought of putting is on manual overrides the stats in either game and you can just hit with authority in the top corner with a lesser player just as well as a top player with the best stats if your a master at manual is a myth to me. I have NEVER noticed this in FIFA or PES..

and If I'm wrong I would like to see video proof of this because I'm pretty sure I'm right..

also.. basic shooting on PES seems overpowered and boring as compared to previous pes versions... that's why you are seeing complaints in this regard but putting it on manual makes it totally different game and you no longer think scoring goals is boring or the shooting is boring. just my opinion

Agree with you totally!
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