PES 2016 News & Discussion Thread

playing defence in top player even superstar is art, in a positive way. the more you patiently play the more addicted you become. played 3 games against top player and have 3 clean sheets :) I have to say that Levandowski is giving me headache the most, he is amazing striker and his agility really matters when he have the ball, but playing smarter and waiting him to move and get into dribling then take the ball from him gives you really good and rewarding feeling. Every game little new touches and details during gameplay pop up, I simply love it :) this game have big learning curve even for experinced players, if you try to play the game like any previous version you will concied goals really easy, this game push you to think and play it like real football, that is why i like it a lot :)
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playing defence in top player even superstar is art, in a positive way. the more you patiently play the more addicted you become. played 3 games against top player and have 3 clean sheets :) I have to say that Levandowski is giving me headache the most, he is amazing striker and his agility really matters when he have the ball, but playing smarter and waiting him to move and get into dribling then take the ball from him gives you really good and rewarding feeling. Every game little new touches and details during gameplay pop up, I simply love it :) this game have big learning curve even for experinced players, if you try to play the game like any previous version you will concied goals really easy, this game push you to think and play it like real football, that is why i like it a lot :)

totally agree on the defense... and this is how I always play PES, I love defending and closing ppl down. This is why I hated 2015 because the player response was so bad that it didn't let me close down areas I usually do. PES2016 is a great game, when you learn how to defend to shut ppl down and really control the game with defense. Love it!
It's amazing how deep this game can be. Just hope they don't fak it up come release, have to agree with a few others that passing speed and accuracy should be toned down a bit with the megastars, feels a bit too accurate, but not a gamebreaker.

100% agree with you... I hope they don't ruin anything, they should leave the gameplay exacty as is with a few more fouls and passing accuracy toned down. I also hope online is good and gives us the option of all the cameras available on the demo.
It's not the passing accuracy, as in the short pass speed accuracy, that is affecting the passing %. It is the defensive positioning and pressure. The CPU and user need to feel pressure to perform, and the best way that can be done is to increase the physicality and increase the defensive awareness through proper positioning. If a player is under pressure, it should be designed to have that pressure result in inaccurate we see IRL.
@matt10 Thats exactly what i'm finding already, when i put the CPU under a bit of pressure while simultaneously covering the zones so he has nowhere to go then chances are his pass will be off target. I've seen plenty of mishits this way from the CPU on professional (which i think is the most realistic mode, very human like because of the occasional errors and lack of ping pong passes).
@matt10 Thats exactly what i'm finding already, when i put the CPU under a bit of pressure while simultaneously covering the zones so he has nowhere to go then chances are his pass will be off target. I've seen plenty of mishits this way from the CPU on professional (which i think is the most realistic mode, very human like because of the occasional errors and lack of ping pong passes).

I would definitely agree with that, professional has always been the best balance - unfortunately it hasn't provided the challenge in the past. I hope it's more sustainable in the final version. Good post!
Finally Konami have nailed it, the magic is back! They have created the illusion that anything is possible, the animation- and physicality system allows for endless variations, the ball seems free and the teammate-AI reacts to the play you try to create, it's a pure joy! On professional level that is, on top player and above the CPU seems to be too precise in its one-time-passing, making them feel less human, taking out some of the joy.

Playing the demo on xbox360 and loving it!
It's a great effort from Konami anyway I prefer that a soccer game has faults. . perfect just can't happen... it would lose it's unpredictability and become boring very quickly!
I feel the same mate, a very satisfying game, however I'm concerned with the goal keepers, if you pay attention to the replays you'll notice they're practically on they're line especially when your attacking around the penalty area. Explains why there's sometimes that flat did getting after scoring conceding certain goals.
@matt10 Thats exactly what i'm finding already, when i put the CPU under a bit of pressure while simultaneously covering the zones so he has nowhere to go then chances are his pass will be off target. I've seen plenty of mishits this way from the CPU on professional (which i think is the most realistic mode, very human like because of the occasional errors and lack of ping pong passes).

Professional Difficulty actually does look quite good.
I do not want speed up play speed gameplay very very very good.

but we want to speed up the Shuffle and overcome another player like such as PES2013
Has anyone else tried playing matches as one of the top teams against one of the bottom, ie. Palmeiras or Corinthians? I've tried several games, and the passing accuracy of the computer is absolutely ludicrous at times. I would say, in the games I played, they averaged at least 85% passing, with several games ending with them posting an 88% clip or above (against Bayern!). The stats are one thing, but seeing it in action is just as frustrating, with all types of first-time passes being made with supreme accuracy and precision. I'm really worried that most if not all individuality has been lost in the passing game.

Looking at the game objectively, are you guys really seeing a distinct difference when you pass with a top team vs. a lower team? Though I feel like sometimes this may be the case, I don't the differences are any near drastic enough, and at worst, I have a hard time being 100% sure that the differences are really there. Individuality has always been at the heart of pro-evo, and I'm definitely worried it's starting to get lost.
i hope there is an option to put the celebrations auto since i usually rest my hands after a goal.. been doing this since we7 and when fifa implemented the controlled celebrations i never really liked it and i thought this would never happen to PES
Has anyone else tried playing matches as one of the top teams against one of the bottom, ie. Palmeiras or Corinthians? I've tried several games, and the passing accuracy of the computer is absolutely ludicrous at times. I would say, in the games I played, they averaged at least 85% passing, with several games ending with them posting an 88% clip or above (against Bayern!). The stats are one thing, but seeing it in action is just as frustrating, with all types of first-time passes being made with supreme accuracy and precision. I'm really worried that most if not all individuality has been lost in the passing game.

Looking at the game objectively, are you guys really seeing a distinct difference when you pass with a top team vs. a lower team? Though I feel like sometimes this may be the case, I don't the differences are any near drastic enough, and at worst, I have a hard time being 100% sure that the differences are really there. Individuality has always been at the heart of pro-evo, and I'm definitely worried it's starting to get lost.

Fully agree mate, im with you on this 100%.

I was just going to bring this up as well. I have recently been playing as Juve against Palmeiras and Corinthians on top player and superstar with manual pass support, and man is the cpu passing accuracy absolutely ridiculous!

Its never below 85% no matter how you play, in one game at half time against Palmeiras they had 95% passing accuracy WTF?! 'ping-pong' precision passing the whole time, very unrealistic and immersion breaking.
I honestly don't see a big difference at all playing against low level teams like Palmeiras and Corinthians versus higher ranked sides, which is a big let down.
After playing loads of matches... 2 comments.

1. This is the most addictive demo I have EVER played. Becomes better after every match.

2. I'm worried about the sliding tackle. It's just too good, and even when you get it wrong, the ref doesn't give foul!! I really hope it's just a case of making the ref more strict (as pointed out by klashman) and I hope Konami address it, otherwise this will totally ruin the game online (assuming we have good servers :P).
I don't post often on these boards if at all anymore. There are various reasons for that (mostly to do with the attitude toward pes improvements and pes problems which are blown out of proportion all the time) but that is for another time.

Onto the demo of PES2016.

It is without a doubt the best version of Pro Evo in a long long time especially when playing against mates. Against the AI it seems like it is too automated/easy to beat on every difficulty level except Superstar, which I feel is excellently balanced for long term Master League play. Maybe just adjust tendencies for CPU to attempt different passes in order to add more variety in general play, other than that it is looking likely that Master League will become something worthwhile again.

Animations are a step up from previous years too, and that always helps in order to sell the illusion of a proper football match. Physicality has drastically improved in this version of PES.

The nerfing of curling shot (R1(FIFA), R2(PES) is vital in regards to creating a sense of accomplishment when finishing a chance, it sucked out the fun of PES 2015. It was the biggest problem for Pes2015 in my opinion.

Passing feels fantastic on level 1 support, through balls take a bit getting used to but other wise it is very good in this area too. CPU does play it too safe sometimes with their passing which leads to high percentage pass completion, but pushing your team forward and adjusting your tactics usually breaks down their grip of the ball.

Graphics are good but not great. Player models look fine and players are easily identifiable, the pitch though is a tad flat but does have a nice hue to it.

Sound, I can not judge properly until the full release. At this stage its passable, and the constant chanting hurts my head.

These are just some first impressions after maybe 20 hours I have put into the demo. This game could be special depending on the final product ends up, hopefully Konami just tweak certain aspects and not get too hung up on meeting everybody's expectations. Because that is impossible.
Great thing about this demo is the positivity is growing the more people play it. .. normally at this stage a lot of us would be finding negatives everyday. Bodes well for the full game.

I wouldn't worry too much about passing or possession stats against the AI if I'm not losing I let them pass around the back all they want. They slip up eventually. Not knowing the outcome of where the ball will end up in tussles is brilliant.
playing defence in top player even superstar is art, in a positive way. the more you patiently play the more addicted you become. played 3 games against top player and have 3 clean sheets :) I have to say that Levandowski is giving me headache the most, he is amazing striker and his agility really matters when he have the ball, but playing smarter and waiting him to move and get into dribling then take the ball from him gives you really good and rewarding feeling. Every game little new touches and details during gameplay pop up, I simply love it :) this game have big learning curve even for experinced players, if you try to play the game like any previous version you will concied goals really easy, this game push you to think and play it like real football, that is why i like it a lot :)

How compact are you able to get your defence, this was my pet peeve for 2015, I have no internet this month so no demo for me I'll just get the game when it comes out :RANT:
tried a few games on the advice of B-Man on -1 speed. its totally different, the physicality, the tactics, even the stats shine through more and its still responsive

Please please please konami open zoom and height and angle

That needs to be tweeted to Adam, fo' so'!

The demo is growing on me!
Had problems with pass support level 1 but I guess it is because I used to set the cam angle on 10.
Played with the default cam and I seem to have less passes that go somewhere where I didnt want them to go.

As I like the demo a lot (specially human vs human) I couldn't help it and reinstalled PES 2015 on PC.
It's actually not as bad as I thought.
Gameplay is slower there and players have much more weight than on PES 2016.
I like the fluidity in the demo so I wouldn't want the players to have more weight.
I think it's just fine as it is in the demo.
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