PES 2015 Tactics Thread

I would love to see cpu vs cpu, but unfortunately konami took out this option from pes 2015! :(

If it still in, then maybe you can describe me how to set it up?

Only available in PC with master juce's free side select where you can move the controller to the middle.

@Klash, hmmm I think a CPUvCPU would really bring out your tactics editing.
I think CPU vs CPU is still in, you just have to press Y or triangle on the side selection screen - it's called Coach Mode as you can see at the bottom.

About the question, I think that you should do both, maybe even one half where the CPU plays and one half when you take charge (don't know if that's in the settings though).

Anyway, while it's good to observe the tactical layout when only the AI plays, I personally think no one really wants to sit and watch the AI play more than 1 game or so.

That's why it's important that you to play the game, no matter how good you are - the only thing I'd advise you is to play with teams you know. That way you know how the players behave on the pitch in real life and you can replicate that in PES - e.g. with West Ham, you can dribble with the likes of Valencia or Downing, but you should just hold up the ball or lay it off with Carroll. When I play like the real teams do, I get much more satisfaction from the game. :)
I was wondering about the terminology in the game. Is "short pass" in reality ground pass, and "long pass" really lob pass? That would make sense, because then "support range" would also make sense. For example, a combination of "short pass" and large "support range" would really mean a style of long ground passes, while "long pass" and low "support range" would mean short lob passes over defenders.

Also, without such an interpretation combinations like "short pass" and large "support range" don't make much sense, do they?

It is so. When you set to Long Pass, AI will build using long lob passes overcomming the middfield. Short pass means "building from the back" with ground passes.

Let's say, Klashman's second (Defensive) Atletico tactic is based on quick counter attacks from deep using direct, but mostly ground, passes (set to Counter-attack - Short passes - Supp. range 8).

Klashman, for me its fine however you decide about videos. Are you going to post any tactics today?
i've been at arsenal today so i'll try post the la liga teams i did today. i'll like to get a base up then i'll do weekly updates in February.

I have decided i'll do one showcase game of the week which i play. then i'll do other big games where i sim them all CPU vs CPU and do highlights.

There is a big issue with 'cpu vs cpu' the issue is there isn't any 'true' cpu vs cpu since when you do coach mode, you can still change the teams 'defensive line' tactics and the team defensively doesn't change automatically, you have to do it manually.

I think ill choose whichever team i like best when showcasing so there is 0% chance i'll ever pick chelsea or spurs and i'll rarely pick united :p
Hey guys

Great work klashman the time and effort is really appreciated. Can't wait til you post the la liga teams tactics.
One thing that's bothering me though and I wonder if any of you guys have the same problem. I edited all the premier league tactivs and was looking forward to using them in master league but when I do the default formations and tacticts appear. Am I doing something wrong or is this also happening to you guys. I set up a normal league in league mode and everything was fine with the tactics etc. But I was really looking forward to playing with them I'm master league so I'm bummed out. Am I doing something wrong or is this a problem you guys also suffer from?
No I started it after because I want to see if the problem was only restricted to Master League. And it is. But its only regarding the team that you chose when you start master League you will have to start with the default formation and tactics but the edidted tactics and formations are in tact for every team.

Looking forward to more tactics man!
Ohh ok, well that seems fine then. It's would be a little annoying but its master league so i'd assume you build your own tactics as soon as you start.

By the way I think i'm going to do the videos on this game 'Jimmy G-Force style' on zero assist playing on either professional or top player.

I can't really decide between the but im leaning towards top player. I'm fine on superstar with 1-bar but on zero assist on superstar its a bit hard. Welli can't just about cope but it's just insane, maybe if i knock the speed down would be easier.

Does anyone use the advance through ball, i just don't like it, it's just not consistent enough for me.
Dortmund and Leverkusen:


I'll upload valencia and Villarreal later, I've done pretty much all of la liga, i will push up some of the defensive lines on the offensive tactics, with the 'defensive' tactic, you can afford to make teams a touch more adventurous which helps them attack with aggression when losing.

No team will have their offensive strategy slider lower than 6. Maybe 5 in extreme cases. any lower than that especially for all out attac majes teams sit back a little too much.
Great work klashman.

When you say the offensive strategy slider cant be lower than 6 for some teams, are you referring to Support Range when making the Main Offensive tactics?

Also when I was playing with Atletico i completly destroyed Real Madrid. Atletico are really great with these tactics and formation you made but I was wonder during the game how do I switch to Main Defensive Formation? I cant seem to figure that out. And how sure are we that the CPU uses the Fluid Formations? It says its one but during the game I enter the game plan menu the tactics and formations look the same for opposition?
Great work klashman.

When you say the offensive strategy slider cant be lower than 6 for some teams, are you referring to Support Range when making the Main Offensive tactics?

Also when I was playing with Atletico i completly destroyed Real Madrid. Atletico are really great with these tactics and formation you made but I was wonder during the game how do I switch to Main Defensive Formation? I cant seem to figure that out. And how sure are we that the CPU uses the Fluid Formations? It says its one but during the game I enter the game plan menu the tactics and formations look the same for opposition?

just make sure you turn on fluid formation,cpu will adjust their tactics according the process of the game.for example,cpu scored a goal in around 70 mins and it became 1:0 that time,then cpu may change to defensive tactic,it will show a signal when they change their tactics on the bottom left/right side I think.
Great work klashman.

When you say the offensive strategy slider cant be lower than 6 for some teams, are you referring to Support Range when making the Main Offensive tactics?

Also when I was playing with Atletico i completly destroyed Real Madrid. Atletico are really great with these tactics and formation you made but I was wonder during the game how do I switch to Main Defensive Formation? I cant seem to figure that out. And how sure are we that the CPU uses the Fluid Formations? It says its one but during the game I enter the game plan menu the tactics and formations look the same for opposition?

Press up or down on the D-Pad to switch from offensive to defensive and custom ingame.

Funny you say you smashed Real with Atletico because the first match of the week being uploaded is that game and to say the result is very, interesting, infact the match itself is interesting to say the least.

Its CPU vs CPU, i'll do a mix of CPU vs CPU and Me playing. Every week i'll do one full length match, other matches will be highlights.

Here is the match itself HOW DO YOU EMBED VIDEOS??????????
YouTube - Match of the Week! PES 2015 Real Madrid vs Atlético Madrid (CPU vs CPU)
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very good video,but imo Atlético Madrid should be very good in defense.idk if any tactics can make a better defense but also not lose too much on offense.maybe we need to upgrade Atlético's players stats to have a better ability on defense.

how the %uck do I use formations from Data 2 (or any data other than Data 1) when playing online divisions?

Is it possible? I looked around and couldn't find a way.

One thing I tried but didn't work:
- I set Data 2 as my main data in Options. Didn't work like i said.

Btw this forum has the most retarded registration procedure I have ever went thru in my 15 years internet experience.

These random questions I had to answer:
"What type of fish created WE (and PES)?"
My anwser: "what's wrong with you"

Another question:
"which version of PES was released last year?"
Answers I tried, none of them worked: '2014', '2015', 'PES 2014', 'PES 2015'

and another one
"Who develops and releases PES?"
I answer 'konami' and it's incorrect. Later I realized I should have written 'Konami'.

phewww,,, hopefully someone can answer my problem with Data 2.

Great day everybody, excuse my attitude, I'm just a bit pissed off. ^^
very good video,but imo Atlético Madrid should be very good in defense.idk if any tactics can make a better defense but also not lose too much on offense.maybe we need to upgrade Atlético's players stats to have a better ability on defense.

Yes and no. Their defense and offense is good enough, it was just on of those games, I've tried atletico vs big teams and they are really hard to beat. one issue is when your doing cpu vs cpu, you control 1 team and your responsible for their defensive line, i didn't change atletico to their defensive style and they got overrun.

Where your right is that the stats are fucking terrible in this game.
Yes, Atletico with these tactics is a defensive machine, either to play with them or against. Take into consideration that in that video they play against Real using their Offensive formation, and that wouldn't happen in real life.

Also, these who struggle in defense, shouldn't underestimate the Containment Area setting. If you face a team that attacks through the middle, set it to Middle, then your players will press oposition in the middle more, also cover the gaps there. The opposite with Wide. I would say this is probably the most important defensive setting to set correctly.
Hey !!! Play with Superstar Difficult , the CB feeling slowly to Pressing then CF shot to easy , any issuse to defend ???
really enjoyed your tactics so far,especially for some teams that are not super team like Valencia,Bayer Levekusen,Everton.Im not saying that the tactics of super teams like real madrid,barcelona,bayern munich are not good,but I found more interesting to against those smaller teams and they are more challenging for me and they play very reasonable and beautiful football imo.maybe i played too much against super teams and now i found that those smaller teams with your tactics are more challenging and interesting!different play style from different teams are amazing!
one issue is when your doing cpu vs cpu, you control 1 team and your responsible for their defensive line, i didn't change atletico to their defensive style and they got overrun.

I think there is an option in the Game Plan menu under the heading of Auto Trigger settings -> Change Preset Tactics. If you set it to ON the AI will switch your teams Tactics to Main (offensive) and Defensive just like it would do with the CPU team you're playing against.
really enjoyed your tactics so far,especially for some teams that are not super team like Valencia,Bayer Levekusen,Everton.Im not saying that the tactics of super teams like real madrid,barcelona,bayern munich are not good,but I found more interesting to against those smaller teams and they are more challenging for me and they play very reasonable and beautiful football imo.maybe i played too much against super teams and now i found that those smaller teams with your tactics are more challenging and interesting!different play style from different teams are amazing!

Thanks, yeah i know where your coming from. be sure to enjoy playing with the la liga sides I've done and will be uploaded soon, the great thing is the variety, which is the biggest thing for me, when your playing vs a variety of different strategies you have to adapt and it creates so many possible variables.

I think there is an option in the Game Plan menu under the heading of Auto Trigger settings -> Change Preset Tactics. If you set it to ON the AI will switch your teams Tactics to Main (offensive) and Defensive just like it would do with the CPU team you're playing against.

Yeah, i use that but the defensive line is still dictated by you with using the D-Pad to play offside or drop deep, there is a substantial difference compared to simply 'watch exhibition' where everything is managed by the cpu and you have 0 input whatsoever.

So you do get a slight advantage depending on how much input i make.
Match of the Week! PES 2015 Real Madrid vs Atletico Madrid (CPU vs CPU)

Three out of these five goals are the result of the same defensive mistake by the AI: a defender breaking out of the back four, leaving a gap that is utilised to break through immediately or shortly after the defender makes the mistake.

It's perhaps the easiest to see in the last example, but they are all from the same mould. Fifa 15 had the same glitch until the last patch, where they fixed it. I don't know if Konami have realised that they have this issue in their product. Anybody listening?

Incidentally a superstar-level player named David Luiz did this a couple of times in the World Cup last year against Germany. I'm sure we all remember how that turned out. :D Here's a good example; this is in fact a high velocity breakout:

(Don't get me wrong, I still prefer PES over Fifa. But they could fix this.)
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Well spotted.

I think the issue comes back to what i been saying since the game was released and players just aren't on their toes enough, they are too flat footed. also in 2013 when this happened another player usually swapped roles quickly to cover the hole, this doesn't happen quickly enough in this game because the formations and tactical sliders are more rigid.

I've been looking at PES 2014 this week which is so annoying, i cannot understand STILL despite having the same specifications PES 2014 looks better than fucking PES 2015 on the PS4 and FIFA 15 on the PS4, let alone the graphic farce on PC. Its the graphic quality and especially the shirt physics which move properly and look wonderful, things like te crowd also and turf, miles better. Seems Konami spent all year on gameplay and didn't work on anything else at all. (stadiums ahhemm.

One thing i noticed was how the players and how they moved within their formation was more natural and less rigid than 2015. Obviously its a broken game and the gameplay is almost unplayable but like the previous PES games the tactics serve the game better in how players interchange positions to cover holes.

I'd say the only problem was the formations where a little volatile compared to 2015 which is organised very well. I expect konami to open the game up again for this quality base given to us from 2015.
You know, i did the entire championship then the update ruined my old edit.bin

I think i'll do it, but the majority of teams will be basic route 1 power football.
Great& unique job kman69!!!

Wish you do Inter soon.

Anyway, a friend of mine, who is doing extremely well with Real Madrid on line (barely 50 matches over 75% win) is playing 4-3-1-2 with a diamond shape at the center. Both sides use LMF and RMF.

Your suggestion is quite different.
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