PES 2015 Discussion Thread (PS4/XB1)

Strange, I have an Xbox 1 as well and have no problem whatsoever, just checked it to be sure.
I have a Samsung HDready TV and I play at 720p.

That be the problem then. I am playing on a full hd bush tv 1080p

All other games look great on it
Hope PES 2015 on PC with 1440p and maybe some patches will be state of the art this year.

I´m quite sure it will be.

Played 3 games yesterday (PS3) and I quite like it.
It hasn´t caught me yet completely, but I feel there is some potential.

I know I gotta play about 30+ games to be able making a final conclusion and maybe being thrilled much more.

I´m gonna give it much more time for sure.

The AI is really nice. Barca gave me a hard time on superstar (2:5) and Bousqets had been sent off after he fouled me in the box (2nd yellow card, sent off).

So anybody who says the AI never fouls, please let us know on what difficulty you are playing and against what team.
I suggest going by superstar.

I don´t think that the PS3 version looks that bad. For sure it´s not a beauty but it´s a PS3 after all.
The gameplay is right though and I like the animations.
Gotta agree about the odd ball physics on long flat passes.

I´m not worried about the PC version anymore as I´m sure gameplay will be the same and at the end of the day that one could be the best looking one with a little help from the modders.

A few pages ago some people said that there are differences in animations between PS3 and PS4.
Would be cool if they could elaborate more on that as I didn´t see any difference so far.
@chiefrocka4real I have no faith in this forum anymore :LOL: I had a moment a few days ago where I Messi dribbled my way past 3 (maybe 4 if you count the last guy sliding to stop the shot) I save it on my phone with intent to upload it for you chaps to show how great his ID is and find a post saying Messi doesn't appear as good s everyone else.

So I tell myself post it up and get picked apart for one defender who was wrong footed and on the replay looks unresponsive or just delete it to save effort. I deleted it.

You just can't guage on evo-web anymore or any other forum for that matter
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No matter how hard i try, but i can't do that on my ps4, as soon as i pass the midfield the gk goes back into the goal post...
Edit: and these are all replays, it means he could be playing versus a human pushing triangle all the time.

Scored a few of those myself from in and around the center circle, while playing the PS4 version. The first time I did it I was pretty impressed with myself. After about the fifth time I realized something wasn't right...
no xbox 360 demo because we shit on you, we players on the PC

and I shit on konami, I buy fifa

konami the shit load does not get a cent from me, I wish all can play a lot of fu
is there any sort of skills tutorial video for this yet? i'm aware that/think they're not on the right stick anymore.
Also, i read in previews that there was a new "jinking run", any idea of how to accomplish this?
many thanks
Enjoying it now I'm rid of the bad habits i picked up from playing the fifa demo.
Apart from the total lack of fouls and the rocket shots, shots are way overpowered.
Also playing on ps4 and i can't really say it's next gen graphics, maybe I should try the ps3 version to get a better idea.
Still the game is looking good so far so plenty of time for Konami to fix/break it :D
no xbox 360 demo because we shit on you, we players on the PC

and I shit on konami, I buy fifa

konami the shit load does not get a cent from me, I wish all can play a lot of fu

Seems like you have a very strange obsession with sewage collection and disposal.
I'm not liking very much this demo by now, but probably it's because I don't master the controls at all, so I wil put the things that annoy me in the hope some of you pes ninjas can give me some advice how to avoid that.

Some of them represent what I truly hate about sports games but are always present to a degree, and I know AI development isn't yet to the point of avoid them, but still...

I play in Superstar with 1 bar assist for passing.

CPU Patterns
CPU constantly doing great pixel-perfect long passes / through passes that rip appart my defenders. Most of the time defense awareness is laughable and doing the typical "water split" movement leaving the striker ALONE between them. Most of the goals of the CPU are like this and is fustrating. I've tried many tactical tweaks to no luck. It's boring and not stat-based, which kills the experience. Any tips about it?

Physical play
I find this one of the most fustrating things in the game. The physical game is terrible and I don't know if it's the game's fault or mine. When the CPU has the ball if I press from behind, no matter the players involved, my defender just hits a field force and even fall while the attacker continues his run as if nothing has happened, which is quite poor. Many times I have players barging the attacker to no luck, they can effortlessly continue running with my player hanging from their neck and pass and move with perfect control of the ball. There's no way no push someone from behind, yet the CPU do it to me constantly. Which are the keys to press, when and how?

Speed /catch up
When I sprint with a fast player (Neymar, Messi...) I tend to get caught. Most time my player will stutter through the run a bit, enough to let the defender catch him. Is there a way to prevent it / improve the flow of the run?

Trapping / Accelerating
When I trap the ball, the player is always slowed down. Specially fustrating with long balls. What do I have to do to trap the ball ahead without losing my speed?

Teammates awareness
The awareness of players is abysmal sometimes. The ball passing next to them and they ignoring it. Or the passing between their legs in a funny way. Is there anything I can do to make them intercept the ball? Is it just down to stats? Because it happens to players randomnly, I don't see much difference.

Deffense - Midfield hole
This is my Nemesis with football games. When attacking and being on the opponent's half, the space between midfield and defense is always a big black hole. There are patterns that allow the opponent strikers to ALWAYS receive alone between midfield and defenders. It doesn't matter if I have 4 defenders and there's just 1 striker. He will always be left alone and CPU (or a human player) can safely pass to him anytime to start a counter, which leads to cuonterattacking being too effective in the game due to poor positioning by defenders and DMCs. This is specifically fustrating when certain scenarios happen again and again:

- I spend some time building up play, end up crossing from the sideline. If the CPU clears the ball, it always go to a empty space between midfield (that too many times it's roaming the penalty area no matter what after a long build up) and deffense and there's always the striker to receive and start the counter, with my 4 defenders 10 meters away watching it from the halfline and my DMC missing in action. This scenario happens too often. The defendersd and midfielders do a terrible use of space and numbers, which means that eventually it all falls down to always a 1vs1 game even if I had 4 defenders for only 1 striker there.

At least, if the defender was near enough to the striker or I could somehow tackle strikers from behind... This has happened in nearly every published PES!

There are many good things in the game, but the poor ball physics, the plain shooting mechanics and this things are annoying me to the point of not wanting to play, and I really want to find the good points of it before deciding if I buy PES or FIFA (or none and simply play NBA 2K as last year).

Thanks for the tips guys!
is there any sort of skills tutorial video for this yet? i'm aware that/think they're not on the right stick anymore.
Also, i read in previews that there was a new "jinking run", any idea of how to accomplish this?
many thanks

ok i found the skill commands in the menu screen (they're still on the right stick)

i still can't find any instructions for the jinking run, anyone have any idea how to do it?
lobbed throughball - Have you tried pushing d pad backwards to make your d-line drop back? It works for me

Also on tackling why you tackling through the back? Run alongside and disposses you don't even have to press any buttons just use your weight. Be wary of the players with mad balance though.
PES 2015 is that what PES 2014 should be like. Year wasted by KONAMI.

If you want to compare PS4/XOne just take a picture in the same moment of both. Like beginning of the match at middle circle or in main menu while choosing teams.
The problem is you still feel like your never in total control and your fighting it...super cancel as well(still)...such a throwback to the ps2 days and it's not needed in modern football games with analog control.

So much good but its still frustrating...

Defending is just such a slog compared to when you have the ball,when it should be the other way round.

I'm still really enjoying the demo but fluidity and response needs a lot of work especially while not in possession of the ball.
After about 60 games I'm starting to get that on rails feeling as well...I just want to be more free and be able to really bite forwards in defence and go toe to toe.

The collisions are lovely though and the way players fall.
The problem is you still feel like your never in total control and your fighting it...super cancel as well(still)...such a throwback to the ps2 days and it's not needed in modern football games with analog control.

So much good but its still frustrating...

Defending is just such a slog compared to when you have the ball,when it should be the other way round.

I'm still really enjoying the demo but fluidity and response needs a lot of work especially while not in possession of the ball.

agreed totally im on ps3 version tho
PES 2015 is that what PES 2014 should be like. Year wasted by KONAMI.

If you want to compare PS4/XOne just take a picture in the same moment of both. Like beginning of the match at middle circle or in main menu while choosing teams.

Every year somebody says this and I'm sure someone will next year again. We just need to make peace with the fact that Konami are a year behind and so we will always be. Its a new Konami calendar we are on now.
The problem is you still feel like your never in total control and your fighting it...super cancel as well(still)...such a throwback to the ps2 days and it's not needed in modern football games with analog control.

So much good but its still frustrating...

Defending is just such a slog compared to when you have the ball,when it should be the other way round.

I'm still really enjoying the demo but fluidity and response needs a lot of work especially while not in possession of the ball.

Agree completely with both points. Ridiculous that supercancel is still in there. Makes me think Konami are still using essentially the same gameplay engine they've been using for years now. And defending should always be an easier task than scoring goals.
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I find it quite odd that KONAMI has taken out the bodyweight-shifting feature.
When I attack a player I still wanna hold the right stick against him, as I´m used to it.
That was actually a good feature.
Even L1 + right stick for player switching did work well for me with the latest patches.

I guess you can add that to the list of the things were KONAMI listens too much to the people.
I remember that a lot of people were complaining about it on PES 2014 as it didn´t work properly.

At the end they got it right and instead of working on it and making people get used to it, they took it out completely.

These guys...
Looks very similar to FUT.

PES 2015 - Information about MyClub
Source: Link (not verified, but seems like "konami writing style")

In myClub, your aim is to build an all-conquering team by acquiring the right players and managers.

Your first objective is to play matches and earn GP as well as acquiring agents.
Competitions may provide a stern challenge, but the rewards can be huge if you do well.
The GP and agents you accumulate can then help you bring in the players and managers which you need to strengthen your team.

The chemistry between your players and managers is a huge factor in building a team. The quickest way to success would be to just acquire players and managers who share the same Team Instructions.
"Team Spirit" is a very potent weapon for any potential giant killer.

Please note that players and managers are bound to contracts that dictate the number of matches they can take part in.
Once expired, they will be unavailable for selection.
Contracts however, can be renewed at any time and once you have a new deal in place, they can be selected again.
Always keep a watchful eye on your finances and make sure you spend wisely.

The types of matches you can play in myClub are as follows:

Play a series of 10 game seasons with teams being promoted and relegated based on their final standings. The higher the division, the harsher the conditions are to get promoted. Have you got what it takes to make it to the very top?

In coach mode, you will only make the team's tactical decisions such as selecting strategies or making substitutions as opposed to having to actually control any players who are on the pitch.
So, if you never saw yourself as the type to beat online opponents through quick reflexes and dexterity, use your guile and tactical nous instead.

Play against clubs created by other online users which are controlled by the COM.
You will play a series of 6 matches and if you earn more than 10 points, your level increases. The higher your level, the stronger the teams you will face.
The 6 matches will comprise of 3 home games and 3 away games.

Competitions attract a large number of users who are all fighting for top spot.
All entrants are required to play a series of matches in the Qualifying Round with the best performers advancing to the Knockout Phase.

You can acquire both GP and agents after completing matches of any type.
The amount of GP you are awarded can vary depending on results.

A Squad can comprise of up to 23 players: the starting eleven, 7 substitutes and 5 reserves.
The minimum size of a Squad is 19 including the manager.
You are unable to play matches if any one of the selected squad members meet the below conditions.
・The player or manager's contract has expired
・There are empty slots in either the starting lineup or the sub's bench
・A suspended player has been included
In such cases, select [Squad Management] and check player / manager status.

Choice of Team Instructions and Formations are both entirely dependant on your manager.
As you can register up to 10 Squads, try testing out different player / manager combinations in order to find your ideal setup.

The ways in which you can sign players are as described below.
Choose whichever method which suits your club's situation best.

<Signing players using agents>
Players can only be signed on a permanent basis through agents.
There are 2 types of agents, ones which can be obtained by just playing matches and "Top Agents" for which you can pay either by GP or myClub Coins.
If you are using the former, you can use multiple agents when signing players. This can increase the chances of you signing big players.
While Top Agents require GP or myClub Coins to hire, they can drastically improve your odds when trying to sign quality players.
Agents all have their own strengths and will generally bring in players that are a good match to their specialist fields. However, please note that this may not be always the case, especially when you hire multiple agents.

<Loan transfer>
Players can also be brought in on loan.
The advantage of signing someone on loan is that you can bring in quality without having to use agents. However, the below restrictions apply:
・Players will leave once their loan spells end and their contracts cannot be renewed.
・Loaned players do not count as squad players. For example, the minimum Squad size of 18 cannot be made up of just loan signings.
Players are also only available on loan for limited periods and will be taken off the loan list once the period ends.

If you want to check who you signed, select [myClub Members].
Make sure that you don't forget to register any newly signed players to your Squad by selecting [Squad Management] if you want to use them in matches.

You can hire managers by using either GP or myClub Coins.
Any manager you hire will be listed in [myClub Members].

Some great managers may be locked.
These managers cannot be hired using GP and only by playing a number of matches will they become available.
However, locks can be instantly disabled if you choose to spend myClub Coins.
A great manager is essential to get the most out of great players.
As you can keep 20 managers on your books, this should afford you the flexibility to have team setups for all types of opponents.

Finally, manager lists are updated daily. So, if you see someone you like shortlisted, it would be best to move quickly and hire him.

Each manager has his own set of specialist team instructions that also applies to players.
Keep Team Spirit high by signing players who have a high tactical fit with the manager's strategies.
Aside from instructions, the other factors which can affect Team Spirit are player's playing styles, skills and positional compatibility (whether or not players are being played in their correct positions).
A high Team Spirit ensures good team work amongst the players which can more than make up what's lacking in players' individual skills.
Try testing out how certain player - manager combinations affect Team Spirit in [Squad Management].

To check the level of tactical fit of all players who are registered to your Squad, have a look in [myClub Members] - [Squad List].
It will be strongly advisable to do this when you have just brought in new players or managers.

Play a series of 10 game seasons with teams being promoted and relegated based on their final standings.
As Divisions take into consideration the record of users who belong to them, including what Division you play for in the Matchmaking Conditions can help in looking for suitable opponents.
The higher the division, the harsher the conditions are to get promoted but the more GP you can earn at the same time.
Have you got what it takes to make it to the very top?

Records and results that decide which division you play in are kept separately by match type.
i.e. Match records from DIVISIONS and DIVISIONS (SIM) are kept separately.

<Team Strength>
Team Strength is the combined total of the Overall Ratings of all players on the team's books.
It can be seen as an indication of the team's basic potential.

<Team Strength Level>
There are 5 levels of Team Strength. Team Strength Levels are used as one of the many conditions in matchmaking.

In myClub, fatigue builds up in proportion to playing time.
To help tired players recover, you can rest them and avoid playing them for extended spells.
Always keep an eye on players' fatigue levels in [Squad Management] and rotate your squad as you see fit.
You can also use items or myClub Coins for instant stamina recovery. These decisions could prove key if there are crunch games coming up including competitions where you badly need your best players.

Login rewards
The amount of times you log in to myClub is counted on a daily basis and you will receive rewards accordingly. Counts go up to day 9 then the loop starts again. The day counts are for total days as opposed to consecutive days where you have logged in.
Scored a few of those myself from in and around the center circle, while playing the PS4 version. The first time I did it I was pretty impressed with myself. After about the fifth time I realized something wasn't right...

Hey mate, i can't do it, i tried lot of times but nothing, i'm using the japanese demo, which one are you using?
Every year somebody says this and I'm sure someone will next year again. We just need to make peace with the fact that Konami are a year behind and so we will always be. Its a new Konami calendar we are on now.
More than year to be fair. PES2014 isn't even on the same technical level as FIFA08.
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