PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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I don't know if this is because I play manual, but I have not once made a first time shot in the box. Not a single header from a cross/corner.

Am I doing something wrong?
I don't know if this is because I play manual, but I have not once made a first time shot in the box. Not a single header from a cross/corner.

Am I doing something wrong?

Happens with assisted too. Though I was able to score a few headers in the meantime (quite satisfying actually) it's infuriating how often my players ignore my pressing square in the box on ground balls. They simple knock the ball ahead every time until it's collected by the opposition or the angle becomes to steep. Even successful shots are usually preceded by an unnecessary additional touch.

My suspicion is that Konamis queuing of animations is the culprit. You double press R1 to sprint past the defence in the box and by the time you want to shoot the animation engine is still busy with processing the earlier button presses and then the game situation has changed so that a shot can't be performed anymore. Doesn't help that the wind-up animation seems painfully slow.

Really needs to be addressed, imo.
Have scored lots of back heel and flick goals myself as well. Overused and starts to look terrible hen you see it time after time. Seems anyone can do it because Gareth Barry scored my last one.

Same here. First one was: 'Did you see that?!!' now it's just like 'Yeah, another lovely...'
Happens with assisted too. Though I was able to score a few headers in the meantime (quite satisfying actually) it's infuriating how often my players ignore my pressing square in the box on ground balls. They simple knock the ball ahead every time until it's collected by the opposition or the angle becomes to steep.......

Worked great in the demo though. So many things that needs to be ironed out. This game is bipolar. Either fantastic, or horrible. Never something in between.
Is anyone else finding they can pull of really good dribbles using R1 and tapping R2 to only slightly change direction?

There is a forward for Boca who I managed to run from kick off on Top Player past 5 players and scored. This doesn't sound very good game play wise, but the other team really tried to take him out and twice nearly knocked him off his feet and even had to put a hand on the floor, but he kept going.

There is also a left winger at Valencia who seems equally good at this
PES 2011 was the last PES that features so many cool soundtrack. Since they added more licenses the number of soundtrack is dwindling.

Clearly they're working with limited budget.
Is anyone else finding they can pull of really good dribbles using R1 and tapping R2 to only slightly change direction?

There is a forward for Boca who I managed to run from kick off on Top Player past 5 players and scored. This doesn't sound very good game play wise, but the other team really tried to take him out and twice nearly knocked him off his feet and even had to put a hand on the floor, but he kept going.

There is also a left winger at Valencia who seems equally good at this

Haven't tried that dribbling technique, but they say there's some kind of kick-off-run-through bug on higher difficulty levels? Haven't tried it so can't say.

I really don't mind the sparseness of soundtrack, since they let you put your own songs in, but I realise that is not something a lot of people like, want or can be bothered to do. It's not really the player's/buyer's responsibility to do that. It would be great if every new game would introduce awesome music while delivering great gameplay a la PES5, but on a personal level I'm content.
I'm getting lots of fouls, mainly off the back of feints or R3 turns. Cynical, but they are getting punished. I've had lots of free-kicks, shame I fucking detest this new system.

Atletico 2-1 Boca, 1st leg at home. Boca are playing some beautiful football.

Confirmed: into second year as Utrecht ML not a single injury or penalty, and, frankly, hardly any fouls.

I'm in my second year of ML and have had no injuries either (not even any where they go off for treatment :( ). However, I am seeing lots of fouls. I think the number of fouls depends on how you play. Early on in the game as I was not yet 'up to speed' with the dribbling, I was mainly trying to pass and play my way around the defence without getting too close (as I always lost the ball in a rough tackle, which the ref deems fair).
Now, as I've gotten more confident in the dribbling, I'm more often either beating the defender, or drawing a foul when they try to stop me (had a great moment where I knock the ball past but am stopped dead standing, it looked very realistic). I've had 2 or 3 pens since I've improved at this aspect of the game, even one sending off from 2 yellows.

I think the problem with fouls is that it's a little too easy for a player to be pushed off the ball without a foul being called. Only calling fouls when the game deems that you've beaten the player and THEN he's pushed you. I'd prefer slightly more sensitive referee's, but they would need to tone down the barging a little then, otherwise it would be constant freekicks for me :)

PS. Jimmy, my first ever goal in MLO was one of those backheels, not scored one since!

PPS. Has anyone else noticed that a large portion of R2 (RT xbox) shots hit the post? I seem to be doing this most of the time (Basic shooting).
I've got a couple of absolutely beautiful goals I need to upload. One's a Zaha pearler, winning the ball back just inside the Citeh half, giving and going to Fellaini who passes forward to Rooney. Roo then lays the ball off for Zaha to strike first time, swerving and dipping to crash in off the underside of the bar. The spin of the ball from hitting the crossbar is what makes the goal so satisfying to watch.

The other is a great team move finishing with a lovely advanced through-ball flick into space for Ashley Young to run onto at pace, use supercancel to take the ball ahead of the defender and dink the ball exquisitely over the keeper. Initially I was worried that they'd removed these (though they were way overpowered before), but they're alive and well on L1, and the dinking animation is particularly glorious.

I even had a couple of decent games of MLO last night, laggy but not nearly as bad as it was over the weekend. Managed to win 4 in a row and absolutely demolish a guy who was using a 4-1-5 of fast attackers.

Honestly, the game is flawed brilliance. It just needs to work on aspects of spontaneity (R1 dummies seem unreliable, for instance, sometimes the right stick skills just don't seem to happen, and does anybody know how to do the classic PES turn-and-let-the-ball-run-on-rather-than-take-a-touch? Used to be R1 and the direction the ball is running!), and there are clear issues with L1 player switching / NPC player awareness. But, this engine is already leaps and bounds ahead of where we were last year, and is going to be utterly phenomenal in a couple of years.

Now if only Konami could sort out everything else around the gameplay...
I've got a couple of absolutely beautiful goals I need to upload. One's a Zaha pearler, winning the ball back just inside the Citeh half, giving and going to Fellaini who passes forward to Rooney. Roo then lays the ball off for Zaha to strike first time, swerving and dipping to crash in off the underside of the bar. The spin of the ball from hitting the crossbar is what makes the goal so satisfying to watch.

The other is a great team move finishing with a lovely advanced through-ball flick into space for Ashley Young to run onto at pace, use supercancel to take the ball ahead of the defender and dink the ball exquisitely over the keeper. Initially I was worried that they'd removed these (though they were way overpowered before), but they're alive and well on L1, and the dinking animation is particularly glorious.

I even had a couple of decent games of MLO last night, laggy but not nearly as bad as it was over the weekend. Managed to win 4 in a row and absolutely demolish a guy who was using a 4-1-5 of fast attackers.

Honestly, the game is flawed brilliance. It just needs to work on aspects of spontaneity (R1 dummies seem unreliable, for instance, sometimes the right stick skills just don't seem to happen, and does anybody know how to do the classic PES turn-and-let-the-ball-run-on-rather-than-take-a-touch? Used to be R1 and the direction the ball is running!), and there are clear issues with L1 player switching / NPC player awareness. But, this engine is already leaps and bounds ahead of where we were last year, and is going to be utterly phenomenal in a couple of years.

Now if only Konami could sort out everything else around the gameplay...

It will be as long as balanced feed back is given.

Just had a post PES turn up on my facebook page asking for what combined tactic people prefered. 95% Of feed back was stuff like "PES is shit FIFA is much better", "PES2013>PES2014", "You cannot dribble or shoot" etc..

There is a video of PES and Fifa side by side on youtube. PES looks like it from 2 generations of hardward ahead. They just need to get videos of the game play infront of people
You shouldn't patronize him. The actual fact is that that you only accept criticism from a couple of members that i would call the unreserved fans. There is nothing wrong with those people, but regardless how bad the game is, those people will always like it.

You are very elitist in discussions about PES. Only the opinions of the inner crowd matter to you. You are perfectly entitled to feel like that, but maybe you should think twice before making it so obvious in your posts.

To me this is the first decent PES in years and although i like it very much, to be honest it is a disgrace that a company can ship out a game like this as a retail version. Konami don't care about their customers at all (look at the transfers, there should have been a transfer patch on day one, also the fact that base copy has disappeared from the game, the fact that last years there was no league mode, in can go on endlessly with other examples). What i'm trying to say is that it is very important that customers criticize Konami, it gives them feed back (i know i have posted in this thread that it is very difficult to get a clear signal if people start to love the game, then hate it and then love it again, but maybe the conclusion should be that the game has issues that should be adressed asap and not in a couple of weeks). We have payed for this game you know. No disrespect meant.

Jimmy, i've beaten your Atletico Mineiro in the semi-finals of the Coppa and know have to face Sao Paolo in the final (i play with Newell's Old Boys).

Are you talking to me? Or the one who was asked to go and learn the game? I was trying to support the guy who was offering criticism. The criticism is legitimate if repetitive.

Elitist? Unreserved fans?

Get a grip. I offer criticism freely. I despised 2013. I'm trying to help...your disrespect was certainly meant and unnecessary. I meant that previous post sincerely. I thought he was being bullied. If you couldn't catch my tone, I understand. If you could but still decided to make accusations, then, well....
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Bah, I just can't score long shots. I've hit some absolute screamers but the keepers seem to pluck everything (from 20 yards plus) out of the air. Likewise I've never scored an R2 shot any further out than ten yards or so. I'm on basic shooting. Any tips for the long range-challenged??
I don't know if this is because I play manual, but I have not once made a first time shot in the box. Not a single header from a cross/corner.

Am I doing something wrong?

Able to hit a one timer on manual shooting, I really think its a timing thing. But headers I have no clue, I'm on ps3 and I will hold square, or tap square and the result is the same my forward does not get off the ground and actually does nothing.

I play 0 pass assist, advanced through ball, manual shoot. Manual teamate control . My son plays with advanced shoot and 1 pass assist, advanced through ball and has no issues with heading
I think I was awarded a peno this morning for a handball, took a shot in the box and the ball hit a player. The ref stopped play and awarded a peno while the defenders were protesting and pointing to their arms as if to suggest ball to hand.
I can't see any other reason because nobody had tackled my players.
I said it has an expression, I´m free to do it. Besides, lots of people here complain about things that in reality only show that they haven´t played the game like its supose to.

maybe they dont like how its supposed to be played?
its all fine to say all the things that are good or made better, but its the surface, its still about the joy playing a game, its still a game
Bah, I just can't score long shots. I've hit some absolute screamers but the keepers seem to pluck everything (from 20 yards plus) out of the air. Likewise I've never scored an R2 shot any further out than ten yards or so. I'm on basic shooting. Any tips for the long range-challenged??

Advanced shooting seems to be the best way to score them from range. Since one you practice enough you move the target along in a way the keeper has difficulties getting to :) ;)

It's hard, to hard almost impossible on basic.

Dunno about manual, heard its broken, better to use L2 manual shot.
Bah, I just can't score long shots. I've hit some absolute screamers but the keepers seem to pluck everything (from 20 yards plus) out of the air. Likewise I've never scored an R2 shot any further out than ten yards or so. I'm on basic shooting. Any tips for the long range-challenged??

Same here, no long range shots that I start on my own, like coming with a player and putting him in the right direction to shot (mostly with CR7), but I did score once from a rebound of ball coming from corners. Normal long shots are only catched by keepers, strange enough the keeper sometimes just let go slow shot in, you can see he touched the ball but it still went in, but powerful shot are all catched.

Home someone will give tips.

Had good games in ML with Arsenal last night, although the one win Man City went slow mo just after scoring the winning 1-0 goal , overall +1 Love to PES 2014 :P
So playing on xbox, things ive noticed:

Finally able to choose ball type online. Hallellujah.

Played a game of MLO. Lag was bearable BUT sometimes my players would pass the ball first time without me pressing pass. WTF. Anyone else have this happen?

When i try to play quick match i get a message that says that the PES server is not available. Weird

Keepers are generally good and pull off some great saves at times but other times it is ridiculous the goals they let in. I wonder if it is related to the "heart" feature

Ball physics are easy the best in any footie game. So much variety

They finally got finesse shot animations right with players opening their bodies like in PES 2010.

Commentary is THE WORST EVER. and thats saying slomething. If i hear "some hopeful faces waiting in the midldle" one more time I will fly to the UK just to punch Champion in the nuts.
Advanced shooting seems to be the best way to score them from range. Since one you practice enough you move the target along in a way the keeper has difficulties getting to :) ;)

It's hard, to hard almost impossible on basic.

Dunno about manual, heard its broken, better to use L2 manual shot.

I found the opposite to be honest, Advanced Shooting never gave me the power I was looking for. Hence the reason I switched to Basic.

It is very hard now to score from distance, not impossible just very hard.

I've only scored a couple myself, but I do prefer this, and find it more realistic and rewarding.
Jimmy, i've beaten your Atletico Mineiro in the semi-finals of the Coppa and know have to face Sao Paolo in the final (i play with Newell's Old Boys).

Good show Gerd.

I went 3-nil down to Sao Paolo in the 1st Leg of the Semi's, it all looked dead and buried. I then switched it up tactically, and pulled two goals back. The game was in their back-yard, so hopefully tonight I can turn it around on home soil. I must admit, playing at home seems to give a very obvious advantage. Whether it be the crowd,atmosphere or the 'Heart' thing, something is certainly happening. And I like it. :)

And Rom, I have always pressed R2 and pushed the stick in the direction you wish the ball to follow in previous PES games to do the move you're looking for. I've not tried it much at all in this version, as I'm using R3 for those First-Touch turns. They work a treat, and there are so many different variations of the move. Pushing in the Right Stick then pushing the relevant direction on the left stick has produced some amazing turns.

YouTube - R3 Turn
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maybe they dont like how its supposed to be played?
its all fine to say all the things that are good or made better, but its the surface, its still about the joy playing a game, its still a game

Totally agree with you. But still, I talked about people who don´t know the game well enough, but refuse to admit they don´t like it. Instead they say the game is crap, wich is not true.
Are you talking to me? Or the one who was asked to go and learn the game? I was trying to support the guy who was offering criticism. The criticism is legitimate if repetitive.

Elitist? Unreserved fans?

Get a grip. I offer criticism freely. I despised 2013. I'm trying to help...your disrespect was certainly meant and unnecessary. I meant that previous post sincerely. I thought he was being bullied. If you couldn't catch my tone, I understand. If you could but still decided to make accusations, then, well....

I'm sorry, i quoted the wrong person. I was actually talking to klashmann and not you.
You shouldn't patronize him. The actual fact is that that you only accept criticism from a couple of members that i would call the unreserved fans. There is nothing wrong with those people, but regardless how bad the game is, those people will always like it.

You are very elitist in discussions about PES. Only the opinions of the inner crowd matter to you. You are perfectly entitled to feel like that, but maybe you should think twice before making it so obvious in your posts.

No, I feel on internet forums it's seems to be that if your negative, no matter what you say and how you say it your right, because you are the customer and your always right. We do live in a society where people just like o blame everyone else when something goes wrong.

I haven't excused the bugs, but because I call to question people on their manner of their complains I become elitist?

To me this is the first decent PES in years and although i like it very much, to be honest it is a disgrace that a company can ship out a game like this as a retail version. Konami don't care about their customers at all (look at the transfers, there should have been a transfer patch on day one, also the fact that base copy has disappeared from the game, the fact that last years there was no league mode, in can go on endlessly with other examples).

What i'm trying to say is that it is very important that customers criticize Konami, it gives them feed back (i know i have posted in this thread that it is very difficult to get a clear signal if people start to love the game, then hate it and then love it again, but maybe the conclusion should be that the game has issues that should be adressed asap and not in a couple of weeks). We have payed for this game you know. No disrespect meant.

I don't see what is wrong with asking people if they are so interested in this game like we all are to go about themselves to discover it. Negativity and being aware of the faults and bugs is important for the improvement of this game, but too much negativity can cause issues where Konami become unsure really how to bring the game forward and things go from one extreme to the other!

Lots of different people enjoy PES and want different things. We have many people here who might not speak elegantly but there is always substance in their posts and they show understanding of what their subject matter is. There are others who speak really nicely and elegantly but their huge posts have well, little not no substance at all.

We all want the game to improve, just shouting vague insults at the game won't get any of us anywhere but investigating problems and and identifying the cause and effect puts us in a better mind on what Konami need to do and leaves us in a better mind into what exactly is the situation with every function in the game.

I do wonder sometimes what people expect from me to say. Its like if I question anything I'm always in the wrong.
Bah, I just can't score long shots. I've hit some absolute screamers but the keepers seem to pluck everything (from 20 yards plus) out of the air. Likewise I've never scored an R2 shot any further out than ten yards or so. I'm on basic shooting. Any tips for the long range-challenged??

Hold your finger down on shoot longer. I find that the sweet spot for shots and crosses needs a lot more power this year. Even putting it on almost full power seems to hit them not that far over the bar.

I have scored a few into the corners from outside the box doing this and also found players heads in the box with crosses better
Hold your finger down on shoot longer. I find that the sweet spot for shots and crosses needs a lot more power this year. Even putting it on almost full power seems to hit them not that far over the bar.

I have scored a few into the corners from outside the box doing this and also found players heads in the box with crosses better

I'll give that a try, cheers bud :))
I'm unsure whether to buy the full game... I really like the demo and haven't had much trouble with regards to bugs etc but do they become apparent with the longer matches and increased playing time? Are there bugs in the full game that weren't in the demo? Keepers in particular have been fine but I've read a lot of bad stuff about them!
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