PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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I did test yair's latest gameplay, it is actually good. Everything seems work better, fluid. I think 1.12 above has made cpu plays more varied and 1.13, yair patch improves the variety further. Though, 0 speed is a bit faster too my liking and -1 is too awkwardly slow, weird.

There are still issues since beginning which only the game developer could change in the next series:
1. Not enough impact of player individuality, stats.
2. Weird foot traps of long ball which affects their pace.
3. Lack of freedom feeling to control player receiving the ball, heading situation, outside or inside the box.
4. Very limited GK animation, almost like 2008-2013 in terms of total number :TTTH:
5. Ball physic is too heavy i guess.
I guess that all these changes are done to exe file for pc, so I wonder if that could be done to default.xex file on Xbox 360 too, because it's basically the same as exe file on PC (by basically the same I mean that it's starts a game)...
I guess that all these changes are done to exe file for pc, so I wonder if that could be done to default.xex file on Xbox 360 too, because it's basically the same as exe file on PC (by basically the same I mean that it's starts a game)...

it can be done but I don't have xbox to test it so it's a problem as I always test my work before release
See what I mean chief. You say a bad thing about fifa 14 NG they come crawling out like cockroaches.

Your life is in danger. I will send your co-ordinates.

@Hocus when I say like xavi and iniesta its his ability to orchestrate play through passing or penetrative runs or dribbles. His stats belie his ability.

This place these days......


Well, I actually didn´t really say a bad thing about FIFA NG.
I played FIFA a lot when I wasn´t satisfied with PES (FIFA 09, 12 and 13) and enjoyed it a lot of course.

But me, as an animation freak (or maybe fetishist :P )who wasn´t really happy with PES 2012 and 2013, got caught by the 1st gameplay videos of PES 2014, that KONAMI presented.
I just loved how real and fluid the players moved and even in the videos it looked better TO ME than FIFA.

That´s why I preordered that game on the PS3 (never preordered any PES game before :LOL: ).

Of course I was negatively surprised, like so many other people, how unfinished that game was, struggled to enjoy the first demos, but didn´t give up on the game.

When I played the japanese demo version, I felt the joy of this game, even you have to play it different than the previous PES versions, which wasn´t a bad thing imo.

I was just saying that only going by animations and player movement, I prefer PES 2014 before FIFA 14 NG even I believe that with FIFA NG you can have fun too.

I understand that people don´t get along with this year´s PES (even my bro and my cousin switched to FIFA), but as long as I enjoy it, it´s all good.

Even there are flaws that drive me mad.
Re:the arrows,
We have discussed this a few times no. It takes away from individuality
I could make anyone a wingback and choose the areas they covered - you now have to look for that player that covers the areas you want. This is a better option imo

So true, but there should still be an option to influence that area somewhat. I've been coaching a youth team locally lately and in the last match I told a relatively un-adventurous right back type to go for broke forward whenever we had the ball as the opposition played a very defensive 4-5-1 and he actually did but not until I told him to. His skill on the ball were obviously limited which is why he operates as a right minded center back in the first place but he scored a goal on a header from a long cross at least. I've given him the same instruction a few other matches as well with less success but players actually try to do what you tell them to, albeit not usually exactly how you want them to do it.

Anyway, I'm sure you would understand perfectly what I meant without my little story attached to it but it's the closest thing I've come to a tactical genius in my "career" so I just had to tell someone and it was related.
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Like Jimmy i went back to 13 and i tell you what it knocks 14 out of the park.

On pc with mods its just an amazing experience. ok it hasnt got the physicality of 14, but the keepers are better, the shooting is better, the passing is better, they a.i is better and dare i say it the graphics are better.

Ive been having a blast on this, and with it being a pc version its a doddle to update everything.

Pes 2013 is incredibly deep when you get into it - konami were deffon on the right track with this, its such a shame. hopefully the engine wont creak too much later on but seriously this game is amazing on pc.
it can be done but I don't have xbox to test it so it's a problem as I always test my work before release

you are really doing excellent job yair. To make up all the mistakes Konami doing patches after patches not an easy task and I know that.
And I think Konami should hire you for 2015. Seriously :APPLAUD:
I sent a tweet to the pes twitter asking them if they have ever looked at yair's patch. No reply but here's hoping they do.

Also yair, like the 360, can the patch be applied to the PS3?

Mine isn't modded so I am probably out of luck.
would you guys like to see a spectator mode implemented into pes 2015? i know theres live broadcasting via twitch/ustream on the consoles now, but personally it would sweet if konami build in their own spectator functionality into the game. match room creator can set it as public/private/password set etc.
Been playin this game for about a month now (yeah i know im late to the party) but i feel it kinda sucks.Passing sucks,marking sucks,shooting sucks...and thats about 90% of the game.If i sound irritated its coz i am lol.....Its just not possible for a good through ball...every f*cking time a forward player makes a move and i try the through ball it always comes with too much power resulting the opponents GK catching it or the ball going off court....Is there a fix for that or is it just how it is in this game?So annoying.Im currently playing a league on top player level with Real Madrid and all my matches end either 1-0 or 0-0 or 0-1.Same sh*t every match.Obviously im still not good at the game but after playing almost all previous PES games i SHOULD be able to throw one single through ball properly!.Anyway end of rant :),any input or tips u guys have is very welcome :)
Are you trying throughball to Ronaldo all the time :)

I tend to pick my throughballs and wouldn't say I have problems. Yes it doesn't have 100 % success but I can tell if a defender is going to intercept
Are you trying throughball to Ronaldo all the time :)

I tend to pick my throughballs and wouldn't say I have problems. Yes it doesn't have 100 % success but I can tell if a defender is going to intercept

lol i try to manually make the forward to move to the empty space so i can through ball him but it doesnt work
I have a question.
I'm playing BAL at the moment.
I have camera issues.
I want the camera to follow my player and not the ball.
I could swear that in my first match the camera followed my player and from the second match on, he followed the ball. I even think i had the same issue last year...

Anyway, how do i change this ? Have searched and didn't found how...
I have a question.
I'm playing BAL at the moment.
I have camera issues.
I want the camera to follow my player and not the ball.
I could swear that in my first match the camera followed my player and from the second match on, he followed the ball. I even think i had the same issue last year...

Anyway, how do i change this ? Have searched and didn't found how...

If I remember correctly, the SELECT button on the DS3 switches between following the player or the ball, I think.
I was playing online testing the new update and noticed when I had a free kick, the person I was against was moving his keeper. I thought he switched to him, but the cursor was on an outfield guy. How do you do this?
I was playing online testing the new update and noticed when I had a free kick, the person I was against was moving his keeper. I thought he switched to him, but the cursor was on an outfield guy. How do you do this?

i just found this out few weeks ago in one of the hints that pop up while loading. for ps3 hold triangle and up/down or left/right. and your gk will shift his position accordingly. its pretty neat.
The website also confirm the new official PES 2015 logo


This one better be good or I will never ever buy new PES titles anymore.

I am really praying for a good football game - 7 years of crappy games was really a long time... ;)
This one better be good or I will never ever buy new PES titles anymore.

I am really praying for a good football game - 7 years of crappy games was really a long time... ;)

Many would disagree with me, but we have every right to believe it's going to be shit again. the confidince is at 0,1% at this moment. KONAMI should prove me wrong. Let KONAMI know we are fed up. that's the only way they might try...
Many would disagree with me, but we have every right to believe it's going to be shit again. the confidince is at 0,1% at this moment. KONAMI should prove me wrong. Let KONAMI know we are fed up. that's the only way they might try...

Thats what you believe

I tend to think its fine konami does not have mass appeal
I think 2015 has a chance.
If they add more animations, and also have it that they can be broken up mid animation cycle for better control input responsiveness. This would be a massive help with improving some of the frustrating gameplay of 14.
An improvement here would impact on pitch gameplay everywhere immensely.
Reduce the hindrance of the rails mechanic so we have much more control over the players at all times.

The tougher stuff needed fixing is the likes of AI, individuality, tactics, refs and goalies.
A good start on AI would be for them to concentrate more on passing, and less on tricks. Awareness for creating and using space. With better off the ball individuality this could be massive.
I'd love to see them finally expanding on tactics as it would hopefully help with team id.
A proper realistic stamina system is must imo. Also a realistic form system would be a big step forward.

A year to work on refining stuff like this that's already in the game, workload spread between the 2 pes dev teams is very possible.
Add to that additional stadiums and fleshed out offline modes.

Sadly I dont see online having any major improvements. As it is now, a little would go along way lol.
Hopefully they don't spend valuable time on weird gimmicks that'll lead nowhere.
Like the old ps2 days from game to game, 1000's of tweaks across the board that changes the game for the better.
Fingers crossed.
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Many would disagree with me, but we have every right to believe it's going to be shit again. the confidince is at 0,1% at this moment. KONAMI should prove me wrong. Let KONAMI know we are fed up. that's the only way they might try...

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