PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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After letting off some steam a few weeks earlier, I am slowly growing fond of the game again. Tempo, passing and even shooting feels great. But, goalkeepers and responsiveness should be looked at as well as the online lag. Near impossible to play 2 vs 2 online. I for one hope that they keep the catch-up as it is. So refreshing to be able to keep thru ball spammers at bay this year. Speed is fortunately not everything..
Anyone some nice balanced formations with sliders to play in the MLO??

Thx for responding!!

(i liked the tactical thread from klashmann69, with formations and sliders)
Well go ... yourself and keep kissing Konami's ...
I don't spend years saving for a disc, I can buy as much as I want.

What a reaction.

In my reaction to your initial post i was critical, but i also gave you an alternative (contact Konami, you could do something usefull that way).

People are referring to WENB here. Evo-web is WENB.
I don't know WENB very got, but the complaints i read are about freedom of speech.

IMO freedom of speech is not absolute. Freedom of speech on the internet or in other public forums is about using arguments and about respecting other people's opinion...

My reaction to your initial post had nothing to do with PES2014. Read my posts and you know what i think about the game (for what's it worth). My reaction was about a more fundamental thing than about a video game.

A video game is not as important as respect for other people's opinion or annoying other people.

Now you can do 2 things, you can write an witty reaction and thenbe happy, because in the end you "won" this "battle".

Or you could learn something...

I've said what i had to say. The argument (if there ever was one) stops here for me...
Ok this smart-guy with the broken CD, is extremely vain and vicious.
I am sorry for being rude, but these days that people starve to death,
how can someone break something costing 40-60euro and then make fun of this?
If i was you i would instantly quit this forum.
Shame on you.
Anyone some nice balanced formations with sliders to play in the MLO??

Thx for responding!!

(i liked the tactical thread from klashmann69, with formations and sliders)

Oh yes i have developed a lovely 3-5-2 formation for MLO after reading through and analysing the posts made by Klashmann in his thread (which is absolutely fantastic i concur) I've mostly based it on his version of Liverpool but have tweaked it here and there to customize it towards my own playing style. Personally i hadn't used a 3-5-2 or any variation of it since about PES 5 where i used to use wing backs starting with the ML defaults so it took quite a while to get used to. Anyway in this game i find that it provides a good defensive/attacking balance. It also have great advantages against teams that play very narrow, it provides enough bodies in the middle PLUS good width to counter against. The touch and the passing of the centre midfield 3 need to be good though in case of any congestion in that area and stamina for the wingers/wing backs is essential.

Maybe we should have a thread where we can compare each others line ups tactics and the like.
I'm talking about from outside of the box(18-25 yard). I play on PS3. After reading a lot of comments from various web pages my conclusion is that it is very very rare. For me and many others it is a game braker. You say you have scored many. What can I say?! You are one of the few.
I do not complain much, but I think that shots on goal,keepers and online is embarrassingly bad this year. I did not mention transfers update and other things ...

And the Cpu dont take many screamers at all my games i dont remember one time the CPU scoring a long range strike.

Hope Konami fix this.
Ok this smart-guy with the broken CD, is extremely vain and vicious.
I am sorry for being rude, but these days that people starve to death,
how can someone break something costing 40-60euro and then make fun of this?
If i was you i would instantly quit this forum.
Shame on you.

Why didn't you just let it go man?

You are the one spending 60 euro to buy PES instead of spending that money to help people in DRC or Sudan.

For you to help people is only when you don't need it? that a slap in the face of people who don't have it. Don't just come and give me your Toyota car because you don't need it and want to buy a Jaguar, if you were so kind you could have just buy 10 Toyota and give it away instead of buying that Jaguar.

Why in this world people would always bring up humanitarian ideas when they can't do it themselves? If I were you, I would sell that PC you are typing on your comment, I would sell that PS3/XBOX/PC you are using to play games. While you buy and play games, they are people starving in Africa so who are you to judge me, are you better than me?

Do you even know how much I contribute to help people in need every day?

All you know is to preach the gospel yourself while you can't practice what you are preaching.

If I'm wrong could you be kind enough to send money (sell your games if you are broke) to the people in need in Africa and let us all see your kindness?

No wonder Jesus said "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, ..."

Please let it go ...
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Do i have to update the game to version 1.01 to install this option file? I'd rather stick to version 1.0 and I wonder if there is away to revert back to version 1.o after I install this option file.

Not sure how that works. I use 1.01 but can't test it with 1.00 for you because I'm unable to delete the update with the digital version of the game as the 1.01 update file doesn't show up in the game data folder like the disc version, if that makes sense:CONFUSE:
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I really cannot understand why so many people dislike PES2014...
I know it is not perfect and there are some issue that need a fix like

1)Impossible scoring from long range (over 25 meters)(blame on you, you wanted spiderman goalkeepeers..I hope you are happy now)
2)Refree sucks
3)some rails is still there
4)sometimes it is the CPU to decide to whom you pass the ball
5)Few stadiums
6)Few original faces

Ok I admit these are issue important...but...I think all the rest in PES 2014 is great and I love it..I am having so much fun playing is almost addictive to me
No. There are more important issues. Mainly GK´s palming the ball into their own nets and the heart feature that, with no reason, leaves all players in "blue" even after a series of good results.
Ok this smart-guy with the broken CD, is extremely vain and vicious.
I am sorry for being rude, but these days that people starve to death,
how can someone break something costing 40-60euro and then make fun of this?
If i was you i would instantly quit this forum.
Shame on you.

enough already, let it go.
I really cannot understand why so many people dislike PES2014...
I know it is not perfect and there are some issue that need a fix like

1)Impossible scoring from long range (over 25 meters)(blame on you, you wanted spiderman goalkeepeers..I hope you are happy now)
2)Refree sucks
3)some rails is still there
4)sometimes it is the CPU to decide to whom you pass the ball
5)Few stadiums
6)Few original faces

Ok I admit these are issue important...but...I think all the rest in PES 2014 is great and I love it..I am having so much fun playing is almost addictive to me

Yeah, I'm with you mate for the most.
I'm loving some moments, especially the physics of the ball is great compared to 2008-2013 and I love the shooting.

Unfortunately sometimes the game stops working and there are that slowdowns (heavy ones) or the players start to be super sluggish and rigid because of heart I suppose.
This and the referee not giving fouls when the opponent push you away from the ball are my issues
I really cannot understand why so many people dislike PES2014...
I know it is not perfect and there are some issue that need a fix like

1)Impossible scoring from long range (over 25 meters)(blame on you, you wanted spiderman goalkeepeers..I hope you are happy now)
2)Refree sucks
3)some rails is still there
4)sometimes it is the CPU to decide to whom you pass the ball
5)Few stadiums
6)Few original faces

Ok I admit these are issue important...but...I think all the rest in PES 2014 is great and I love it..I am having so much fun playing is almost addictive to me
Loving it so much I don't even care about the issues. :)
Ok this smart-guy with the broken CD, is extremely vain and vicious.
I am sorry for being rude, but these days that people starve to death,
how can someone break something costing 40-60euro and then make fun of this?
If i was you i would instantly quit this forum.
Shame on you.

This is the funniest post I think I have read on Evoweb
Awesome stat based game play what this game cannot offer in sliders it more than makes up for it with the ability to pick a weak team and hammer them accordingly. Or pick a stronger to semi strong team and get ready for a nice challenge. Game has its flaws but still fun very fun to play.

Have to at least play two games a day to stay happy!
I really cannot understand why so many people dislike PES2014...
I know it is not perfect and there are some issue that need a fix like

1)Impossible scoring from long range (over 25 meters)(blame on you, you wanted spiderman goalkeepeers..I hope you are happy now)
2)Refree sucks
3)some rails is still there
4)sometimes it is the CPU to decide to whom you pass the ball
5)Few stadiums
6)Few original faces

Ok I admit these are issue important...but...I think all the rest in PES 2014 is great and I love it..I am having so much fun playing is almost addictive to me
I am with you on this, but I have not so much to complain because I play it on the Xbox and that version has only a few issues, compared with the PS3 version. I am curious if things improve for the PS3 players after the patch.

About the CD-broken topic: I think the guy who mentioned the starving people in the third world is right and I was a bit shocked by the negative reactions he got.
Take those rich Arabic sheiks who have no idea what to do with their money. They spend it to their "toy", a football-club where they spend millions. They better spend it to projects for those poor people.
Anyway, famine issues and broken discs aside, I am really liking this game.

What it nails this year is the transitioning of 'plays'. By that I mean that in previous years, and in most football games from the year dot, forwards forwards was the way to go. IRL, you do that and your front men get isolated and robbed of possession.

What I like about this game is that you have to attack in phases if you want good field position up the pitch. Which means holding onto the ball at times, slowing the pace down at times, sprinting quickly into a position before decelerating and re-starting the move at times (mostly with a lateral or backwards ball). The player availability for the man on the ball is more realistic than ever before, which means options get limited if you isolate your players, especially by going forward too fast too soon.

Previous iterations player support for the ball carrier was borderline ludicrous with players literally seeming like they had no end to constantly being available. This led to a more frantic game in which you could always move up the pitch.

Putting a move together that results in a goal scoring opportunity is now a thing of beauty and you can have 10 minutes of earth time fly by and not even get remotely close to testing the keeper.

Another point - knowing when to come out with the ball! Brilliant. Whether it is from defence or through the midfield after negotiating a passing move, you simply have to know when to carry the ball. And by this I don't mean stupid sprinting taking on everyone, I mean short bursts into space of five to ten yards, or even running (not sprint) into spaces to create time and have more player support.

Next issue. Shooting. Cannot see the problem. Toward the mid point to the final days of PES 2013 I knew that if I engineered a move thus, and got player x in this position say 25-30 yards out, it would have a stupendous percentage chance of a goal being scored. I mean I was slotting goals from 30 yards from Gerrard every other game near enough, which is, in hindsight, silly.

Come on now guys. how many worldies do you see in a month of football IRL?

Good goals CAN be scored, so I'm not really sure what everyone is on about. I've scored 1 or 2 with Gerrard from long range 25 yards ish, and a couple from others. The balance in this respect is perfect. I even hit a 30-35 yard screamer which hit the crossbar with Suarez.

And I love the way that your striker gets isolated if you hit the pass too early and long to him. The first 50 games I played I was wondering why Suarzez was so pants, but I was getting run off the ball playing too direct like in 2013. Now I have figured out his strengths, he's starting to look a key player.

Player individuality. Are you kidding me? I love it this year. Players with a low centre of gravity and great technique are excellent on the ball. Coutinho is one of my play makers, and you can play some lovely stuff in tight situations. And then you have strong players like Gerrard and Lucas who get involved in tussles and holding the ball off.

Graphics. Love them. On my PC everything is amped. No slowdowns, no stutter, no frame rate, plays like a dream. Pitches are a vast improvement and the day games look stunning. Even the night games' textures are infinitely better.

Keepers. Can seem a little aloof at times, but I'm really not concerned. It would be nit-picking I feel to criticise them but their awareness of through balls is pretty pants and is the only thin that stands out to me.

I played Betis in the Europa and they dicked me 4-1. The CPU played some brilliant stuff, and it's the first time I felt that I had been stuffed with the CPU playing round me as opposed to cheat scripts kicking in. I just felt completely outplayed.

Possession....I'm afraid IT IS STILL A BUG BEAR OF MINE. I've had a few games where the possession has been 55-45 for example, but for the majority of the games I shouldn't be having 60+ possession, even 65%. I wont even care if there was something like some code or just something that automatically makes the CPU keep ball particularly in defence and midfield and going backwards just for the sake of balancing this.

I still don't feel the CPU is playing entirely the same set of rules as the human, and even if they had some code that balanced the possession purely for balancing purposes then I wouldn't grumble. Just keep the ball a bit, make me move out of position. Don't lose it in under 20 seconds constantly. I know it's meant to be a fusion between reality and fun, but I shouldn't feel like the CPU will just keep handing the ball over.

So anyway I'm rambling; overall I think it's a bloody good game. I'm playing 20 minute stuff, -1 bar and having a blast.
Next issue. Shooting. Cannot see the problem. Toward the mid point to the final days of PES 2013 I knew that if I engineered a move thus, and got player x in this position say 25-30 yards out, it would have a stupendous percentage chance of a goal being scored. I mean I was slotting goals from 30 yards from Gerrard every other game near enough, which is, in hindsight, silly.

I'm with you with this one. I don't really see the problem with shooting. I can easily place the shots anywhere and the shots are usually powerful, and i can't seem to know what you guys mean by floaty.

What exactly is the problem that you guys have with shooting anyway?
shooting. Every shot outside the box is saved, in over 80 games I have not scored one from outside box. Shots inside the box have no aim, typically go right to keeper who parrys out or right in front. My shots are not floaty.
shooting. Every shot outside the box is saved, in over 80 games I have not scored one from outside box. Shots inside the box have no aim, typically go right to keeper who parrys out or right in front. My shots are not floaty.

But myself and the guy above HAVE scored from 25 it cannot be factually correct to say that EVERY shot is saved by the keeper.

Each to their own I suppose though. Obviously everyone has their own unique methods of playing it.
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