PES 2013 Discussion Thread

Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

we have what now? one source claiming this date to be legit?

i still have some doubt.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Looks like nothing much til the end of this month then.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

The demo will hit around the 25th, this is the most realistic date.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Just played a couple of matches in FIFA 12 and PES 2012... just to confirm that both games sucks. I mean, everybody says "OMG fifa is great, best game ever", but c'mon that game is pure shit. Pes 2012 is even worse. It is unbelievable that I have to come back to WE9 to enjoy a football game.
I'm really looking forward to Pes 2013, but to be honest, I'm not expecting too much.
I've never posted here I guess, but I really needed to share my sadness with you, true PES fans just like me.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Final Thoughts: I renamed this game pes 2012 version 2.0. 90% of the flaws within the game, in my view have been eliminated, and the remaining 10% does not affect a great gameplay that has been touched up with the excellent defensive AI, a player who makes proper id always helpful and never dull and a good first touch. The impression I had is that Konami wanted this year to consolidate the already decent gameplay last year by eliminating anything that could affect the gaming experience. I was still impressed, giving the idea that every game is balanced and can be a different story that can change abruptly due to the skill of the player and not only because of bugs or a CPU that behaves incorrectly. All changes in-game I liked a lot and are really important to make a leap forward to the series of PES.

PES 2013 is a big bug-fix for PES 2012, I guess the engine doesn't allow for much more. But that's fine with me cause I greatly enjoy PES 2012 and cringe at the bugs and cheatings.

If PES 2013 builds upon the strengths of PES 2012 and reduces the bugs and cheatings greatly, it would be a fine game.

For those wanting revolutionary changes (and I want them too), we will have to wait until PES 2014 for that.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I'm of the opinion that anyone who thinks FIFA is utter shit and can't at least see what aspects of football it actually does pretty well, bases their opinion of what football is on PES, rather than on the sport itself.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I'm of the opinion that anyone who thinks FIFA is utter shit and can't at least see what aspects of football it actually does pretty well, bases their opinion of what football is on PES, rather than on the sport itself.

+1 ...some people just have s strange perception of what football is..what we have to accept is some people, but not all, will hate FIFA no matter what just because it has an EA badge on the front and Im confident if FIFA 12 was called PES 12 with a Konami badge it would be the greatest football game ever created
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

+1 ...some people just have s strange perception of what football is..what we have to accept is some people, but not all, will hate FIFA no matter what just because it has an EA badge on the front and Im confident if FIFA 12 was called PES 12 with a Konami badge it would be the greatest football game ever created

but that is a total fallacy... all the fifa guys make fun of pes fans when we mention soul... player individuality is what kills fifa for me. yes it does have some brilliant functionality(atmosphere, graphics, fluidity, animations).
That functionality I mentioned above are all things pes has being doing a bad job of lately(however graphics on the PC are pretty incredible, but I wont compare that as that is not fair). BUT, and this is a huge BUT, every player feels the same to me in fifa.... TO ME. My opinion. I feel this is something that permeates in all EA sports titles. NHL, Madden, NCAA and FIFA. I dont want to get into a fifa vs pes battle here but i disagree with your notion that slapping knoami on a fifa game would bring instant love from the pes side.... cause above all


FOR ME...........
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

which is why i said some people and not all, for me its the other way around and i was brought up on ISS/PES and it was the far superior game..each to there own.Individuality means a lot to you (there is some in FIFA without a doubt) but that is not all that is required to represent a good football game..and the things PES do bad such as the shocking animations, the lack of freedom and the insanely assisted controls on top of complete lack of innovation year after year just wreck it for me. I hope this year will be different
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I played Fifa 12 for four months exclusively after PES 2012 frustrated me so much with version 1.00.

Fifa 12 is a great game, especially the sliders are fantastic and really gave the game more life, I liked the ballphysics a lot, which are way better than in PES 2012, the goalkeeper is great, the animations are varied as well as the physics and the nightgames looked nice and the ability to leave the rails anytime without using supercancel was nice... and shooting was nice.

But after four months and lots of work with the slider-settings, what brought me back to PES 2012 (besides patch 1.03 and 1.06) was that some important football-aspects are not convincingly represented in Fifa 12:

1. The offensive AI was pretty much lame.
2. There is no realistic inertia/momentum-model.
3. Ballcontrol was too perfect for all players no matter the ball-velocity or situation.
4. Tactics-menu allowed only for very basic tactics.
5. Defensive AI was very basic.

So in the end, despite rails, mediocre goalkeepers, mediocre ballphysics and limited animations/physics, PES 2012 offers more football to me.

And when PES 2013 fixes 90% of the bugs and deficiencies, that's good enough for me until PES 2014 comes along with the brand-new engine.

That said Fifa 13 promises to fix two of the above deficiencies: Offensive AI and first-touch ballcontrol, but the other points remain as they are, so that isn't a real alternative for me either.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Im confident if FIFA 12 was called PES 12 with a Konami badge it would be the greatest football game ever created

Oh no. No way. Not for me at all. I give both my money but only one still prevails for me. The other one's gameplay just isn't for me, yet.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I'm of the opinion that anyone who thinks FIFA is utter shit and can't at least see what aspects of football it actually does pretty well, bases their opinion of what football is on PES, rather than on the sport itself.
I know football enough to notice that fifa does something very well and others very bad.
Yep, I know FIFA is better than PES nowadays... but it isn't what we, REAL FOOTBALL fans, expect for a football ga me. The most hyped feature, that collision system, is worse than PES. Player movements aren't great (look after a penalty kick), shooting is poor. Defending, no matter how skilled you are, your CB's will always watch the ball travelling inside the box, doing nothing to take the ball away from there.
But I can notice good points too, I'm not ignorant. Sliders are great feature, overall graphics (no mention about faces... just meh) are good, weather variations, licenses. The behavior of the player on the field, occuping spaces (wich have to do with the sliders) is also VERY good. No rails, so true 360º moviments and so on...
But the point is, none of them delivers a pleasent football experience, in MY opinion.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

which is why i said some people and not all, for me its the other way around and i was brought up on ISS/PES and it was the far superior game..each to there own.Individuality means a lot to you (there is some in FIFA without a doubt) but that is not all that is required to represent a good football game..and the things PES do bad such as the shocking animations, the lack of freedom and the insanely assisted controls on top of complete lack of innovation year after year just wreck it for me. I hope this year will be different

I've more then 3000 matches in FIFA 12 and the game is pure and utter crap! The only playable mode is Clubs with 6v6+ players, everything else is pure shit.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Just played a couple of matches in FIFA 12 and PES 2012... just to confirm that both games sucks. I mean, everybody says "OMG fifa is great, best game ever", but c'mon that game is pure shit. Pes 2012 is even worse. It is unbelievable that I have to come back to WE9 to enjoy a football game.
I'm really looking forward to Pes 2013, but to be honest, I'm not expecting too much.
I've never posted here I guess, but I really needed to share my sadness with you, true PES fans just like me.

I have to say that I'm a bit confused
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I've more then 3000 matches in FIFA 12 and the game is pure and utter crap! The only playable mode is Clubs with 6v6+ players, everything else is pure shit.

Because the game is crap you played more than 3000 matches....
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

The only FIFA I thought to be great was FIFA 11 on PC, which was basically FIFA 10 from consoles, but polished out. My God that was the only game to keep me occupied for more than 1 year when it comes to footy and to be fair I still play it till now. FIFA 12 is a joke and it's way worse than what FIFA 11 on PC was in my opinion.

Why ruin the v. good base is beyond me. It's EA we are talking about here though. They turned great into shit. If someone says FIFA 12 is great due to sliders is joking. Sliders ruined it. I found myself tinkering with sliders more than actually playing the God damn game. Never finding perfect balance or settings I want. Plus like I said in FIFA 13 thread, if they made AI spot on there wouldn;t be the need for sliders in the first place.

PES5 and 6 were perfect in that aspect. Learn EA how to do things right.

You think you will be on throne forever? (deja vu feeling here, because they thought EXACT same for PC back in the days, until PES came and turned tables 180 degrees).

FIFA is not simulating football it's representing it on pitch.

PES is simulating football at it's core, but is not representing it on pitch. That's the problem :(. (animations, atmosphere and other stuff surrounding the football game are missing. I believe licenses are not a real problem for true football fans as there are and always will be patches available).

So yes, I am eagerly anticipating PES 2013, because I know this year again, FIFA will turn into marketing piece of c**p.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

It's simple as this for me: Fifa represents the aesthetics of football, PES represents the heart and soul. The problem is Fifa's strong points are PES's downfalls and vice versa. Neither game finds the appropriate middle ground but ultimately PES is the game I find more satisfying because it offers more depth on the pitch.

Only my opinion of course and I don't really care what others think.
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

The only FIFA I thought to be great was FIFA 11 on PC, which was basically FIFA 10 from consoles, but polished out. My God that was the only game to keep me occupied for more than 1 year when it comes to footy and to be fair I still play it till now. FIFA 12 is a joke and it's way worse than what FIFA 11 on PC was in my opinion.

exactly the same opinion like mine.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

but that is a total fallacy... all the fifa guys make fun of pes fans when we mention soul... player individuality is what kills fifa for me. yes it does have some brilliant functionality(atmosphere, graphics, fluidity, animations).
That functionality I mentioned above are all things pes has being doing a bad job of lately(however graphics on the PC are pretty incredible, but I wont compare that as that is not fair). BUT, and this is a huge BUT, every player feels the same to me in fifa.... TO ME. My opinion. I feel this is something that permeates in all EA sports titles. NHL, Madden, NCAA and FIFA. I dont want to get into a fifa vs pes battle here but i disagree with your notion that slapping knoami on a fifa game would bring instant love from the pes side.... cause above all


FOR ME...........

Agreed 100% when I weigh the 2 up PES better fulfils my needs from a football game. Both have their problems and strong points.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Never heard this discussion before.

It's a mainstay of the PES launch build-up. Other highlights include posting of erroneous licence lists, talk of new engines, and 78.63% code.

It wouldn't be the same without it.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Because the game is crap you played more than 3000 matches....

I play mostly clubs and this mode is no FIFA! If you play 11v11 FIFA doesn't annoy you every single match.

What else should I play, when there is nothing else to be played. PES 2012 online is crap and the game was not really a good one either. So keep your thoughts for yourself, please.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

man... we really need the demo 1, things here are becoming totally nonsense :P
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