PES 2013 Discussion Thread

Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Can someone please the link for me to use the stuff to extend the playing time on pc ?
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Small detail, but wondering if anyone knows. On the formation overlay before a match, does it actually display the correct formation you play, or is it still a generic placeholder?

Example is Milan playing a 4-3-1-2, could be a diamond in the middle, or players spread out wider in the middle, but the overlay just shows a static three across the middle in the midfield.

Nothing gamebreaking, but that has always annoyed me. With the talk of improved overlays, hoping this was tweaked.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I really want Konami to make it simple for everyone and give us switches to turn manual passing, though balls and crosses on, like we have now for shooting. Because passing on the 0 level of assistance is hard as hell this year.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I really want Konami to make it simple for everyone and give us switches to turn manual passing, though balls and crosses on, like we have now for shooting. Because passing on the 0 level of assistance is hard as hell this year.


This is like the real manual passing that many of us wanted. I can finally control where to put the ball now without some bs cpu assist kicking in.

I can't say the king is back just yet, but for the first time ever on the ps3, it feels very very promising.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Is the AI still super-attacking like on PES 2012? Meaning do they still attack every time, without bothering to knock the ball around and wait to create chances? Or charge straight forward still?
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Hm, I can't seem to pull off the shoulder drop by flicking the right stick left or right. Did they remove this?
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Is the AI still super-attacking like on PES 2012? Meaning do they still attack every time, without bothering to knock the ball around and wait to create chances? Or charge straight forward still?

Pretty much yeah, maybe one or two passes around/backwards occur but overall its straight forward. Major difference is cpu midfield pressure, no bus parking like before.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Some impressions after a few matches (PC):


- AI feels more balanced.
- Shooting feels a little better.
- Played ID is great. Really enjoying strutting around as Balotelli.
- Better freedom in player movement and ball physics.
- Slight improvement in presentation.


- Animations not fleshed out as much as I would like.
- Graphics are appalling, even out of the box on PC (mods will fix this though). Blurry, fuzzy, no clarity. Not enough vibrancy in the colours for my liking.
- Night matches need addressing. Strange white haze ruins the experience (almost as if brightness setting on TV is turned up to the max).
- Keeper animations are lacking.
- Still a few too many keeper oddities.
- In-game audio is still poor.

As expected, this is PES2012.5. It seems as though most of the problems have been ironed out which should make this a solid game. The higher sense of freedom should win back some PES fans which left for FIFA.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Some impressions after a few matches (PC):


- AI feels more balanced.
- Shooting feels a little better.
- Played ID is great. Really enjoying strutting around as Balotelli.
- Better freedom in player movement and ball physics.
- Slight improvement in presentation.


- Animations not fleshed out as much as I would like.
- Graphics are appalling, even out of the box on PC (mods will fix this though). Blurry, fuzzy, no clarity. Not enough vibrancy in the colours for my liking.
- Night matches need addressing. Strange white haze ruins the experience (almost as if brightness setting on TV is turned up to the max).
- Keeper animations are lacking.
- Still a few too many keeper oddities.
- In-game audio is still poor.

As expected, this is PES2012.5. It seems as though most of the problems have been ironed out which should make this a solid game. The higher sense of freedom should win back some PES fans which left for FIFA.

Yea, feels a bit like PES 2012.5 to me also. Would have liked a visual upgrade and better animations, especially for the keepers. However, looks like we might finally have a fluid and playable PES this generation. Wonder what Konami will add to the package this year though to justify the full asking price.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I finally played a few games and I just can't believe it. Konami you did it finally:) It's so good, full control is just unbelievable, including shooting, animations are better and Active AI is so much better! Don't screw that game in final release!
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

It's an improvement on 2012, but still playing against the cpu has too many of the same-old issues.

CPU passing tends to be far too perfect, no matter which player.

CPU has hardly any free-kicks awarded against it (I've yet to see one), yet my team regularly is penalised, even when I make a fair tackle.

CPU never gets booked (because they never "foul" - or at least, the ref never gives the foul).

I still don't have full control of my player, even when playing "fixed" cursor.

CPU main tactic, no matter which team, seems to be to play a couple of deep passes then lob an aimless, looping long ball forward, pretty much like 2012.

Yet to see CPU hit god-mode, but as these are only friendlies, that's no surprise. I'm sure that'll still be there in competitive matches.

I quite like playing it, it has a much better, classier feel than FIFA, but I can already see too many of the same old niggles to make me think playing ML or any other competition against cpu is going to be worth investing any time in. I hope they've finally cracked on-line play this year.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Hope the final game has an option to skip automatic replays without having to mash the start button every time.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

- Graphics are appalling, even out of the box on PC (mods will fix this though). Blurry, fuzzy, no clarity. Not enough vibrancy in the colours for my liking.

Have you been into the settings and changed the setting to 1080 (by default it's 720), also make sure it's on high.

See my video above, doesn't look appalling to me
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Tis only at demonstration stage though, guys. Plenty of room for improvement which we may or may not see at Demo 2 release.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Have you been into the settings and changed the setting to 1080 (by default it's 720), also make sure it's on high.

See my video above, doesn't look appalling to me

Yep. First thing I did.

Like I said, it's the LOD from afar that's the problem. The no blur tool helps make it look a bit better.

Jenkey's Euro2012 mod looked stunning by comparison.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I dunno why Konami don't employ some of these modders (maybe that what the London office is for) or at least steal/copy their work and use it as base for the standard game.

If Konami have any sense that's exactly what they'll do. It has worked well for other developers i.e. hiring community modders.
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