- 2 August 2003
Player individuality wins it for me. FIFA still looks to be a quality game this year but I just can't take players like Xavi and Fabregas being next to useless anymore. In this game Xavi is my main player when using Barca, the way it's supposed to be. Olic' insane workrate is very useful and keeps Klose on the bench, unless he has a poor form arrow. In FIFA you just play the strongest and fastest players, in PES you play your best players.
People already discussed the difference D'Alessandro makes whether you have him in your team or are playing against him, and I agree 100%. Every player feels different, every player has his own role in the team.

Cant wait for the demo now. Does anyone know if it's released today in any countries so that we could create a fake gamertag and download it? I know I did this for one of the FIFA demos one year, downloaded from a fake singaporean account...