- 11 September 2010
Actually an epic fail here, as our national past time, and 1/3 or our major sports is baseball. One would be hard pressed to call that an action sport.
It really helps no one to tell everyone what game was the 'purists' game. Loads of Pro-Evo junkies switched to Fifa (including myself) because they consider freedom of movement and manual controls to be just as important to pure football as everything else. And most of us will come back based on what game is best this year. I happen to love the demo, and am looking forward to the Fifa demo as well. What's the point of insulting Fifa fans as 'non-purists' when both games clearly had their problems last year?
Baseball is an action sport if ever there was one! How does it compare to cricket then? Three strikes and you are out? You could easily leave a hundred balls in cricket no problem!
The problems which Fifa had were mainly culturally caused - the problems which pes had were down to programming faults rather than creative issues imho.
The argument which I have developed at great length on the fifa forums is that there are philosophical differences at EA between the European and American schools of thought and the American school has won out - hence the similarity of fifa 10 to ice hockey to my eyes. Don't believe me play some nhl games of the mid 1990s (legally) on an emulator then play fifa 10. Also check out the rantings of UDlawman on the forum - he is the statistical embodiment of the difference between the US and European/British mentalities of sports.
Look let me tell you there is a Phd in this one!
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