PES 2010 Full Game Impressions Thread

What are you on about? ive not been banned before. :FAIL:

I dont refer to you on the first paragraph, but to the guy "Antracsa" who was banned and now has created two users to continue his own crusade (probably both of you are Brothers in Arms? :P) to bash the game again and again. It is so ridiculous that he even create videos to show us that the game is a complete fail. I feel sorry for him...

Its funny how you ignore how bad the game is, i remember you from last year defending pes2009, when was the last time you played pes2009? 10 months ago i assume?

I played the game in a tournament here about two months ago and I have not touched the game from then. PES 2009 it is not that bad, the automatic tackles and speed gods ruining it for me, but it is not the worst PES I have played. And about PES 2010 I have not played it yet, what bores is that you go on bashing the game and spoiling the fun for the rest who genuinely enjoy it all the time. You dont have a bit of constructive criticism, just non-sense critics again and again. You want to voice your opinion about how bad is the game for you, fine, but dont go around it a thousand times.

Don't worry dryzer, you'll get used to it.

You can post 10 useless posts in a row about your great feeling for the game and how you won that great game yesterday that felt so real, but if you post a serious complaint about the game's weakness you are immediately crucified.

For some people this is not evo web...this is EVIL WENB.....

Problem is dear Charlie... at least in those (for you) 10 useless posts probably we will find something interesting about the game even if you consider that person has tinted rose glasses. But in 10 useless posts bashing the game, saying the same things like "It is beyond me how can anyone enjoy this game when it is poo", "Animations are crap", "GKs are crap", etc... I dont think you can have something interesting to discuss about it, when those faults are widely known, and specially when you have said the same ten thousand times. Criticism is welcome I guess, but dont try to convince the people saying the same a million of times, it is just non-sense... specially users who before the game gets released were already bashing the game...

Finally, I dont understand why people spend precious time here bashing a game that for them is useless. Dont you have something better to do? I dont know... playing real football, bang the GF, cook, whatever... I dont like FIFA, but I dont spend a single second in any FIFA thread trying to convince people that FIFA stinks, since that is my opinion and finally I consider fair that people must play the game that likes. Damn...
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There are official feedback and suggestion forums on WENB and PESfan for those who wish to use them.
I think using those is better than repeated negative posts on here, in the vain hope that someone from Konami may read them and therefore improve the game.
There's nothing wrong with being disappointed and letting people know about it repeatedly, but I'd I'd rather use the feedback forums than waste my energy in here getting in to petty arguments.
@Putuco Malo you are very funny. Entertain me with your post.
I create videos to show us that the game is a complete fail ?? I have one video for refers and one for Fake shot , that is all , other videos are from other users. Just don't be stupid and look better pls ;) And , yes every one ho don't like the game is antracsa :D :APPLAUD::BOP: then i control the World , because with every passing day we become more and more .

Now i look your signature - You still waiting the PES 2010 !? How dare you judge people, provided that you were still waiting for PES 2010 ?

There are official feedback and suggestion forums on WENB and PESfan for those who wish to use them.
I think using those is better than repeated negative posts on here, in the vain hope that someone from Konami may read them and therefore improve the game.
There's nothing wrong with being disappointed and letting people know about it repeatedly, but I'd I'd rather use the feedback forums than waste my energy in here getting in to petty arguments.

Exactly !!!
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@Putuco Malo you are very funny. Entertain me with your post.
I create videos to show us that the game is a complete fail ?? I have one video for refers and one for Fake shot , that is all , other videos are from other users. Just don't be stupid and look better pls ;) And , yes every one ho don't like the game is antracsa :D :APPLAUD::BOP: then i control the World , because with every passing day we become more and more .
Now i look your signature - You still waiting the PES 2010 !? How dare you judge people, provided that you were still waiting for PES 2010 ?

It is impossible for you to show some intelligence or show some understanding about what I said. I guess your avatar speaks loads about yourself and your childish attitude.

I did not say PES is perfect or has no bugs, errors, fails, etc. Every single PES has errors, even the beloved PES 5. What I mean is that moaning OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER about the same shit is BORING and NON-SENSE. It is so hard to understand that? The discussion is not even about PES 2009/2010, whatever game, it is just behaving properly and have a good discussion.

About clones, it is really a coincidence when two users, both created this very month, post the same childish video almost at the same time. Call me stupid if you want, but for me therasmus and you are the same. If you create the video or not I guess it is open to discussion and I cannot prove it, but you have to recognize that therasmus and you looks the same person (?).

The bottom line here is: WE ALL KNOW PES HAS ERRORS AND FAILS, WE ALL KNOW THEM, but going around them all the time adds nothing to discussion. As Intrepid says, goes to PESFAN or Konami's feedback zone to drive your problems with the game there. The funny thing is that you agree with him, but you are still here bashing the game when you get NOTHING doing that. Give your honest opinion, but dont be repetitive, some people genuinely enjoy PES. If you cant bear that, a forum is not the place for you. Go away with your hate somewhere else.

Opinions are welcome but when some people (we all know who they are) are only here to spread complaints all the time and seeing nothing good in the game, they are not adding at all to the discussion. We want to read constructive criticism, not just pissing at the game.

/rant over

PS: Mods should consider closing registrations the month when a new PES release, there is always some moron that creates an account only to piss off the rest of the guys in this kind of topic.
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Hi all, I am trying to decide to get PES or FIFA. I have been playing the Japanese winning eleven demo since the PES demo in Europe is not very good.

But even in the WE demo, I notice there are really really bad button lag. Sometimes, it takes the player 3+ steps to pass the ball after I pressed pass.

What fustrates me the most is when a defender is closing in, the player would still take the extra step(s) so he can pass with his preferred foot. My player has no sense of urgency and just ends up getting the ball stolen.

This basically ruins the gameplay for me. Has this been fixed in the full game?
Fair enough, but if you play with fire, you have to expect to get burnt now and again. He's a serial troll, lets not forget that.

The fact I think he knows nothing about football is my opinion. Whether I'm right or wrong is open to debate. Either way, that's my last post on this matter.

And you know me how? Thats as wide of the mark and daft as me suggesting you know nothing about football because you support boro.

But fair enough debate closed.
Hi all, I am trying to decide to get PES or FIFA. I have been playing the Japanese winning eleven demo since the PES demo in Europe is not very good.

But even in the WE demo, I notice there are really really bad button lag. Sometimes, it takes the player 3+ steps to pass the ball after I pressed pass.

What fustrates me the most is when a defender is closing in, the player would still take the extra step(s) so he can pass with his preferred foot. My player has no sense of urgency and just ends up getting the ball stolen.

This basically ruins the gameplay for me. Has this been fixed in the full game?

It's still there, just not quite as bad. The thing is they've combined making the game slower to respond with making online latency manifest itself as an increased lack of response, rather than the standard teleportation. Konami almost seem to be using a 'minimum lag' offline in order to offset some of the online lag.

For instance a 200 ms minimum button press lag makes a 250 ms online button lag feel less impactful than if you usually had a 50 ms button lag.
About clones, it is really a coincidence when two users, both created this very month, post the same childish video almost at the same time. Call me stupid if you want, but for me therasmus and you are the same. If you create the video or not I guess it is open to discussion and I cannot prove it, but you have to recognize that therasmus and you looks the same person (?).

Wow seriously would you think mods will allow that? You really make yourself look so lame with your low intelligence , the majority of people do not like pes2010, that's a fact, there are just a lot of other games that is worth your time and money than a buggy game like pes, but i bet pes is the only video game you play, i really miss the times when i pre-order winning elven every 6 months from, those were really good times, i hardly remember any criticism about the game back then..
Once upon a time the ref in pes had the "home game factor", meaning when u were playing at home you had a bit of an advantage. I clearly remember that in pes4. Then again all refs have different card/strictness values so it depends on which you pick.

We all remember the nasty jap ref...he sent off 4 of my players in a game...and for no bad fouls...

Dude, that's definitely in WE9LE. Not only that, but the different refs you mentioned had varying levels of 'tolerance' for fouls like you mention.
It's still there, just not quite as bad. The thing is they've combined making the game slower to respond with making online latency manifest itself as an increased lack of response, rather than the standard teleportation. Konami almost seem to be using a 'minimum lag' offline in order to offset some of the online lag.

For instance a 200 ms minimum button press lag makes a 250 ms online button lag feel less impactful than if you usually had a 50 ms button lag.

This is exactly what I was thinking just from the first time I saw that very strange lag issue from Konami.
They have introduced a lag input to mask the online lag... what a shame... Konami is really down to the toilet...

I loved the game (for some reason) first days, now I have to say that I see all its flaws and I am not so sure on how long I will play yet.

The game is very frustrating and harsh.. not satisfying...

My opinion of course. Let's see.
I've only played 4 games (Argentina in a World Cup to unlock Maradona etc (presuming they are in Classic Argentina)) but I'm liking it alot.

I like the pace and responsiveness (offline - yet to test online). Yeah the fouls are a bit one sided (been brought down in box from a slide - no card, but it's harsh on me for a simple nudge sometime) but overall it's a return to form for me.

Even on random balls most are visible - helps having a 50 inch Plasma maybe... ;-)
Yeah the fouls are a bit one sided (been brought down in box from a slide - no card,

I have been having a closer look at some of these harsh fouls, and the last 3 that I have replayed, I've noticed the CPU player has actually fairly won the ball. During real-time play, all 3 tackles looked like I had been 'assaulted'. But after checking the replays close up, each time the defender had actually got a foot on the ball first, and then clattered me. All 3 tackles were from behind or to the side.

I was very suprised. I'm not saying this happens with all fouls, but I'd definately make sure you have a look at the replay.
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I have been having a closer look at some of these harsh fouls, and the last 3 that I have replayed, I've noticed the CPU player has actually fairly won the ball. During real-time play, all 3 tackles looked like I had been 'assaulted'. But after checking the replays close up, each time the defender had actually got a foot on the ball first, and then clattered me. All 3 tackles were from behind or to the side.

I was very suprised. I'm not saying this happens with all fouls, but I'd definately make sure you have a look at the replay.

Maybe the A.I. has got alot better at slide tackles and because this is a surprise I thought it was cheating.

I'll have a look next time - I do tend not to in the heat of the moment.
Dryzer, your posts really remind us all of the same wind up merchant who thinks he is a genius. You got the same style all the time. Its pretty easy to spot you, specially the playing "i'm very innocent" part.

Its pretty obvious who he is guys, just ignore him. Waste of time really.
I have been having a closer look at some of these harsh fouls, and the last 3 that I have replayed, I've noticed the CPU player has actually fairly won the ball. During real-time play, all 3 tackles looked like I had been 'assaulted'. But after checking the replays close up, each time the defender had actually got a foot on the ball first, and then clattered me. All 3 tackles were from behind or to the side.

I was very suprised. I'm not saying this happens with all fouls, but I'd definately make sure you have a look at the replay.

It reminds me of that what Moggi from juventus said after ronaldo had been shot in the box during the game that decided the season against juventus in turin...he claimed Ronaldo committed the foul by crashing his opponents....well some years later moggi got banned 5 years for match fixing...

YouTube - Ronaldo-Iuliano: Quel Rigore!
Guys, for christ sake can you all stop bitching at each other. Quite frankly you are all as bad as each other at the moment.

If there is someone in particular, or particular posts you frequently disagree with, either figure out how to respond to them like an adult or ignore them completely. Discussions will naturally be positive and negative, that is fine, but please be constructive in your arguments.
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Neither did I ? :CONFUSE:

Matt has eaten the instruction manual I think, it's been fully digested.:SNACK:

I didnt even know about using R2 to make a player run after the pass until he informed me on here. Now I'm using it all the time, to great effect.

Good show Matthew, bravo old bean. :APPLAUD:

I have never played a football game as good as this. I beat my best mate last 6 times, all 15 minute games. He was Chelsea and I was Stoke City. It's the first PES game in a long time that the best footballing player wins.

I love it. :WORSHIP:

The on the fly strategy has been in the last 5 PES's!! :CONF:
In answer you need a far better connection. I have now played the game and online workfs fine with a 17+ connection. However so many other games around have no problems whatsoever...
Wow seriously would you think mods will allow that? You really make yourself look so lame with your low intelligence , the majority of people do not like pes2010, that's a fact, there are just a lot of other games that is worth your time and money than a buggy game like pes, but i bet pes is the only video game you play, i really miss the times when i pre-order winning elven every 6 months from, those were really good times, i hardly remember any criticism about the game back then..

Comparing your way of writing with the other "clone", I guess I have my answer. Both share the same mono-neuronal brain. You only miss the avatar of a child pooing on a PES 2010 box. Both are uncapable to bear that some people GENUINELY enjoy PES 2010 and that drives you crazy.

Now, get lost.

No Jamezinho, all of those who have bought the game are retarded, stupid or without intelligence, only the people who does not like PES counts when we talk about good football really... jeez where have you been?
SOrry to be so harsh and I know you have bought the game... but that is a fact... now you understand? PES 2010 sucks!

[sarcasm mode off]
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How about the 40% drop in uk? PES2010 will be forgotten just like pes2009, and pes2008 this is the truth

I'm afraid it could be possible.
After playing a week can't feel this game solid enough to have a significant longevity.
And, just to be clear I can't play the other game because I hate FIFA mechanics since it was born, so for me PES, or nothing.
I'll keep playing PES just because there is no alternatives and I need to play a footy game.
Putuco Malo said:
No Jamezinho, all of those who have bought the game are retarded, stupid or without intelligence, only the people who does not like PES counts when we talk about good football really... jeez where have you been? :FAIL: SOrry to be so harsh and I know you have bought the game... but that is a fact... now you understand? PES 2010 sucks!

[sarcasm mode off]

I understand. Sorry.:COAT:

therasmus/Dryzer/Vitalic etc said:
How about the 40% drop in uk? PES2010 will be forgotten just like pes2009, and pes2008 this is the truth

Let me reiterate - It beat Forza 3 to the number one spot in the UK. Forty percent drop or not, that's a massive achievement to go head to head with one of the most eagerly awaited games of the year and outsell it.

That's a lot of fools.
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