PES 2010 360/PS3 Demo Feedback

The response times on some of the shooting have a slight delay. Maybe this what Adam was referring to. Hasnt stopped my enjoyment though. Shooting is far better but need to I suss it out as the power bar levels are different.

I'm driving alot of hard shots low. Fair enough the ball is on the deck but I need to see some more height. Will try adding more power this time around.

I still think it could be a tad slower. Sounds like the Xbox 360 version is faster than the PC equivalent. The subtle little feints with the skillfull players are class. Really set them apart from the less skilled. And its all done by technique. Not by pressing a skill button. Its natural if you like.

I cant believe how much harder it is compared to 2009. So much more to think about. That feeling from PES 5 when you eventually scored a goal and knew you had deserved it is definatley back. Nothing comes easy, even on regular.

As for the keepers. Jeez, I dont know what happened in those 'glitch' clips, but they are very hard to beat. I'm really finding it hard to score on this, but when I do, its jump out of your seat time. Really need to hammer this as there is so much new to learn. I feel like a noob. But I like that, the new challenge is where I get my kicks.

Manual passing is still not completely right. Maybe I got lucky the first few attempts. Will have to practice that.

The way the ball moves means you can beat a man without using a trick, just angles and timing. R2 is a big button again, so is L2.

I'm off to play some more. I cant stop playing it, I need to get better at this.
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Not much has been said in way of the 360 dribbling, in fairness. Anyone?

It's not 360 degrees from my experience. More like 32 directions. I'm still pleased that it's a step up from 8 directions though. It may require an adjustment in the way I play to really notice it to be fair.
Jimmy man you killing me. But this thread for me is becoming like that classic scene in Trainspotting where Ewans character had to swim through shit to get to his stash.
What's the biggest negative for you Jimmy?
People will highlight the negatives. I've played 8 games now, mostly on Top Player and no game has ended with more than one goal. I havent scored in 6 games.

The keepers have been very good from what I have saw. They anticipate and get off their line super quick. Will be very difficult to round them now without a fake. They are very aggressive and narrow the angle very quickly.

The ai closes you down very quickly. You really need to be a step ahead of everything you do. That is very similar to real life. Especially at the higest level, you get very little time and 1st touch is essential.

It's alot harder than PES 2009. But for the better. I'm struggling on Top Player and just drew 0-0 again on Regular. The demo is too short though. It's over before its started.

Finding the little tricks hard, will need time to master those, but for me thats how it should be. The weight of pass varies excellently from player to player and the way the ball now bounces means its harder to take instant control, unless your using the top players.

I have had the odd response issue then I thought he could have took the shot, but there was a slight delay, that wasnt really required. But overall I'm happy the way this has been implemented. You need to keep your finger off the sprint button and play football. Otherwise you will get the ball nicked off your foot, for showing too much of it to the opposing player.

I like this, no more cheating with sprinting from now on. The best football player should win, which is how a football game should be.

The biggest thrill is having to relearn the game. It looks so bloody deep.

Are the keepers and AI in general good or bad then?

I am lost on these threads because of the conflicting views!!!

What level are other people playing on? Are the keepers poor in the other threads and videos coz its not on TOP PLAYER???
I just had a moment of great goalkeeping happen. I've slowed the replay down slightly as on full speed it judders quite a bit when using fraps. I fully expected to score with Kuyt as those goals for me always went in on PES09 which is why when the ball came to Torres I wasn't ready for it and he took a touch before I could press shoot.

YouTube - PES 2010 GoalKeeping

It doesn't look as impressive as it did at full in game speed oh and I'm playing the the default difficulty, whatever that is.
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Bad keeping might indeed be an issue due to poor framerate. I haven't seen bad keeping so far, a part from the usual silly parrying that goes straight into torres or messi feet....

But that kinda of goal together with cutback and lag is something that can't be left out in a pes game.
Hi everyone, first post here. Just thought i'd give my impressions of the demo. Playing the pc version all day!

Graphics = the game looks much better than previous versions thats obvious immediately and can only help in the rebuilding of the pes reputation.

Gameplay = a bit of a mixed bag here to be honest. At times you can pass the ball about and put together some nice moves to unlock the defense - even on top player. On the other hand the responsiveness is a major factor at the moment. There are times when you will lose the ball simply because your player will not react to the input you've just given. As well as that they have been times when i have launched the ball up field and the striker starts running back to his own half allowing the opposition to clean up without the pressure of my my CF breathing down their neck. When it works its great and theres surely an element of 'getting to grips' with the new feel of the game. Like i said you'll only occasionally put together a good move... but thats how REAL football is i suppose so maybe thats something to take into account. I think if, like me, you actually did play and enjoy PES2009 then it will take a while getting use to the new loose feel of the game after the pinball effect of 09.

Presentation = basic menu format, no load times - looking good. Music its much better also.

Tactics/depth = i havnt explored this element yet (in terms of cards/ sliders etc but it can only be a positive if it works as they say it should.

Overall = I'm taking into account that this JUST a demo. Regardless of talk about build etc i wont pass my final judgment until i have the retail copy. However its clear from the game and these forums that some of the problems still remain, bad keepers, animations and glitches and overall inconsistant and sometimes unrealistic situations that sometimes either make pes that little big special or a little more odd! What i do know is that its much better than 08 and 09 and will deliver a more measured approach. It feels more about playing football this time and less about knowing how to get from your net to the other and taken advantage of the crappy AI positioning etc. I think if they get the online right this year then they will have made a really big step in the right direction. If its as laggy as last year then i'm unsure if theres going to be enough in the title to warrant a purchase over fifa10. Online for me is a deal breaker for sure. so in my opinion 'Is PRO back?'... not quite but they're back on track when it comes to trying to achieve that.

One last thing i have to add. I'm new to the forum so i don't want to come across as a patronizing and maybe i dont have a right to say this. But if people are going to argue about which is the better between EAs and Konamis offerings this year... then please have a word with yourself. We are lucky enough to have 2 very different and great football games this year. Why not get both and play the one you like most! Simple really.

quick youtube video i made > YouTube - PES2010 demo Liverpool v Barca
first 30 secs of your vid show what is wrong with pes bebo, tons of arcadish passing that end up in a cutback move.
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And to all the untucked shirt nutters out there, I've just had a dozen of games on wide cam, and it is noticeable which players have their shirts untucked.
Hi everyone, first post here. Just thought i'd give my impressions of the demo. Playing the pc version all day!

Graphics = the game looks much better than previous versions thats obvious immediately and can only help in the rebuilding of the pes reputation.

Gameplay = a bit of a mixed bag here to be honest. At times you can pass the ball about and put together some nice moves to unlock the defense - even on top player. On the other hand the responsiveness is a major factor at the moment. There are times when you will lose the ball simply because your player will not react to the input you've just given. As well as that they have been times when i have launched the ball up field and the striker starts running back to his own half allowing the opposition to clean up without the pressure of my my CF breathing down their neck. When it works its great and theres surely an element of 'getting to grips' with the new feel of the game. Like i said you'll only occasionally put together a good move... but thats how REAL football is i suppose so maybe thats something to take into account. I think if, like me, you actually did play and enjoy PES2009 then it will take a while getting use to the new loose feel of the game after the pinball effect of 09.

Presentation = basic menu format, no load times - looking good. Music its much better also.

Tactics/depth = i havnt explored this element yet (in terms of cards/ sliders etc but it can only be a positive if it works as they say it should.

Overall = I'm taking into account that this JUST a demo. Regardless of talk about build etc i wont pass my final judgment until i have the retail copy. However its clear from the game and these forums that some of the problems still remain, bad keepers, animations and glitches and overall inconsistant and sometimes unrealistic situations that sometimes either make pes that little big special or a little more odd! What i do know is that its much better than 08 and 09 and will deliver a more measured approach. It feels more about playing football this time and less about knowing how to get from your net to the other and taken advantage of the crappy AI positioning etc. I think if they get the online right this year then they will have made a really big step in the right direction. If its as laggy as last year then i'm unsure if theres going to be enough in the title to warrant a purchase over fifa10. Online for me is a deal breaker for sure. so in my opinion 'Is PRO back?'... not quite but they're back on track when it comes to trying to achieve that.

One last thing i have to add. I'm new to the forum so i don't want to come across as a patronizing and maybe i dont have a right to say this. But if people are going to argue about which is the better between EAs and Konamis offerings this year... then please have a word with yourself. We are lucky enough to have 2 very different and great football games this year. Why not get both and play the one you like most! Simple really.

quick youtube video i made > YouTube - PES2010 demo Liverpool v Barca

What level u playing on. That was typical PES to me. Within a few secs A few passes and cut open the opposition with ease.
first 30 secs of your vid show what is wrong with pes bebo, tons of arcadish passing that end up in a cutback move.

Its unfortunate that the cutbacks still exist. Even in that same video when Mascherano scored there was a clear chance of a cutback to Torres. I think these are the sort of problems/scoring methods (including the 'going past the keeper' method) that, if eradicated, would make PES much better. I am a bit disappointed that a lot of the same gameplay methods exist after the talk of Seabass's talk of starting from scratch after the release of PES2009 and also the fans feedback in the build up to PES2010, which has been going on since the start of the year really.
Jimmy man you killing me. But this thread for me is becoming like that classic scene in Trainspotting where Ewans character had to swim through shit to get to his stash.
What's the biggest negative for you Jimmy?


The biggest negative is me. I'm shit. :LOL:

Seriously though, it's like learning a new game. This first touch feature I keep going on about is massive. And so it should be. It is the basis of what determines every move in football. And it adds so much to this game, and opens up so many variables. Like what Jamez said about the ball physics of the deflections. They bounce, rebound, everything, then its down to the individual player on how his stats cope with it. It's genius, if you can appreciate the concept.

I cant see any real negatives to far, it's just super fluid for PES and I have just sussed out the shooting. On Pes 2009 you barely had to touch the power bar in comparison. And Although physics still plays a part on keeping the ball struck low when its passed back into your stride, you can now keep it low from just out of your feet by not keeping the power bar down as long.

I tried a few 35 yarders from Villa, he was in perfect stride, all the variable were right, body position, unpressured, right foot etc and I held the power bar down to nearly full to see what happened as I felt that must be what is needed for the height. Sure enough he drilled the fucker ala Gerrard. The ball sailed about 2 yards right of the goal but only about a foot above it. You really felt the thud as well, felt more realistic as I had to keep the power bar down so long for that powerful drive with height.

Some of the little classic trademark 'out of the blue' touches by the classy players are amazing, and so natural. You just know when Iniesta has the ball he can beat a 2 men with a simple drop of the shoulder and quick feet.

The more I play it, the more I deeper it becomes. Very, very impressed. And even more so that I'm not great at it. But then again the AI is very good and closes you down very quickly. Thinking 2 or 3 steps ahead is needed at times.

I will post a video of what I mean about the 1st touch. Torres just pulled off a beauty to beat a man. The ball was bobbling so he needed 3 nice touches to get it under control. It stood out though because other players would have took that so differently. It's nothing to spectacular, but from a technical view and the individuality side, it's these things I look for.

Also I looked at the player cards and the players with the 1st touch pass card have no response issues at all when laying it off 1st time. Lesser players without it will try to take it under control before playing it. It's not a response issue, it doesnt effect play, just highlights the difference between the sublime and the average in that department.

There is still the very odd stray pass in there, i.e not who you aimed for, but much better than 2009. Not seen any auto clearances though mate, and keepers are fucking brillaint. Not seen one error yet in 20 matches, if anything they are too bloody good. Although they are world class.

You will adore this mate, its another level altogether, and I dont just mean the visuals.
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+2 Dags.... remembering the days when even Tom released an option file ;)

And i did flags and such

ah the memories..........

Those were fantastic days, I've wasted more time editing those buggers than actually playing them. I also remember that X-Port device driving me nuts! But yeah, sweet old memories, I've never enjoyed the series more than I did then.

Here's a lovely souvenir I just found on the net.

------------ Evo-Web ------------
Winning Eleven 8 Option File Save
---- for Xport and MAX Drive ----

99.5 % English names (missing some players from Iran, Saudi Arabia, China and a few bonus players)
Stadium names
Transfers - as many as we could do
English team names
Double players for Holland, Germany, Czech Republic replaced
Kits for Arsenal, Man U, Liverpool, Bayern
Everything unlocked in WEN shop
Compatible with slpm file

Download here (X-Port version) (MAX Drive version)

Known Issues

Player numbers are a bit messed up
Some Japanese player names remain

How to use

Refer to the user instructions that came with the X-Port/SharkPort or MAX Drive for details on how to transfer the save to your memory card.

Please note that this will replace any other WE8 option file you may have saved so unlocks, WEN etc. will be lost.

MAX Drive users, remember to uncrush the file once it has been copied to your memory card.

Once complete, boot up WE8 with your memory card inserted and that's it.


If you find any errors or have any suggestions to improve the option file, please
do not hesitate to post feedback in this thread!

Where to download

The latest version of this option file will be found exclusively at:

You can be sure that the file you download from these two sites will be the latest and
greatest Smile.


Antiz - Player names, transfers, double players, stadium names, team names
Kezz (haha!) - Player names, team names, stadium names, transfers
Leviathan - Player names, German transfers
MrCoopz - Player names, Premiership formations and lineups
Woosoki - Kits
Mart - Hosting, readme, love and support


All of the people on Evo-Web.


Please don't host this option file on another site, we are trying to keep the file
hosted on specific sites to ensure everyone gets the latest version and to ease
updating with future versions.

If you'd like to use it as a base for your own project please let us know.


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