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Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

The odd rebounds do happen in real life. It's happened during my games and immediately winning Eleven scripted bounces came to mind. lol

This does happen in real life and it should happen in a game, however not too often and not too obvious in a sinister scripted way as has been the case in past games.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

Serie A unlicensed. Calcio logo anyone? ;)

No Serie A patch on the sleeves but all clubs licensed. Not so bad.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

Serie A is licensed, the WENB folks who know more than us confirm that there are 7 licensed Spanish teams and the whole Serie A is licensed.
No German teams tho.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

Serie A is licensed, the WENB folks who know more than us confirm that there are 7 licensed Spanish teams and the whole Serie A is licensed.
No German teams tho.

thomas knows more than them too :lol:
he already confirmed those 7 teams...
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

I loved the way the ball moved in relation to the players. It was much looser, and played to the space.

Also, at 4m05, that's a really nice play from the CPU!

Can't wait... Can't wait indeed.

Best regards,

Paulo Tavares
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

Looking at the video, I noticed that the shooting animations are used better, I don't notice any stupid toe-pokes or overly-twisting body shots that were prominent in PES2008, I like what I'm seeing here, especially the volley and the attempted sliding shot(hit the post) by RVN/Raul??.
CPU play also looks decent, gawd, I can't wait for the demo to come out.

edit: damn, Paulo! posted at the same time!! :D
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

nice!! Can someone translate the whole article? hehe
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

I hope it says online gaming is good now and it´s better as PES2008. Well i preorded it already for, so i´ve to be positive anyway :D
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

If some of you want untucked shirts I might as well as add long tapes hahhaha
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

No spanish fans wanna tell us the main points?
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

I really don't see many differences, it seems to play exactly the same scripted-passing and "do-it-all-yourself-because-AI-is-unexistant".

The CPU build up is lame IMO, because it simply pass around or retain the ball with no intention at all until a striker is totally unmarked (the player AI teammates are as dumb as always letting a striker completely alone in the center, watch it for yourselves in the video, it happens twice or 3 times, the CBs simply go away of him) and then the CPU player with the ball (regardless if it's a winger, a midfielder or even the CB) , as if something is triggered, simply does a pixel-perfect 30 meters through ball letting the striker alone.

To me the very poor AI (of CPU and mostly the AI of your teammates) and the scripted-railed passing and shooting make it seem an arcade machine, it's all too mechanical.

Some people will like this direct and simple approach to the game, but I find it odd nowadays.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

Its going to be very close this year. At the moment I am more excited by Fifa and thats coming from someone who was PES through and through up until Pes 6.

But looking at that last vid I think I will now buy both, and get rid of one after a month. You can only really focus on one game, but I feel you have to play them to see whats best and not rely on reviews.

The nets look amazing in that vid too.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

:):) scans look good, we need a translater asap
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

I'm Spanish so I can translate that scans but, what part of that scans do you want to know??

sorry for my english
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

im here.. give me some minutes

been reading and its juts a scam. It just limited to tell you what mode does what and thats it. its juts a description.

also, dunno if its not scaneed or what but there no mention of whats better between the two games.
forget all abouut it guys. Its just another crap article.
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Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

I guess not any relevant info on that review, except that they say that all the 32 teams at UCL comes licensed so... take the review with a pinch of salt...

Nothing new at all buddies...
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

but it bugs me cuz iof online play
i realy need everything ok.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

I guess not any relevant info on that review, except that they say that all the 32 teams at UCL comes licensed so... take the review with a pinch of salt...

Nothing new at all buddies...

yeh i notice that...
but i cant see chelsea or arsenal oficial logos...
if i see them , that would be good news
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

Love what it says on one of those scans in spanish:

"No need to wait for Wednesdays evenings any more to enjoy European Futbol throught the television. All you need is to turn your console on, and be ready to sweat your jersey."

Can't wait to try this game for myself.
Re: PES 2009 News Discussion & Rumours (STRICTLY NO FIFA DEMO IMPRESSIONS)

sorry Junka, I hadn't updated the page for a while.
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