PES 2008 demo - patches, files etc

I have still this at the moment:

and I´am searching for the little PS3 Controller in the cv_0:

and I´am searching for all the little Buttons like:

But its just a Beta. I try to find the others and edit them. If anybody can tell me where the others are I thank him.

Ciao LivornoUltra
CAn SOMEONE say plsss how to reserve space for a file i get only errors
in afs explorere: after importing the img you have to klick action > import folder .. (choose folder in wich you have file you want to import)
then you are asked to rebuild the .img file by saving it with a different name. rename the new file and play^^
where does i have to import in??? cv_1.img???

yes well done on managing to read the thread....

CAn SOMEONE say plsss how to reserve space for a file i get only errors

modify reserved space you have to save to a new file cannot save to the one you have open then open your new file and import, simple.
then rename new file with reserved space and new file to cv_1.img for example
Hi :)

Just to share with you this image


Another great step in face editing for PES 2008. Here you see one of the 4 parts of faces in Oedit! YES IN OEDIT! We were able to work this out after several hours of work with Skunk. We identified the vertexes and then I´ve converted one of the part to Oedit format. There is a long way to go yet but we are sure we are going the right way. More news coming soon!

Ariel :)

PES editing to the next level amazing work :applause::applause:
I try to replace the team flags with the HD Team Flags from the EVO Patch.
I get this picture on short time:

Then the game crashed and I´am back on Desktop.

Any Idea???
fontastic work Ariel and Skunk.....
I'm shocked !!!!!

You should try to understand all the others ktmdl,so we could have balls,stadiums,and more
Maybe a conversion in 3ds????Only oedit???


Working on faces in 3ds would really be a dream.
OEdit is just a joke...
I have still this at the moment:

and I´am searching for the little PS3 Controller in the cv_0:

and I´am searching for all the little Buttons like:

But its just a Beta. I try to find the others and edit them. If anybody can tell me where the others are I thank him.

Ciao LivornoUltra

are you italian?
here a map in italian,you'll find almost in cv_0 and cv_1


230-231 ??????????
232-269 supporters
270 cameraman ????
272-277 cameraman ????
278 tabella quarto uomo coi minuti di recupero
279-288 ????
364-367 ????
368 Fifa fair play bandiera e bambini (volto e maglia)
369-372 altri ragazzi
373-385 coppe ????
428 president
430 volto di un arbitro e bump maglia
431 donadoni!!!!!!!
432 altro allenatore
434 giacca
437-442 giacca e relativo modello 3d
445 maglia(rossa e verde) e scarpe
447 abito allenatore
448-455 kit arbitri
456-457 giacca
458-474 paramedici
563-722 diffuse map
727 bg_anywhere
729 bg_menu scelta squadre
731 bg_system
736-738 game 2d con icone e scoreboard
852 ball previews
868 bmp tasti (PS3)
869 bmp tasti (XBOX)
872 home-vs-away tex
998 bmp loading (pes2008 e il logo konami)
1000 title.txs
1009 player settings
1019 parti del main menu
1021 stadium previews
1025 preview di una fase di gioco
1027 keyconfig x360
1029 keyconfig ps3
1031 keyconfig x360
1037 keyconfig x360
1040 emblemi delle leghe nel menu di scelta squadra
1046 logo africa cup
1047 logo america cup
1048 logo asian cup
1049 logo europa cup
1050 logo World Cup
1051 logo konami cup
1053 logo pes2008 esibizione
1054 logo FA cup
1055 logo coupe de france
1056 logo ISS cup
1057 logo TIM cup
1058 logo eredivisie cup
1059 logo Copa del Rey
1060 logo Premier League
1061 logo Ligue1
1062 logo International League
1063 logo Serie A
1064 logo Eredivisie
1065 logo La Liga
1066 logo Master League A
1067 logo Master League B
1068 logo Master League C
1069 logo Champions League
1070 logo Master League D
1071 logo Master League Division 1
1072 logo Master League Division 2
1073 logo Uefa Cup
1076 bmp animazione (bolle blu) nel menu selezione maglia
1078 una texture strana e diverse palette (40 circa)
1271 5 bmp con bump map e trasparenze di una maglia
1272 bmp strana
1406 bump map di un volto
1409-2355 faces
2356 ????
2357 bump map face
2377 Numeri e font generici
2389 Numeri + piccoli
font (512x128)
2413-16 font francia
2425-28 font portogallo
2429-32 font spagna
2437-40 font argentina
2441-44 font brasile
2873-76 font turchia
numeri (512x256,256x128,256x128,256x128)
3437-40 numeri francia
3449-52 numeri portogallo
3453-56 numeri spagna
3461-64 numeri argentina
3465-68 numeri brasile
3897-3900 numeri turchia
4450-5520 Hairs
5703 guanti
5734-35 8 palette di colore bianco (???)
5741-7031 texture occhi
7091-7198 volti dell'edit mode ?????
7238 bump map volto dell'edit mode ???
7240 parti di volto dell'edit mode ???
7493-7508 scarpini
7529-7530 kit francia
7535-7536 kit portogallo
7537-7538 kit spagna
7541-7542 kit argentina
7543-7544 kit brasile
7759-7760 kit turchia
8035 template
8036-37 maglia verde??
8038 database 1
8039 database 2
8040 database 3
8041 database 4
8043 database 5
8046-54 file utf
8055-66 file vag????
8067 ???????
8068 file aPDT???
8070 file aPDT???
8071-78 file sbk???
8079 file xgsf???
8080-87 file wbnd (sound???)
8088-89 loghi coppe e leghe
8890-93 emblemi squadre

7 pallone pes2008
21-29 database
35-36 textures di persone
37 striscioni
38 cartelloni pubblicitari (quelli nel campo di gioco)
39 cartelloni pubblicitari (quelli sugli spalti)
40 la porta (con pali e rete)
377-418 Konami Stadium
Gli stadi vengono divisi i 7 files per ogni condizione climatica,in tal modo abbiamo
377-383 giorno\sereno
384-390 giorno\piovoso
391-397 giorno\neve
398-404 notte\sereno
405-410 notte\piovoso
411-417 notte\neve

713 Effetti stadio (bmp),tifosi con striscioni e 3 bmp senza palette
715 5 dds (penso siano usati nello stadio,o forse e' il piedistallo o qalcosaltro delle coppe)
716 penso sia una texture usata quando si vince la konami cup o forse e' la coppa
717 penso sia una texture usata quando si vince l' africa cup o forse e' la coppa
718 penso sia una texture usata quando si vince l' america cup o forse e' la coppa
719 penso sia una texture usata quando si vince l' asia cup o forse e' la coppa
720 penso sia una texture usata quando si vince l' europa cup o forse e' la coppa
721 penso sia una texture usata quando si vince l' iss cup o forse e' la coppa
722 penso sia una texture usata quando si vince l' international cup o forse e' la coppa
723-25 persone all'interno dello stadio (cameraman,fotografi,forse ance gli steward...)
english version...


230-231 ??????????
232-269 supporters
270 cameraman ????
272-277 cameraman ????
278 injury time table,(it shows the number of minutes added at injury time)
279-288 ????
364-367 ????
368 Fifa fair play flag and children who keep it at entrance scene (with face and jersey)
369-372 other childrens
373-385 cups ????
428 president
430 other face and jersey
431 donadoni face!!!!!!!
432 other coach
434 jacket
437-442 jacket with 3d
445 a kit (red and green) and boots
447 coach jersey
448-455 referee kits
456-457 jacket
458-474 paramedics
563-722 diffuse map (of ????)
727 bg_anywhere
729 team selection bg_menu
731 bg_system
736-738 game_2d icons and scoreboard
852 ball previews
868 keyconfig ps3
869 keyconfig xbox360
872 Home VS Away tex
998 bmp loading screen (pes2008 & konami logo)
1000 title.txs
1009 player settings
1019 main menu texture parts
1021 stadium previews
1025 a screenshot of a match
1027 keyconfig xbox360
1029 keyconfig ps3
1031 keyconfig xbox360
1037 keyconfig xbox360
1040 league emblems on team selection
1046 logo africa cup
1047 logo america cup
1048 logo asian cup
1049 logo europa cup
1050 logo World Cup
1051 logo konami cup
1053 logo exibition pes2008
1054 logo FA cup
1055 logo coupe de france
1056 logo ISS cup
1057 logo TIM cup
1058 logo eredivisie cup
1059 logo Copa del Rey
1060 logo Premier League
1061 logo Ligue1
1062 logo International League
1063 logo Serie A
1064 logo Eredivisie
1065 logo La Liga
1066 logo Master League A
1067 logo Master League B
1068 logo Master League C
1069 logo Champions League
1070 logo Master League D
1071 logo Master League Division 1
1072 logo Master League Division 2
1073 logo Uefa Cup
1076 animation bmp (blue bobbles) in kit selection
1078 strange texture & different palettes (40 more or less) (???)
1271 bump map and a kit transaparency (5 bmps)
1272 strange bmp (???)
1405 a eye bump map
1406 a face bump map
1409-2355 players faces
2356 ????
2357 face bump map
2377 Generic numbers
2389 Generic letters
team fonts (512x128)
2413-16 France letters
2425-28 Portugal letters
2429-32 Spain letters
2437-40 Argentina letters
2441-44 Brasil letters
2873-76 Turkey letters
team numbers (512x256,256x128,256x128,256x128)
3437-40 France numbers
3449-52 Portugal numbers
3453-56 Spain numbers
3461-64 Argentina numbers
3465-68 Brasil numbers
3897-3900 Turkey numbers
4450-5520 Hairs
5703 Gloves
5734-35 8 palettes and a piece of hair (white colour) (???)
5741-7031 edit mode eyes maybe?
7091-7198 edit mode faces maybe? (there are 8 faces)
7238 face bump map (in edit mode ???)
7240 face parts (in edit mode ???)
7493-7508 Boots
Team kits (512x512 8 bit bmp)
Every bin contains both home and away kits: first bin is used by gk_home and gk_away,
second one by player_home and player_away
7529-7530 France kits
7535-7536 Portugal kits
7537-7538 Spain kits
7541-7542 Argentina kits
7543-7544 Brasil kits
7759-7760 Turkey kits
8035 kit template
8036-37 green and red kit (???)
8038 database 1
8039 database 2
8040 database 3
8041 database 4
8043 database 5
8046-54 file utf (???)
8055-66 file vag ?
8067 ???????
8068 file aPDT (???)
8070 file aPDT (???)
8071-78 file sbk (???)
8079 file xgsf (???)
8080-87 file wbnd (sound?)
8088-89 cup and league logos
8890-93 team flags
7 pes2008 ball
21-29 database
35-36 human textures
37 supporter flags
38 adboards (in the field zone)
39 adboards (the others)
40 the goal (with nets and poles)
377-418 Konami Stadium
Stadium Weather Effects are located here; the system is similar to PES6,now with 7 files for every stadium
Weather Effect
377-383 Day Fine
384-390 Day Rain
391-397 Day Snow
398-404 Night Fine
405-410 Night Rain
411-417 Night Snow

713 stadium effects (bmp),audience with flags they keep during a match and 3 non paletted bmp
715 5 dds (i think they are used in stadium,or maybe is a common part of cups)
716 i think it's a texture used when you win konami cup or maybe the cup itself
717 i think it's a texture used when you win africa cup or maybe the cup itself
718 i think it's a texture used when you win america cup or maybe the cup itself
719 i think it's a texture used when you win asia cup or maybe the cup itself
720 i think it's a texture used when you win europa cup or maybe the cup itself
721 i think it's a texture used when you win iss cup or maybe the cup itself
722 i think it's a texture used when you win international cup or maybe the cup itself
723-25 people inside the stadium (cameraman,photographers...)

Someone should post this map on the first post.....
@Livorno: I found this in rv_g.img

unnamed_39.bin second texture:

unnamed_45.bin second texture:

and i found this in unnamed_36.bin in rv_g.img
...and i found that 2 front textures of 4 compress files
are the same
the difference between them is 3rd one
this is their alpha

the 4th compress file's 3rd texture has not alpha

so game display only 4th compress file in fact
what's the use of other 3 compress files?...

In unnamed_1021 I founded this image along with Stadium´s previews:


It seems that we´re gonna be able to choose different grass textures when choosing stadiums.
Flag-Update by r!


You need AFS Explorer

1. Unpack Flag-Update.
2. Start AFS Explorer and go to menu FILE - IMPORT AFS File.
3. In the dialog window go to last combo box and select ALL FILES.
4. From your PES 2008 img folder open cv_0.img (backup it first).
5. Answer NO to questions and the file will be opened.
6. Go to Action > Import Folder and choose the bin folder with the unpacked files.
7. Answer Yes to questions and the file will be opened.
8. In the dialog window go to last combo box and select ALL FILES.
9. Now save the "cv_0" as "cv1_0.img".
10. Wait for end of rebulding and answer Yes to the next questions and the file will reloaded.
11. Close AFS Explorer.
12. Remove your old "cv_0.img" and rename the new "cv1_0.img" in "cv_0.img".


New Adboards :D

Created with new GGS 7.13 by Obocaman


Copy unnamed_38.bin with ASF Explorer into cv_1.img
to be continue... ;);8704628;/fileinfo.html

so I was right :)

unnamed 38 is used for the adboards on the field,39 is for adboards on the rest of the stadium....great!!

they are dds files,high quality textures

EDIT: where are team flags? anyone ?

We should reorganize the map of files now that ggs is out.........

i must admit the adboards this year on the default are pathetic. nothing we cant fix though :D the 1024x64 ad's we already make and split into 2 so that might be easier. many thanks for the help guys
THANKS for Turf, Adboards and Flags, Great Work GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (now PES look like he should be)
Last edited:
fontastic work Ariel and Skunk.....
I'm shocked !!!!!

You should try to understand all the others ktmdl,so we could have balls,stadiums,and more
Maybe a conversion in 3ds????Only oedit???


please, be calm :lol::lol::lol::lol:
it´s only the beginning ;)

offtopic: great avatar ninuzzu !
yeah, like marko i wonder if theres any progress with the camera? cant you - i dunno - unlock it or something? how does it work?
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