Pap's modding mess (house of placebo?)

Thanks mate, I'll try it asap!

But honestly I don't think that I'll play FIFA 17 over a longer time because of the lack of the modding possibilities. At the end FIFA 16 will be always the game I play. To answer your question: I installed it and played some minutes but not enough to be able to judge it. I must take some time and play a longer session to get a better impression.

I agree. When you are used to the amount of authenticity you get out of 16 mods, it is a bit hard to go back to the 16/17 season and to the limited faces and stadiums outside of The EPL.

Stadiums are not an option in 17 and faces will be hard to add faces to new star players. It would require swapping players IDs (with retired players with face for example) and the impossibility to import mesh, hence model, will make it imperfect.

Yesterday evening, I have spent 3 hours trying to increase the ball size without any luck. I have found a variable in the exe called SOCCERBALL_RADIUS but putting it in the locale.ini and playing with values had no impact.
I agree. When you are used to the amount of authenticity you get out of 16 mods, it is a bit hard to go back to the 16/17 season and to the limited faces and stadiums outside of The EPL.

Stadiums are not an option in 17 and faces will be hard to add faces to new star players. It would require swapping players IDs (with retired players with face for example) and the impossibility to import mesh, hence model, will make it imperfect.

Yesterday evening, I have spent 3 hours trying to increase the ball size without any luck. I have found a variable in the exe called SOCCERBALL_RADIUS but putting it in the locale.ini and playing with values had no impact.

Is there a way to do the opposite. Take the good side of FIFA 17 and put it on FIFA 16. Aka team respecting custom tactics, being more lethal at attacking, less passing and more dribbling and pace is a factor again. Maybe that is more possible perhaps?
Did anyone tried to put it in FIFA 18 and see how it plays?

18 can only take the gameplayttribdb file from and not the attribdb ones. I did try it but I really don't like the movements in 18, so I didn't insist much.

My bad, FIFA18 can take the attribdb files and the gameplayattribdb file from 19 vanilla version.
You can find attached a fbmod.


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I guess I am starting another loop. This time it won't go any further than FIFA17.

Here is a link toward the 1.2 exe of FIFA14 (digital signature from 11/28/13):

- Back up your current fifa14.exe
- Copy paste with replace inside the FIFA14/Game folder the provided exe.
- Done!

Note that it is not a crack. You must own the game to be able to launch the game with this exe.

Why am I sharing it? The gameplay has more weight and inertia with it. I really prefer it over the 1.7 version (up to date).
Did you have chance to try the gameplay mod for FIFA16?

I had the time now to test the gameplay and I must say with version 1.01 it plays really well. Unfortunately with version 1.07 it's though an improvement but it's not perfect. So I would prefer version 1.01 but here I have the problem that I can't use File Server (old problem, I know). @Ciais sent me a long time ago an updated Fifa_Server_Map.dll for version 1.01 and it recognizes the stadiums but don't force the two ID's 176 and 261.

So everyone who is playing with 1.01 or 1.00 should use this gameplay, with 1.07 you must test it for yourself.
I had the time now to test the gameplay and I must say with version 1.01 it plays really well. Unfortunately with version 1.07 it's though an improvement but it's not perfect. So I would prefer version 1.01 but here I have the problem that I can't use File Server (old problem, I know). @Ciais sent me a long time ago an updated Fifa_Server_Map.dll for version 1.01 and it recognizes the stadiums but don't force the two ID's 176 and 261.

So everyone who is playing with 1.01 or 1.00 should use this gameplay, with 1.07 you must test it for yourself.

Thanks for your feedback!

To force the IDs, you could just try the line from the cl.ini of my stadium server and edit the ID to match one of the two.
Thanks for your feedback!

To force the IDs, you could just try the line from the cl.ini of my stadium server and edit the ID to match one of the two.
That's an interesting idea. I'll test it later. It's impressive how much better the gameplay of version 1.01 with your gameplay mod is. It's do balanced and the CPU tries different ways to attack.
That's an interesting idea. I'll test it later. It's impressive how much better the gameplay of version 1.01 with your gameplay mod is. It's do balanced and the CPU tries different ways to attack.
Have you played v1.00? I’d highly recommend it. You can download it here if you’re interested. Just note you can’t use just the exe, as far as I know you need to use the whole folder.
I guess that only way to launch it without Origin immediately trying to update it is to turn off the internet...?

Make sure you set automatically update your game option inside origin to off. Then you can start the game with origin in offline mode with your internet connection on. It won't force you to update the game like with the recent FIFA versions.
I tried all I could to see if we could edit meshes in FIFA17 without success. It seems the alpha version of frosty allows importing meshes in the game but even when I export the head model of a player and I import it back without further modification the game crashes. :(
I tried all I could to see if we could edit meshes in FIFA17 without success. It seems the alpha version of frosty allows importing meshes in the game but even when I export the head model of a player and I import it back without further modification the game crashes. :(
Thanks for trying Pap. :WORSHIP:
The second one:

A gameplay mod for FIFA16 that contains:

- the data\attribdbgameplay\gameplayattribdb.big file from the fifa16 demo (v1.0 one is identical)
- the data\attribdbgameplay\attribdb.BIN from fifa19 (from november)

- data\debuglines\default.csv edited with 1 in every columns and rows except for the AiPlayer_ReflexBehavior_ShouldNotTouch row, which is set with 0s
--> back ups of this files are provided together with others versions.
--> for those who would like to have abit more time on the ball withou the cpu pressuring, put also 1s to the row mentionned above.

Download link:

This mod makes the cpu more aggressive in defence and more dangerous in attack. There is also more human errors by the cpu, which seems to be more stat driven. For exemple, first time shots or cheaty headers the cpu loves are less often successful if executed by average or poor players. Or long pass to switch wings are less acurate if executed by players with average pass stats. Unfortunately, it only affects marginally the pass completion rate of the cpu.

Here is just a small video showing an exemple of the cpu aggressivity:
Your skills and Ideas are very Impressive, Pap! I wonder is there any "backport" for Fifa 16 from an newer Fifa which "could" help for some better Animations in Fifa 16 like the ball passing Animation or more fluid movement of the Players? I am aware it´s most likely not possible because of the different Engines from Fifa 16 to the Frostbite Fifa´s. It´s just the only thing what I rarely notice from time to time when I come back from Fifa 17 or 18 and feels a little bit old in an of course a perfect game.
Related to your findings and modding of the gameplayattribdb.big file, I just wanna Inform you Fidel Gameplay have made a mod for exact that big file and also for the neuralnet for Fifa 18! I have that Mod on my HDD if you consider to try it out?! It´s easy portable inside Fifa 17 and 19. It´s not a fbmod, there are the pure big File and the neuralnetpass.dat and the neuralnettackle.dat. The Mod is free to download in a thread in Soccergamingforum, so I don´t think it´s not forbidden to share the mod. You can´t download the mod in Fidel´s Fifa 18 thread as I remember. He gifted the mod for the Community from the Fifa 18 Community Mod that time.

Anyway, if you are interested in just give me a sign. ;-)
Your skills and Ideas are very Impressive, Pap! I wonder is there any "backport" for Fifa 16 from an newer Fifa which "could" help for some better Animations in Fifa 16 like the ball passing Animation or more fluid movement of the Players? I am aware it´s most likely not possible because of the different Engines from Fifa 16 to the Frostbite Fifa´s. It´s just the only thing what I rarely notice from time to time when I come back from Fifa 17 or 18 and feels a little bit old in an of course a perfect game.
Related to your findings and modding of the gameplayattribdb.big file, I just wanna Inform you Fidel Gameplay have made a mod for exact that big file and also for the neuralnet for Fifa 18! I have that Mod on my HDD if you consider to try it out?! It´s easy portable inside Fifa 17 and 19. It´s not a fbmod, there are the pure big File and the neuralnetpass.dat and the neuralnettackle.dat. The Mod is free to download in a thread in Soccergamingforum, so I don´t think it´s not forbidden to share the mod. You can´t download the mod in Fidel´s Fifa 18 thread as I remember. He gifted the mod for the Community from the Fifa 18 Community Mod that time.

Anyway, if you are interested in just give me a sign. ;-)

Thank you for the good words and sorry for my late answer. To be fair a lot of this is pure try and pray rather than fine tuned thinking and executing.

I have tried the reverse, yes, putting others fifa files into 16. Unofrtunately there is always something that prevent it from being playable.
The 15 gameplayattribdb files are kind of working (no crash) with 16, but every time a player tries a driven pass (not implemented in 15) they do a weird thing and always give back the ball.
With the frostbite ones it is shooting hich is messed up. Every time you try to shoot, the player takes a mini touch to the ball. Also, it crashes on FKs probably because of the camera switching option which is available with frostbite games but not in 16.

The only others gameplayattribdb that kind of work with 16 are nintendo switch ones. I just gave a try to FIFA21 ones (thanks to diazjesux from soccergaming) but it didn't felt that different.

Here it is if anyone wants to give it a try. You just have to remove ".txt" at the endof the file name.

PS: actually shot doesn't work with that one too :(


  • gameplayattribdb.big.txt
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Thank you for the good words and sorry for my late answer. To be fair a lot of this is pure try and pray rather than fine tuned thinking and executing.

I have tried the reverse, yes, putting others fifa files into 16. Unofrtunately there is always something that prevent it from being playable.
The 15 gameplayattribdb files are kind of working (no crash) with 16, but every time a player tries a driven pass (not implemented in 15) they do a weird thing and always give back the ball.
With the frostbite ones it is shooting hich is messed up. Every time you try to shoot, the player takes a mini touch to the ball. Also, it crashes on FKs probably because of the camera switching option which is available with frostbite games but not in 16.

The only others gameplayattribdb that kind of work with 16 are nintendo switch ones. I just gave a try to FIFA21 ones (thanks to diazjesux from soccergaming) but it didn't felt that different.

Here it is if anyone wants to give it a try. You just have to remove ".txt" at the endof the file name.

PS: actually shot doesn't work with that one too :(
Thank you. I will try the gameplayattribdb! Today I also test your other ones for the Frostbite Fifa´s. Will see if they feel different. ;-)

PS: I tried your R Script for the Stadium Server on my 1.0.0 exe Game. Works fantastic. I am glad this way we can use the great Stadiums with those exe´s.
And the usage of R is just a learning thing. I had fun to set up the Stadium Server. :D If I get it right there are only the TV Logo and Scoreboard Feature from original File Server are not possible to have. But I use Monkeydragon´s Logo and Scoreboard Tool instead. So every thing is provided for nice Matches.
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