Pap's modding mess (house of placebo?)

The yesterday discussion about 19 inevitably gave me the envy to go give it another try.
While I find the default version quite boring to play, this new Frankenstein mod made the game a bit more interesting.
In my opinion it massively improves the defensive side of the game. The cpu is more interested about building up its actions instead of quick first time passing it, even the bigger teams. Also it seems there could be bit more physicality and fouls with it.

So this is FIFA18 atrribdb files and FIFA 17 attribdgameplay.big file for FIFA19:
zip attached

Edit: there is one bug though. When inside the penalty box you try to clear the ball with the shoot button, the ball is more often than not under hit.


  • Gameplay files
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The yesterday discussion about 19 inevitably gave me the envy to go give it another try.
While I find the default version quite boring to play, this new Frankenstein mod made the game a bit more interesting.
In my opinion it massively improves the defensive side of the game. The cpu is more interested about building up its actions instead of quick first time passing it, even the bigger teams. Also it seems there could be bit more physicality and fouls with it.

So this is FIFA18 atrribdb files and FIFA 17 attribdgameplay.big file for FIFA19:
zip attached

Edit: there is one bug though. When inside the penalty box you try to clear the ball with the shoot button, the ball is more often than not under hit.
Digital signature for the '1.0' version is September 5th, 2018. If Frosty could get working (I'll keep trying but no luck so far) and we could add in these files to that version to make it more defensive, I think that's most likely the best experience for 19 we'd get. It's a huge difference in terms of ball physics, pace and player weight.
Digital signature for the '1.0' version is September 5th, 2018. If Frosty could get working (I'll keep trying but no luck so far) and we could add in these files to that version to make it more defensive, I think that's most likely the best experience for 19 we'd get. It's a huge difference in terms of ball physics, pace and player weight.

Are you able to start the game with that exe? Every time I try, I have the EA account window popping up. After I feel it with my IDs, the same window keeps popping.
Are you able to start the game with that exe? Every time I try, I have the EA account window popping up. After I feel it with my IDs, the same window keeps popping.
Yeah if you open up the latest version of 19 through Origin and then try this version after that it should work. When launching Frosty, the game opens but it's just black screen with the loading symbol. There's a few fixes out there but none seem to have worked for me yet...
Yeah if you open up the latest version of 19 through Origin and then try this version after that it should work. When launching Frosty, the game opens but it's just black screen with the loading symbol. There's a few fixes out there but none seem to have worked for me yet...
Could you give me the steps by step recipe please?
Yeah if you open up the latest version of 19 through Origin and then try this version after that it should work. When launching Frosty, the game opens but it's just black screen with the loading symbol. There's a few fixes out there but none seem to have worked for me yet...

Ok here is what I did:

Option A:
1) Open FIFA 19 updated through Origin, close it.
2) Go to my vanilla folder and launch FIFA19 from there with the 1.0 exe
3) The game starts but process hacker tells me that the process exectued is inside my default FIFA19 folder. So it is the updated version running.

Option B:
1) Open FIFA 19 updated through Origin, close it.
2) Rename the original FIFA19 folder to FIFA19 BU and renmae my vanilla folder FIFA19
3) Start the game, the config window shows up, but when I click start the game the EA account window shows up
4) I fill it, the process close.
5) I stat again from the config, the process is killed after few seconds and so on.

Now, if I repeat B with Origin online, at step 3, origin tells me that a required update is available for the game and I have now way to tell them, no thanks, let me play that way...
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Ok here is what I did:

Option A:
1) Open FIFA 19 updated through Origin, close it.
2) Go to my vanilla folder and launch FIFA19 from there with the 1.0 exe
3) The game starts but process hacker tells me that the process exectued is inside my default FIFA19 folder. So it is the updated version running.

Option B:
1) Open FIFA 19 updated through Origin, close it.
2) Rename the original FIFA19 folder to FIFA19 BU and renmae my vanilla folder FIFA19
3) Start the game, the config window shows up, but when I click start the game the EA account window shows up
4) I fill it, the process close.
5) I stat again from the config, the process is killed after few seconds and so on.
Hmmmm strange. With option A, have you tried killing the process and then launching the original? I think that popup just happens if you haven’t opened that particular game through Origin since the PC has been on.

My original is playing, I can spot the updated awfulness within 5 seconds if it’s there haha
Oh and with option A, once you’ve launched the updated version and close it, turn Origin to offline before opening original. Does that help?
Oh and with option A, once you’ve launched the updated version and close it, turn Origin to offline before opening original. Does that help?

The problem with option A is that the process that will be executed will always be the one inside the legitimate flder, hence the updated version.
I used process hacker to track the location of the process.
The problem with option A is that the process that will be executed will always be the one inside the legitimate flder, hence the updated version.
I used process hacker to track the location of the process.
Isn’t it opening outside of Origin though?
Isn’t it opening outside of Origin though?

The only way to trully open it outside of origin is to use a cr**k. Otherwise it is still origin controlling the thing. It just can't tell you to update the game but it will still check for versions conflict.

But that's fine, FIFA19 is not a game for me. It feels to sluggish on the camera I am using. Walking animations are off, unless I set the game speed to fast and the sliding theere becomes crazy. Also, there is too much friction of the ball on the pitch. The ball keeps stopping all the time.
Thanks to @Byronic that shared a cheat table equivalent to the futsal mod from Andrea Pirlo from soccergaming, but updated to the v1.0 (long breath),
I have been able to locate an address that might be related the ball model size value for FIFA17.

Once inside the arena you can search for that AOB with cheat engine:
48 E1 BA 3E 48 E1 BA 3E 48 E1 BA 3E B0 72 E8 3E B0 72 E8 3E

It returns four results, the second one is the interesting one. There is four float following with the value 3.65something that needs to be edited similarily. If you give a high value the ball will start floating above the pitch like if it is bigger but unfortunately, the model didn't adjust. The goalkeeper and players body part act like the ball size didn't change either.

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Just to add on the above post.
After editing those 4 successives float values, the ball physics is completely changed. The ball starts flying like a balloon. Unfortunately the ball doesn't look bigger and the actors do not act like if it is bigger (the GK holds the ball directly on the ball texture, same goes with the player foot, ect).
That's too bad because doing the same thing in 16 makes the ball behave like it is bigger but it also looks bigger (remember those giants balls in fifa20?).
Just to add on the above post.
After editing those 4 successives float values, the ball physics is completely changed. The ball starts flying like a balloon. Unfortunately the ball doesn't look bigger and the actors do not act like if it is bigger (the GK holds the ball directly on the ball texture, same goes with the player foot, ect).
That's too bad because doing the same thing in 16 makes the ball behave like it is bigger but it also looks bigger (remember those giants balls in fifa20?).
You try it, sounds good to me. Just sad this Cheat Engine thing seems so complicated like finding anytime every Value and Adress for an other Game exe from Scratch.
I'm considering FIFA16 one of the best football games ever made. I'm always getting back to it when I got bored by PES. But recently I got another chance to FIFA17 and I was pretty much amazed how it plays. Basically it feels very close to FIFA16 rather than latest FIFAs. It has this feeling of ball being separated entity and players having a weigh, when you need to balance your body by using accelerate very accurately. It is one of most important aspects of a gameplay for me.
Folks, do you know the exact number of FIFA where EA ruined everything? I have missed FIFA18 and 19 completely due to PES was released on improved engine. Then I have bought both 20 and 21 and I was very upset. Mostly because of what I have mentioned. The ball feels have no weight and is simply glued to the players foot. Players have no feel of weight and very minimal inertia. Has this started from FIFA20 or somewhere in between of FIFA18 and 19???
I'm considering FIFA16 one of the best football games ever made. I'm always getting back to it when I got bored by PES. But recently I got another chance to FIFA17 and I was pretty much amazed how it plays. Basically it feels very close to FIFA16 rather than latest FIFAs. It has this feeling of ball being separated entity and players having a weigh, when you need to balance your body by using accelerate very accurately. It is one of most important aspects of a gameplay for me.
Folks, do you know the exact number of FIFA where EA ruined everything? I have missed FIFA18 and 19 completely due to PES was released on improved engine. Then I have bought both 20 and 21 and I was very upset. Mostly because of what I have mentioned. The ball feels have no weight and is simply glued to the players foot. Players have no feel of weight and very minimal inertia. Has this started from FIFA20 or somewhere in between of FIFA18 and 19???
For me personally the real mess begins with Fifa 19. When you see the Players "ice-Skating" over the Pitch, EA messed it up completly with a touch realism.
I followed "improvements" and tested all available Gameplay mods, not more than 1 or 2 could come close to fix the broken Animations. You should play the game to see that crap in reality. Gp wise Fifa 19 started with all the mentioned things you reported from Fifa 20 and 21. The last Fifa that was half way playable for me was Fifa 18. It have it´s broken parts also, without a gameplay Patch it starts that Players ice skate on the Pitch too. But the feel of the gp was different from FiFa 19 for me. The main error of the most newer Fifa´s is the overpowered skills and values the Players have set by EA. Do you ever played a Women Match in Fifa? Feels much slower GP what benefit the Animations of the Players on the Pitch. Reduce ball control, Pace and acceleration a bit and you have more realistic looking and feeling Gameplay.
I discovered that first with Fifa 18 Gameplayzed Squads from modder Fifaccitiu at Soccergaming Forum. He edited all first divisions and many second Divisions of Fifa 18 with main focus on giving the Players more traits and also lowered the stats. The result was an amazing GP on Fifa 18 I never had again. His Thread in Soccergaming Forum still excist there if anybody wanna give a shot. Here is the link:

I didn´t check the downloadlinks in his thread for a while. But it´s just 2 or 3 month ago when I download some Squads there, so I think they still works.

Related to your thoughts about Fifa 16 and Fifa 17 I totally agree with you. Fifa 16 still a class of it´s own. Well, you should play it with the 1.0.0 Game exe and on top edited through "Gameplayzed" Tool available here in the Forum. Really great difference if you playing Fifa 16 with the "latest" exe from 07/2016 or the mentioned one 1.0.0. Much more fun and better animation feelings on the Pitch.
And yeah, Fifa 17. Goes a little bit under after the first disappointment in 2016 after release, because you couldn´t mod it. The gameplay was already good but many stays with Fifa 16 because of modding opportunities. So it get´s forgotten in some way. But when you discovered it just of curiousity after years it feels pretty great from the Gameplay, not even with that lovely animated Flat-finesse-shot feature EA cancelled with Fifa 19 till todays Fifa 21.
But that´s just a personal feature I really loved in Fifa 17 and 18, so many didn´t intered in that feature.
If we could tweak some Gameplay features from Fifa 17 it would be much more enjoyable than now. It have still it´s "modding issues" like you can´t change meshes with Frosty Editor like head replacing of Players to give them real face instead that ugly generic ones. Even close to all Fifa 18 Textures are useable from Fifa 18 like kits, boots, flags, banners etc. I tried them by myself and it works. But the chance missing for meshes import is a lack of the gameplay considered to the opportunity since Fifa 18 to do so.
But if you can handle with that it´s a fun gameplay and very enjoyable like you noticed by yourself.
Thanks @Byronic for such deep explicit answer.
For me personally the real mess begins with Fifa 19. When you see the Players "ice-Skating" over the Pitch, EA messed it up completly with a touch realism.
Yes. Managed to try FIFA 19 by myself. The demo was still available in my son's account. And it feels completely different game comparing to the previous releases. As for me animations and physics are not the worst issue started from FIFA 19, what I felt most upset after playing it, is that EA introduced some random cheap goal scoring opportunities that in most of the cases makes no sense. I.e. I'm playing normal football, then, suddenly my attacking player becomes totally unmarked inside the penalty box, that allows me to simply pass to him and score. I have scored bunch of similar type goals while playing couple of evenings. These goals does not feel rewarding for me anymore, I feel no satisfaction after scoring them. I oldest FIFAs you need to really work hard to create such type of chances and most of the goals having that "Wow" effect in FIFA 16 and 17.
As for FIFA 18 I have found this video:

And as per video it feels much better than FIFA 19.

The other thing I dislike in the whole FIFA series is the uber-fast speed of certain animations. Like close-dribbling, passing etc. But the overall game pace is fine when playing on slow. The only receipt I found is to play on slow + use cheat engine speedhack on 0.90 - 0.93 + Increase players speed, acceleration and sometime shooting speed in sliders. It is not ideal, but at least make the games feel more fluid.
Plus I noticed that increasing players speed and acceleration by sliders also increases players inertia. But it might be a placebo.
I can encourage you to try it. It cost not the world this time. Another possibility is to sign in on Origin and grab the EA Play Membership for 3,99 € per month. At this time you can play all Fifas from 17-21. No extra costs. I am also Member there, although I own 17,18 and 21.
The newer the Fifa game the more it´s necessary to have some decent gameplay mods to have an half way playable experience imo. That´s the sad truth. I tried some Fifas from 16 to 21 last time on an xbox Series x console. So no chance to improve the gameplay. Fifa 16 feels well, but Fifa 21, yeah it´s hard to play considered to the current PC version I play with a physics and animation mod and also an very good gameplay mod which eliminate close to every unnecessary AI dribbling. First time after 9 month where I can say yes Fifa 21 is playable. Of course anytime from an personal point of view.
@papinho81 mate what is your big face pack containing? Lagwagon?
Also i saw on SG there are some of guys (like Wyld4w5 etc) making many new faces, but links are one per face, does your pack including them? Thanx.
I can encourage you to try it. It cost not the world this time. Another possibility is to sign in on Origin and grab the EA Play Membership for 3,99 € per month. At this time you can play all Fifas from 17-21. No extra costs. I am also Member there, although I own 17,18 and 21.
The newer the Fifa game the more it´s necessary to have some decent gameplay mods to have an half way playable experience imo. That´s the sad truth. I tried some Fifas from 16 to 21 last time on an xbox Series x console. So no chance to improve the gameplay. Fifa 16 feels well, but Fifa 21, yeah it´s hard to play considered to the current PC version I play with a physics and animation mod and also an very good gameplay mod which eliminate close to every unnecessary AI dribbling. First time after 9 month where I can say yes Fifa 21 is playable. Of course anytime from an personal point of view.
Could you list and add link for the mods you use to make FIFA 21 playable please:PRAY:?
Could you list and add link for the mods you use to make FIFA 21 playable please:PRAY:?
You can download the mods now from my Mega Account. I have included an README.txt File where I guide you through the very simple Install Process.
I asume you are familiar with the Fifa Editor Tool which hosted by Fifer and his connections?! You need the Fifa Mod manager Tool to launch one of the mods with it. Just be sure to place this mod on bottom of your Mod manager load order.
Some additional notes. I play on slow gameplay and custom set Gamesliders in the Fifa 21 settings. Also I have my complete Squad File with decreased stats of the Players. Gives a much more realistic Gameplay also. If you wanna have the full experience how I play the Game than PM me and I will give you some more tips. It´s not necessary to decrease your Squads Stats or play with custom gamesliders. I understand some People wanna play Fifa at least on normal speed with Sliders set on 50 standard. Just wanna mentioned that.
You can download the mods now from my Mega Account. I have included an README.txt File where I guide you through the very simple Install Process.
I asume you are familiar with the Fifa Editor Tool which hosted by Fifer and his connections?! You need the Fifa Mod manager Tool to launch one of the mods with it. Just be sure to place this mod on bottom of your Mod manager load order.
Some additional notes. I play on slow gameplay and custom set Gamesliders in the Fifa 21 settings. Also I have my complete Squad File with decreased stats of the Players. Gives a much more realistic Gameplay also. If you wanna have the full experience how I play the Game than PM me and I will give you some more tips. It´s not necessary to decrease your Squads Stats or play with custom gamesliders. I understand some People wanna play Fifa at least on normal speed with Sliders set on 50 standard. Just wanna mentioned that.
Thanks! I'm very familiar with the editor and Fifer lol. I really appreciate you taking the time to upload the files. Just have to find a mod with updated kits, boots and squad file with updated leagues.
Thanks! I'm very familiar with the editor and Fifer lol. I really appreciate you taking the time to upload the files. Just have to find a mod with updated kits, boots and squad file with updated leagues.
Mate, since the 7th of August I read the new Realism Mod from Fifer v1.2 is free now? That´s what I read, though. He have always a bunch of updated GRAPHICS with kits etc.
But if you want some really new and fresh up to date stuff take a look at riesscars Soccergaming thread!
I can give you the link, wait a moment.
Thanks! I'm very familiar with the editor and Fifer lol. I really appreciate you taking the time to upload the files. Just have to find a mod with updated kits, boots and squad file with updated leagues.

Post #346 is an AIO download. But you must walk a little bit through his next sides in his thread, it could be most likely he already updated his Post. Anyway, he provide his Project File also. So you can easily update to the newest Fifa 21 Patch.

Related to the newest Sqauds and also all the promoted Teams I can recommend you downloading the newest Squad File from IMS Patch Website! To be honest I don´t know no other Website where you can get the newest Squads. Sometimes not all Transfers made but the Top Transfers are done. Best option for me.

Here the feature list of the gp mod I uploaded for you:

And let me know how do you feel the gp when you are able to test it.
The second one:

A gameplay mod for FIFA16 that contains:

- the data\attribdbgameplay\gameplayattribdb.big file from the fifa16 demo (v1.0 one is identical)
- the data\attribdbgameplay\attribdb.BIN from fifa19 (from november)

- data\debuglines\default.csv edited with 1 in every columns and rows except for the AiPlayer_ReflexBehavior_ShouldNotTouch row, which is set with 0s
--> back ups of this files are provided together with others versions.
--> for those who would like to have abit more time on the ball withou the cpu pressuring, put also 1s to the row mentionned above.

Download link:

This mod makes the cpu more aggressive in defence and more dangerous in attack. There is also more human errors by the cpu, which seems to be more stat driven. For exemple, first time shots or cheaty headers the cpu loves are less often successful if executed by average or poor players. Or long pass to switch wings are less acurate if executed by players with average pass stats. Unfortunately, it only affects marginally the pass completion rate of the cpu.

Here is just a small video showing an exemple of the cpu aggressivity:

Today @maruni74 told me that he preferred this mod without the be debugline folder. I gave it a go (restored the default debugline file) and I have to agree with him, the games felt a bit more varied in terms of cpu approaches.
Today @maruni74 told me that he preferred this mod without the be debugline folder. I gave it a go (restored the default debugline file) and I have to agree with him, the games felt a bit more varied in terms of cpu approaches.

What's the wind direction today? :P

I have to eat my words. I prefer the game with the debugline file set as I shared it in the mod. Yes you have less time on the ball with it, but I see way less bullshit moments (impossible headers scored, volleys from outside the box by random Joe, magical dribbling, quick 4-5 first time passes). Interestingly stamina depletion seems to be also stronger with it. There is also some time bugs with the players shadows.
There is probably room to fine tune the files and filter the lines that have beneficial impact from the one that have a negative ones.
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What's the wind direction today? :P

I have to eat my words. I prefer the game with the debugline file set as I shared it in the mod. Yes you have less time on the ball with it, but I see way less bullshit moments (impossible header scored, volley from outside the box by random Joe, magical dribbling, quick 4-5 first time passes). Interestingly stamina depletion seems to be also stronger with it. There is also some time bugs with the players shadow.
There is probably room to fine tune the files and filter the lines that have beneficial impact from the one that have a negative ones.
I'll try it putting 0 at that value to have a little more time on the ball
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