Now F1 2011

Re: F1 2010

Ok done a few quick races now on pc.

Very disappointed it is so cack.
Gorgeous graphics, but gameplay is very hard to describe, actually it's not "complete bollo**cks".

I haven't been this disappointed with a game since well never.

Have not tried online yet but prob never will.

All graphics no gameplay so back to GP4 it is.

What's so bad about the gameplay? Is it the feel of the driving? Typical Codies light-weight stuff with feeling that you're driving a hovercraft?

The videos have looked very promising, not just the sumptuous gfx, but the way the cars seemed to handle looked reasonable. But being a Codies game, they've never yet come close to good handling, so is this another turkey?
Re: F1 2010

Stopped by at my brother's earlier and had a quick go, it seemed awful to be honest. Handling felt like an arcade game, plain and simple. Knocking into another car and there was no feedback like there should be, just a message saying you had a warning, and hitting a wall and the car bounced off.

VERY disappointing from the short time I spent with it.
Re: F1 2010

I'm sure Codemasters will be devastated that some torrent users don't like the game that they weren't going to pay for.

88 on metacritic so far.
Re: F1 2010

This sounds like one to avoid then. I was massively sceptical when I first heard Codemasters got the F1 licence and it looks as though they haven't disappointed with another all style, no substance effort.

I think they have the one game engine that they use for all their driving games but an F1 simulation demands a bit more in my opinion.
Re: F1 2010

The game is awesome having so much fun.
Medium was too easy so had to switch to hard.
What other game lets you wait for the weather while u qualify to give u an advantage of grip.
I went out early in melbourne and it started raining after my fast lap virtualy garanteing me a place near pole.
I can see multiplayer having problems as i watched one guy pretty much destroy all the other cars on the first corner of Bahrain which i went on to win.
Re: F1 2010

I've been playing it tonight for a few hours (sadly with the controller as I don't have a steering wheel). It's quite fun, but ultimately underwhelming; mainly because it plays like all the other codemasters racing games, arcadey, fast and unrealistic.

I drive in the cockpit view and found it a quite difficult even on normal settings to place higher than 20/24. Even though I can get up to about 12/24 after a few laps other cars hitting into me causing damage to me (not them) and me constantly being called in to the pit for tweaks to the engine seriously hampered my finishing position. In one race, stopping twice meant that I went from 13th place to 24th immediately. However, I imagine as you progress in your career you'll get better engineers and equipment/cars - but surely it should be easier when you start off a career when you're trying to get to grips with the game?!

I was also very disappointed with the lack of serious damage i.e. speeding into a wall at 120mph doesn't total the car or damage your handling of the vehicle (comparing this to gravel, which actually effects the grip of your tyres! So a few stones effects the tyres but slamming them into a wall doesn't?!), let alone putting an end to the race. Whereas when I clipped the front wing off my car in one race when I was in traffic early on my team were calling me into the pit immediately adding those dreaded 12secs pit time on.

On the plus side, the weather and graphics are gorgeous. The weather also does effect your handling of the car. I think I'll put this in the CBA pile until my gaming endeavours dry up and I'm stuck for a bit of racing action.
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Re: F1 2010

Not sounding great then, especially "cars hitting into me causing damage to me (not them)". I absolutely hate this sort of thing.

Out of interest, do the AI race each other, overtake each other, or just a procession and they only come to life when you're near them?
Re: F1 2010

Dont sound too good, but then I again I really liked Dirt2 and Grid etc.

F1 for a bit of arcadey-F1 fun and rFactor for serious sim racing.
Re: F1 2010

Played again tonight.

Can't get used to it, it is GRID with F1 cars.
The way the AI cars move around the track is amuzing and how they go into corners stuff.

But for me the severe bad feel you get from driving the insanely unrealistic braking the stupid overtaking weird cornering.

The gameplay is just so arcady and awful.

The people who have reviewed the game seem to have been given some codemaster freebies or something.
Next year who ever wants it can have £20 sent through the post as Codemasters and Shopto won't be getting my money next year.

Graphics: 9/10
Sound: 6/10 would be higher but if my engineer talks about shit in my ear again, i am going to disable the sound.
Gameplay: Simulation -10/10. Arcade: 11/10. Actual 3/10.
Lastability: Career could keep some people going but without MODS this dosnt have much life at all.
Presentation: Copied from GRID, really shitty menus and pointless hints telling me that option tyres have a green strip. But awful menu system with a decade to wait before you can do a quick race.

As someone stated above this game really does just warrent a torrent download.
What a pile of complete shite.
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Re: F1 2010

But for me the severe bad feel you get from driving the insanely unrealistic braking the stupid overtaking weird cornering.

The gameplay is just so arcady and awful.

What a pile of complete shite.

So, you're still undecided whether or not you like it?
Re: F1 2010

Interview with the devs up on eurogamer. Quite honest, but disappointing to hear them say the 'big' feature - the live the life stuff - isn't very good and only 25% done.

Other key points;

* no dlc, but they hope to do an update patch
* 2011 is already underway and they want to expand the live the life stuff
* 2012 almost signed too
* fia restricted some things, like not allowing ai drivers to move teams, not more than one team car on track in multiplayer etc
* due to sponsor sign offs and team data, September is the earliest they can release f1 games.
* some of the aids need work ( like what they did with tc though. Turn it off if you spin out, so you can do a doughnut spin and it re-engages when you are facing the right way)

Overall, with the game not even officially released yet, seems they are getting their excuses in already which is poor.
Re: F1 2010

Maybe you're different, but most 'try before buy' excuses turn into 'try and play but never buy because I already have it'. Such as those people giving opinions on the PC version two days before it's released in this country.
Re: F1 2010

Dress it up how you like it, but downloading it illegally, is still illegal! Doesnt matter if you buy it or not!

I'm not dressing up in any way, I'm just saying what I usually do, and I'm probably not the only one that does it this way. Pennies are hard to come by for me at the moment, so I have to be careful what I spend my money on, so I dont want to buy a game that I dont like, or I buy and dont end up playing, have done that too many times before. That's why now I like to try before I buy. If I like the game enough I *will* buy it. I don't have to prove myself to anyone, you'll have to take my word for that.

I know game companies need support, if they create an excellent product then I will buy it, simple as that. I've spent far too many years in the past spending money on games that end up being cack and provide very little updates or support, and the game companies are just interested in the cash and not doing anything about issues (Prototype, as a prime example, has so many bugs, I spent £35 on that game, and it's not EVER had a patch released for it to fix the massive number of issues on that game which caused me to stop playing it, bloody Activision!).

So that's my stance on things.
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Re: F1 2010

Just put this on AVF...

Its actually bloody brilliant - for what it is, and thats a fun F1 racer with an arcade slant.

Looks absolutely incredible in motion on the PC at full settings - sound is great and the feeling of using the Driving Force GT is excellent - all the settings are configured in game for this wheel already which was a nice touch.

I found the UI to be really good too and I especially like how you can change all the options from on the track - so if you dont like the feel of the FF, you can pause and change it on the fly and get straight back on with driving.

Had a quick race round Canada and yea, the AI are a bit bouncy and its nowhere near a 100% sim by any means, but its certainly not 'Grid by with F1 cars' as I keep hearing.

Cant go wrong for £20 either - this is going to be taking up a lot of my time!


From what i can make out too (and I'm half guessing here from what I've seen in the UI), is that the game actively encourages you to do practice laps in the Grand Prix to increase R&D - which fills a bar for different things (aero, engine etc) and when filled you get an upgrade applied to your car.

As I say, I'm not 100% sure on that, but I think its right. If so, thats a great touch and will actually make practice worthwhile!


Also, shamed as I am to say, I love the 'dynamic speed line' overlay. Always have done in racing games and pleased to say this has it - so much easier for learning the track, rather than having the frustration of learning a track and racing.
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Re: F1 2010

Played a bit more at lunch and still think its really good! Worst thing is the damage model, which is pretty non-existant which is a shame.

You can give the AI a good shunt (and vice versa) with no consequence at all (this is will Damage 'Simulation' to full!), which can turn it into a bit of bumper cars at times.

You do get penalised for causing accidents or shunts, but looks like that is in the mask the lack of any damage. Damage IS there, but it has to be a pretty hefty whack into something to break a wing etc.

Apart from that, its brilliant!
Re: F1 2010

Played a bit more at lunch and still think its really good! Worst thing is the damage model, which is pretty non-existant which is a shame.

You can give the AI a good shunt (and vice versa) with no consequence at all (this is will Damage 'Simulation' to full!), which can turn it into a bit of bumper cars at times.

You do get penalised for causing accidents or shunts, but looks like that is in the mask the lack of any damage. Damage IS there, but it has to be a pretty hefty whack into something to break a wing etc.

Apart from that, its brilliant!

Can I ask what F1 games you have played in the past?
Too hear this game is brilliant I just cant take that in.
Re: F1 2010

Can I ask what F1 games you have played in the past?
Too hear this game is brilliant I just cant take that in.

Bear in mind as I said, that I like GRID and also I said the game is brilliant for what it is - a fun arcadey racer.

But my racing history is loooooong and varied.

Right back to Revs and then GP1 on the Amiga. Played pretty much most racers on C64, Amiga, SNES, PS1, XBOX etc etc etc. One of my fave genres.

My fave racing games of all time are probably;

1) IndyCar II
2) GP3
3) rFactor

But I'd say at the moment, for fun alone F12010 is probably in the top 5!!
Re: F1 2010

I was under the impression that this would be a hardcore sim game, if its of the arcade variety, I think I will give it a miss.
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