Next Gen Consoles

If it works the same way as ps4 showed it remembers where you where as you powered off and resume on next load up.

I half expect you'll be forced to view the license screens again as it loads
From my friend, wonder if you guys could answer:

I have a question regarding the new Xbox..

I know it's not backwards compatible with games.. But the Xbox live and everything to do with it is being migrated..

So what I want to know is.. If I buy a game for Xbox one, say Fifa 14, and someone with an Xbox 360 also has FIFA 14.. Can I play with them?

I would say No. Different engines running the game fella so not going to happen.
MS always knew, from the very first xbox, that they real biz would lie ahead in the future in the form of "downloadable only no physical disc no physical console". They are, probably quite correctly, transitioning themselves into the model of biz they envisioned a decade ago.

producing 100 milion console at a loss, shipping millions of discs worldwide, sharing revenues with publishers and retailers hasn't made this business very profitable for them (they have been at loss since the beginning).

But the generation after the ps4/xbox1 is where things will become interesting. u'll be loggin in the xbox live from ur tv and from there u'll play games, no need for discs, consoles, maximum profit, no second hand, no cracked machines etc etc.

I will enjoy the last generation of disc based console with Sony by MS has probably done the right thing biz wise.
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Finally met someone impressed by #Xboxreveal, my Pug just launched herself at my monitor when seeing the COD dog, now that's worth £400...
Xbox One 'does not target the highest-end graphics', says MS engineer

That's unacceptable in my opinion. The Xbox brand was always associated with core gamers but it seems to me they are going down the Nintendo route in sacrificing pure performance for gimmicks and features. Remember, if the Xbox One has the same lifespan as the 360 then it will look decidedly dated in four or five years time. Think of where PCs will be by then.

Poor decision. Sony must be feeling very happy.
That's unacceptable in my opinion. The Xbox brand was always associated with core gamers but it seems to me they are going down the Nintendo route in sacrificing pure performance for gimmicks and features. Remember, if the Xbox One has the same lifespan as the 360 then it will look decidedly dated in four or five years time. Think of where PCs will be by then.

Poor decision. Sony must be feeling very happy.

Having read the context of that quote, I think it refers to Microsoft's marketing strategy. Basically, they didn't do a console reveal that appeals to graphics whores (as they've done in the past) and instead focused the reveal on all the other features.

We all know that PS4 and Xbox One are going to look pretty much the same as whatever high-end PC is out right now.
We all know that PS4 and Xbox One are going to look pretty much the same as whatever high-end PC is out right now.

Not a high-end PC, that's for sure. Also the PS4 looks better on paper as far as specs are concerned, not that we can take much from that at present.
Xbox One:

My opinion of the reveal is that the console has some amazing potential, but the presentation, in terms of addressing specific issues amongst hardcore gamers, was poor. Instead of addressing the 2 main issues (1. Always on/Internet 2. Used games) from the gaming community with a clear message during the main presentation, Microsoft found themselves giving inconsistent answers from different Microsoft reps to different media outlets after the presentation... leading to a PR disaster amongst the hardcore gaming community.

What I've cobbled together:
1. Always on/Internet - The Xbox One will be in some low power state when not in use. With no information as to exactly how much power this state will draw it's hard to have an opinion either way. But, everywhere I look in my house I already have devices that do this (clocks, computers in sleep mode, anything with an led light, etc.) so I'm not really concerned about the power issue. And I'm choosing to ignore any privacy concerns about the Kinect camera being always "on" for the time being.
As for the internet requirement. I'm still not sure what this means. I have a Directv subscription for satellite tv that also "requires" a daily internet connection, but has never been hooked up to the internet since acquiring it years ago. It means I can never use the pay-per-view movie feature, but watching tv programming has never been interrupted. So will the Xbox One require daily internet access to just play games? Or will not having internet just disable non-gaming features? Microsoft did not present enough information.

2. Used games - After listening to publishers and console makers decry the rise in used games over the last 15 years or so (billions of dollars lost to a secondary market every year) I'm not surprised at steps being taken to bring that money back to the publishers and console makers. The news so far is that a license fee would be required to play any game. New copies include the license, whereas used copies would require a purchase of a license. If the license fee is high (like the cost of a new game), then this essentially eliminates any value in a used game.
Good news for the developers of games, they'll no longer be missing out on profits lost to used games sales. Possibly bad news for consumers as there will be little or no opportunity to trade-in games as used games may have no value without a "new" license. (I did read that friends can still borrow games amongst each other with no license to be paid as long as you are willing to let your friend have your account details to play the game.)
Overall, it gives game developers and Microsoft a more direct relationship with the consumer which I think will be a good thing if done right.

Now, outside of these unknowns, I'm surprised by how poorly the gaming community received the console hardware itself. To me, it looked pretty awesome. Pushing the transition away from the physical medium is the way to go. And I can imagine how terrific the Xbox One can be a few years from now when Microsoft has developed the content partnerships to allow everyone to use one seamless interface for all games/music/movies/TV/internet/etc.

Overall, I was really happy with what Microsoft showed. The controllers look to be improved exactly as I wanted (fixed D-pad, removal of stupid giant guide button) and got some extras I didn't know I wanted (individual trigger feedback, better balance/weight). Kinect 2.0 looks to be a great improvement over the original which gets used a lot in my house, although mostly by the kids or for watching video. I use it for games where it's more subtly implemented (Skyrim, Mass Effect, Fifa) and I really enjoy it when it works so I have high hopes.

I'm glad Microsoft ditched showing a bunch of stupid game trailers and focused on the console itself, I'm tired of console reveals being nothing but CG trailers. I only want to see gameplay, or at least in-engine trailers. Whatever game announcements can wait until E3 when I can hear from the developers directly about their vision. Console exclusivity has gone the way of the dodo for major developers so I don't expect to hear any major 3rd party exclusives for either console (outside of silly timed exclusives).

Overall, it looks like there will be the same 3 choices for high-end gaming as there were the last time... Xbox, Playstation, and PC. (Sadly, I have no interest in the WiiU). We all know that the PC will have a clear hardware advantage a year after both consoles launch in terms of graphic fidelity and access to most of the AAA titles available on the consoles. Nothing new for the PC gamer there. So if you want to own a console, your choices are either PS4 or Xbox One.

I assume that by the time either console is actually available to purchase, we will all know about some key exclusives to either console, and how exactly the new control devices for each console will shape our enjoyment of gameplay. Until then, I'm not going to get really worked up over which console is "better" because there just isn't enough information.

I will say, that I highly doubt Sony will be able to match Microsoft's ambitions for the console OS itself. Microsoft certainly knows how to make an operating system and has a huge experience advantage over Sony in terms of existing partnerships with other entertainment mediums. Sony is no slouch, but I would be shocked if Sony isn't playing catch-up in that area. The Xbox One certainly looked a pretty sweet "toy" beyond just gaming.
The Xbox One certainly looked a pretty sweet "toy" beyond just gaming.

But I don't want it for anything else but gaming. So everything that was revealed yesterday was irrelevant to me. It can have the best UI but if it isn't gaming related I couldn't care less.

To me, it was very clearly aimed at the US audience. Maybe that's why you're impressed?
But I don't want it for anything else but gaming. So everything that was revealed yesterday was irrelevant to me. It can have the best UI but if it isn't gaming related I couldn't care less.

To me, it was very clearly aimed at the US audience. Maybe that's why you're impressed?

In my opinion they only showed the TV side of stuff yesterday because E3 going people don't really want to see that shit.
At the end of the day I think the new xbox will be a fantastic games console despite the piss poor presentation yesterday.
But I don't want it for anything else but gaming. So everything that was revealed yesterday was irrelevant to me. It can have the best UI but if it isn't gaming related I couldn't care less.

To me, it was very clearly aimed at the US audience. Maybe that's why you're impressed?

When I first got my 360 it was only for gaming and the occasional DVD movie. Now, years later (and 3 sons) it gets used daily for Kinect games, Netflix, streaming from my media PC, and gaming. I agree that most of the features shown were US based, but I doubt even most US owners will be able to use those features at launch. It's definitely going to take Microsoft a solid year to work out the partnerships world wide, and if they can get enough service providers on board I truly think the Xbox One will change the way I consume media for the better.

I didn't care (or know, obviously) about Kinect or Netflix/Hulu streaming when I bought the Xbox 360, but sure enough, Microsoft innovated and made me a daily user of all those things. My kids turn my 360 on in morning to stream Netflix cartoons before school using voice and motion controls, and then get to play some Kinect games after school (or some XBLA games for the 5 year old). At night my wife and I will stream shows/movies on the 360 and after everyone goes to bed I get to game for an hour or so. It's a great device that has become much more than an "only plays games" machine for me.

Microsoft is going to get partners for Europe and the USA for sure... as for "the rest of the world" I wouldn't be too sure if many of the features will ever arrive, but that's the difficulty in getting content/license partnerships nowadays. If Microsoft had really just announced the Xbox One as a games only machine I would have been flabbergasted. We all know the system is going to play games just fine.

For me, the only thing that will differentiate between the two console will be exclusive games, exclusive control schemes, and then all the non-gaming features the console makers can come up with. Sony sold A LOT of PS2s initially because it was peoples first DVD player. The PS3 was a very hot device to get for Blu-Ray alone at launch. The original XBox laid the ground work for console vs. console gameplay with LAN gaming. The 360s killer app was Xbox Live and then their subsequent OS and Kinect improvements. The Xbox One wants to be a set-top box replacement and dominate a digital gaming marketplace ON TOP OF bringing the same high-end (for consoles) gaming for the hardcore gamer.

E3 is going to be a CG trailer fest as always when new consoles are launched, which will drive me nuts. I look forward to whatever gameplay will be shown for launch exclusives, but I'm guessing the most polished games will be Assassin's Creed 4, Battlefield 4, COD 10, Watchdogs, and Thief 4... all games which will be on both consoles eventually. I hope Sony will lay off the CG trailers (they won't) and explain to me why I should care about their Kinect copy device after their Wii copy device went unsupported. Also, what's the deal with the touchpad on the controller? I want to know how that will change gaming.

Lami, if all you wanted to see was games, I can see how you would be disappointed in Microsoft's console reveal as they mostly ignored hyping future game content. For me, as someone who assumes the games will come, I just wanted to see what the console could do in terms of functionality and what vision Microsoft had for it's future. So for me, the presentation was pretty solid although I was surprised at Microsoft not giving the official word on the internet connection requirement talk or on the used games talk... and then giving conflicting answers through PR reps after it was all over.
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Sony has a kinect copy device? Is that the eyetoy camera that came out on PS2 that they've been evolving through the years? That they showed kinect like tech years before Xbox even revealed kinect? That thing?

Wii copy device being unsupported... Don't know about being unsupported. I've got about 12 move games and a bunch that feature move enabled options like killzone and the wonder book. I dont have a 360 anymore or kinect, but as an outsider it looks like kinect is unsupported. It just looks like they have a handful of games and you flap your arms around and it doesn't really copy your actions 1:1. I know I'm probably wrong in that impression, but that's how it looks. It's all Disney flap your arms around, or star wars jump around or kinect adventures flap and jump around. that's all I've ever seen.

You seem to be heavily inside the Microsoft bubble Eaton so your opInion can't be taken by me as unbiased and totally fair down the middle. You're critising Sony for overusing cg trailers yet that's almost all they did at the Xbox reveal. The on stage demo that guy gave with the Skype call was all faked just like their presentations usually are. Anyone remember Milo? Eurogamer said they weren't allowed to try the Skype chat and other features as they're not available/ready and the kinect still missed some movements they were doing. Yet on stage they showed them as 'working'.

I don't get how you can accept that happily and then chastise someone else for doing cg or other similar smoke and mirrors crap. I'd assume they're all bad things to do?

Fair enough on your points about an all in one device. I don't think I'd use it even if I had one. When I finish playing on something, I unplug it. It saves electricity, even a smidge, and it's just habit for me. I'd feel wrong just going into standby mode just so later I can command it to turn on, then walk over, pick up the pad right next to the power button that I could have just pressed.

But meh. Like I was saying. Your in the bubble. You already enjoy what Xbox offers and already have a negative view on the other consoles. So they don't need to do a reveal and target it at you. Youre already happy and your life is set up around the Xbox. It would be crazy talk to dump all of that and go back to just a games machine. Plus as you have all you listed already... What does the new Xbox actually do that's any better or different? There isn't that magical 'wow this is something new'.

They needed to target the hardcore early adopters. Xbox 360 got it right by getting those early adopters who will happily pay the maximum price for that console and a subscription to Xbox live. When Sony came around, those people had a years worth of games, achievements, dlc and friends. No way would they drop the lot for a poor line up and super expensive ps3.

This year they're releasing together, in a poor economic climate. Most people will either buy NONE and stick with current gen (GTA and watchdogs anyone?) or only buy 1 next gen. Sony are coming out saying to the early adopters, the gamers, we are focused on gaming... This is our spec, these are our features, this is exactly how it works in gameplay. That to me is right on the money and what I wanted Xbox to do. I can view that Sony conference, picture myself playing, and blam. I've got it. It's a little underwhelming. But I can see how it works and can think of how cool it could be in the future. I can't do those things right now like seeing my friends live streams or jump into his game and take control if he's stuck.

I can't see what the Xbox bring to me in terms of gaming other than voice commands that I won't use or feel comfortable using, and being able to multitask like I've got ADHD or something and I have this insane need to do multiple things at every moment. Like... Oh the next map is loading on Cod, just enough time to swap to force for 30 seconds of a race. Maybe you could pause your game, flip to the Internet and find how to beat the boss battle, then swap back. But I can already do that. I just press pause, use my phone, unpause.

Xbox say they have 15 exclusives. But that doesn't mean a lot. They could be Alan wake levels of quality or a bunch of kinect games. We need to see them and see the reviews. Sony already have a large collection of highly rated exclusives and you assume most would make the transition to next gen and remain as good if not better.
Maybe they could do halo but on the scale of battlefield? That could be great.

I need MOAR from Xbox to convince me. Not just hey here is a new box that does what the last one did but better.
I'm sure they'll do something at E3 to get my interest. Pricing is going to be a big deal breaker, but so far I just get the feeling its the same old stuff. Kinetic, tv, timed exclusives.
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Funny, you got rid of your 360 and get the impression the Kinect is unsupported, I give away my PS3 and feel the Eye and Move are unsupported. Certainly wasn't fair to say that Sony had ripped off anybody with the Eye as I was quite aware of the previous versions.

And please don't take my posts to mean that the Xbox One is necessarily the best console released this fall... I'm just putting forth the argument that what they've shown so far isn't the disaster that some people think it to be and we'll all see which console maker has the better strategy when it comes to gaming at E3.

Although having been through a console "war" every generation since Atari vs. Intellivision I think it's safe to say that both consoles by themselves will satisfy most hardcore gamers and if either console is declared a "winner", it won't be by much.
I've had both too and Kinect pisses over the PS Eye.
Sony launch was shite but all I'm hearing is how poor the Xbox one was. A bit hypocritical from both camps.
The reveals were for a new PS and XB. XB was physically on show and they revealed what the console can do. I see no issue with that. The games will come in the next few months.
More will be shown for both consoles for all things (games, hardware, plus any other info) and guess what, they aren't out for 6 months so everybody needs to just stop whining about everything.

With regard to this latest reveal of the Xbox, all I hear is I wanted this, this doesn't appeal to ME. FFS, its not just aimed at you. It's aimed at all different types of people. If you don't like a certain feature, don't bloody use it! Your kids (if or when you have them) may like it though. There will be things that some people like and others don't... on both consoles.

@ Eaton - Your description about how the console fits in with your family life sounds pretty much the same as mine. I'm happy that it will cover multiple media type things. The new additions are nice little things to have. My kids will also enjoy them.

I'm not even worried about the gaming side of things. I feel people who moan about that must be bloody stupid. Of course the bloody thing will play shit hog games with great graphics. The difference in the two consoles will hardly be noticeable. I laugh at people doing split screen comparisons on current gen. There's hardly any difference in them.

I'm not stupid enough to choose a console yet as there's 6 months to go. 6 months people. Chill out a bit. This isn't just aimed at people in here but Christ I've read some shit around the web. Whining little bitches everywhere. It's quite funny tbh.
this second hand fee sounds like amarket distortion to me. we'll see how they implement it but i am pretty sure this policy will receive a lot of attention from the anti trust authorities.
Funny, you got rid of your 360 and get the impression the Kinect is unsupported, I give away my PS3 and feel the Eye and Move are unsupported. Certainly wasn't fair to say that Sony had ripped off anybody with the Eye as I was quite aware of the previous versions.

And please don't take my posts to mean that the Xbox One is necessarily the best console released this fall... I'm just putting forth the argument that what they've shown so far isn't the disaster that some people think it to be and we'll all see which console maker has the better strategy when it comes to gaming at E3.

Although having been through a console "war" every generation since Atari vs. Intellivision I think it's safe to say that both consoles by themselves will satisfy most hardcore gamers and if either console is declared a "winner", it won't be by much.

Exactly. I'm in the Sony bubble so my view on the others isn't well informed. The only adverts I see for liner are what's shown on nickelodeon or Disney when the kids are watching. I only know about playstation move do much because the kids love it so I have to look at it.

I too don't think the Xbox was a total flop. It looked cool. I just wanted more about games and how the console will make my experiences better than why Sony are offering. I'm sick of Sony Europe and miss the xbox ecperience so want to jump ship but without the games I won't.

The Skype thing is cool, but I hate people phoning and bothering me anyway.
Voice command I'd feel like a tit using and I only tend to get a chance to play at night with the kids in bed so its volume down and trying not to wake them.
The Internet I do on my phone or tablet or pc and I can't see the tv being better, how would I type or save or download?
Music again I use my phone and radio player app.

I'd love to buy one of these on launch (providing the games are there). I love that day one feel where what you experience is totally new a d you haven't been ruined by other people's opinions or videos etc. like I really wanted a vita at launch, then I played my brothers and the novelty and excitement was gone. If I bought myself one now, I'd enjoy the games but the rest would be lost on me.
I kind of did the same in the Wii, once the novelty of waving the controller was experienced at a friends house, I bought one and ... It just wasn't the same.

There's still a LONG time until release day so plenty of time for gameplay and surprises to show. I'm just not sure I like their attitude though. #dealwithit and calling gamers backwards if they want backwards comparability or bitching about parts of the world and saying 'why would I want to live there?'
It's really shitty and I'd hate to buy into that.
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