Funny, you got rid of your 360 and get the impression the Kinect is unsupported, I give away my PS3 and feel the Eye and Move are unsupported. Certainly wasn't fair to say that Sony had ripped off anybody with the Eye as I was quite aware of the previous versions.
And please don't take my posts to mean that the Xbox One is necessarily the best console released this fall... I'm just putting forth the argument that what they've shown so far isn't the disaster that some people think it to be and we'll all see which console maker has the better strategy when it comes to gaming at E3.
Although having been through a console "war" every generation since Atari vs. Intellivision I think it's safe to say that both consoles by themselves will satisfy most hardcore gamers and if either console is declared a "winner", it won't be by much.
It's not a disaster, but as a gamer it just meant nothing to me. That's all.

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