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worst way to apply a sponsor logo :(
that's a fake, the crest will be only black on yellow background as we can see on the chelsea page. ;)
OPM : too realistic for me... on the chelsea page, it is only some gfx tricks done by some fella... the crest is normal actually...
That's not black, it's navy-ish - it's obviously a graphical effect that they've plastered onto it, because the backdrop to it (i.e. the shirt colour) is nowhere near that pale.

Looks like those pics above are real. URGH, URGH, URGH and URGH.
for me it looks like a 2 tone crest. i would even place a bet that it will be releaed like that. ;)

above pics also look fakeish cause they miss the stripes that aree embeded into the material on front and back. (barely visible, but visible.)
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