
To me it smells as a smoke curtain, and possibly related to the new User Agreement of Sony on PSN. Maybe they deliberatedly delayed it to have all users sign the new PSN agreement therefore have legal rights on the contents created in the game. For instance, they could charge in the future for content created by users... because I really don't understand how that stupid two lines in a song could cause all of this.
I wonder, if someone who was a Christian contacted sony and told them they were offended by the Manchester Cathedral in Resistance FOM being in the game the same would happen.:ROLL:
Amen to that, Rad. :APPLAUD: They may have apologized but they didn't take it out did they...

I got this game this morning. I LOVE YOU MOVIETYME. <3

This has to be the best game I have played on the PS3 yet. Some pics... [Sorry about the awful quality my camera phone is knackered!]

The Box. Disc is in the console. Any screen shots or anything from the manual anyone want's me to take just ask.

Me and Proxi as a sackboy couple with strange faces haha.

Everything about this game I love. Stephen Fry's voice goes perfect for the commentary, the soundtrack is spot on for the worlds, I love how you can customize your character at any point in the game too. There is just so much to do. For example in story mode, you can pick up items that give you challenge to do after that level to earn more objects and more survival challenges to get more stuff etc...!! It's just so huge, and the amount of levels you can make is just immense. I don't think I will ever get bored of this. And the music is just brilliant! So happy. Also 2 player co-op is excellent, you can get to new places you can't get to alone as well, at the moment me and Will have made it to a Gothic wedding type world, it's pretty hard too.

And just in case anyone is wondering the servers aren't up yet, so I haven't been able to look at the online modes. I expect they won't be up for a week or two yet.
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I can't understand why religious people (of all religions) can be so over-sensitive...this is a song by a Muslim singer...what's wrong (i know what's wrong,Bullyboy eplained that..).
There is beautiful Muslim music (Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan for instance, both songs he made with Pearl Jam's Eddie Vedder are terrific)...i will never understand such reactions.
Well, i guess this is good for both the game and Toumani Diabate...maybe not so good for Sony...

I agree with you completely.
"Quite normal" to sing the Qur'an - artist News

News by Oli Welsh

Today 11:39

Speaking to the BBC's News at Ten TV programme, Toumani Diabate, the Malian singer of the music track that has caused the delay to LittleBigPlanet's release, has defended his lyrics.

The game was recalled from retailers worldwide last week so that the song could be removed. It features two lines that directly quote the Islamic holy text, the Qur'an, the inclusion of which Sony feared might offend some Muslims.

Diabate, a Muslim himself, doesn't see the problem. "It's quite normal to play music and be inspired by the words of the prophet Mohammed," he told the BBC. "It's my way to attract and inspire people towards Islam."

The BBC report noted that the track was "widely available" through other channels.

However, Sony wasn't prepared to take any risks. "We wanted to eradicate the possibility of the game falling into the hands of the somebody who may deem the music track offensive," Sony Computer Entertainment Europe spokesman Jonathan Fargher told the News at Ten.

The BBC canvassed Muslim community groups on the issue, and they took varying positions.

"Muslims believe the Qur'an to be the actual word of God... If it were to be used in a commercial way, that would upset and cause offence and hurt to many, many Muslims," said Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra of the Muslim Council of Britain.

"The number of stakeholders in the offence industry has just grown and grown and grown. Everybody gets offended about everything," countered Yasmin Alibhai-Brown of British Muslims for Secular Democracy.

The BBC's reporter, home editor Mark Easton, drew a parallel with the controversy Sony faced last year over the appearance of Manchester Cathedral as a battleground in Resistance: Fall of Man, something that offended many in the Church of England. However, in that instance, the game was not withdrawn.

But he concluded that corporations were no longer prepared to take financial risks on religious issues.

"In an increasingly globalised world, people feel more anxious that their their identity will be lost in some corporate, multicultural soup," Easton said. "But the same forces that they think threaten their individuality also give them the power to fight for things they hold dear."

He cited the fatwa declared on author Salman Rushdie, the violence over Muslim cartoons in the Dutch press, and Christian protests at Jerry Springer The Opera as events that had changed the landscape for companies. "Now even the most powerful multinationals choose to steer clear of religious backlash," Easton said.

"Some will see it as political correctness gone mad, others as refreshing corporate sensitivity. But Sony's decision has more to do with hard-headed business."

It's an interesting report. You can view it on the BBC iPlayer; the report starts just over 15 minutes into the programme.

I've actually not been to sleep, up all night on this game, minus one hour. It is that good. I'm stuck on a right bastard of a level though, thought a previous mine cart type one was bad, but oh no. Let;s just say I hate electricity!
My name? Oh right yeah! Changed it back, not so obvious I'm a lass then I guess. I'm gonna give a proper full on review later I think, I'm daft cause when I'm playing it I think "oh they might wanna know about this and this or maybe this," and then I get on the computer and my mind goes blank. :|

I've spent the night decorating my Pod, and driving cars. Could you drive cars in the beta? Well not actually drive, like, get in a car with a switch that makes it go backwards and forwards but it's still fun doing jumps and what not. Plus I've only just realized that there is actually a story to it. Seriously, I didn't realize until getting far into the story mode. I've also decided that in my opinion this game is Super Paper Mario, My Sims, and Super Mario Bros all mixed into one with other crazy stuff added. And then obviously tonnes of customization added.
I've had a fairly good go of it now obviously and I haven't played GTA4 online or FIFA 09 at all since LBP came yesterday morning, I think that says it all! I want to play these other games but can't help but play LBP when near the Puss3. Co-op is a great feature for the story mode, especially when I help out on Yana's account. I can select my own character from my account and whatever items I find for appearance or level creation they're automatically saved onto my account for when I log in as me.

Then I'll be getting Far Cry 2 at the weekend and christ *crikey there's not enough hours in the day.

Only problems I have with LBP so far is that the Sacklad sometimes doesn't jump when you want him to, he's too busy showing off his latest threads or something. However, this kind of annoyance has been round since the Mario days. Apart from that, the game is really charming, it's a cute and very alluring experience.

Creation wise, I've not done any levels yet or started. I'm too busy collecting the tonnes of items you can find, it's enough fun just doing that. Got plenty of ideas for levels, I want to make the Tardis off Doctor Who for a start, Daleks too etc. It's amazing knowing you can actually be capable of doing it too. For example the Tardis is possible, things can be set to fade away with noises & lights accompanying it. It's mad. Which is way I love it.

*removed to respect Christianity.
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Making stuff from Doctor Who would be awesome. One thing I am trying to do at the minute is re-create one of the mine levels from Donkey Kong Country if anyone remembers them. Bit bloody hard to get it all right though! I would also love the make Level 2 from the original Donkey Kong, the one that is used on Smash Brothers Brawl, with Kong at the top and everything.

Arrrrghhh there's so much to make! Just wait til this goes online.
Sony has patched LittleBigPlanet to version 1.01, but this does not appear to be the patch that removes controversial lyrics from Tourmani Diabaté's song "Tapha Niang".

Eurogamer downloaded the patch this morning, but the controversial lyrics identified since the game's worldwide recall last Friday can still be heard.

So what does the patch do? We're waiting to hear back from Sony for the official line, but posters on the forum noticed that the jetpack can now be turned off with the circle button. Previously you had to shake the Sixaxis or DualShock3.

As soon as we hear back from Sony about what else the patch does, we'll let you know.

For more on the LittleBigPlanet recall fiasco, check out our LittleBigPlanet gamepage, which is also host to our review. Dramas aside, it's an amazing game.
No-one seems to have had the patch since it was "released" yesterday morning, which is odd. The servers for the online side of the game are down however, it attempts to log you into the LBP servers when the game boots up. Which would explain it! They're not back online til Monday (allegedly).
"A source close to the developer" (ie someone from Media Molecule) has told Eurogamer that the update patches a few online functions and adds some new costumes. The game's music will be patched in a second update, which is due for a "later date".
Servers have been turned on, which has led to us finding some smashing levels, especially Sackman Returns, a Batman spoof where we could even collect Batman items to use for ourselves. HONK.

There's a lot of levels on there, crikey! Been on some crazy skateboard and rocket levels and it's packed full of cool little features such as instant notifications of your friends' latest scores, plus being able to bring the people you randomly met in a level (they could be halfway round by the time you joined it) into a party pod with one of you selecting a level.

It's gone really laggy however, I believe the servers are restricted at the moment, however first signs are really promising.
Just found Escape From Hell! About to play. We'll post back in a bit after scouring the creations from you 3 :)

It says Secrets Of An Ancient Palace has been getting played, by the way. Cool!
Escape from hell was just a test to see what could be done - but i got bored with the limits of the beta when it came to the clouds.

Ancient Palace was an attempt and a level full of set pieces and took freaking hours to get everything working. But a lot of the things i did will help when i come to make full version maps - ive already got an idea about how to make an entire section of a level change its appearance kinda like a fruit machine.
We loved the Ancient Palace one!! The pirate ship is damned cool and loved the car too! Also some very cool traps with bombs and falling rocks. :D
Did our levels from the beta cross over then?
Did you find the secret on the palace to unlock that ship?
Do you mean the reward bubble containing the pirate ship? If so, yes. We also got the Waves item, made out of glass, they look uber cool.

The levels don't look shite man, they're nifty! Especially the Ancient Palace one Rad. That was the best from the Evo efforts so far. Tobi's was cool, however I kept getting respawned on the bottom path and there was no way past the electricity so I kept dying over & over! :P

Was thinking last night maybe an Evo-Web level could be created, with pictures of us all in it. Little lairs along the way with a personalized puzzle or task from each of us.
Jaygrim created a Evo Web level, search evo web...
Proxi's just [playing on the Evo Web level now, what's the fuck up? It does seem fun, what with the Evo Web logo and the guest star Chris Wright. :LMAO:
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