Kitserver 8 (Support discontinued, people! So please no new threads on this issue!)

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Re: Kitserver 8

how to change my scoreboard..use ggs or kitserver..can someone teach me..i have download and i just open folder gakserver(gamingaccess patch but same with kitserver) and open folder img and paste cv05.img and rv0c_e.img..but it not works..just old scoreboard
Re: Kitserver 8

how to change my scoreboard..use ggs or kitserver..can someone teach me..i have download and i just open folder gakserver(gamingaccess patch but same with kitserver) and open folder img and paste cv05.img and rv0c_e.img..but it not works..just old scoreboard
Maybe you can check if there are files with same number with mod@y scoreboard in the folder..
Re: Kitserver 8

Hey I've some problems with kitserver 8. (or so I think I do..)

When i try to launch the settings.exe, there's a popup box asking me "Do you to enable all quality levels, including those which aren't official supported by your graphics card?".

and then it hangs there? It's pretty annoying and I can't really find a solution to it.. I hate playing with medium or maybe even LOW graphics!!
Re: Kitserver 8

I think juce has now broken the c. .. then I do not think we should expect chissachi, the other hand I capiscoed a reason to have his broken.
nisba ks 8.1xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Re: Kitserver 8

Quality Patch!!!! Makes a great game even better! I do have one minor problem though...can anyone tell me how to keep the original camera angles rather than the altered ones that come with this patch! Would be very much appreciated:)
Re: Kitserver 8

Before i say anything i would like to thank juce and Robbie for all their hard work on kitserver over the years.

But i didn't just come here to say that...

I was wondering if anybody knew of a maximum limit that kitserver is able to load, because just recently I've found that when i have kitserver installed the game window just flashes and then closes, and when i uninstall it it works fine (obviously no patch data though)

I would insert it all into the img files by afs explorer but it would take too long to rename all the files, so i was wondering if anybody had had such a problem or had any advice.

Re: Kitserver 8

It is just an invalid name in one of the folders I guess. I had the same problem. try removing the img folders one by one to see which one is the wrong. Every time, move a folder to somewhere else and start the game. Then put it back if the folder continues to not load. When the game will load, you will have found the wrong named folder.
Re: Kitserver 8

thanks i will try that, although i already started reinstalling pes:BORED:


ok i got it working it appears that map.txt was the problem.

However i want to change some of the kits in there, and whenever i edit the map file the game doesn't work.

Is there any way i can edit the map.txt without causing the game to not load.


ok it seems that map.txt doesnt like wordpad, but when i opened it with programmers notepad it worked fine, thx guys
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Re: Kitserver 8

Guys i have a very strange problem,When I try playing with Norway,the game is charging eternally,I tested in edition mode and just see the Goalkeeper ,when i go to see the players do not appear,i tried to change the folder GBD of Norway and i have the same problem,and if I remove the enters of the map.txt everything works correctly,if someone has had some similar problem and can help me....

Re: Kitserver 8

So can any1 help me out with those black kits,it's ruining my gameplay as i can't differentiate teammates from opponents =(
Also ,i'm getting this :
So i can't install kitserver anymore ...
PLZ help,thnx

1st of all, the black kits are being generated if you are using the kit relinking tool with OF, when kits appears black means you have linked kits that do not exist in CV06.img.

Using Kitserver and GDB. is much easier

for the 2nd problem i'm not sure what is the problem , i recommend to reinstall a fresh copy of the game , install the latest kitserver and use GDB with map txt, if you are not familiar of using the kitserver functions , read the manual

Re: Kitserver 8

1st of all, the black kits are being generated if you are using the kit relinking tool with OF, when kits appears black means you have linked kits that do not exist in CV06.img.
I never used the relinking tool coz it never opened when i downloaded it :(

Using Kitserver and GDB. is much easier
That's what i used to do before kitserver got ruined ...

I don't think i can reinstall the game again,i hope there's soemthing else that can be done to fix the kitserver and start the installation.
Thnx for ur reply btw,very appreciated ...
Re: Kitserver 8

Hello everyone. I've installed the ARSENAL4LIFE patch that includes C.C. Championship teams which runs fine in exhibition mode. The problem occurs when i try to play in Master League when the game crashes ("a problem has occured and windows has had to close thie app'"). It usually happens at the beginning of a camera replay. Any help appreciated.
Re: Kitserver 8

no mate juce to lazy to do it im afraid

wrong, juce has stopped working on KS because he has interests elsewhere. What kind of lazy developer has made four different KS for the past four PES games? Pretty amazing if you ask me.
Re: Kitserver 8

hey I have a problem. I inserted some bin files into Kitserver ---> IMG ---> cv09.img but the dont seem to work :( whats the problem?
Re: Kitserver 8

I downloaded some turf for santiago Bernabeu. I inserted the bins into kitserver and it doesnt workk. I inserted a new net bin (unnamed_31) it also doesnt work.

I also cant pick a kit in game. I installed a whole pack with kits but I cant pick any in the game
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