Just me or is the on foot stuff (running, jumping, general combat, etc) really clumsy/quite shit?
I died a few times trying to get the knife guy, I can't dodge attacks. You try and wait for the animation to start but by then it's too late to dodge. In the end I just button-mashed the mo-fo to death.

Also, I got to the mission where you have to smash the guy's window, but I couldn't pick anything up. I was trying to pick the trashcans up and it wouldn't let me, then someone walking past dropped his cigarette and it let me pick that up. I threw it at the window for a laugh - and it smashed the window. It must have been one of those reinforced cigarettes. :|

Brilliant game though, the level of detail is stunning.
see online play, do you have to call other people in the room to talk to them? like call of duty 4, u can talk to whoevers in ur team but was wondering about gta online. any one can confirm this for me?:SS
I had a great match today with KRadiation, the sly sniper. :-pp

I had the problem with the online a bit, where it was uber difficult to connect, I'm sure they'll sort it in time though, so I'm not too fussed. This game is a thing of Majesty. I can't get over all the things you can do. Everything is so realistic too, all the attention to detail and stuff is immense.

Cant believe you've been on it since 9am JB, that IS dedication. ;))

In case you don't know its in Nikos apartment, you just go up to it and get prompted if you want to watch it.
Yeah that match was fun - though to be fair i did spend a lot of time tracking down the person who had booted the game and then gone off for a dump and left themselves standing around. Thats why i won it so easily.

I wasn't too sure why everyone quit though - 2 of them ran off for a swim - 1 was away and that left 3 of us - the 3rd guy quit - then everyone else and then you

I did laugh when i spotted that rocket you got me with - i heard the 'wwhhoooooossshhhhhhh' noise... turned my camera with the right sticki and got out 'oh shiii' and then KA-BOOOOOOOOM just as i hit square to try to jump out of the way and ended up FLYING across the map

Yeah, It's seriously funny.

I have a bizarre sense of humour though, so it may not be everybody's cup of tea.

It's weird that sometimes you think there is going to be nothing on a channel, then up one pops.

How they fit this much onto one xbox 360 disk is beyond me.
Haha I forgot that actually yeah! I was rather proud of that cause you'd got me a couple of times. :lmao:

I got an invite to another game and I thought you'd left to go to the loo or something cause it didn't look like you were moving, I tried to invite you but that's when PSN started going all weird.

I think im the only one who isn't finding the stand up on the tv funny - K and G - G was passable at best and K's bored me to death

Everything else is great


I though the static meant that they didnt have that channel? does it tune in after a while if you leave it?

Yeah I thought it meant nothing was there, like you had to do something to get more channels.
Oh no - it told me you had quit the game

I was up at the top of the stairs and you were below - i took a few shots at you - jumped off the top landed below... then you turned and killed me... i think that was the end?

then it told me you quit and it came you 'you're the only player left' - then it ended the game

yes - i was thinking maybe later when you advance you'll get more channels as you have the money to pay for cable
I am having trouble getting this game to look right during daylight hours. I have a samsung M87 and playing GTA on my 360 using HDMI. It either looks washed out and the shadows (particularly when under the bridge) flicker really badly. Are you guys adjusting all of the sliders or specific ones?

As for the game itself all I can say is excellent. It is the level of detail that is just amazing, the interaction with the environment is also amazing. I am really looking forward to getting further into the game as I am led to believe that it becomes even more immersive.

IIRC there's 2 hours of TV Shows recorded, the wife and I watched the documentary about the history of Liberty City, really funny :)
Can anyone confirm something about this map

Is this supposed to be GTA3's liberty city - is it just another part of liberty city - or is this like a re imaging of GTA3's?

I keep having deja-vu in certain areas - almost like they look the spit of an area in 3 - or the road layout is the exact same but when i turn the corner its not the hospital or its not the strip club
just had an awesome game, Cops vs Robbers 3 vs 3 and all us 3 robbers were in different cars following each other and i had the GPS on directing them

it was class
Just moved some stuff in here from the non-spoiler thread, I'd use this thread for everything now lads seeing as the game is out. Don't spoil it for those who haven't got it yet.
Played a bit online with afew lads off here and it was great fun.

Really great bit when I was in a car and there were about four of us bombing down the road - I think it was becanes in the other car on the team against me.

We bumped into eachother and I was trying to ram him into a wall but he was stronger and as my wheel clipped the kerb I flipped over and got taken down!!!

It was just like in the movies!!!!!

It is amazing what they have done with this game. Single player is enough - but all of the different modes in multiplayer aswell and you can go anywhere!!

How many players is free roam - and are there really co op missions as i read before the release?

Im not online to try myself at the moment otherwise id just check myself
How many players is free roam - and are there really co op missions as i read before the release?

Im not online to try myself at the moment otherwise id just check myself

Free Roam is upto 16 players from what I understand. I think "Hangmans Noose" is a co-op multiplayer mission?
it would be awesome if you could

oh and on the website it says 781,556 cars have been stolen today :LOL:

that would obviously be x10 if everyone linked there gamertag to the website
Not really moaning mate. Custom soundtracks have been in GTA before and with the 360 having a larger HDD, it'd make sense to have custom soundtracks again.
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