Brucie is a complete 100% cockend
So its only Tim and CW that dont like Brucie then

I like Dwyane as well but im only in the early stages of his missions
I've got the game now so will be joining you all for some multiplayer fun soon.
Brucie is a tit - he's a typical person who you actually would meet on the internet. All cock and no brains.
I think Brucie is quite funny, although he doesn't mean it, it's just funny how stupid he is :-pp.
What are your favourite one liners that you've heard so far? (I've spoiler tagged mine as they're a bit naughty)
I was near "Times Square" yesterday, and had 2 good ones.
One guy said
as I went past him (my step dad was watching me play, slightly embarrassing :blush:), and on the next block a woman was talking to her friend:
"If he has crabs, why should I go down on him?"

Ive not heard anything really yet -- ive heard people answering their mobiles with different styles and heard the odd few lines of chat between 2 people - but nothing that stood out and no one liners -- ive spent most of my time in cars and only get out to kil or run into a safehouse/other building

Are you going to Southend v Doncaster tonight mate?

Nah, working till late, so gotta catch it on TV (its about a 3 hour drive for home games for me at the mo!).

And sods law, the 2nd leg - Donny is about 45 mins away and I'm gonna be in Essex for my birthday!!!

Maybe I'll make it to Wembley!
Ah mate, gutted :((. I would have gone tonight if I had someone to go with I reckon.
I just think a few people are missing the comedic element to Brucie

you know that kind of people that dont find Will Ferrell funny and all that ;))
Will Ferrell's a comedy actor?

I like him really... Vince Vaughn is one guy i don't get though
Brucie is great - loved a bit today when he said "Women. Man...I mean 'Women'....Man"!!!

This game has got me by the short and curlies now - 17 hours of play so far.

Only 25% thru the game though as I enjoy driving around, doing the odd random killing, taking in the scenes.

And now I'm able to get onto Manhattan - wow! I was only there in July last year so trying to re-trace my steps a little.
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There's quite a few spoiler tags in some of the posts in the last few pages to this thread. I thought it was supposed to be NON-SPOILER?
Just noticed my stats have finally started being tracked on the social club - my best is 88% for public transport.

The one that is going to annoy me the most ios the arrested stat because at the moment ive never been arrested which is a good thing but it seems i have to allow myself to get that?


Just got to wait and see what the multiplayer stats are going to be like
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