[General Discussion] What have you been playing this week?

I was thinking to create a new thread about it but before doing so I would like to ask all fellow EvoWeber's if they have children
I think new thread is a good idea. We could have children-focused suggestions and discussion on what do they play and if it's ok or not. I think a lot of Evo members have kids.

From my perspective - it will not be easy for you to push your child towards something else. And it's mainly down to their friends. If they play Roblox and Fortnite and stuff like this - your child will want to play them as well to "stay in the loop". Sometimes even if they don't particularly like the games.

My little one is 9 and for the moment she is not very interested in any Online games. But she does play silly games that her friends play. "Singing monsters" would be good example. Her friends play it, so she does too. And she is googling how to breed specific monsters and collects gems and diamonds and whatnot. Brainless game, but aimed at kids so they can chat and show each other their monsters. Typical "Sticker Collecting" mutation.

Now - my little one also loves old school Nintendo games. There is SNES emulator on Google Play store and you can download Nintendo ROMs from many websites.
She loves Super Mario World, Super Mario World Yoshi Island, Donkey Kong 1,2,3.
They are very difficult games for today's standards and she was asking me the other day why is it so difficult, coz she couldn't beat first boss.
I told her that games used to be much harder and this is an old game. They were teaching patience and were much more rewarding when you finally succeeded. About half an hour later I heard a scream of joy and she ran to me to tell she beat it.

Best way to 'convince' a child to play something else is to pick their interest to a point where the child brings it to his/her friends and it becomes new topic of discussion.
No man's Sky
Brilliant (again)
Nice to get back to the likes of NMS every now and again.
Personally I'm starting to hate procedural generation, coz after a while you realise that nothing will surprise you. Every space station looks the same, every abandoned building looks the same...
But when you jump to it after a long time (and an update or few) it feels great again.
I'm hoping for some update overhauling planets variety and some exploration update. But it's still an awesome game. Very relaxing.
Nice to get back to the likes of NMS every now and again.
Personally I'm starting to hate procedural generation, coz after a while you realise that nothing will surprise you. Every space station looks the same, every abandoned building looks the same...
But when you jump to it after a long time (and an update or few) it feels great again.
I'm hoping for some update overhauling planets variety and some exploration update. But it's still an awesome game. Very relaxing.
Truly a very relaxing game, just fiddling with stuff, love it.
Don't remember how far in I got the last time 50-75 hrs or so, restarted from scratch this time
Played and completed the Quarry this week.
Quite an older title now being a year old but is certainly an improvement over the Dark Pictures games.

It isn't as good as Until Dawn but was pretty decent and didn't take too long to complete either - About 10 hours.

So as far as the Dark Pictures games go, this is the order I would put them.

1. Until Dawn
2. The Quarry
3. Little Hope
4. House of Ashes
The above are all well worth playing, however don't bother with these as they are pretty shite.

5. Man of Medan
6. Devil in Me
One thing ive always had a hard thing doing is playing 3-4 games at the same time (you know what i mean) so i always get full rain man and binge one till the end.
Ive tried keeping up my ML with Pes 13, my career mode with fifa 15 and 17, plus having Watch dogs going ,plus Skyrim and finally No mans sky.
And in the end i hardly game...
I'm the other way around. I can't commit to one game for longer. If it's some short, indie game - no problem.
Anything up to 20/30 hrs - grand.

But anything more than that and I just cant do it.
Like Valhalla, or Death Stranding, or even Red Dead 2..
I'll pump 20/30 hours into them and then they sit there for few months until I feel hunger to play something like this again.

That's why I'm coming here often saying that I played something else than few days ago. I just cant stick to one game.
I'm the other way around. I can't commit to one game for longer. If it's some short, indie game - no problem.
Anything up to 20/30 hrs - grand.

But anything more than that and I just cant do it.
Like Valhalla, or Death Stranding, or even Red Dead 2..
I'll pump 20/30 hours into them and then they sit there for few months until I feel hunger to play something like this again.

That's why I'm coming here often saying that I played something else than few days ago. I just cant stick to one game.
Thats probably the way to go, and games last longer too
Thats probably the way to go, and games last longer too
Yeah and it has nothing to do with game's quality. Red Dead 2 is a masterpiece, but I had to give it couple of months break before I finished it.
I guess it also comes down to my personal preferences and the fact that I always played a lot of "neverending sandboxes", like Elite Dangerous, No Man's Sky, Dayz, Valheim and all other survival/crafting. They don't really end, so I need to put them away myself
Yeah and it has nothing to do with game's quality. Red Dead 2 is a masterpiece, but I had to give it couple of months break before I finished it.
I guess it also comes down to my personal preferences and the fact that I always played a lot of "neverending sandboxes", like Elite Dangerous, No Man's Sky, Dayz, Valheim and all other survival/crafting. They don't really end, so I need to put them away myself
True, one thing im having trouble balancing is sports games with other games, i always go all in on FIFA/PES/2K and not playing anything else, also only one of those, never a couple of pes games then back to fifa etc.
I have a few games to cleanse my gaming, or games that i can jump in at any time, like The Talos principle, play an hour every week or so, then back to sandbox or sports games.
But indie games like you said can be binged,
Btw, Firewatch and What remains of Edith Finch, are they on your list?
Firewatch and What remains of Edith Finch, are they on your list?
I completed Firewatch long ago.
Very good game despite the fact that
literally nothing happened in it.. :LOL:

"What remains.." is not on my list due to the fact that from the clips that I have seen - it was hard to even understand what the game is about.. so I wasn't sure whether it was worth it or not.
Should I add it?

PS. I downloaded Limbo after your recommendation.
Didn't get around to it yet, coz I've been playing Black Desert Online last few days. Was in a mood for MMO.
I completed Firewatch long ago.
Very good game despite the fact that
literally nothing happened in it.. :LOL:

"What remains.." is not on my list due to the fact that from the clips that I have seen - it was hard to even understand what the game is about.. so I wasn't sure whether it was worth it or not.
Should I add it?

PS. I downloaded Limbo after your recommendation.
Didn't get around to it yet, coz I've been playing Black Desert Online last few days. Was in a mood for MMO.
What remains of Edith Finch is one of the best games ever created. It's in my top 10 list. In fact it's not a game, it's pure art.
I completed Firewatch long ago.
Very good game despite the fact that
literally nothing happened in it.. :LOL:

"What remains.." is not on my list due to the fact that from the clips that I have seen - it was hard to even understand what the game is about.. so I wasn't sure whether it was worth it or not.
Should I add it?

PS. I downloaded Limbo after your recommendation.
Didn't get around to it yet, coz I've been playing Black Desert Online last few days. Was in a mood for MMO.
Its an amazing game, loved it, weird and fantastic.
Hope you enjoy limbo as well
Playing American Arcadia and it's a masterpiece. The political, social commentary is spot on, the criticism against big corporations is fantastic, they also rip apart Disney. This is how you create games. Indie devs saving the industry again.
And today I finished "Bramble - The mountain king". Holy fuck, guys, I was going into this game thinking it will be a magical, cute story about siblings lost in enchanted forest.
Things took such a dark turn and entire game gone so dark and creepy that I would say - It's a must play for anyone on Xbox.
It only took me around 5/6 hours to complete, so I'm not sure if 30quid price tag on Playstation is not a bit steep (especially since there is almost no replayability), but for those on Xbox - play it. just not with your kids around.

Due to COVID I currently have some more spare time and played Bramble as well now. I too wasn't aware of how the game would turn. Really cool, thanks for the tip.
Playing the Steam Deck OLED waiting game. Sold my LCD Deck last week and have been in cold turkey mood since.
I'm on the way to Silent/Dead galaxy. Upgraded my Freighter, so I can jump 1400 light years and I'm heading to the centre of the galaxy to swap the galaxies.
Figured if the game was always too 'full of life' for me - Silent Galaxy will be the place to explore and build the base in.
I'm on the way to Silent/Dead galaxy. Upgraded my Freighter, so I can jump 1400 light years and I'm heading to the centre of the galaxy to swap the galaxies.
Figured if the game was always too 'full of life' for me - Silent Galaxy will be the place to explore and build the base in.
Im not that far in right now, i just enjoy building/creating stuff
Thats probably a great place to build a big ass base on
Been playing Grounded for the past week or so.
It is a very good well thought out game for you and up to 3 mates.

It is very enjoyable and wasn't expecting it to be as good as it is.

Much better than a lot of the co-op games out there, although obviously not as good as others.
But well worth a play through especially since there is a story and an actual ending to the game rather than just being an endless grind.

Only issues with the game is the amount of glitching, enemies glitch into stuff so often that is can take some enjoyment out the game.
Been playing Grounded for the past week or so.
It is a very good well thought out game for you and up to 3 mates.
I played a good bit of it last year and while the world design and general gameplay loop were good - I really didn't like the combat. It felt like I was severely lacking in mobility. The bugs (as in - enemies) were very big and it was very frustrating trying to avoid their charges. I thought the game was missing some roll mechanics, which would really help in fluidity of combat.
I played a good bit of it last year and while the world design and general gameplay loop were good - I really didn't like the combat. It felt like I was severely lacking in mobility. The bugs (as in - enemies) were very big and it was very frustrating trying to avoid their charges. I thought the game was missing some roll mechanics, which would really help in fluidity of combat.

There is def issues with the combat system as it is pretty much just block and attack which against the Black Widows is not fun, as there is not much you can do when being pummelled by one of them.

However my main issue with the combat was more with the amount of different weapons that had to be carried and used.
So you have stabbing, axes, hard hitting and blades - But not only that you have fresh, spicy, mint, normal
There is probably about 20-30 different types of weapon combination and certain things get hurt by different things, and same with arrows.

So it just ends up that you have to take about 8 weapons with you to make sure you have enough cover to be able to take out the majority of different creatures - There isn't just you upgrade your weapon and that will take out somethings.
I fully understand that stabbing and brute weapons will hurt different things, but it starts getting stupid when you need a spicy sword and a mint sword.

The game is also massively glitched and constantly things walk into grass and get glitched - The only time I beat a Black Widow is because it somehow got trapped in it's own web.

Yes the game is flawed but it is also good fun with mates, it is probably one of the games we had most fun with.
DayZ Epoch will always be my favourite and best remembered but this maybe comes in the top 5 of the ones I have played and liked the most.
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