Future Winning Eleven: PS3!!! discuss

PS3 のための17 尊厳な今年後の解放があるために11 に勝つ同じ日付解放PS2 。
Wii より遅い9 月はこの週のfamitsu で発表する 。
我われは 欧州でも確実とした 確信している11 に勝つを世界同じ解放 PS3 。
そう いわれている発売 KONAMIに同じ PS2とXOBX360でもなるだろう 。
サーバーを通し 関連持続できたと 流れている情報 同じ なるだろう 11 勝つ 。

17 dignity for PS3 the same date release PS2 which wins 11 because there is release after this year. It announces September which is slower than Wii with famitsu of this week. It wins 11 where our crack made secure even in Europe and is convinced worldwide same release PS3. So, it probably becomes even with same to the sale KONAMI which is said PS2 and XOBX360. That it could be related could continue through the server 11 which the information which is flowing becomes same and probably will be it wins.

one other post about September from the same Japan forum :(
PS3 のための17 尊厳な今年後の解放があるために11 に勝つ同じ日付解放PS2 。
Wii より遅い9 月はこの週のfamitsu で発表する 。
我われは 欧州でも確実とした 確信している11 に勝つを世界同じ解放 PS3 。
そう いわれている発売 KONAMIに同じ PS2とXOBX360でもなるだろう 。
サーバーを通し 関連持続できたと 流れている情報 同じ なるだろう 11 勝つ 。

17 dignity for PS3 the same date release PS2 which wins 11 because there is release after this year. It announces September which is slower than Wii with famitsu of this week. It wins 11 where our crack made secure even in Europe and is convinced worldwide same release PS3. So, it probably becomes even with same to the sale KONAMI which is said PS2 and XOBX360. That it could be related could continue through the server 11 which the information which is flowing becomes same and probably will be it wins.

one other post about September on the Japan forum :(
17 dignity for PS3 the same date release PS2 which wins 11 because there is release after this year. It announces September which is slower than Wii with famitsu of this week. It wins 11 where our crack made secure even in Europe and is convinced worldwide same release PS3. So, it probably becomes even with same to the sale KONAMI which is said PS2 and XOBX360. That it could be related could continue through the server 11 which the information which is flowing becomes same and probably will be it wins.

one other post about September on the Japan forum :(

You dont feel like its just speculation? With all these dates being thrown about I expect some sort of news from Konami soon.
It will most likely be Man United and Arsenal. If you dont have the Premier League License (which EA $ports do) Then you can only approach 2 clubs and have them represented properley in the game.... Thats what seems to be the case with both the AWFUL Codemasters Club Football Series (Defunct) and PES 5+6.

thats not true, Konami can have all the premier league teams but they have to approach them individually meaning more money being spent. plus if they did that the league would still be called the english league in the game because those ******* called EA over paid to have the FA PREMIER LEAGUE LICENSE (im not shouting).
Adonis, i hoipe Konami make an announcement soon. Too many dates being chucked around for my liking. The most hilarious one i heard was, Winning Eleven 11 being released on 11/11/07. We'll just have to be patient and wait for an announcement
In the link to the Dutch site (depesser) it says that PES7 will come out in october and the "Japanese version" in december...
yeah i read that earlier thomasGOAL, when you asked him for the link. Its a big statement that dutch website is making. i am surprised none of the other big websites (Kotaku, QJ, Joystick, Eurogamer) would have that same news if its true. We need an inside man in Konami. I have a friend who works in Tokyo, maybe i'll call him before the game, he is a liverpool supporter like me so he will be awake for the game.
Their source are "other gaming sites" and gameshop sites. Not exactly reliable. In other words rumours from other sites being repeated. Also the "news" was released at the same time as the pes6 works on ps3 news. Also has a source part to news, none are mentioned with the pes7 release date. Nothing worth getting your panties wet ;)
Their source are "other gaming sites" and gameshop sites. Not exactly reliable. In other words rumours from other sites being repeated. Also the "news" was released at the same time as the pes6 works on ps3 news. Also has a source part to news, none are mentioned with the pes7 release date. Nothing worth getting your panties wet ;)

Ok so Winning Eleven in december is totally bullshit ;)
thats not true, Konami can have all the premier league teams but they have to approach them individually meaning more money being spent. plus if they did that the league would still be called the english league in the game because those ******* called EA over paid to have the FA PREMIER LEAGUE LICENSE (im not shouting).

Actually I believe there is some kind of licensing clause forbidding Konami and other gaming companies from securing more than two Premiership teams on one game. We know EA has the full Premiership license. There is probably something in the licensing agreement that EA have with the FA that forbid other companies from obtaining all the Premiership teams license. Konami had Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester United licenses at one point or another. However, they are only allow to have only two Premiership licensed teams in one game. Any talk of Konami not wanting to spend money on the Premiership license is rubbish. They can't because EA has some kind of exclusive deal. I wish Konami would clarify this fact or clarify the reason why they can't obtain the Premiership would help clarify this matter.
Actually I believe there is some kind of licensing clause forbidding Konami and other gaming companies from securing more than two Premiership teams on one game. We know EA has the full Premiership license. There is probably something in the licensing agreement that EA have with the FA that forbid other companies from obtaining all the Premiership teams license. Konami had Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea and Manchester United licenses at one point or another. However, they are only allow to have only two Premiership licensed teams in one game. Any talk of Konami not wanting to spend money on the Premiership license is rubbish. They can't because EA has some kind of exclusive deal. I wish Konami would clarify this fact or clarify the reason why they can't obtain the Premiership would help clarify this matter.

Thats right V-9, tobi is just misinformed. I think a few guys on here did some investigating some time ago. They found out only 2 Premier League clubs are allowed because of EA's deal. This means Konami cannot purchase individual deals from seperate clubs.

These release dates that are being thrown about are comical. From experience and something called common sense, theres no way the Japanese version will be released after the European version. I think WE came out in Japan on X360 in Jan this year, but thats an exception.

September does seem a little more believable, only because its a month after the expected date of August.

I still strongly believe the game will be out in August. If it does end up being released later then imo thats because Konami will do a worldwide launch. Possible with Blu Ray.

They are going to have to edit DOWN the penalty saving skills
of Pepe Reina for WE:11, they are simply too good!:lmao:

and we can hope for a "wall of noise" feature that replicates the blow-torch like intensity of 40,000 determined fans
screaming and shouting their team to victory.

Were you watching last night Mr Seabass?

Haha, yeah, you'll have to edit Pepe Reina to be a goalkeeper (Konami will have him set as a winger), Carragher to be great at tackling (they'll set his stats as amazing goalkeeper, poor tackler) and Fowler to be a bag of crap (they'll set his stats as GOD)... Plus 345 other players across the Premiership. And Owen will still be at Liverpool, you'll have to transfer him to Newcastle yourself. :mryellow:
WE11 in 11-07 is 100% totaly BS,why the hell would they rls the game before the EU rls date (october)
and the games always needs to be rlsed just before al major soccer competitions starts.
Tobi.... then you explain to me why the pattern is still the same?

Club Football (Only 2 Licensed Clubs in Each version)

PES Since PES5 (Only 2 Licensed Clubs, in PES5 Chelsea were there but then they were REPLACED by Man United)

i cant explain it, last year around this time when people were speculating bout PES6 in the OPS2M they said something along those lines. its around this time of year every year that i hate EA with a passion, there should be some kind of loophole somewhere because they are abusing their status as the No.1 developers in the world.

Konami are lucky that football is more than one league cause when 2K made their last NFL game (when both 2K n EA had the license) it was critically praised by everyone as the best NFL game, EA respond by over paying and buying the exclusive rights for 5 years, its only until now that 2K have recovered from that.
Believe me tobi there is nothing more id like to see than an open market (e.g. no exclusive license deals) because we would see more titles rather than just 2 big ones...

im dont think so, the last time EA made an announcement regarding licenses they said they had long term deals for the premier league n mexican league. i think the bundesliga was only a one game deal... it was definitely missed in PES6.
The problem is that EA are so big and have so much money at their disposal that they can outbuy any rights and licenses. Konami im sure will try their best with licenses etc. but the problem with the Premiership one is that EA know how popular the premiership is around the world, possibly no. 1 at the moment.

We will just have to continue with patches when blu-ray writers become affordable and modchips or ISO loaders are released. Konami should just focus on the gameplay and graphics. Trying to make it the best soccer simulation possible, focus on realism and gameplay, control etc etc. Let the fans take care of the licensing, patches, teams, stadiums, kits and oh yeah boxarts (adonis get your photoshop ready!!)
Just went to MBK in BK, Thailand yesterday, (which is where I bought my Japanese PS3 last Dec.), and all the stalls said that Winning Eleven would be here in August!

Was hoping for May myself, but hey, at least it's not October....
Yo guys,

My friend in Japan e-mailed me this afternoon. I called him last night after the game and asked him to find out about Winning Eleven 11 by calling Konami or asking Shops/Magazines. He isn't really much of a console guy, hes a PC whiz. He said he called Konami and they said they had no information and that they would release any as soon as they knew.

He asked around shops in akibara and many people told him that they were told it should be available in august for the PS2 and PS3. One guy said that he thinks it might be delayed by a month. They said the Wii version will be released in October/November time. He said he will try to speak to more people and find out for me. I didn't wanna push him because i hadn't spoken to him in almost 2 years!!!

So September might be possible as ThomasGOAL found out, but most people in Tokyo think August. Lets hope that Konami say something soon.
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