Future Winning Eleven: PS3!!! discuss

Who here DOESN'T like the fact that they want to multi platform winning eleven?

For me winning eleven means PS2 and then ONLY briefly on gamecube

If they do this then we'll never get an ultimate winning eleven game. i feel that we need to see winning eleven get a proper next gen appearance as seeing that the 360 version was lackluster
Yea, WE should remain a single platform game only. OBVIOUSLY with all the history on its side - it should be PlayStation.

Personally, I would love to see MARACANA in the next-gen version. Come fuckin on man, the most intimidating and most recognized stadium on the planet and it ain't even in the game... KONAMI :\
Konami should finally take the time and make ONE Game for everyone! It should be released at the same time in japan, europe and america for all platforms. It's so dumb to release 10 game titles a year which are basically all the same.
i would love it if Konami focused on one console. My preference being the PS3, not only coz Winning Eleven became a household name through Playstation 1 and 2 but because playing it on a playstation controller feels natural to me personally. I have a 360 as well and playing PES6 on that was horrible becoz of the controller (the game was too mind u). But in modern day business the company must go multi platform to make a profit and so unfortunately time spent on porting games and making Winning Eleven for the systems like the DS. Dont get me wrong, the DS is a great fun system (primarily aimed at kids) but wasting their time making or even just updating a game that runs on super-nintendo / N64 graphics is wasting time that could be spent programming the gameplay!!!
would love it if Konami focused on one console. My preference being the PS3.../controller feels natural to me personally.

Agree. The way the PS3 is selling globally right now, they simply have to make it multi-format!!!

If the PS3 price cut and Winning eleven 11 release come at roughly the same time, it's smiles all round.
i prefer the black background, also could change messi's boots and who would bet against LA Galaxy being in PES7 - becks - adidas - konami???

nice suggestions tobi, will try and get them done over the weekend
Very nice covers suffdaddy, the one with the white cover is very nice because is simple, very nice.
So Winning eleven is JUST confirmed for PS3 or is it confirmed as a mulitplatform title?
another one, maybe aimed more at barca or ronaldinho fans. i think i'll try a liverpool one, maybe a champions league semi-finals one (Gerrard, Kaka, Cristiano & Drogba).


thats an excellent cover mate. Shame Im not a barca fan ;)

Well as far as I know WE11 is only coming out on PS3,PS2 this summer/autumn in Japan. Im sure a PSP version will follow. I cant see a 360 version happening because a) the last one only came out in January, and b) the machine sales means it wouldnt be worth it.

Winning Eleven 11 logo?

nah...just something i whipped up in photoshop.
thats an excellent cover mate. Shame Im not a barca fan ;)

Well as far as I know WE11 is only coming out on PS3,PS2 this summer/autumn in Japan. Im sure a PSP version will follow. I cant see a 360 version happening because a) the last one only came out in January, and b) the machine sales means it wouldnt be worth it.

thanks dude i will try and get you an italian notional side one!!!

I like the winning eleven logo The_Thing, very unique i think the way you put the 11 behind.
the only good box art konami made was the PES5 one.
should be good news, if they not later as well do it for X360,

I think they do this only because japan didn't really have a good install base for
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