diving is there of course, gamespeed looks to me slower, and it looks like ball isnt that fast anymore. Maybe its cause of wide camera, but I think ball isnt that fast as in demo, and u cant choose that angles or whatwas it in PES 6, I used to play wide and camera angle 9 , angles are not in the game anymore, or u cant set em.

I loved camera angle 9 in wide mode....are you sure its not there?? That would be a great shame :(
well I will post screens here and theres no "angle choice" it surprised me as well, just how to upload screen here ? Running animation are same as in demo I think , I didnt notice any sliding on the grass if u know what I mean , but I can play more games maybe it will occur, dont know , gloves are same, stupid white mickey mouse . Thats it
I'm living in the Netherlands as well.. The online website I preordered it from now says PES2008 has status "sended".

W00t :)
Just listend to a podcast on winningelevebblog and im really annoyed regarding the editing and the little touches which us real football fans love. Camera angles taken out...untucked shirts out even tho in the game and many other points. Konami really dont listen to the fans at all and its annoying to say the least. Hoping that Konami listen to the fans and a patch can be sorted for these small touches.
Please ask me a big pile of inane questions.

Miro....can you describe the shooting in the full game to me?

In the demo, I never really felt that the :square::square: method of lifting the ball of the ground was a natural method and to be honest...it felt like it was broke.

Any improvements?
In the demo, I never really felt that the :square::square: method of lifting the ball of the ground was a natural method and to be honest...it felt like it was broke.

Any improvements?[/QUOTE]
I must say I dont use square square , I use square and R1 :-), but as for this ,
I didnt use it much in PES 6 , I just did square + X when running on keeper, now I tried maybe two times square + R1 to lift the ball over keeper, I didnt score, I dont know, but it seems to me its not big diff. when I compare it to PES6, def. its not PEs 4 again:-)), u could score tons of goals with square + square there.
In the demo, I never really felt that the :square::square: method of lifting the ball of the ground was a natural method and to be honest...it felt like it was broke.

Any improvements?
I must say I dont use square square , I use square and R1 :-), but as for this ,
I didnt use it much in PES 6 , I just did square + X when running on keeper, now I tried maybe two times square + R1 to lift the ball over keeper, I didnt score, I dont know, but it seems to me its not big diff. when I compare it to PES6, def. its not PEs 4 again:-)), u could score tons of goals with square + square there.[/QUOTE]

Cheers for that....but you are talking about the 'chip-shot'

I am talking about normal shots on goal and how in PES 2008 :square: keeps the ball very low no matter how much power (unless too much) and :square: :square: is to hit ball into roof of net.
I must say its almost the same as demo, I mean shooting, u need to give more power ( hold longer square ) to the shot if u wanna lift it, if u just make light push push to the button its low ball. I feel that system of shooting is 90% same as in demo if not the same if u mean this.
because of the camera angle i think konami has to react here..i mean this cant be real???

playing in angle 0 is a mess!! *grrrrr**

Hoping so far that a patch will fix this...
I know its incredible, no camera angle ? it pissed me off, it simply is not in the settings! Just dont know what to say , When u play match : u go to menu with start than there are choices and : Camera type: Camera type ( normal close, medium etc, I play wide ) and tailing camera : ball or player , thats it. I thonk that tailing camera is something like camera with angles
so its not exactly 0 angle, but its not as good as 9 angle I think
Also we played match with my friend , he took AC Milan ( Kaka is almost new Adriano , really almost unstopable player ) and I took Real Madrid just to look at all those transfers, and Robinho was taking corner, defence cleared it and the play was in the middle and on radar I saw Robinho still standing by the flag, so we played replay and he was frozen by the flag, so we played on and I played high pass on him just what happens u know , and no offside he was still standing by that flag like frozen idiot, ball got out, keepers ball and Robimho suddenly appeared in the middle of the pitch :-)), also u can set players to go out for the corners the same way as in demo, u can choose 3 , so we always chose 2 biggest players in the team and keeper of course :-)), its fun how he goes for the corner in box and tries to head it :-), but twice happened that he was in the box , I played corner and suddenly he disappeared and he was back in the goal, so I dont know it looks to me some graphic bugs are in the game or what .
Also we played match with my friend , he took AC Milan ( Kaka is almost new Adriano , really almost unstopable player ) and I took Real Madrid ........... .

lol a great story
i think this version will have so many bugs since its the first version for the new generation platforms
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