Football Video Goals[+ Premiership(8) + Serie A(6) + La Liga(6) + CL (2) + WCQ 06]

Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (4) + Premiership (11) + La Liga (10) + Serie A (11) + More ]

Jeddah , Saudi Arabia

in these couple of days ill get internet via satellite , i can watch & record from TV , as soon i get it ill check what channels i have that bring the league you people want & ill upload it.. just tell me what time is the match and i may find the channel that shows the match...

just give me couple of days untill the Satellite arrives... ;)
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (4) + Premiership (11) + La Liga (10) + Serie A (11) + More ]

Hassan, how come you start posting Argentinean League goals?
Specially River Plate, please...
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (4) + Premiership (11) + La Liga (10) + Serie A (11) + More ]

Hassan, sorry to say this as I've only just read your posts but I got a pretty bad problem with the Maradona file. First, it wasn't watchable. Second, every time I went to get rid of it, it kept telling me another program was using it. After that, every time I tried to get into my computer, the torch/flashlight came on and kept searching. What is the problem? How do I get rid of it? I know you are providing a great service for lots of people. Keep it up!
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (4) + Premiership (11) + La Liga (10) + Serie A (11) + More ]

If you get sound with out video , download Divx..

it will solve your problem , you can find it in , instal it then play it by real player or any other programe... ;)
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (4) + Premiership (11) + La Liga (10) + Serie A (11) + More ]


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Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (4) + Premiership (11) + La Liga (10) + Serie A (11) + Mo

Not sure what it is. :( Perhaps I'll try uninstalling and then reinstalling. Whether the file corrupted somehow during dl I don't know. Not a divx prob as got the thing to play once, but screen froze. All over divx and avi files I have work. When I tried to delete it said it was still in use, when it wasn't and winamp had been switched off. Can't quite work it out at the minute but thanks 4 the help. ;)
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (4) + Premiership (14) + La Liga (12) + Serie A (12) + More ]

Video that shows the rasicm in Real Madrid match vs. Bayern Lever.

Click Here
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (4) + Premiership (14) + La Liga (12) + Serie A (12) + More ]

I will distribute this video to the bigots. Cheers Hassan.
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (4) + Premiership (14) + La Liga (12) + Serie A (12) + More ]

thats bloody terrible, this clip must get around

Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (4) + Premiership (14) + La Liga (12) + Serie A (12) + More ]

This is prolly a strange request, but anyone catch falcao's goal against the czech republic in the Futsal world cup......absolute sublime skill....a vid of this would be tops!!
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (4) + Premiership (14) + La Liga (12) + Serie A (12) + More ]

has anybody got that Ztlan goal that he scored for ajax before he left this year where he tiwsted up about 6 in the penalty area before he scored he goal
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (4) + Premiership (14) + La Liga (12) + Serie A (12) + More ]

CODENAME: 528333 said:
has anybody got that Ztlan goal that he scored for ajax before he left this year where he tiwsted up about 6 in the penalty area before he scored he goal
Here it is, what a class goal that was. Click
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (4) + Premiership (14) + La Liga (12) + Serie A (12) + More ]

Sorry people for not posting like before , but No Fear , H@$$@N Is Here

I'll now post CL & Seire A & La Liga... ;)
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (5) + Premiership (15) + La Liga (13) + Serie A (13) + More ]

Man utd vs Arsenal goals please, the one from bellion.
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (5) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

Does anybody have that Torres goal vs. Real Betis on 11/01/2003?
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (5) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

tell me wich week in the Spanish La Liga , ill try to get it for you.... ;)
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (5) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

has anyone got the bellion vs aresenal goal carling cup, please.
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