Football Video Goals[+ Premiership(8) + Serie A(6) + La Liga(6) + CL (2) + WCQ 06]

Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (5) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

sorry (ashmufc) ive looked but didnt find it sorry :(
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (5) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

H@$$@N can you please find for me last season spanish la liga matches which were:

Real Madrid Vs Mallorca - Real were at home.

Real Madrid Vs Sevilla & Sevilla Vs Real Madrid - Both home and away mathes.
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (5) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + Mo

H@$$@N said:
sorry (ashmufc) ive looked but didnt find it sorry :(
Dont worry, atleast you tried!
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (5) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

hey people why are the real media clip such a poor quality?(they are very slow and skipping) what should i do?
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (5) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]



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All The Goal's
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

Yay!!! Loving those Norwich goals hehe, thanks alot!
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

Hassan can you get river plate goals?
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

sorry i cant get other than Spanish , English Italian League...
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

loads of goals this weekend, cant wait to see them all... UNITED!!!

Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

Shevchenko 100 Goal's

Click Here
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

I'll post all the leagues goals tomorrow.. ;)
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

I can't download anything! 2 weeks ago it was ok!
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

Does anyone know if theres anyway of buying or recieving scandinavian sattelite dishes or any other country that show more live premiership games so you can watch the 3 oclock saturday games in england ?
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

If so, canal digital provides those services in scandinavia. We get to see 4-5 games every week :)
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + Mo

Has anyone got the ronaldinho's super goal against Seville. i have heard so much about it but i have never seen it, i have been searching for it forever. if anyone has it could they pleas esend a link, or even mail it to me at

thanks guys
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

Hassan when are u going to post the goals. You said a couple of days ago you would post them up the next day. I still havent seen the premiership goals as i missed match of the day.
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

when will boxing day goals be up ..

p.s keep up the great work ..
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + Mo

where can i find the video of fantastic match: manchester-real who have played in 2002 in cl?
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

is there another method of gettinthe goals?? i already missed quite a few :(
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

Hassan will you be putting up the goals this weekend, since all the italien and spanish leagues have started up again. Will you be putting the midweek goals up too. I want to see the goals against lecce by milan. Crespo got a hattrick aswell.

If not can anyone tell me where i can download goals from. Especially italian ones.
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

sorry for not posting for the last couple of weeks because i had mid-term final exams....

ill now post the goals in couple of minutes... ;)
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (14) + Serie A (14) + More ]

Can u plz show the goalzz from the last few weeks that you missed, I heard that Gerrard's freekick against Portsmouth was amazing
Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (18) + Serie A (18) + More ]

mate that was quite a few weeks back, im sure you could have caught it on some sorts of "plays of the week" on the tv...

at any rate, welcome to evo web

Re: Soccer Video Goals[+ CL (6) + Premiership (16) + La Liga (18) + Serie A (18) + More ]

about the past weeks goals request the goal ill try to get it...
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