FIFA 23 Discussion Thread (Console Versions)

I will grant you that a lot of praise & criticism for either game has its roots on whether someone sees himself as a loyal member of either tribe & may not be sincere.

There are also some grown ups present & I've just learned to pay attention to only maybe 10 or 20 people when it comes to opinions.

For me the lack of defending is not just another flaw though, it's a game breaker, I will say so & since I'm not anti-fifa, if 23 is the same I'll just go back to playing an older fifa game & not the train-wreck that is e-football, which I would describe as something you would get if you ordered FUT from wish. 🤣

I'd say as far as cogent, detailed criticism goes it's level pegging in a fascinating race to the bottom. But FIFA probably get more flak, simply because of that tribalism and the brainless, entrenched sim/arcade debate from people who made their minds up in 2005.
Scenario mode in Pro Evo was a thing of beauty. Seem to remember there being a Euro 96 one where you was Holland and 4-1 down against England.
The FIFAs of the PS3/Xbox 360 generations had it. Games of the week or even some scenarious of last weekends matches where you jumped in the game at a certain minute and had to turn the match for example.

Or something like the world tour mode in PES 2008 that would be cool.
Hi mates,

I have seen Fifa 23 trailer. As usual, ,we can't see anything about the gameplay.
I like the immersion around the pitch, and I think it has better graphics, more clear, less blury than FIFA 22.

For the gameplay, i really don't know for now.
I'm wainting for the beta.
Hi mates,

I have seen Fifa 23 trailer. As usual, ,we can't see anything about the gameplay.
I like the immersion around the pitch, and I think it has better graphics, more clear, less blury than FIFA 22.

For the gameplay, i really don't know for now.
I'm wainting for the beta.
I attended a presentation, and the gameplay alone lasted 20 minutes, that's a lot of additions. The big problem is the Updates after the release . They quoted the word inertia, realism and real life several times 😅. It makes me sad that Live Team kills the potential of FIFA, and this FIFA will have Live Tuning again.

Hands On

Hypermotion 2, a new motion capture and animations system to change everything
Going into the gameplay, the most important change this year is HyperMotion 2, the evolution of the motion capture system and player animations introduced last year with which EA Sports wants to change everything in terms of gameplay, laying the foundations for the next installment, which, as we said before, will be EA Sports FC.

Thanks to the benefits of motion capture and the evolution of HyperMotion 2 animations, we are going to notice certain playable improvements, for example, in dribbling, with a system for dribbling and doing different actions with the ball to get away from an opponent that are going to be smoother, more realistic and with a strong differentiating factor, The game has a strong differentiating factor between each type of player, correcting errors of other years such as, for example, the sensation of players sliding or skidding on the ground while dribbling, now looking more stable and realistic in this type of movements.

Closely linked to dribbling is the "acceleration" system of the players. Before it was quite "easy" to predict in the game which player was going to get to a split ball first (basically the player with the most speed) but now new variants are going to be added. During the presentation we were given the example of Mbappé, a very explosive player in short distances, and Virgil, the Liverpool centre-back who despite not having such a powerful start, in long distances he can reach a great speed due to his great stride, these are two players who can be fast but with different archetypes, and all this will now be taken into account in the game to provide more realism to the chases to a player, the struggles for a divided ball or to be able to cut a ball.

FIFA 23 also introduces boosted shots, shots that will be taken by pressing the L1 and R1 or LB and RB buttons together with the fire button and that will be very powerful and precise, being a lethal weapon if we use players like Messi, although it will be very important to know how to choose when to use them if we want them to be successful.

Another of the key points that are going to change in the game is the system of free kicks and penalties, which will be much more complete and intuitive than in previous years and, for us, we believe it will also be more precise, allowing us to choose more easily the trajectory of the ball or the type of shot.

The skill of the players when controlling the ball has also been tweaked and adjusted and the reaction of the goalkeepers when coming out or when they have to deal with a striker who is going to head the ball has been improved, with more realistic shots and reactions than in previous years.

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A genuine scenario mode would be great. Can't think think of a game that's featured them since MLS ExtraTime, and that was in 2001!
Oh man, how I am craving for that. Scenario modes are awesome! Again, I am sure you need imagination and to have fun building stories in your head. Nothing for the esport peeps I guess.
but I’d love it!

i do play a similar mode in NBA on iPad, one last version that features it.
I attended a presentation, and the gameplay alone lasted 20 minutes, that's a lot of additions. The big problem is the Updates after the release . They quoted the word inertia, realism and real life several times 😅. It makes me sad that Live Team kills the potential of FIFA, and this FIFA will have Live Tuning again.

I must be reading this wrong - so.... are they actually acknowledging that the post-release updates actually ruin their work?

Which again, begs the question of why they do it
The FIFAs of the PS3/Xbox 360 generations had it. Games of the week or even some scenarious of last weekends matches where you jumped in the game at a certain minute and had to turn the match for example.

Or something like the world tour mode in PES 2008 that would be cool.

They did? I played those games to death and can't remember that! 😄

I remember the games of the week at least.
Hard to judge based on the flashy trailer (which FIFA always does a good job on). It does seem the graphics have improved and like someone mentioned look more "sharp". Hopefully some gameplay videos come out in August. Game is still 2 months away, so the only way to review the final product will be Summer 2023
Hard to judge based on the flashy trailer (which FIFA always does a good job on). It does seem the graphics have improved and like someone mentioned look more "sharp". Hopefully some gameplay videos come out in August. Game is still 2 months away, so the only way to review the final product will be Summer 2023
Closed Beta
I must be reading this wrong - so.... are they actually acknowledging that the post-release updates actually ruin their work?

Which again, begs the question of why they do it
That is @Mathgamer saying that, not EA themselves. However, there are two teams, and the guys who "create" FIFA are just doing their job. If the "live" team come in and destroy it, they don't really care. They've done their job.

But yeah, for general info - there is a dev team that "creates" FIFA, then before it's even released, go on holiday for three months and then come back to "create" the next one. Their connection to the "live team" is minimal.

The "live team" take the loudest screams from Twitter and the FIFA "Creator Network" (officially recognised YouTubers - some of whom fight for realism, but most of all fight for content and FUT cartoon gameplay), then fuck around with the code to stop the screaming.

(Which is, of course, entirely pointless - they will always scream, because sometimes they lose a match, and that's proof that the game is a "broken scripted POS 0/10".)

Whatever gameplay you buy on day 1 won't be the same by day 31, and there's nothing you or I can do about it.
Dear God, truly this 'live team' is the work of Satan and his YouTube influencer henchmen.

Next they will be asking for Pewdepie's opinion on inertia and ball physics.
Dear God, truly this 'live team' is the work of Satan and his YouTube influencer henchmen.

Next they will be asking for Pewdepie's opinion on inertia and ball physics.
We often think of football game devs as people who would care as much as we do, but these aren't indie devs working on a passion project.

Really, these guys are coders being told not to fuck up a $150bn franchise, to make some more FUT addicts if they can manage it, and to take home a wedge of cash in exchange - they're not football-game fanatics hoping to make art.

They're builders, putting up the walls of a house. If the owners decide to employ some cowboys afterwards to blast some holes in them for lols, the builders aren't going to be crying about their beautiful wall being destroyed. They're elsewhere, working on the next wall, or they're at home watching TV.

The producers and management figures, though... They know how to keep saying "realism" in all the PR, and make everyone feel like they must be really clever to be able to win 7-6 online in this realistic, challenging game.

(They said "realism" repeatedly in last year's unveiling, over and over - particularly the producer. Then in a Q&A on Twitter, a question about midfielders tracking-back was asked, and the same guy - Sam Rivera - said "it would be boring to play if they did that", and "there wouldn't be as many goals". They just know what words to use to sell games.)
Whatever gameplay you buy on day 1 won't be the same by day 31, and there's nothing you or I can do about it.

This is why I just can't get excited for FIFA 23. I loved FIFA 22 at launch, the next gen version was the best football game I had played for many years. But a few months later and EA have patched the hell out of it because of these crazy FUT kids who want end-to-end action.

We're all repeating ourselves in here but it still remains true - why don't EA just give us a single player option which isn't effected by updates? (If that's even possible?)

Or even, as @rockstrongo mentioned a while back - give us the choice to choose which update version we want to play, that way if we loved the vanilla version we can stick with it and the FUT kids can play version 4.1.2222 with their goalies scoring bicycle kicks.
Or even, as @rockstrongo mentioned a while back - give us the choice to choose which update version we want to play, that way if we loved the vanilla version we can stick with it and the FUT kids can play version 4.1.2222 with their goalies scoring bicycle kicks.

This would indeed be a great solution and seems EA already does this with NHL (I think?).

For those that have tried this feature in NHL, how does it work is it playing with the GAMEPLAY and only gameplay version of it or it includes all other changes in that version number.
For example V1.0 plays really good but there is an overlay bug, if you revert to that version do you have to live with the overlay bug but with gameplay you like? Or just gameplay is affected
This would indeed be a great solution and seems EA already does this with NHL (I think?).

For those that have tried this feature in NHL, how does it work is it playing with the GAMEPLAY and only gameplay version of it or it includes all other changes in that version number.
For example V1.0 plays really good but there is an overlay bug, if you revert to that version do you have to live with the overlay bug but with gameplay you like? Or just gameplay is affected
Mainly bugs being corrected or the Numbers of shots taken by the CPU or penalties taken ,not that much gameplay adjustment.
I would say it's something I'd like to have in Fifa and that's tendencies sliders
How the CPU does things and how often ,headers/crosses/shots/dribbling/short passing/long passing/penalities/aggression

Until we have that (and that's in 2k for instance) the sliders we have now is just putting makeup on a pig and thinking it's a women.

On 2k you have rosters that people makes ,going in to each player editing exactly how much he does of a certain thing ,or less (shooting etc and when/where) plus that we have massive amounts of sliders Made by very skilled guys making that game amazing ,on Fifa we have pass/shoot error speed/acceleration some height/length/height and a few others ,they don't change the game or how the CPU plays ,or changes it just slightly.
It's almost embarrassing , especially since both NHL and the now defunct NBA live had 3-4 times that amount of sliders in their game.
Until we have that ,this game won't be very good.
With that said I'm actually enjoying fifa 22 ,not because it's very good ,but quite fun
This is why I just can't get excited for FIFA 23. I loved FIFA 22 at launch, the next gen version was the best football game I had played for many years. But a few months later and EA have patched the hell out of it because of these crazy FUT kids who want end-to-end action.

We're all repeating ourselves in here but it still remains true - why don't EA just give us a single player option which isn't effected by updates? (If that's even possible?)

Or even, as @rockstrongo mentioned a while back - give us the choice to choose which update version we want to play, that way if we loved the vanilla version we can stick with it and the FUT kids can play version 4.1.2222 with their goalies scoring bicycle kicks.
Should have an option for offline and online ,if you play online ,the latest version is what's given and you have to play on it.
A slower more sim version should be available to us.
But if they only make one version and that version being pretty bad ,then you might feel the need to play online instead ,and EA can cash in on packs.
That's why it's not two different versions ,at least my take on it

Glad to see this kind of thing get traction. Even if it's just a little bit of traction.
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