FIFA 21 Discussion (Console Versions)

Talking about good stuff (atmosphere, graphics etc) that little touch custom goalnets is fantastic. It makes game much less repetitive. I mean check Court Lane. Even with artifical turf and custom goalnet its different stadium.



Also i like when ball hit post goal movement

And after scoring goal now you can shoot ball into goalnet

Is this also possible in career mode?
FYI, we haven't released any type of beta sliders, etc. If anyone gets sliders from me, it's that I post streamed sliders, meaning what is currently being tested while I'm streaming - nothing "official" or should be used.

I'm at the very early parts of isolating issues. The biggest one I'm seeing is the CPU not wanting to cross the ball. They just dance around and try to get the endline to either short pass or shoot.

The other one is an uphill battle in getting the CMs to track back as @Anth James illustrated perfectly. Of course, I've already fed this back not only after release, but way early in the beta. I hope they look at it and consider that these two issues are glaring.
FYI, we haven't released any type of beta sliders, etc. If anyone gets sliders from me, it's that I post streamed sliders, meaning what is currently being tested while I'm streaming - nothing "official" or should be used.

I'm at the very early parts of isolating issues. The biggest one I'm seeing is the CPU not wanting to cross the ball. They just dance around and try to get the endline to either short pass or shoot.

The other one is an uphill battle in getting the CMs to track back as @Anth James illustrated perfectly. Of course, I've already fed this back not only after release, but way early in the beta. I hope they look at it and consider that these two issues are glaring.

In my opinion the CPU not crossing is way down the list. Things (for me) I'd want fixing way before that off the top of my head include;

CM not tracking
FB not tracking
Defensive unit not holding a line
Defensive line dropping too deep
CB both following same run
2nd press not working on Tactical.

I might try record some more videos actually.
Defensive unit not holding a line.
2nd press not working on Tactical.

Agree with everything... but:
Last time the defence held their line was in fifa 17 and maybe 18, well not sure about 18 at all. But in fact with the new tactical system the option to hold a line and play the offside trap disappeared from the tactics menu. It's one of the things I hate since. Playing a high line sucks since 19, as there's always some idiot following a run playing everyone onside.

Second man press is gone because it's considered "AI defending" by the fut crowd. lol. This is also how we got the "1v1" feature. You can't have your 1v1s if you can also make it 2v1 with second man press!

There are *some* sane fut people wanting second man press back, but EA replied "it's a hard thing to balance".
(As if this is a balanced game in any other way shape or form, ha).

The bottom line is, maybe significantly lowering line length can help with the space between midfield/defence and that's it. The rest I don't think can ever be fixed as long as 1v1s are a thing or EA doesn't work on improving tactics/the FB position, etc.
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In my opinion the CPU not crossing is way down the list. Things (for me) I'd want fixing way before that off the top of my head include;

CM not tracking
FB not tracking
Defensive unit not holding a line
Defensive line dropping too deep
CB both following same run
2nd press not working on Tactical.

I might try record some more videos actually.

A lot of that is cause and effect, and most can be addressed with sliders from what I've tested. So far, I can't isolate the non-crossing. The CM track back is definitely an issue. In terms of newest issues though, the crossing wasn't there in the beta, or 20/19/18/17. I think it has something to do with the pitch notes post-beta response stating something about the crossing power:

Some driven crosses and ground driven crosses were too fast.
  • These crosses have been generally slowed down, especially for lower rated crossers.
Has anyone seen the bug when a pen is awarded? A player goes into some silly little stammer walk for about 20 seconds.
Yes, odd. Assume it'll be corrected at some point.
Does it only happen with handballs? I mentioned yesterday that (as with last year) there's no commentary for handball scenarios and no cutscenes either, so there's complete silence and the camera angles, animations etc. go a bit weird.
Does it only happen with handballs? I mentioned yesterday that (as with last year) there's no commentary for handball scenarios and no cutscenes either, so there's complete silence and the camera angles, animations etc. go a bit weird.
Yeah exactly, both times I've seen it it's been for handballs.
Had the bug in both of my two played matches too.
But to be fair, when I watched the replay and saw for what the penalty was given, I walked away from the tv with the same facial expression like the player.
FIFA 21 is the straw that broke the camel's back for me. It's abysmal. EA might as well turn FIFA into a 1v1 contest where players take turns attacking and defending from the half-way line (similar to their mobile game).

I rage quit earlier when I was using my CDM to pressure a winger out wide, switched to my fullback only to see said CDM literally stop dead in his tracks inside my own half. What happened next? A midfield runner from deep flew past him, that's what. My player didn't even attempt to track back. Did he at least jog after him? No. He moved but a few steps during this 10 second spell where the CPU ended up scoring. He may as well have been indulging himself in Spurs' illustrious cheese room because he sure as fuck wasn't interested in playing football. It's all thanks to teammate AI being nerfed in favor of a "skill-gap" for a completely separate game mode. Sick. What am I supposed to do, wake them up individually every time I want them to perform the most basic of human functions? With ten outfield players? EA must think I'm Goro from Mortal Kombat.

I'm not going to sit here and claim FIFA has been amazing the past several years, but it's always been serviceable for me during that time. As of now, serviceable would be far too generous to bestow upon this dumpster fire. FIFA 20 was beyond worrisome and here I am right now. There are elements on the attacking side of things that I do very much enjoy (like every year), but elsewhere, it's fundamentally broken. Not to be overly-dramatic because ultimately it's not a big deal, but I don't think I've ever felt so dejected when it comes to football games.
Has anyone seen the bug when a pen is awarded? A player goes into some silly little stammer walk for about 20 seconds.
Oh that's just the famous ''Riding The Horse'' bug and it's been in the game since this pathetic joke of an engine (Frostbite :BLEH:)made it's appearance.
It's unbelievable that with all the resources and money that they have they still can't fix these issues..even if they're not the most important and other problems like 1v1 are more serious but still..And it's not only that..many other crazy glitchy shit happen frequently enough..Just watch some fail compilations and you'll see tons of stuff..

Here it is also at 14:55 and like @Chris Davies said it probably happens because of a handball glitch.

But what do you expect when a shooting and racing games enthusiast lady who isn't necessarily a football fan like she says is one of the lead developers in a football videogame..?
Ok..i's not entirely her fault and i'm just joking..but still..Ma'am..can you please fuck off and go back to Call of Duty..?Please..!:LOL:
My God, where to begin with this shower of shit?

Using the trial to have a quick skim of career mode. Chose 1860 Munich just to use a low rated team and test Legendary difficulty. Was reading in here how some people had described it as more challenging which I was hopeful about as FIFA 20 is too easy.

Man, how on earth did this get past the Beta??? The defensive side of the game - my biggest bug bear of FIFA 20 - is calamitously awful. I mean it’s straight up dog shit on a stick.

Reducing everything down to simply being quick enough to bounce the cursor to control the closest player to the CPU on the ball pulls everything out of shape. Non cursor controlled Players are wandering around like zombies on drugs all over the place completely oblivious to what is unfolding on the pitch.

I’ve conceded so many goals simply as a result of the fact that defending is solely dependent on making a perfectly timed tackle in a 1 on 1 situation. But this is, in turn, dependent on being able to switch to control your player quick enough. The process of trying to do this leads to defenders being everywhere but where they should be.

Messing around with tactics and formations you can take the edge off this but it is minimal and hardly worth the effort. It’s like Volta has been hardwired into defending. It’s atrocious.

Perhaps EA can patch this sinking ship but given the last 3 years has seen defending get worse year on year I might just have to accept that they genuinely do not give a rats arse about it and accept the evidence of my own eyes for a change.

Annual rant over. Enjoy the rest of your trial.
For those who asked questions earlier (@manmachine, @rockstrongo, @normazimuth, @Madmac79, @PRO_TOO) - I've tried to answer as best I can in the video below (from 1:37:50 - the video should fast-forward there automatically):

(Apologies for the mic quality, my PC nearly melted from having to cope with FIFA, streaming, and maintaining connection to a Bluetooth headset...)

Honoured to have featured so prominently, including your decision to play with the Dandies. Bizarrely, I tuned into the live stream seconds before my and the fellow Evo-Webber shout-outs.

I watched Aberdeen's Tokyo grift and the first game, sans sliders. The verdict is that I'm sure I won't enjoy FIFA 21.

With the ball it looks like more of the same, without the ball it looks like further zombification of the AI. The ISS Pro Evolution method of scoring appears to be surefire, still. One-two, come in at 45°, lash the ball into the far corner. Excusable in 1999, not so much now. Those impossible, contorted bodies passing the ball effortlessly to preserve the precious flow of the game. And that AI defending - Jesus wept.

Will wait to buy it second hand to be part of the collection. Up yours, EA.
Another example here of 1v1 killing the immersion.

In this clip I'm controlling Bellerin. I bring Saka over to help out the defensive duties (the fact I have to do this alone is an issue - him and the midfielders should be at least in engaged in condensing the space instead of staying in the middle of the pitch). The issue comes as soon as I change my control from Bellerin to Saka. The AI immediately takes Bellerin out of the position and back into his 'fixed' position. The AI recognises that player as 'marked' and that's all it cares about. There's no contextual positioning, no awareness to danger at all. It needs to be addressed.

Another example of the 1v1 issue here. I could get annoying with these, but I want it fixed! You'll see Ceballos (I need to change his number, but he's #25 in this clip). He not only just completely stands there doing nothing as the ball gets close, but he actually moves OUT OF THE WAY.... and then has the audacity to point for someone to mark him:FAIL:The ball carrier is deemed as 'marked' by 1 other defender so the AI reads this as Ceballos is free to do nothing at all.

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Another example of the 1v1 issue here. I could get annoying with these, but I want it fixed! You'll see Ceballos (I need to change his number, but he's #25 in this clip). He not only just completely stands there doing nothing as the ball gets close, but he actually moves OUT OF THE WAY.... and then has the audacity to point for someone to mark him:FAIL:The ball carrier is deemed as 'marked' by 1 other defender so the AI reads this as Ceballos is free to do nothing at all.

What camera angle is that?

As for the game, I feel FIFA is suffering from what PES had years back. When you've been on top for so long the ideas just dry up and the copy & paste formula shows more and more of the games flaws.

EA should be better considering the amount of money they make from the game, and they still have generic kits in the game. It also feels like there is no weight to the players anymore.
Perhaps EA can patch this sinking ship
As you say, they won't touch defending.

If you can stomach it, go on Twitter and search for #fifa21. You'll see:

A) Everyone opening FUT packs, and saying things like "hey guys, come watch me open packs"

(What the fuck has happened to gaming?)

B) People loving the defending...

The producer who is also a FIFA YouTuber has been giving tips on how to score (even more) goals. So I asked for some defending tips - with the video I posted a few pages ago.

The overwhelming response?

This is what they all want.

So I'm left wondering - seriously - when I'll ever be able to play a football game again.

As someone who dedicates hours a day to a football gaming website (this one), out of his love for football games... I am immeasurably sad.
The producer who is also a FIFA YouTuber has been giving tips on how to score (even more) goals. So I asked for some defending tips - with the video I posted a few pages ago.

The funny thing is, I'm outscoring the cpu without using any new attacking mechanic like the agile dribbling or manual runs.
Things I don't ever use also include: Timed finishing, flair/finesse shots/skill moves/driven passes and god knows what other offensive mechanic exists.

I'm basically a casual player, not a pro, and I've never had any trouble scoring all the goals I want! Amazing, isn't it?!

Like we've said a billion times before, different gameplay modes is the only way forward. It's impossible/futile for you to have a twitter conversation with that guy, when you're thinking CM and he's thinking e-sports.

But all they could come up with was competitor mode. lol.

(Maybe they think that the main gameplay but without the competitor mode is a good enough simulation of the sport? Anyone willing to break the news to them?)
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The funny thing is, I'm outscoring the cpu without using any new attacking mechanic like the agile dribbling or manual runs.
Things I don't ever use also include: Timed finishing, flair/finesse shots/skill moves/driven passes and god knows what other offensive mechanic exists.

I'm basically a casual player, not a pro, and I've never had any trouble scoring all the goals I want! Amazing, isn't it?!

Like we've said a billion times before, different gameplay modes is the only way forward.

But all they could come up with was competitor mode. lol.

Ha! I'm the same. I never touch L2, R2 or the right stick. Having switched sprinting to R1. And I've decimated any FIFA I've spent any time on, on the PS4. I'm just totally bemused by all the trimmings they add to controls while overlooking fundamentals.
As you say, they won't touch defending.

If you can stomach it, go on Twitter and search for #fifa21. You'll see:

A) Everyone opening FUT packs, and saying things like "hey guys, come watch me open packs"

(What the fuck has happened to gaming?)

B) People loving the defending...

The producer who is also a FIFA YouTuber has been giving tips on how to score (even more) goals. So I asked for some defending tips - with the video I posted a few pages ago.

The overwhelming response?

This is what they all want.

So I'm left wondering - seriously - when I'll ever be able to play a football game again.

As someone who dedicates hours a day to a football gaming website (this one), out of his love for football games... I am immeasurably sad.
I hear you mate and I’m in the same boat myself. I don’t know what this game is but if it signifies anything it’s that, perhaps, final confirmation that it not going to deliver what I’d like to see in the game.

It’s really frustrating to read that guy responding to your tweet and completely missing the point. God help us. These people provide the line of cash that provide the stimulus for EA to keep doing what they are doing.

I don’t post on here that often, usually around game release time, to check what are, by and large, valuable and sensible opinions about the game. Looking back on my previous posts I sound like a scratched record, droning on about defending.

It doesn’t look like things are going to change with EA beholden to the money pit of FUT and I’m getting a bit too long in the tooth to spend time playing a game I don’t like. It is, after all, only a game and a game designed for kids.
Where are we on setting up a YouTube channel or something? I'll contribute with clips about the gameplay.

Got nothing else to do for at least a year.
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