FIFA 21 Discussion (Console Versions)

Can we post images here, to do with the beta? I can show you
As long as you cover up your username, I think you'll be okay - but we believe you, you don't need to take a risk to prove it!

How are you finding gameplay? I've seen a few leaked videos (including some on harder difficulties) and I'm not convinced, it looks like there's still no resistance in midfield and that goals come from either dodgy goalkeeping or defenders not being switched on...
'' Enhanced animation technology in FIFA enables you to experience ultra-responsive and realistic player movement. ''

Lol that's like saying ultra-feminine and masculine movement and behaviour makes you look more like a man...
They're just two things that don't sit well with eachother.

The thing is that because of their problematic overcrowded servers there is most of the time some kind of delay when you play online.
So they make the movement ultra-responsive knowing that if there is some delay it will be at least very-responsive if not ultra.
But what's the result in the end?People still are frustrated because they get bad desychronized gameplay most of the time online and offline people are also fucked because this ultra-responsive shit is nowhere near realistic and it means no inertia,no player weight and butchered animations..
Played a bit over the weekend, its better than fifa 20 but thats not saying much. cpu defence is harder to break down but you can still abuse burst although on slow I find its harder to burn past players(maybe in my head, need to play more) passing accuracy is way too high so that needs tweaking with sliders, every pass is perfect otherwise. Still think the new 1on1 and tactical defending is holding the game back not sure why there is a need for such a over complicated defensive system. Will play more in the week and report back

Volta is quite fun and like the way it will be like pro clubs with your own avatar.
Bloody hell they walk out to Stone Roses ‘This Is The One’ before the PL anthem starts! This is the new right? Adds so much to the immersion.

Yup, it's a new. A minor thing, I know, but it put such a grin on my face when I heard it.

Yup, it's a new. A minor thing, I know, but it put such a grin on my face when I heard it.

Love that song/band. Will they have intro music for every team like Z-Cars for Everton, that terrible Mark Knopfler song for Newcastle etc?
Love that song/band. Will they have intro music for every team like Z-Cars for Everton, that terrible Mark Knopfler song for Newcastle etc?

I think I saw someone complaining that the Z-Cars/siren wasn't in the game. I've seen West Brom, Chelsea, Celtic, and Dortmund. Hopefully a decent amount of clubs have it as it really enhances the match day atmosphere.
I think I saw someone complaining that the Z-Cars/siren wasn't in the game. I've seen West Brom, Chelsea, Celtic, and Dortmund. Hopefully a decent amount of clubs have it as it really enhances the match day atmosphere.
Love stuff like this. Think I’ll just buy fifa 21 this year seeing as I can upgrade for free on PS5.
I think I saw someone complaining that the Z-Cars/siren wasn't in the game. I've seen West Brom, Chelsea, Celtic, and Dortmund. Hopefully a decent amount of clubs have it as it really enhances the match day atmosphere.

Let me guess, Wolves have Hi Ho silver lining but Sheffield Wednesday don't...
So this competitor mode does exactly what it says. We are crying out loud for a humanized CPU and EA serves us exactly that, except that they based it on the worst type of human player, a FUTer....

I think my biggest issue is again the lack of midfield. It was very funny at 08:50 when he actually said "let's do some build up play", but there's absolutely no liverpool player at midfield, so he just does a through ball and gets a shot on goal. I really laughed out loud at that point.

Apart from that, hey it's great if it's really "heavy"/slower. But it's too much like 20 otherwise. Mainly the 1v1s/defending/no midfield bs. But I guess if you liked 20 and only wanted a slower version this is it. (If the current speed survives for long). Oh and blue pitch lines!

Something else i'm beginning to notice a lot is how easy it is to play between the 2 CBS. They follow your run but never really try to close you down with any urgency, even on legendary. Plenty of examples, a random one at: 13:50. Looks like through balls are really effective in general. Overall it probably looks like an improvement on 20 I guess.
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As long as you cover up your username, I think you'll be okay - but we believe you, you don't need to take a risk to prove it!

How are you finding gameplay? I've seen a few leaked videos (including some on harder difficulties) and I'm not convinced, it looks like there's still no resistance in midfield and that goals come from either dodgy goalkeeping or defenders not being switched on...
Ah okay, nice. So I've been playing on Legendary/World Class and from an Attacking point of view, I feel it's much superior to FIFA 20. The off the ball AI movements work well. In terms of the Defending, it's alright. I wouldn't say there's much to rave over, I don't feel any significant differences from 20. And just to add, I'm not great on defending so maybe once I sharpen up, maybe I'll see some change.

As soon as you go into a game it totally looks the same as years before, but moving the players whilst on the ball feels much slower, and the passing is much much better. FIFA 20's short passing game is pretty terrible IMO because there's a lot of inaccuracy from all players ranging from the lowest overall players and the highest-rated players. FIFA 21's on the ground short passes are very good, and I personally enjoy the build-up play. The game does feel slower, and I'm a fan of it, I don't play much online anyway so for me, it's right up my alley.

Other small features I like are...
- The ability to change the shade of green on the pitch. There are 7 variations of green (Light to Dark)
- There's is a new net sound when you score a low shot goal (sounds great)
- If you play a player out of position in Career Mode his overall will go down, instead of staying the same. So Aubameyang at ST is 88, but on the LW he is 86.
- The atmosphere is again incredible, there are goal songs for Inter, AC, Madrid, and Dortmund and walkout songs for United, Chelsea, Atleti and much more.
- Development Plans for players. So training players like Tierney who plays as a Full-Back can be taught a new position like CB, but depending on the form they are in as a player, it determines how slow or how fast he can learn that position. So if he's in poor form it will take longer for his position change to happen or if he's in good form he can learn it quicker.
So this competitor mode does exactly what it says. We are crying out loud for a humanized CPU and EA serves us exactly that, except that they based it on the worst type of human player, a FUTer....
It's an optional toggle on/off game setting - so we don't have to experience it at all.
- If you play a player out of position in Career Mode his overall will go down, instead of staying the same. So Aubameyang at ST is 88, but on the LW he is 86.
Internally, the game always lowered the overall value when playing someone out of position, but it's nice to be finally able to see those overall values without having to look them up on SoFIFA or similar websites.
Terrible camera angle in my opinion.

How very dare you?? Its the best angle and that's the end of the matter!!

A little more seriously, it's not great from an actually gameplay, controlling the players point of view. But I cant stand how square-on fifa's other cameras are, they dont pan at all in the way pes camera does. (Of course stadium camera has spoiled us, shame about the game, konami).

I think tele broadcast especially exposes how a lot of fifa's teammate AI attacks in a straight line at the goal. The angle of broadcast camera makes these attack patterns in the final third look less rigid and obvious (a diagonal line being generally more visually pleasing than a straight one).

But...I always think its strange how EA do everything they can to market a broadcast package and then they preview their game using a camera angle that bears absolutely zero relation to any broadcast camera angle ever...
I love to death the concept of broadcast cam and watching it from an external point of view, but playing.. I just can't with default ones.
I think in this age at the very least camera customization should be WAY better than it is right now. Ideally you should be able to recreate every real life camera as it is, imo (the way Nesa's mod did with Pes).
I love to death the concept of broadcast cam and watching it from an external point of view, but playing.. I just can't with default ones.
I think in this age at the very least camera customization should be WAY better than it is right now. Ideally you should be able to recreate every real life camera as it is, imo (the way Nesa's mod did with Pes).

A thousands times agreed.

Just realised I could access my old fifa 16 demo on my psn ID. Didnt know you could do that. Gave it a whirl. Forcing myself to go to sleep and stop playing. What happened to this game...??
Why are EA intent on bowling ball physics in fifa 21? It's like they're emulating pes 10... in fifa 16, the ball feels like a wonderful new toy to play around with a nod manipulate. Hopefully, hopefully fifa 21 can recover some of this. Although with a different engine I'm not sure how...
Well,the majority plays online.And Broadcast camera being the default online would be a fuckin nightmare.I also don't get this hype about these cameras with so much angle.To me both Stadium camera on Pes and Broadcast on Fifa look terrible and make the movement look more arcady.I can only enjoy Pes on default Dynamic Wide and Fifa on default or Tele Broadcast.Maybe Tele also...but other ones just no.

On another note,i like what i see on the video above.Like the guy in the video says it looks and feels more heavy and realistic in terms of movement and animations and i really hope it will stay that way.I didn't see any ultra-responsive bullshit.Except from that competitor mode which is clearly bad and made the cpu spam skills all the time,but it's an on/off feature so you just put it on off and it's all good.Ball physics also seem improved and the ball feels like it actualy has some weight on it.

The sad part is that there's no many chances that it will stay in this form until the full game.It's the same story every year.If the 100 miles per hour FUT lovers complain too much that it's too heavy and boring etc then they're probably gonna butcher the game again for release or with patches through the year.But i have a feeling that it could stay pretty similar this time.I don't seems that because of how the players are moving and how the ball feels heavier etc..that it was meant to be and play like this and that's what they wanted to achieve,so they won't butcher it this time.Also many people seem to have positive views on this more realistic feel on twitter posts etc so maybe this time it will be indeed a different story.I don't know..maybe i'm just too optimistic.I'm probably gonna be disappointed again in the end am i..?Fuck...

Some other nice touches also in there..Headers are finally seem to be again in the game,after being totally useless for the last 1-2 years.Goals scored by headers are a big part of real football so it's very nice and realistic to have them back.Some other bells and whistles like the crossbar shaking when you hit the bar with the ball also looks nice and gives immersion.The atmosphere again will have the well known Fifa quality with new presentation team tunes and goal songs so it will look and sound very good i guess,especially on a ps5 which i'm planning to get.The lighting can still be shit in some cases from what it seems but at least they added the option to choose the shade of green that you like for the pitch,so you can avoid playing in these dead yellow turfs when there is bad dark lighting like in Bundesliga or Europa League matches.

I just hope we'll get a good enough game overall for once...Cmon EA...prove us moaners wrong for a change lol.
After switching back to FIFA in the last month or so i am looking forward to 21 - 1st time since FIFA16 i have that one more game feeling in 20. My son and wife are on holiday and im stuck at work but i was up until 11:30 pm last night playing my league in 20 (that's late as i'm up at 5am every morning).

On the camera discussion i use dynamic but used to love dynamic V2 in the older days - i think the last fifa euro game was last one to use it
1 year later still very much enjoying my fifa 20 experience (never played another fifa for longer, normally stashed away around march-april). if 21 builds upon this i am totally happy.
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