FIFA 19 Discussion (Console Versions)

Will you buy FIFA 19? (XBOne, PS4, PC)

  • Yes - Straight after its release

    Votes: 56 26.5%
  • No at all

    Votes: 53 25.1%
  • I have already pre-ordered it

    Votes: 19 9.0%
  • I'll wait for the sales to get it cheaper

    Votes: 30 14.2%
  • I'm still not sure

    Votes: 53 25.1%

  • Total voters
There are little niggles (and big niggles), just like there are with PES, but it's all about what you can stomach. For me, some of the crappier things I see in FIFA happen to me AND ALSO to the AI, and that makes me feel less like the game is trying to cheat me.

Also, I always forget how different the game is when you play outside of the Premier League. I always play in the Premier League (even as a Tranmere supporter) because there's no way I'm missing out on all the stadiums, presentation etc. for the leagues AND cups (including Europe).

But I've accepted an international management job in my current career (Romania, who I've always had a soft spot for) - let's just put aside how silly it is to get an international management offer in your first season (I can forgive this to be honest, because I rarely go above 2-3 seasons in a career)...

It's another world. We're second-from-bottom in the Euros qualifying group and it's really difficult to get moving. I played Russia earlier, and it was a grind to keep it at 0-0 for so long. Trying to outpace someone or dribble around someone is much more difficult - and I ended up losing to a cross from the AI that was mishit (went way over the head of the target man) but their winger was running in and scored the flukiest shot ever.

After that, I went to all-out attack and carved out ONE golden opportunity (a low cross from the wing to the edge of the box - turns out I'm PES's AI - to a guy with nobody in-front of him except the advancing goalkeeper)... But the ball was spinning violently and the shot just spooned off towards the corner flag.

The AI's mistake-making behaviour and the fact that crosses/shots can go badly wrong is stuff I don't get from PES. (There's stuff I don't get from FIFA either - the general pace and "feel" on the ball - but you have to pick your poison...)
There are little niggles (and big niggles), just like there are with PES, but it's all about what you can stomach. For me, some of the crappier things I see in FIFA happen to me AND ALSO to the AI, and that makes me feel less like the game is trying to cheat me.

Also, I always forget how different the game is when you play outside of the Premier League. I always play in the Premier League (even as a Tranmere supporter) because there's no way I'm missing out on all the stadiums, presentation etc. for the leagues AND cups (including Europe).

But I've accepted an international management job in my current career (Romania, who I've always had a soft spot for) - let's just put aside how silly it is to get an international management offer in your first season (I can forgive this to be honest, because I rarely go above 2-3 seasons in a career)...

It's another world. We're second-from-bottom in the Euros qualifying group and it's really difficult to get moving. I played Russia earlier, and it was a grind to keep it at 0-0 for so long. Trying to outpace someone or dribble around someone is much more difficult - and I ended up losing to a cross from the AI that was mishit (went way over the head of the target man) but their winger was running in and scored the flukiest shot ever.

After that, I went to all-out attack and carved out ONE golden opportunity (a low cross from the wing to the edge of the box - turns out I'm PES's AI - to a guy with nobody in-front of him except the advancing goalkeeper)... But the ball was spinning violently and the shot just spooned off towards the corner flag.

The AI's mistake-making behaviour and the fact that crosses/shots can go badly wrong is stuff I don't get from PES. (There's stuff I don't get from FIFA either - the general pace and "feel" on the ball - but you have to pick your poison...)
"You must win games now Mr Chris.."
There are little niggles (and big niggles), just like there are with PES, but it's all about what you can stomach. For me, some of the crappier things I see in FIFA happen to me AND ALSO to the AI, and that makes me feel less like the game is trying to cheat me.

Also, I always forget how different the game is when you play outside of the Premier League. I always play in the Premier League (even as a Tranmere supporter) because there's no way I'm missing out on all the stadiums, presentation etc. for the leagues AND cups (including Europe).

But I've accepted an international management job in my current career (Romania, who I've always had a soft spot for) - let's just put aside how silly it is to get an international management offer in your first season (I can forgive this to be honest, because I rarely go above 2-3 seasons in a career)...

It's another world. We're second-from-bottom in the Euros qualifying group and it's really difficult to get moving. I played Russia earlier, and it was a grind to keep it at 0-0 for so long. Trying to outpace someone or dribble around someone is much more difficult - and I ended up losing to a cross from the AI that was mishit (went way over the head of the target man) but their winger was running in and scored the flukiest shot ever.

After that, I went to all-out attack and carved out ONE golden opportunity (a low cross from the wing to the edge of the box - turns out I'm PES's AI - to a guy with nobody in-front of him except the advancing goalkeeper)... But the ball was spinning violently and the shot just spooned off towards the corner flag.

The AI's mistake-making behaviour and the fact that crosses/shots can go badly wrong is stuff I don't get from PES. (There's stuff I don't get from FIFA either - the general pace and "feel" on the ball - but you have to pick your poison...)
when i started reading that paragraph i knew how you would end it! :LOL:

so please, stop the teasing... i already said i will play again tonight! ;))

btw: i was watching FIFA esports bundesliga that other night live on tv. asked myself the question (for the 1000th time) how these can be professional esports guys when they play with pass assist!?
the other thing that stuck out to me: all their goals are "AI goals from the other game"!! top corner hard hitting finishes! just saying!
Quick update...

2-0 down against (much better team) Tottenham. Imagine my joy when two of my new signings, Gudmundsson (great crosser) and Benteke (target man) combine as I'd always imagined.

Oh wait.

I guess you can't take the Benteke out of Benteke.

EDIT: Also, just hit a wide shot with Shelvey and got given a corner - wondered why. What a save...

i just have to reply to this, a simple "like" is not doing them videos justice!! :D
first one couldnt get a better description!! :LMAO:
the second one: oh what a lovely save that was! noticed only in replay that he got a hand on it! lovely animations when watching in slow motion! as a keeper myself... i like those!! :ROCK:

ot: winter is coming.... ;)
my new pair just arrived yesterday. want to try these T1TAN's for the first time. 60 bucks sounds fair (usually i wear adidas top model when on a sale (around 50-80).
liked the packeging too! :D had to LOL!! just perfect! :D

washed em out yesterday... cant wait to wear them in training tonight!
see, i have gloves. i'm a goalie! :D

edit: how do i let a ball roll through my legs, to let it move to the team mate behind me?! the other game has it on pressing sprint button but no direction! thx.
see, im already planing on how to play tonight! :D
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@Krebstar sliders (updated) aren't here on Evo right?

Try here Rocky

It’s in the last post and the first (I think), but also read his descriptions in the first post because it makes sense. I am having some fantasically realistically nicely paced games at the moment on 15 mins with semi assist.

The only two things that bug me is the lack of fouls (what a surprise) but they are there. I had six in one game. Also, I find my players when AI controlled are not always alert to the situation. I may have in mind to pass the ball down the wing but the player runs into the middle. It doesnt happen all the time but it happens. But like Chris said earlier it’s about taking the good with the bad.

When playing against Chelsea, Hazard tormented me. In one move he was passed the ball about 30 yrds out with his back to goal and he let the ball go through his legs and he turned and run and hit an outside of the foot shot which my GK saved. It was great and it was a surprise but expected from a player like Hazard.

There is a lot of good in this game and that is what it is good to focus on. Krebstar’s sliders really help to cut out the speedy play but I am only on World Class so I don’t know what it is like above that.
Also, I find my players when AI controlled are not always alert to the situation.
This is because of one thing and one thing only:

Because of all the people who complain about "AI defending" in FUT.

It's (other than fouls) my biggest hate about FIFA - any changes they make to AI applies to every game mode. So if FUT kids cry because an opponent's world-class CB tackled their player when it wasn't even under the other guy's control... We get mannequin defenders in Career Mode.

FIFA's secondary-press etc. is pretty pointless now (other than you positioning a defender and then switching to him to make him tackle), and general defensive awareness has been nerfed. Defenders just won't track or block without you taking control.

That being said, it makes for a difficult game against the big teams (Man City cut me to ribbons every time, as Newcastle on Legendary)...
Try here Rocky

It’s in the last post and the first (I think), but also read his descriptions in the first post because it makes sense. I am having some fantasically realistically nicely paced games at the moment on 15 mins with semi assist.

The only two things that bug me is the lack of fouls (what a surprise) but they are there. I had six in one game. Also, I find my players when AI controlled are not always alert to the situation. I may have in mind to pass the ball down the wing but the player runs into the middle. It doesnt happen all the time but it happens. But like Chris said earlier it’s about taking the good with the bad.

When playing against Chelsea, Hazard tormented me. In one move he was passed the ball about 30 yrds out with his back to goal and he let the ball go through his legs and he turned and run and hit an outside of the foot shot which my GK saved. It was great and it was a surprise but expected from a player like Hazard.

There is a lot of good in this game and that is what it is good to focus on. Krebstar’s sliders really help to cut out the speedy play but I am only on World Class so I don’t know what it is like above that.
Thanx a bunch @geeeeee
I really enjoyed my first 3-4 season with Burnley/Villa/Sunderland,really didn't mind (or was bothered ) with the no foul policy.
What really made me confused was that I played one game Wednesday (Sunderland) then started a new career with Genoa,and those two games were night and day.
The Genoa save played like Fifa 18 when that game was at its worst.

I'm also on WC,I've pretty much always played on it,good enough AI and challenging without being OP
I'll have a look and try em out mate.
Thanks again
This is because of one thing and one thing only:

Because of all the people who complain about "AI defending" in FUT.

It's (other than fouls) my biggest hate about FIFA - any changes they make to AI applies to every game mode. So if FUT kids cry because an opponent's world-class CB tackled their player when it wasn't even under the other guy's control... We get mannequin defenders in Career Mode.

FIFA's secondary-press etc. is pretty pointless now (other than you positioning a defender and then switching to him to make him tackle), and general defensive awareness has been nerfed. Defenders just won't track or block without you taking control.

That being said, it makes for a difficult game against the big teams (Man City cut me to ribbons every time, as Newcastle on Legendary)...

I’m not saying you are wrong but that doesnt make sense. Because isnt there an option in the control menu (where it has semi assisted, manual, etc...) that gives you the option to turn on/off automatic tackles (or something like that) I’m updating my PS4 at the moment so will check the offical name of it in a jiff. Surely they could just turn it off if they want.

Thanx a bunch @geeeeee
I really enjoyed my first 3-4 season with Burnley/Villa/Sunderland,really didn't mind (or was bothered ) with the no foul policy.
What really made me confused was that I played one game Wednesday (Sunderland) then started a new career with Genoa,and those two games were night and day.
The Genoa save played like Fifa 18 when that game was at its worst.

I'll have a look and try em out mate.
Thanks again

No worries mate. Let us know how you get on. I think we all have differences because of our skill levels. Thankfully i am still pretty rubbish so World Class is good for me at the mo.
I’m not saying you are wrong but that doesnt make sense. Because isnt there an option in the control menu (where it has semi assisted, manual, etc...) that gives you the option to turn on/off automatic tackles (or something like that) I’m updating my PS4 at the moment so will check the offical name of it in a jiff. Surely they could just turn it off if they want.
That does exist, but it's something along the lines of "automatic blocks". But the defensive AI is still nerfed so that your £80m defender doesn't defend properly unless you give them general nudges via the secondary press button, and then take control of them last-minute to force them to tackle.
I’m not saying you are wrong but that doesnt make sense. Because isnt there an option in the control menu (where it has semi assisted, manual, etc...) that gives you the option to turn on/off automatic tackles (or something like that) I’m updating my PS4 at the moment so will check the offical name of it in a jiff. Surely they could just turn it off if they want.

No worries mate. Let us know how you get on. I think we all have differences because of our skill levels. Thankfully i am still pretty rubbish so World Class is good for me at the mo.
Yeah played LEG in 17-18 and that level played very robotic,and I always play shit teams:)
That does exist, but it's something along the lines of "automatic blocks". But the defensive AI is still nerfed so that your £80m defender doesn't defend properly unless you give them general nudges via the secondary press button, and then take control of them last-minute to force them to tackle.

Yep it’s stupid really but like you said at least it makes it tougher against harder teams. It’s officially called Pass Block Assist.
There is a gap in communication in my opinion. People cant explain exactly what's the issue, and EA is acting upon requests by pure instinct sometimes. And sometimes they make it worse.

When people say "finese shots are OP", thats straight forward enough. Finese shots gets nerfed. Happy days.

Problem starts when people say something like "AI Defending is OP". There might be 5 people and 5 people can understand this statement differently.

I, personally, agree that AI defending is OP. But I dont mean "make AI defenders more like retards, who cant position themselves and dont move unless i step on a controller".

What I mean is AI tackling is too perfect. We need them to be less surgical, so we could get more fouls and physicality.

Sometimes I read people posts on Twitter and Ive no idea what exactly the issue is.
so i installed the game again last night, downloaded the update 1.10, and set up the game with @Krebstar ’s sliders!
2 games i played (same settings as in the other game)! 2 very nice games i have to say!!
Krebstar's slider really are a joy for me, because the game was slow enough, i had so many random stuff happening, a lot of pass and shot error by the AI and me. only downside when playing low level teams: their shots go low and slow a lot of times (like a bowling ball).
i will upload one or both matches. it was just a joy to play after beeing so long without it.
later that night i played the same 2 matches at the other game. different kind of joy, but later on that...! :D

edit: when away for some time, the commentary and all that bells'n'whistles really are a joy! :)
edit2: And that human like errors were great too (produced by Krebstar)!
Had a penalty. Had fouls. had a red card for the opponent.
One awesome scene: one of my guys already had a yellow. He (me) then hacked down another opponent and got off with a last warning by the ref. I thought he would be sent of but he could stay. thx ref!
A little later, I was controlling that guy again and out of nowhere (it was far away from goal, their half) I fall into my habbits and press standing tackle for a milli-second. He softly touched the opponent who fell down screaming like he got shot (next to the side line). just a little touch, but it was enough for the ref to geive away a second yellow (super unnecessary foul!!).
Just Beautiful, life like stuff like this made me smile!! Just lovely!! It was so real! Commentary added a lot to that scene(s)!! you can watch that in the video i will be uploading later (first FIFA video in my channel i guess, but its worth it)!
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Only had time to set up my sliders,@Krebstar that is,and played almost a half.
And yes they are very good, probably the best fifa half I've had since god knows when

I might be able to do a career in Italy!
It played slow and great,reminded me of a slow game on Pes 12/13.

As suggested might not fit L1-L2.
Might go a bit lower on the FT error for HUM depending on what team/league I play!
Great set
Even got around to setting stadiums for Serie A/B @geeeeee @Chris Davies @PRO_TOO
Even a set for you if giving it a go @Emroth
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Before fixing my sliders,I had a few games with the old and Genoa save and one thing that made me confused( apart from the gameplay) was the transfers being done by other teams.

1 way to many British players being brought in to Serie A (dont know how many IRL but must be quite few)

2 Milan sold pretty much all their quality players
Their 23 year old captain Romanogli,the new boy Piatek (tied first in goalscoring)
And the very promising Crutone.

No bueno EA!
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Please forgive the bad gameplay. I need to get used to the controls again. But it gets better I think.

Edit: reg. the foul: he wasn’t screaming nor was he shot. ;) sorry for that.
Nah, sorry guys, but I dont like the look of it at all.
Its like a broken car thats chocking.
Fast-slow-fast-slow. Ping-pong-ping-pong.
The way they move is so stiff. Whole pace of it is all over the shop. Players have this fast sudden moves like they were glitching. Then ball leaves feet with speed of light just to slow down to turtle speed two meters down the road. Not for me.
Nah, sorry guys, but I dont like the look of it at all.
Its like a broken car thats chocking.
Fast-slow-fast-slow. Ping-pong-ping-pong.
The way they move is so stiff. Whole pace of it is all over the shop. Players have this fast sudden moves like they were glitching. Then ball leaves feet with speed of light just to slow down to turtle speed two meters down the road. Not for me.

I love what Krebs has accomplished in getting the CPU to play a slower game. Unfortunately FIFA is geared to be dribble-dribble-pass, and with a slow pass speed, the dribbling is lessened, but instead they are forced to take 2-3 frames to meet the ball, then pass square.

The last couple of patch updates have made the game a bit faster and getting those runs off the ball less varied. A bit frustrating all things considered.
Had one cup game and two Serie a games with my Genoa on this one.

I've lowered the shot error to 65/65,and considering lower cpu to 60.
I feel they don't hit the goal enough (mainly facing 70-80 ovr players/teams)

Also bumped up to LEG since WC played a bit to easy for me.
But for now,it plays pretty solid.
To be honest I prefer Pes when it comes game flow and player movement.
But it's still enjoyable and a good game
For a big game like fifa and it's feel for details (away support in PL are placed correct etc) I still get pissed off when I see blatant ways to cut corners or be generic in other departments.

Serie A allows 11 subs on the bench,Pes fucking knows that and has it,Fifa "naah we'll do a generic 7 subs on the bench"
Add that to the generic 1 game suspension,it's pretty fucking bad.
Why are they so lazy?
Even though the game slows down using this set,it kills so many other things,shooting is off the chart.
I even lowered shooting to 55/55 and it's better,but the AI is to passive.
I bumped up difficulty to Ultimate,and I still outshoot the CPU 20+ shots each game,also not losing any games makes it kinda boring
Not really having fun right now,need to pick up a different set of sliders
Please forgive the bad gameplay. I need to get used to the controls again. But it gets better I think.

Edit: reg. the foul: he wasn’t screaming nor was he shot. ;) sorry for that.
That looks horrible, just doesn’t flow like football at all.

I came in here because I’ve been reading that Fifa is harder again, is this true? But only with sliders I take it? Like I always say I’m wary of sliders they seem to make the game worse for me.
That looks horrible, just doesn’t flow like football at all.

I came in here because I’ve been reading that Fifa is harder again, is this true? But only with sliders I take it? Like I always say I’m wary of sliders they seem to make the game worse for me.
I usually play Fifa on World class,now after setting up my game to a slower set,I'm on Ultimate difficulty,and I still can't lose.
Bet if I turn down first touch error from 95 to around 70 I'll have a tough game (but frenzy as hell instead)
Right now it's not challenging at all,and I'm playing with a middle of the pack team (Genoa).
I usually play Fifa on World class,now after setting up my game to a slower set,I'm on Ultimate difficulty,and I still can't lose.
Bet if I turn down first touch error from 95 to around 70 I'll have a tough game (but frenzy as hell instead)
Right now it's not challenging at all,and I'm playing with a middle of the pack team (Genoa).
Thanks Rock I’ll stick with the other game for my football gaming fix I think. It’s flawed but it does play a good game when it’s not talking BS.

Fifa 19 was a huge let down in the end for me. Behind the glitzy presentation and huge amount of content is a very easy Career Mode and no fouls which for me is a game breaker.

Let’s hope EA and Konami get their shit together for the next games.
Thanks Rock I’ll stick with the other game for my football gaming fix I think. It’s flawed but it does play a good game when it’s not talking BS.

Fifa 19 was a huge let down in the end for me. Behind the glitzy presentation and huge amount of content is a very easy Career Mode and no fouls which for me is a game breaker.

Let’s hope EA and Konami get their shit together for the next games.
True mate!
I actually liked fifa 19 for a few days when I did set up new sliders recently.
But toothless AI Vs my old set with tiki taka 100mph no look passes isn't my thing.

Might try to find a balance between the two of them.
Problem with sliders is that you'll never be able to fix it's core problem,high pass percentage for instance,no real weight/body position in passing etc.

Like I said I'm gonna try to find a enjoyable middle ground on it.
I'm also on the other game more (18 in my case)
No problems pal
That looks horrible, just doesn’t flow like football at all.

I came in here because I’ve been reading that Fifa is harder again, is this true? But only with sliders I take it? Like I always say I’m wary of sliders they seem to make the game worse for me.
Never really rewatched it. Now I did.
Is Krebstar playing on regular speed? I bet. I’ll check on that.

I just can’t give up testing and hoping. Stupid me.
Back to the real CL! Go Madrid! :D
After lowering krebstar sliders to 60/60 shot error and First touch error to 75/75 I'm getting a good game Vs a equally good team (Genoa v Parma ) on Ultimate difficulty 15 min semi.
CPU isn't passive anymore.
Much better (for me)

On the OS forums there is a user called Aaron485f who has a slider set (you'll see it on the first page) which is basically an in-between of Kreb's sliders and the OS community ones. I've found it to be the best of all of them so far. Also would recommend playing semi assisted passing, manual throughball, manual lob if you aren't already. Shooting I leave on assisted because there is already enough error with the sliders.
That looks horrible, just doesn’t flow like football at all.

I came in here because I’ve been reading that Fifa is harder again, is this true? But only with sliders I take it? Like I always say I’m wary of sliders they seem to make the game worse for me.

You can play default with some very slight adjustments and still get a good challenge.

The issue that has started to creep up in recent patch updates is the amount of space being given. It's a bit too easy to get into the opponent's defensive third, despite tactical set-up.
After lowering krebstar sliders to 60/60 shot error and First touch error to 75/75 I'm getting a good game Vs a equally good team (Genoa v Parma ) on Ultimate difficulty 15 min semi.
CPU isn't passive anymore.
Much better (for me)

Heh heh i am so rubbish at this game because i still find it a challenge. I’m still on World Class, using Matt’s sliders now, full manual (which is a must for me to increase the difficulty) but with my accuracy at 50, also to up the challenge it is good to play on broadcast. I find the CPU attacks ok, getting just as many shots as me in.

Playing as Wigan now in a CM as i thought playing all the EPL games would take me too long especially with videos etc...
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