FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Tits are all the same size...

Any "MammFX?" :P

These videos are cool but judging gameplay from them is very difficult. Not knowing if players are using fully assisted settings or what, and not knowing the difficulty when they play against AI is unfortunate.

What drives me nuts is seeing players do the blind 180-degree turns with perfect passes. I pray that is fully assisted shenanigans.

One possible new feature I noticed is a explosive (cardio?) stamina bar (in white), in addition to the normal game-length stamina bar in blue. Can anyone confirm this is new in 16?
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FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

So ea reckon that utds attack of Rooney is better than city's with aguero. Hmmm.

Edit - bloke says they are not final ratings.

Looks ok but again it's a bit ping pong. Looking forward to the demo and it will be good to compare games for 10 days to decide what one get.

You can't knock Fifas presentation and when you pop game in it feels complete until (for me) the game starts.

Pes is total opposite in that you pop it in and it feels like a beta and it's not until you get option file the game feels finished. But on the pitch it feels better.
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Assuming Dortmund were cpu controlled in that video, there seemed to be a bit of variety in the cpu play. No real sign of those long-cpu dribbles that was in recent FIFAs, cpu ping-pong passing seems reduced, variety of short and long passes, both ground and air-borne and both forward and cross-field, some backward passes, misplaced passes, some double-tap sprinting into space down the wing, one or two intersting cpu attacking moves. I'm now reasonably interested in trying the demo next week.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Really don't like that new thing on corners where u magically seem to have somebody there for the short corner, guaranteeing you a 2 on 1.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Assuming Dortmund were cpu controlled in that video, there seemed to be a bit of variety in the cpu play. No real sign of those long-cpu dribbles that was in recent FIFAs, cpu ping-pong passing seems reduced, variety of short and long passes, both ground and air-borne and both forward and cross-field, some backward passes, misplaced passes, some double-tap sprinting into space down the wing, one or two intersting cpu attacking moves. I'm now reasonably interested in trying the demo next week.

Absolutely. Thanks for drawing that video to my attention. It's probably my favourite of all the FIFA 16 videos so far. The new fog effects were cool. The AI looks much more interesting, even if I kept wishing I could adjust a few sliders to make it even better. I liked to see the cut back runs were much less effective against the AI, and I didn't see them boot the ball out under pressure, as they do so easily in 15.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Assuming Dortmund were cpu controlled in that video, there seemed to be a bit of variety in the cpu play. No real sign of those long-cpu dribbles that was in recent FIFAs, cpu ping-pong passing seems reduced, variety of short and long passes, both ground and air-borne and both forward and cross-field, some backward passes, misplaced passes, some double-tap sprinting into space down the wing, one or two intersting cpu attacking moves. I'm now reasonably interested in trying the demo next week.

Yeah the CPU A.I looks like a step forward. They really need the CPU A.I to follow stats and custom tactics this year especially (short passing, long passing, crossing, long shot, stand tackle, slide tackle). CPU seems like it will have 95% passing accuracy in every matches with any team if it doesn't follow the player's stats.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Fifa 13 was last one i played a lot and 16 looks like the same thing pretty much from videos.

I hope demo will give better impression.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Fifa 13 was last one i played a lot and 16 looks like the same thing pretty much from videos.

I hope demo will give better impression.

I disagree. FIFA 13 was horrible. I remember trading it for PES 2013 pretty quickly.

This looks a lot slower and organic.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Really don't like that new thing on corners where u magically seem to have somebody there for the short corner, guaranteeing you a 2 on 1.

It's always been like that, if you press the button for 2nd man as soon as you win the corner as soon as it cuts to the corner view he'll be there, it's only when you press it after you cut to the corner view that the player then takes his time to run over for a short corner (and usually brings a marker with him).
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

it looks easy to bypass midfield still, however defenders seem more effective in their third

things like game pace, running speed, turning speed (this one looks slowed down quite a lot), shot variety etc all look great.

ps4 demo only 3 (4?) days away :DD

This. The midfield defence AI still needs to be improved. I personally think thats where the other game shines.

Id love to see more anticipations from both CPU and Ai teammates whenever theres a chance to intercept or even steal the ball. Thats what Fifa needs most to improve that unpredictability and tatical side of football.

But you're right when you said the defence AI in the third Is better. There were few instances where the attacking players had to control the ball not facing the goal. Thats good.

That Germany vs Brazil women was really enjoyable to watch. The recieving pass animations are not as fast, first touches are great, with some sense of circunstancial erros, ball controll is also great, more sense of weight and dribbling seems very good, there are some very nice smooth ball controll animations to dribble in tight spaces.
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Really enjoyed watching this. The moves look more natural than pes. I also like that it wasn't scripted that Barca pulled one back. It was great counter attacking by psg. Looking forward to demo

I swear every single match there is atleast one shot that hits the goalpost.
FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

One thing I've noticed by watching lots of videos of the 2 games is both games can look utter shit in the wrong hands. Ping pong, spamming long balls etc don't have to happen if the player wants to try and replicate a true game of football.
The psg v Barca game video was a joy to watch however, some videos want me to never play Fifa again.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

The whole ping pong end to end spam can easily be fixed by making stats affecting player in terms of short and long passing and midfielder intercepting balls. If they ended up keeping it like that, hopefully gameplay modders can have fix it.
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

First thing I'm going to get patched/changed is the goalpost colour. I noticed EA changed a goal net texture (it's thinner now - good), however, a goal look way too dark!
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Hello guys. It's very funny but I think woman's gameplay brazil vs germany look much better than men's...definitely much more natural organic and with better feeling of passing shooting weight of the ball. I know we didnt played it yet but you can clearly see that from the videos...women's brazil vs germany is so joy to watch that when I seen this for the first time yesterday evening the first thing I thought was "wow that's look like next gen PES 5 with 360 dribbling" it really look so good. I hope it will be possible for modders to bring women's gameplay to the men's...fingers crossed
Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

I think Fifa very fluently then Pes. Already Fifa is very super coming this year.For example Women National Teams,spray etc.
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Re: FIFA 16 News & Discussion Thread

Gameplay vids look good to me.
I just don´t like that cannonball passes.
Pace looks good too, I guess this is the default speed, so slow should be even better.

I also like the women´s one, Brazil vs Germany. Looks good too.

I don´t understand why people have such a big gripe that there´s women football included.
To me it was quite clear that one day it´s gonna be implemented.
And like Lami, I also do think that there are millions of females interested in football and many of them in women´s teams too.
If you don´t like it, just don´t play it.
If that was the only new thing about FIFA 16, I´d understand and would be disappointed too, but since EA worked on other things, it´s ok.

I even gonna try it just for fun and I also do think that this is a very smart move, marketing wise.

The comments (not necessarily here in the forum, but on youtube and facebook) of some males are partially very humiliating, but well, that´s our society.

Just saying...

Can´t wait for the demo!
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